
one steel x esarosa baby



6 Years

08-23-2016, 09:02 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2016, 09:48 PM by Steel.)
Yes, it's true.. Steel and Esarosa are having babies soon! They're only going to have a litter of three, and Shadowed and I are each snagging one, leaving one up for adoption!

Click to expand!

Briefly, these kids will be raised in Ivalice unless circumstances change. Their parents are both pretty different (see Steel & Esarosa) but are deeply in love and plan to be together for the rest of their days. Peek at their profiles, but Esarosa tends to be the more cheerful, energetic of the two whereas Steel is far more reserved and solemn, bordering on cynical at times, though Esarosa easily brings out a far more happy side of his.

Name: Open! Keep in mind Steel's dad was Bronze, and one of his brothers was named Mercury, so metal/alloy-themed names are always cool by me!

Appearance: Feel free to choose from any of the designs listed above! You may also choose a design of your own, within reason. Common colors in their children would include black, gray, and tan. Eye colors generally will be green, blue, or red. Unique markings may come from Steel too! Please include a reference if possible. Keep in mind that Esarosa is 34" and Steel is 36".

Personality: Very open! Neither Esarosa nor Steel are overly darkly-aligned so it wouldn't be likely their kids would lean that way. Steel's father's side has a hint of darkness that could come through slightly.

We do expect you to keep this character fairly active and reserve the right to adopt out in the case of inactivity!

[B]Alignment [/b]:
[b]Appearance[/b]: Please include a 100 word description.


[B]Roleplay sample [/b]: OPTIONAL unless you're a new member with no posts!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-24-2016, 01:41 AM
Name: Copper
Gender: Male
Alignment :
Appearance: Please include a 100 word description.


Roleplay sample : OPTIONAL unless you're a new member with no posts!



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
08-24-2016, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2016, 07:00 AM by Shrapnel.)
Name: Onyx
Gender: Female
Alignment :
Design: 1
Appearance: 35 inches - 140 lbs

Onyx takes after her mother when it comes to her coat color. She's swathed in a dark inky gray color that covers the majority of her body. She has some variations to her coat though in terms of any color she's lacking in it. Most of the markings reside on her face. There is a darker gray that splashes across her face and curves around under her eyes. The insides of her ears are a light gray color and a lighter gray markings curves underneath her eyes and down her snout about halfway before it stops. Her chest fades from the dark gray to a lighter color and soft highlights accent her neck. The only other markings she has are a darker gray splash across her back that fades up her neck and her front toes are lathered in light gray. The only true variation to her coat are the darker red eyes that peer vibrantly out from her dark colored coat.

Onyx's frame happens to be a bit more lean than her mother's own. She's not too terribly skinny, but she's certainly not more buffed out like some wolves tend to be either. Lean muscle makes up the majority of her body and she has noticeable feminine curves once she reaches the two year mark. The broadest part of her is her chest and even that isn't overly large. Her head is narrow and her muzzle quite lean. She has long legs and dainty paws and a slight curve of her stomach though she certainly doesn't want for food.

Her fur matches her feminine appearance. It's soft and texture and isn't overly fluffy nor overly thin either. It's thickest around her neck and chest, and her tail doesn't lack either. It's not very thin, but doesn't boast the same fluffiness of her neck fur either. In the colder months her fur will thicken but not by much. The only thing that's not very lady-like about her is the dirt she tends to accumulate. She doesn't wholly love the dirt and mud, but she's not picky about how clean she keeps herself and doesn't mind getting dirty.

She carries herself in an energetic sort of way that reflects not only her own personality, but Esarosa's as well. Around her family an easy going confidence and a happy air makes up her body language. Around strangers they'll find a more reserved kind of energy that poses wariness but curiosity at the same time.
Personality: She tends to take after Esarosa in personality as well as in appearance. She has a wild enthusiasm for life that is hard to match by others. Curiosity always is a thing that drives her and she never quite outgrows her need for adventure. Around her family is when she seems most boisterous. The amount of love she holds for them is never ending and she's loyal to them first and foremost. Around strangers she somehow finds a way to calm herself, but only because she's learned that she should be wary of them.

