
The Struggle is Real



8 Years
08-23-2016, 10:50 AM
She had taken step one, telling the pack what her intentions were, now she would just have to wait until Regulus was free to meet with her. She felt like she needed to apologize a bazillion times to her cousin, but this would do nothing. In fact it would make her look like a young pup and she wasn't a pup anymore. She needed to kick her butt in gear and get going with training herself more. Since Varda was demoted and had been vary hard to find she had decided it would be up to herself, and to anyone willing to teach her any tricks. There would be no shame in asking someone to help and she was old enough now that she had to be a big girl and do what is right.

When she had left the meeting she traveled deep into the plains, needing to occupy her time she decided to exercise her sense of smell. Nose to the ground the female slowed her pace, circling, and moving about to try and pick up a scent. She was great at fallowing fresh trails, but she needed to work on older trails. Tracking was important to the life of a hunter, they needed to keep a close watch on the movement of prey so that if it was ever needed, Regulus could claim a territory with a better food source.

Finding a faded one, that women took her time, delicately fallowing the trail through the grass, keeping her mind focused on the task at hand. Weaving, left and right with the older trail she found it was growing slightly stronger meaning she was on the right track. To the best of her guessing she thought it maybe the trail was made last night. She fallowed the scent trail deeper into the grasses before it disappeared down a hold in the ground.

The women circled the decent sized hole, sniffing the scents to determine what kind of animal was there. If she had been smaller she herself would probably fit in it which ruled out many ground dwelling critters. Inspecting the tracks at the mouth of the hole she discovered that they were extremely similar to her own, except a lot smaller. She finally came to the conclusion that she was staring down the den of a fox and it satisfied her. Moving away she stuck her nose to the ground to try again, keeping herself occupied until Regulus arrived.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.