
I'm just a sucker for pain


08-29-2016, 09:28 PM

Ira hopped up onto a solid square of weirdly flat stone that had weird pieces of wood and stuff sticking out of it here and there. She didn't know what the hell this thing was, but it seemed like it might be a good perch for the time being. She padded over to what looked like a bit of wall where it was casting a shadow and flopped down onto her stomach. At least this rock was kinda cool in the shade and the shadow was a good bit cooler than the sun that was beating down. "Fucking summer..." she mumbled grumpily as she crossed her forepaws in front of her and rested her head on her paws. She was glad she didn't have dark fur like some suckers she had seen. She could only imagine what kind of hell that was like. Her eyes blinked several times and a yawn stretched her jaws at one point as she fought off sleep till she just couldn't and she passed out. The warmth was both suffocating and sleep inducing. Not to mention the fact that she had been walking for what felt like weeks and she was just plain tired.

"Rava! Get over here!" The meek girl hurried to her father's side, her ears back and head down submissively. She stared at the ground, only daring to stare at the dirt between his paws. Her breathing was shallow like it always was when he was around. She hated when her father showed up. She wished he would just go away and stay away. "Did you practice your fighting like I told you to?" Dread sank into her stomach. Of course she hadn't. She hated fighting. But if she lied she'd be in trouble. She knew he would have asked their mother already about it and there's no way she would have lied for her. But she was going to be in trouble for not doing it to. Reluctantly, she slowly shook her head no and the repercussions were quick and immediate. Pain sliced through her as his teeth grabbed ahold of her scruff and sliced through her skin. She was too big for him to just toss like he used to now, but that didn't stop him from shaking hard and ripping through her skin, shaking her off her paws.

Rava jolted awake with a gasp, her golden gaze flying open. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest and she glanced around in a panic. It was the middle of the night now and everything was so dark. She didn't think anyone was there though... at least her father wasn't at the very least.

Ira shook her head hard with a growl, her claws scratching across the stone. "Get the fuck out of here, Rava. You weak bitch," she mumbled under her breath while she pushed herself to her paws. She staggered a bit till she could right herself with a shake, letting a breath out in a sigh. She fucking hated those dreams. She padded forward and hopped down off the old farmhouse foundation and looked around at the empty world around her. At least it seemed empty. She caught a wolf's scent on the breeze and her brows lifted with interest. Who else was out so late?

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

09-02-2016, 08:33 PM

It wasn't often that she came to the range, there was just too many bitter memories. It overpowered everything good that had happened here, like the first time she had met Kyarst and had her first bloody run in. But the drive to find her brother had brought her here, her black nose to the ground. Out of all the lands that Imperium had had, this was the one that Revenge seemed to linger the most. She was angry with him for just vanishing like this, after they had promised that they were going to stay with each other forever. Thinking about it, she hadn't seen Esti either. Had the two of them just run off to live happily ever after together, totally forgetting about her? Her fur grew ridged at the thought, and she kicked aside a rock that came into view. She watched with narrowed purple eyes as it bounced across the ground, continuing her hunt when it laid still. She just couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he was gone, and that he could just walk out on her that easily. She had thought that he cared for her far more than that. They had a bond that was alike normal siblings, but apparently it was something that she had just dreamed up.

Looking up from her hunt, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. All she saw was a white form jumping out of the barn, and her heart jumped into her throat. Excitement coursed through her, and she raced over to see if it really was Revenge. Was it something she had just conjured up from her thoughts? Unable to contain herself, she found her head tipping upwards and her jaws parting, tongue hanging out of her jowls. "Revenge!" she called, but when she cleared the brush and saw who it was, she skid to a halt. Disappointment filled her features, her jaws snapping shut as her eyes narrowed. Before her stood a pale woman with grey eye markings, and was definitely not her brother. Her tail dropped from its raised position, a sigh leaving her lips. Quickly her stony wall was up again, and her purple eyes roved coldly over the female before her. "Obvious mistake," she grumbled, huffing as she turned around and went to take her leave. It had been foolish of her to go looking after her brother like this, she knew better. He was gone for good, and was never coming back for her. Mercy's ears pinned to her skull, but she shoved all her emotions down. Now was not the time to break down.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


09-07-2016, 11:45 PM

One of Ira's brows raised quizzically when she suddenly heard someone shout "revenge" and she had to wonder why in the world someone would be shouting that. She didn't know anyone around here that would want revenge on her. Or was that supposed to be a name? Her golden gaze roamed the open landscape till she finally spotted the pale figure running toward her from the distance. The woman was a good bit larger than she was so she was a bit easier to spot it seemed than she was herself. The woman burst into the clearing and immediately stopped, the joy snapping into disappointment in the blink of an eye. So it was a name. That made a bit more sense.