As a kid her parents will find her somewhat hard to contain. Her adventurous side is certain to get her in trouble and from the minute she opens her eyes she feels the need to explore. The need to know what's out there drives her and she can't help but go by her own instincts first. She learns eventually from right and wrong, but she has a stubborn side to her as well. She's not very lady-like and would argue with a tree and probably still win.

She takes after Steel with her fearless nature. She doesn't quite know when to give up and will tackle anything with a determined grin and a glint in her eye. No one can say she's lacking in spunk either. Whether it comes to duties she needs to accomplish, fights, or anything thrown at her she treats it all the same. Even if it's a fight she knows she can't win she'll do it anyways and put her heart into it.

She calms down a bit as an adult and she gets in far less trouble than as a child. She's still a handful and certainly doesn't lack any sass from when she was a kid. One would be hard pressed to be able to withstand her and the mouth she can have. With her spunk comes a slight temper. Once she's riled up it's hard to contain her and you'll be hard pressed to find someone who can match her wit.

While perhaps a bit impulsive at times she certainly isn't as emotionless as a rock. She enjoys the company of others, her family most of all, and typically doesn't enjoy being alone. She'll often be found trailing after others, probably annoying the absolute piss out of them, and asking fifty million questions. Learn to get along with her and she'll be the best friend you've ever had. There's nothing she wouldn't do for anyone she's allowed into her life, but get on her bad side and you'll find a fiery gray spitball of fury and teeth.

Plans: She'll definitely want to stay in Ivalice around her parents (Or follow them wherever they go.) Due to her personality I can see her wanting to keep her relationship with her family quite close.

Roleplay sample :



6 Years

09-06-2016, 10:22 AM
Alright, this adoption will be closed on Saturday, September 10th! Last call for applications!

Vadim I


3 Years

09-06-2016, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2016, 09:58 PM by Vadim I.)
Name: Cobalt "Coby" Bade(?)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: Design 2, but I've changed the eye color to a steel-blue to explain his name: click

36" - 140 lbs
His tall skeleton sets the perfect canvas for his lean physique, dulled edges of his dusty coat usually unkempt and flaring from around his neck and hind-quarters to give him the wild appearance of a traveler. His posture is usually calm and relaxed, his tail often free-hanging while his spine is kept level for comfort rather than a need to display his dominance. His steel-blue eyes set the focal point of his strong jawed visage, usually lit by his upbeat spirit and boldly wandering to those around him. Due to his wit and quick thinking, not many scars should mar him other than those that he inflicted upon himself, which are scattered little knicks across his forearms. Beneath the beautiful disarray of his almost always in-shed pelt lies a strong set of shoulders and a lean and muscular build. He is not bulky, there is a sleekness to his muscles that define him more for stamina and agility rather than brute force.

Personality: I did a few rolls to come up with a personality base for Cobalt. I'm very pleased because while Vadim will grow up to be aggressive and a bit corrupted, I wanted a male that was the polar opposite of that. Here is what I have come up with for Cobalt so far.

Quote:Primary Motivator: Achievement. To overcome obstacles and succeed, to become the absolute best at everything he does. Highly competitive when faced with a challenge because of this.

Emotional Disposition: Calm, often trying to keep the peace and relax those around him as well. Coming from a loving family core, he often tries to keep love present in all that he does.

Moodiness: Labile. Although his default moods are often calm, his happiness is easily changed or altered. He's able to respond quickly and spontaneously in situations that call for it, quick-witted but easily broken down or displaced if he can not accomplish the goals he has set for himself or if he can not keep peace. In other words, emotionally unstable but passionate.

Outlook: Optimistic. He is an idealist, confident and hopeful about the outcomes he predicts. He trusts easily, he remains upbeat and has a tendency to try to inspire and motivate those around him to feel the same.

Integrity: Conscientious. He is honest, reponsible and industrious. He's word is his bond and he is devoted to see his promises out. I aspire for him to be a notable member of Ivalice.

Impulsiveness: Controlled. He remains focused, keeps a steady pace and prefers to make plans when he has the time rather than simply act. He views acting on impulse as childish and tries to keep a responsible head above his shoulders.

Boldness: Cautious. Although vigilant, he can sometimes be tentative due to his confidence in being able to predict the outcome of situations. When out of his comfort zone he can become quite timid and nervous.

