
Let's Dance, Baby!



10 Years
08-09-2014, 11:25 AM

The young Adravendi was officially a warrior of Solstice. So far, she hadn't had to face any opponents and worry about her rank. Part of her was relieved, but another part knew that she could do better. Odette hadn't risen in the ranks of Valhalla like she had planned, but she was more than eager to try for her new home. Bravery, a bit of recklessness, and desire rolled into one as she woke up that morning.
Spring was almost at an end and she wanted to get it over with before the sun rose too high. Paws walked across the dewy grass, enjoying the feeling of cool, damp earth beneath her toes. She shook all over once she found a proper standing place. Odette was built for whatever nature threw her, she just knew it.
Red and blue eyes twinkled as she prepared herself for the task at hand. She slowly threw back her head and gave an alto howl, intending for the Queen to hear her call. The question she had burning in her mind was going to create a hole in her skull if she didn't ask soon...She only hoped she was making the right choice for her future.



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08-09-2014, 10:44 PM

A call reached her tattered audits, turning her crown towards the source of the call. Limbs would lift her and carry her at an easy trot, curiosity quickening her pace. It wasn't often that she was beckoned by anyone other than Cru, and the fact that someone wished to speak with her pleased her. A smile curled her lips as the familiar form of Odette breached her vision. She would slow to a walk until she came to a halt before the tri colored woman. Several feet stood between them, a respectful distance without being standoffish. "Odette, is everything okay?" Triangular audits stood at attention, concern flooding her face as her gaze rested easily on the younger woman. Tail would wag slowly, seeing that there was nothing obviously wrong with the woman outwardly. Keeping herself standing, she would wait patiently for the woman to speak. Idly at the back of her mind she wondered if Cru would show up. There was no deny her feelings for the man, though she had yet to admit them to anyone but herself.




10 Years
08-10-2014, 01:32 PM

Sibelle appeared and it made Odette's tail gently shake. She enjoyed seeing the russet-furred female, even if this meeting was meant to be serious. Gargoyle's mini-me closed the gap between her and the Queen, gently dipped her head, and spoke. "Sibelle, everything is fine." A smile appeared on her face, eyes brightly shining. "I just...have a certain request."
She took a deep breath and let the words slowly fall out. "I would like to become a member of the Elite." Her heart raced as she waited for Sibelle's answer, hoping that what she said next would be a positive result from her bold statement.

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
08-12-2014, 08:38 PM

Cru had heard the call but would be late to the meeting as Sibelle got their first. He would beam at his Alpha partner, and realised that perhaps he wasn't needed here ? wherever Sib was, was under control, he well knew. All the same the boy was curious and wanted to know the going ons in his pack. He was padding up to them the moment Odette said she wanted to join the Elites. He felt a burst of pride in his chest at that ? his pack needed Elites, and she would then be his first. Of course, she would have to pass the test of fighting Sibelle. As much as they needed Elites, they also had to make sure they where ready for the position. He was sure Odette could do it through, she was steady built, and strong hearted. On the chance she didn't however, just meant she had room for improvement and he would help her set up practise spars if she needed ? whatever happened, eh wanted to work with her to ensure she was happy within Solstice.

?That great to hear, Odette!? he told her, but already turning his head to Sibelle with a smile, knowing it was her turn to speak then, as she would be the one judging Odettes skills. As he waited and watched he found himself thinking ? if Ahmose wasn't able to bring his activity up within Solstice soon, perhaps their first Elite might find herself rising in the promotions to the leader of the Elites ? he didn't want to demote Ahmose, but the pack came first. He hid his sigh at the thought and hoped his friend could pull himself together soon.



08-18-2014, 02:35 PM

Odette would confirm that everything was fine, and the Queen would relax. She gave the tri-colored woman her full attention, especially when she mentioned having a certain request. A grin would split her features when the woman spoke her ambitious request. Jaws parted to speak, but Cru appeared, explaining his happiness. "Excellent, shall we begin?" She would back a few steps away from the woman, defenses settling in easily. Her ears fell flat against her skull, eyes would narrow to slits as hackles bristled down her back and neck. Powerful limbs spread equidistant, bending at the joint for better balance while toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Her crown lowered to fall level with her spine as her chin tucked against her throat. Thick plume would align with her spine, straightening itself to act as a rudder. Her abdominal muscles would tighten, preparing for Odettes attack. Powerful shoulders rolled forward, pushing an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck.

