
Hunting Anyone?



8 Years
08-28-2016, 06:52 PM
She was itching for some hunting and was growing hungry for something other then rabbits and groundhogs. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to call a large pack hunt, but maybe one or two other pack members would be up for a hunt. She was sure two or three wolves would easily be able to take down a small deer. Even if they were not hungry, other members would be grateful for something to eat. She had taken some time to think on this afraid of stepping on toes, but she wanted to show initiative and make up for her lack of activity so far. She didn't want to be demoted and with no solid hunters in the pack she wanted to get her butt in gear.

She sat not far from the dens looking out into the plains were the prey were living, keeping their distance from where the pack centralized themselves. Sighing the female rolled her shoulders and relaxed herself, trying to get into focus before she called for any others. She was curious to see who may be up for hunting. Lifting her head she let out a short howl welcoming any who felt like they wanted to join her. She then relaxed waiting to see if any would show up.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.



11 Years
09-01-2016, 02:56 PM

He had been surprised, but pleasantly so, when he heard Acapella call for the pack hunt. The man breathed in, hoping that the others would respond as swiftly to the call as if Regulus had called it. Regardless of WHO called such meetings it should be expected that the pack attend. Paws lead him away from his den, casting a glance over towards Surreal’s own. He could see Rasiel as she was slipping inside and didn’t doubt that the little one would rather stay with her mother, as the other two probably would too. He’d leave them be, he thought, and set off at a jog to join Acapella.

He was the first to arrive… and mentally the man cursed. Not that he had any qualms with Acapella, no, but the thought that no one else might show up nagged at his mind. Castiel threw back his head, giving another call for those who were in the backlands to join them when they could. He hardly wanted Regulus of Faite to have to go through another meeting saying how inactive the pack was.

Then, with a smile, Cas focused his attention on the pretty she-wolf’s blue orbs. “Thanks for calling a hunt.” The man said in a soft tone. “Shall we wait a bit and see who might join us?”


Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



6 Years

09-09-2016, 12:48 PM

The call for a hunt stopped Faite in her tracks. An ear flicked as she tried to determine who the voice belonged to and Acapella came to mind. She'd half expected it to be Varda, but then the girl remembered that Varda had been demoted and hadn't even shown up to the meeting. In fact the woman had been scarce for a while now so of course it wasn't her. Faite worried for the woman and should she happen to catch a fresh scent she fully intended on following it.

In the mean time she abandoned her border patrol. The last pack hunt hadn't had such a great turn out and Faite fully intended on attending this one. So she headed off towards Acapella and upon arrival it seemed that the turnout was as small as the last. Including herself there were only three which brought a frown to her face. What a shame. They really needed more dedicated hunters in the pack. With Varda missing they had no more wolves to fill the upper ranks. Wolves really needed to step up and she was proud of Acapella for initiating something. It'd been quiet for a while.

She nodded towards the girl before bringing herself next to Castiel and nuzzling him. She knew he was getting up there in age along with their parents so it was good to see him still out and about. "Hello Uncle." She greeted him with a warm smile before turning to Acapella. "Thank you for calling a hunt. Hopefully the pack will appreciate it. What do you plan on having us hunt today?" Of course they'd wait a bit to see if any others showed up, but in the mean time an idea of what they'd be tracking was a good conversation.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


09-09-2016, 01:00 PM

A call from his sister caught the man's attention immediately. A grin slowly formed on his face as he realized she was calling a pack hunt. Good for her! Since the meeting, and Varda's demotion, they all needed to step up. He would be one of the first to admit he hadn't done a good job of pulling his weight. Part of it was from being sick and another part from having his own agenda. He really wanted to prove his worth though so he set off towards the group.

He was still fully intent on being a legionary, but you couldn't fight on an empty stomach and a pack hunt sounded fun. He was a particularly large wolf so that meant he could help throw some bulk around to help take down something larger than would feed the pack for a while. Well he hoped so anyways. He really didn't want to go hunting rabbits or anything.

He arrived to see only three wolves there. There was Acapella herself, Castiel, and Faite, in which he all greeted with a friendly smile and a wave of his tail. He then went and plopped himself next to his older sister and gave her a light nudged with his shoulder. "Hey sis." He greeted with a grin plastered on his face.

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years
09-11-2016, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 06:22 PM by Acapella.)
She felt like she was waiting for forever, her nerves getting to her. What if no one showed up? What if she had screwed up big enough that none of the pack wanted anything to do with her? It made the young female nervous and her claws dug into the earth. Before she got too nervous the first was to approach and she felt relieved. Even if he would be the only one to show up she at least felt a little better. She smiled as he threw his head back and howled out also, her tail wagging because she was thankful for that. Hopefully with him being a more known member his call would bring fourth more members to join in. He then focused on her before speaking.

"Thank you for joining me and yes I believe waiting for a little bit will be a good idea. Maybe some others would show up to join and we could take down some bigger prey," she replied with a smile.

The two didn't have to wait long before the familiar form of Faite approached them. She smiled again glad to see a second face appear. Now she was starting to get excited and her hopes for tracking down larger prey was beginning to bloom.