Agreeableness: Disagreeable. He can be somewhat narrow-minded, due to his confidence in his morals. Anything that opposes them will be immediately dismissed.

Interactivity: Engaging. He's talktative, entertaining and a candid member of his family and pack. He will be very outgoing and eager to to meet those around him. He will enjoy lending an ear or offering advice, aspiring to be an inspiring intellectual.

Conformity: Heterodox. Although he is bound to the laws of Ivalice it is because he agrees with them wholly. He is free-thinking outside of that, and will not hesitate to place confidence in his own thoughts rather than the thoughts of others. This at times will make him a bit shocking and rebellious if anyone were to try to threaten his beliefs.

Sense of Humor: Dry. He says funny things with a serious expression and his humor is often dark or sarcastic. It's very difficult to tell when he is joking or not as there is very little change to his attitude and the jokes are delivered without any punchline.

Topics of Conversation: Skills. Right now I am thinking that this will be Intellect and Navigation. He is very achievement driven as stated above, when bored he will often seek ways to strengthen his skillsets with others, be it a planned trip or a deep discussion.

Religion and Spirituality: He is a non-believer of anything relating to spirituality and intolerant to most other's religious beliefs. Growing up in Ivalice, he will not have much exposure to any talk of Gods and the like.. so others that he meet that might be spiritual or superstitious will often be seen with a lesser intellect than himself.

Habits: Self-inflicted pain, bone cracking, climbing, and 'singing'. When he is unable to achieve something that he wanted to accomplish, he will punish himself harshly by either training past his body's limitations or outright inflicting pain on himself in someway. This could result in several scars up his forearms. During conversation, shoulder popping and bone cracking of some sort will be common to show his relaxed state of mind. When exploring, he will often seek the highest vantage points and climb them, eager to see all that is surrounding him. When traveling, it's common for him to hum or howl with lyrical intent to keep himself entertained and his presence known to any possible encounters that might be in his vicinity.

Hobbies: Bird watching, collecting, and racing. While navigating, it is to be expected that he would study the stars and weather patterns but he also enjoys studying the type of birds in each territory and their habits. He believes that birds will be the first to tell them of storms or if anything is out of place in the territory and even collects twigs and other nesting material to give them on his travels. He also enjoys collecting feathers, rocks, bones or branches from places of interest through-out his life and will carry them home to his den as a sort of wolven 'scrap-booking'. He prides himself on his speed and agility so will often challenge others to a race to keep things exciting, never getting tired of a good run.

Mental Disability: Borderline Bipolar. Although he is generally calm, he can have triggered manic and depressive episodes according to what is going on in the situation. Gained achievements will cause him to be ecstatic and smiley, while failure will send him on boughts of depression. Both mood swings can last several days.

That's all for his personality so far, but I think it all comes together for a finely tuned character that I will very much enjoy roleplaying. He's got motivation, a few quirks, and a sense of humor similar to my own. This mixed with his loving upbringing will make him a wonderful character to portray!

Plans: I want to use him to spark some friendly activities in Ivalice, to bring people together and to have enjoyable and friendly competitions and exploration adventures. He is a product of love, and for love he will live.

Roleplay sample: Vadim and Ramsay sneaking out, I'm sort of new so sorry there aren't many examples!

Edit; Also, I did a thing.

Editedit; And another one, but this one is just a WIP ;3; I wanted to finish it before the 10th rolled around but I think this is all I have in me for now. I still have to add his lighter undertones and detail the paws. If I do not get accepted, it's no big deal; I can recolor these for another character, but it was good practice!
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



6 Years

09-10-2016, 11:23 PM
This had to be the hardest decision ever as we loved the applications!! Ultimately, we've decided on Sin with Cobalt! Congrats, we look forward to seeing "Coby" in action!
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]

Vadim I


3 Years

09-10-2016, 11:53 PM
(09-10-2016, 11:23 PM)Esarosa Wrote: This had to be the hardest decision ever as we loved the applications!! Ultimately, we've decided on Sin with Cobalt! Congrats, we look forward to seeing "Coby" in action!

I'm truly honored, aaaa. Thank you!
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]