"You may have the first move." With her defenses set solidly in place, she would permit the woman to attack first. Lips would twitch in a grin, fangs peeking out behind her lips. Adrenaline flooded her system with the impending battle. She knew it was only a spar, but the thrill of any fight was enough to get her high. She was a warrior to her core, nothing would change that. The call of battle sung to her like a siren, beckoning her to the edge before sending her plunging over the edge. With her attention fixed solely on Odette, she would wait with impatience for the woman to move.

SIBELLE vs ODETTE for RANK: Round 0/2?




10 Years
08-18-2014, 05:48 PM

Odette Adravendi

Sibelle accepted her challenge and began to move into defenses. The way she had everything falling into place made Odette's heart soar. Fighting was a type of dance and she wanted to prove how graceful and worthy she would be for Solstice. Slowly, she stepped backwards and away from Sibelle, giving herself room to get ready. Sibelle voiced that she could go first, and Odette prepared herself.
Her own defenses were put into play before she proceeded with her attack. Body was lowered, legs became equal in all aspects as she moved to align her head with her spine. Ears flattened against her skull, tail straightened out perfectly to the level of her spine, toes became stretched so her balance would remain even and stable. Shoulders rolled forward as head slithered back against her body, creating rolls to appear all the way around her neck. She created more rolls around her eyes by furrowing her brow and creating a snarl with her lips. Fangs became exposed in her snarl and she looked Sibelle over before making her move.
Finally, she figured out her attack. By pushing from her hind legs, Odette set off to race towards Sibelle. She headed towards her right, running at a straight angle that made her look like she was going to run away from the spar. Instead, she sharply turned to her left, right hind paw digging into the ground to help with the change of angle. Her head remained level with her spine and teeth unhinged into an open snarl as she aimed for Sibelle's left upper arm. The bit of extra skin that connected her triceps to her upper body was what she intended to grab onto, teeth ready for a firm grip upon her opponent's fur, muscle, and fat.
SIBELLE vs Odette for RANK


Her own defenses were put into play before she proceeded with her attack. Body was lowered, legs became equal in all aspects as she moved to align her head with her spine. Ears flattened against her skull, tail straightened out perfectly to the level of her spine, toes became stretched so her balance would remain even and stable. Shoulders rolled forward as head slithered back against her body, creating rolls to appear all the way around her neck. She created more rolls around her eyes by furrowing her brow and creating a snarl with her lips. Fangs became exposed in her snarl and she looked Sibelle over before making her move....

Finally, she figured out her attack. By pushing from her hind legs, Odette set off to race towards Sibelle. She headed towards her right, running at a straight angle that made her look like she was going to run away from the spar. Instead, she sharply turned to her left, right hind paw digging into the ground to help with the change of angle. Her head remained level with her spine and teeth unhinged into an open snarl as she aimed for Sibelle's left upper arm. The bit of extra skin that connected her triceps to her upper body was what she intended to grab onto, teeth ready for a firm grip upon her opponent's fur, muscle, and fat...
Injuries: None yet.

I speak


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


08-18-2014, 06:50 PM

Verdant would watch as her opponent settled into a defensive stance without much issue. Her smile slowly turned into a snarl, lips curling to reveal ivory daggers. Already she could see that the woman knew her way around a fight. But the ultimate test would be whether or not she could best the russet Queen. The tri-colored woman would shoot forward to her right (sibs left), looking as though she was about to flee the scene. Anticipation caused her to tense, waiting to see what would come next. Her opponent would suddenly turn towards her, coming in at an angle. Her opponent would attack her leg side, jaws aimed at her upper left forelimb. She would swing her hips to her own right in an attempt to place the woman directly in front of her. Tan jaws would sink into her leg, piercing her flesh though not enough to cause serious harm.