"Well I was thinking about trying to take down Mule Deer, or maybe a pronghorn I have found a few fresh trails of both," she said with a smile.

The next to arrive made her smile turn into a wide grin. He was finally up and around meaning he must have recovered from sickness and this made the young women happy. Even better it seemed he would be joining them also and this made her even happier.

"Hi Bro," she replied back gently nudging him back.

She then looked to all of them, with her tail now happily wagging. "Should we wait a little longer?" she asked them all.
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.



11 Years
09-18-2016, 09:30 AM

Faite was the next to arrive and Castiel gave the young woman a dip of his head, a small smile on his features as he did so. “…and hello to you as well, Faite.” It felt good to see her around too. Their family was where it should be. The next to arrive was Dagger, his former apprentice, and Castiel gave him a small nod as well. So it looked like they were going to be a hunting part of four… not a bad number at all, the brute thought to himself.

His gaze turned back to Acapella. Should they wait longer? He frowned, golden hues searching the land around them. Honestly he felt that they had waited a good bit already… and he wasn’t too sure anyone else was going to show up. “I’m not sure if anyone else is going to come by this point. We’ve already waited a fair amount of time…” He glanced towards Faite, wondering what her input on the matter might be.




6 Years

09-18-2016, 04:40 PM

The woman was excited at the prospect of hunting larger animals today. Their last hunt had been a busy and she found herself craving something other than rabbit and other small animals. So she nodded at the suggestions and would then sit and wait with the rest of them. Dagger soon appeared not long after she had arrived and she greeted the younger wolf with a warm smile. Four wolves was certainly better than the three that had shown up last time. It'd be a bit difficult but they could certainly bring something down.

Finally it didn't seem like anyone else was coming so she shook her head when Acapella asked if they should wait longer. Castiel seemed to share her thoughts, but she hadn't noticed the way he'd looked at her as if asking her own opinion.

"No I think we should go ahead and go. The last hunt had less wolves than this, so I'd say this is a good turn out for a pack hunt. Besides with how large Dagger and Castiel are we might have an easier time at it. But you'll be in charge, so tell us the game plan."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


09-18-2016, 04:40 PM

Acapella greeted him and he glanced around to see if anyone else would show. Where was Regulus or the other members? He hadn't expected any of the older ones. Surreal and Falk were sick and he'd noted the gray male that had Faite's position before her was getting old so he doubted he'd come along. Still he'd expected a larger turn out with this.

He shrugged when Acapella asked if they should wait any longer. Castiel didn't seem to think so and Faite encouraged her to go ahead and continue on with the hunt. Giving up on the idea of more wolves he instead turned to his sister to see who would be doing what. Faite had a point. He was the largest so he had more powers. He was already beginning to form a picture as to how this hunt would go.

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years
09-24-2016, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2016, 08:24 PM by Acapella.)
Her eyes first turned to Castiel who had arrived before the rest and watched as he frowned. This was the first hint as to what his answer would be. She had to agree he was right they had waited long enough and four should be enough to bring down a larger prey animal. She nodded to his words before fallowing his gaze to Faite. She too agreed and claimed with how big Castiel and Dagger were they should be able to efficiently take down a prey animal. She then said that Acapella was in charge and asked what the game plan was for today's hunt. It made Acapella smile, it felt good to hear that and she prayed that her tracking and research would make this hunt successful. Her eyes looked to Dagger before replying making sure that he didn't need to say anything. With him not having anything more to say she drew in a breath and looked to all of them.

"I'm glad we have Castial and Dagger, this should make things much smoother then I was trying to plan earlier. Now like I said I have found two hot trails and the animals shouldn't be that far away. I think our best bet is going for the mule deer which will not be as fast nor as spooky as a pronghorn," she started. She felt nervous, but as she expressed her current knowledge she was feeling more confident.

"Another reason we should go for the mule deer is because in fallowing it's trail I noticed that the print of the right rear hoof is abnormal. Most times it is not even visible in the trail and when it is is it a vary softly pressed print or the tip of the hoof is drug slightly. This tells me that the deer is somehow wounded in that rear leg and judging by the lack of blood trail, we may have one with a broken leg," she said as she looked towards the left of her which is where the mule deer trail continued.

"Our plan to take this thing down, which is a doe judging by the scent in her urine. Our best best is for me and Faite to head straight towards her, when we see her I will make one wide circle around her left side and Faite you on the right side. This way we won't spook her to heading away from us. Then guide or run her towards Castial and Dagger with Dagger being on her left side," she paused making sure she was being clear enough.

"Dagger I want you to use your weight, slam your shoulder into her left flank to knock her off balance and her back end down on the ground. Make sure to keep yourself away from those hooves cause she may thrash once her rump is on the ground. Then Castiel if you would like to take the killing blow from the right so your are away from those hooves and reach around for her muzzle or dig into the jugular. As your getting your grip the rest of us will be caught up and holding down her body she she doesn't try to get up," she finished and looked to all three of them. "Sound like a plan?"
* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.