Her opponent was two inches taller, immediately throwing out any attacks angled at her scruff out the window. Improvising, the woman would throw her left shoulder and left leg forward, in an attempt to shove her leg further into Odettes jaws, hoping to wedge her leg far enough back to cause discomfort or make the woman gag. Simultaneously, her own jaws would unhinge, aiming to grab a hold of the woman's left sided upper neck. She aimed to grab a thick hold of fat and fur, nothing life threatening. Her right leg would then leave the safety of the ground, reaching out in an attempt to wrap around the back of Odettes left forelimb. As soon as her limb left the ground, her balance would adjust to her remaining three limbs, her weight settled mostly onto her hind legs, should Odette try to move her front left leg in anyway. In her attempt to grab Odettes left leg, she would then retract her own limb back towards herself, wanting to pull the woman's leg out from under her to upset her balance.

All the while, her defenses never faltered. Eyes remained narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, while her crown remained level with her spine and chin tucked as much as possible. Broad shoulders rolled forward to push extra fat and fur around her neck for protection, her tail would remain straight and level with her spine to act as a rudder. Sturdy limbs remained spread equidistant and bent at the joint for balance, while toes splayed and claws dug into the earth for traction. Her abdominal muscles flexed to tighten her core, she refused to go easy on anyone wanting to become part of their Elite force. She knew that each and every wolf that challenged for the rank would be brutally tested to prove their strength and worth.

SIBELLE vs ODETTE for RANK: round 1/2

ATTACKS: swinging her hips to her own right in an attempt to put Odette directly in front of her. Jaws would aim at the upper part of the left side of Odettes neck. Her right leg would leave the ground, her weight shifting to her remaining 3 legs, though mostly her hind legs, and she would attempt to wrap her own leg around the back of Odettes left leg, she would then pull her leg back in towards her own body in an attempt to pull odettes leg out from under her.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, chin tucked, head lowered and aligned with spine, shoulders scrunched forward to provide an extra layer of fat and fur around her neck, tail straight and aligned with spine to act as rudder, limbs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, abdominal muscles tightened

INJURIES: puncture wounds to her upper left foreleg



10 Years
08-18-2014, 07:43 PM

When Sibelle moved, Odette was not able to grab as much flesh as she had intended. Nevertheless, her jaws did clench around the desired target and held on without planning on letting go. Sibelle, however, had other plans. She moved to push her left leg against Odette's jaw, wanting to cause her discomfort and possibly let go. Odette immediately wanted to let go, but she only clamped down harder upon what she already had in her mouth and worked past the gag reflex. She kept all four paws planted to the ground with toes stretched and her balance was maintained. Tail remained standing out and level with her spine, as was her head. The rolls of fat and fur kept her neck muscles safe, which is what she needed.
Sibelle then aimed to bite at her scruff, all the while working her left foot out to swipe at Odette's. Odette felt the contact of teeth upon her scruff and she growled, heart racing as she also felt Sibelle wrap her front paw around hers. She pulled the leg towards her and Odette took advantage of it. Odette stepped forward two inches with her left hind paw first, then managed to step forward with her right hind paw next. She regained her balance upon her hind legs before pushing forward into Sibelle's side. Abdominal muscles tightened and she bit down harder on what bit of Sibelle she had in her mouth. Tail remained straight, keeping her balance intact as she hoped that her push would manage to topple Sibelle's balance off guard. Ears flattened against skull, neck still protected by numerous rolls of fat and fur with her head being level with her spine, hind legs bent to maintain balance along with her right front leg.

Defenses: Up there xD
Attacks: Up there
Injuries: Puncture wounds to left side of neck's rolls, future bruising to jaw



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
08-19-2014, 12:20 AM

It would be a pleasure to watch the two fight, and in fact he had never seen Sibelle in action. The boy seated himself on the sidelines as the two began their preparations for the fight. He wanted Odette to do well,was certain that she had it in her to do so. However he was conflicted in the fact that he wanted to see Sibelles prowess, knew that she had been a queen and had a fight in her that Cru himself wasn't sure he could match. He wanted to see for himself what he felt in his heart, of her strength. In other words, he wanted them both to win. He would smile at his Folly, he was sure they would both do well and perhaps in the the end he would find himself with a worry Elite, and perhaps (with Ahmose?s disappearance) something more.

So seated on the grass out of the way of the fighting pair the Alpha would simple watch, silently cheering on both his Alpha partner and his newest member. And if the Alpha perhaps admired the grace and prowess of his Alpha Partner a little too much, perhaps they where both too busy in their fight to notice.



08-26-2014, 08:00 PM

Fangs clamped down hard on her leg, and even as she thrust her left shoulder and leg forward, the girl would not release her. Her own fangs would sink into the scruff of her opponent, immediately jaws would clamp shut in an attempt to keep her hold. Her russet right limb would successfully grasp her opponents. Retracting her own right limb, she would successfully pull Odettes with it. However, rather than tumbling to the ground, Odette would thrust her weight forward. They would collide, a bruising immediately flaring across her chest. However, because of their close proximity, the collision would do no more than cause a bruise and apply pressure to her russet chest. Her leg would immediately release Odettes and settle back on the ground to stabilize her balance once more.

All the while her defenses remained intact. Her head remained lowered and aligned with her spine, ears were pinned, and eyes were narrowed. Her hackles lifted as her lips remained pulled back. Broad shoulders and neck would scrunch to add protect around her neck and throat. Limbs were spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes were splayed and claws tug into the ground. Her plume was straight and aligned with her spine while her core remained tightened.

In retaliation, as soon as her paw high the earth, it was once again lifting. Her right forelimb would lift, her weight shifting to her remaining three legs for balance, though most of her weight was on her hind legs, which would shuffle to spread further to better her balance. She would aim to bring her right forelimb down across Odettes neck, just in front of her shoulders. She wished to obtain a grasp that could pull the girl close to her chest. Jaws would remained clamped shut in an attempt to keep a hold of the girls scruff, simultaneously she would toss her crown to her left, in an attempt to pull hard enough to cause discomfort. Using the fact that she had distributed most of her weight onto hind legs, she would then attempt to throw her weight forward, pushing off with her back legs, hoping to disrupt her opponents balance, she aimed to time throwing her weight forward with the tossing of her head.

ODETTE vs SIBELLE for RANK: round 2/2

OCC: probably the most half assed fight post ever XD

Edit was made to change the font color to something more readable. Approved by Tea, and I informed Wynn though she was ignoring not answering me.

The Judge


09-16-2014, 12:56 PM

Odette v Sibelle for Rank

Round 1

8 for clarity- [-2] aimed for the front or back leg?

3 for powerplaying. [-2] you need an attempt when odette moved backwards. [-2] needed an attempt when closing the distance [-1] running at a strange angle isnt very specific [-2] an attempt needed when sharply turning left

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. +3 for attempted bite

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Odette Total: 34/50


8 for clarity- [-2] where was she bitten on the leg? Exactly where odette aimed?

8 for powerplaying. [-2] seems unlikely that she would be able to try and bite her neck and also try unbalancing her without Sibelle becoming in an awkward situation; especially since odette already has a leg.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for attempted bite +2 for trying to unbalance her

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Sibelle Total: 41/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- [-1] sibelle aimed for the neck, not scruff.

2 for powerplaying. [-2] 'and held on' needs an attempt [-2] with the force of the leg in a mouth,, it would cause discomfort for Odette if she wont let go [-2] an attempt needed when stepping forward [-2] needs an attempt to push sibelles side

7 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for attempted shove +2 for attempting to keep hold of sib leg area

5 for injuries. -3 for bite wound -2 for bruising to jaw

Round two Odette Total: 28/50


8 for clarity- [-2] paw high the earth doesnt make sense.

7 for powerplaying. [-3] seems highly unlikely that sib can have a leg over odette, have the other in odettes mouth and then push her self forward in an attempt to knock odette over.

10 for defenses. +1 to each seen

5 for attack. +2 for attempting to keep hold of scruff +1 for trying to worsen with tug +2 for trying to unbalance odette .

5 for injuries. -3 for worsened wound to leg -2 for bruising

Round two Sibelle Total: 35/50


Odette: 62/100

Sibelle: 76/100

And the winner is...

Sibelle! Odette must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Odette- All would have healed by now

Sibelle- Same here


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Wynn
Watch out for powerplay, make sure that whatever you try to do you attempt it or else it counts as assumed. Also try using 2-3 attacks to gain more points!

For saff
Good job, nothing really to note here. Sorry guys this took so long

- By [Luisiana]