Ira's head tipped to the side in a mix of curiosity and confusion as she woman immediately turned around and stalked off with a grumble. Well, this was disappointing. She hadn't seen anyone around these lands since that one stick in the mud and now there was this chick that couldn't even bother to say hello or sorry for disturbing her! What was up with these wolves?! She wanted to just huff back and go back into the structure behind her, but she was pretty lonely. Her heat was in full swing after all. Women weren't always her first choice, buuuuut she could make exceptions. It wasn't like there was anyone else around. She hurried forward to catch up with the stranger, calling, "Hey hey hey! Leaving so soon? You only just got here!" She trotted along side the woman as long as she kept going, her two-toned tail waving gently behind her. "What's the rush?"

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

09-08-2016, 12:38 AM

She was just going to leave and call it a day when the shorter woman ran after her. She grumbled at her sweet words, until the scent of her heat blew up to her nose. Ahh, so she was just looking for a good hump and dump then? Mercy stopped, looking down at the smaller, similarly hued woman. "I don't have time to entertain a horny woman, I have shit to do," she said with a grumble, picking up the pace and aiming to trot further away from her. But she stopped again, hanging her head and letting out a loud sigh. Stomping her foot on the ground, she flipped around and looked at the stranger. She hadn't seen her around these parts, and her voice was a touch different from her own. She must be new around here, and here she was being all rude and shit. Shaking her head back and forth, she padded back towards her. "Now, do you have a name besides horny bitch orrr?" she asked, her teasing voice filling the silence between them. She might as well distract herself from finding Revenge, she knew that she wasn't going to run into her brother any time soon. He was gone, and she just needed to deal with that fact. "I'm Mercy, but don't let my name fool you," the pale woman introduced herself in her usual fashion, sitting on the plushy ground. Curling her elongated tail around herself, she gave the stranger a once over, taking in her rather plain coat. Ah, so she wasn't alone anymore. Sin had called her a goddess, a pure one for having a coat of almost pure white. Hers was more grungy though, more of a grey than a white.

Purple eyes returned to her face, her head tilting to the side. "Now, if I haven't turned you away with my foul mouth, was are you doing around here? Just looking for a good dicking, or perhaps something... else," Ricky said that she went for woman over men anyways, could she be the same way? Her gaze sparkled with mischief, this really was taking her mind off of everything else. The pain and frustration was all there, just pushed down under layers and layers of well... another type of frustration. Raising a single black marked brow, she just waited.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


09-10-2016, 12:25 AM

Ira pouted when the grumpy, larger woman dismissed her with a comment on not entertaining a "horny woman". Jeeze, everyone around here seemed to have a stick up their butt. Ira stopped then with a huff, letting the pale woman walk away. Ah well. Ira was just about to turn to go back to back the way she came when suddenly the woman stopped again. One of Ira's brows cocked with curiosity and she watched the pale woman turn around and come stomping back over to her. A grin cracked her lips at the first question out of her mouth when she spoke again, her tone holding a pleasing, teasing note to it. Now that was more like it. She cackled with laughter for a moment, her tail flicking behind her. "The name's Ira," she replied simply, a small curve of a grin still lingering on her lips. She didn't know what had made this woman have a sudden change of heart, but she wasn't going to complain now.

"What an ironic name," she commented with a chuckle. It was quite a peaceful name for someone who seemed to have such a fire. She was almost kind of glad her name didn't really have a meaning. At least not one she knew. Hell, she had made up the name herself. She wasn't going to use fucking Rava's name, that was for sure. Her rambling thoughts were disrupted while she watched Mercy settle onto her haunches, her golden eyes tracing the movement and the flick of the woman's tail. Damn, it really had been a long time since she had some fun, hadn't it?

Her eyes came back to Mercy's face when she spoke again. Her question made Ira give a little snort of laughter and her teeth showed with her grin. "Can't say I was looking for too much more than that. I just need a bit of fun is all. Everyone I've met here have been so fucking boring." Her voice had a similar teasing, flirting lilt to it as she spoke. She honestly could care less at this point if her and this woman fucked or not. She was just glad to have finally found someone around here didn't take everything so seri-

She staggered back a step as her eyes fluttered, giving her head a sharp shake. When she got her eyes to focus again she she looked up and her gaze landed on a purple eyed woman that was sitting directly in front of her. Her eyes went wide and her ears flicked back, her head ducking down submissively. "W-who are you?" she stuttered, her eyes darting as she glanced around frantically. "Where am I?"

"Ira Talks" "Rava Talks" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

09-27-2016, 01:18 AM

The grey marked woman just smiled when she turned around, and she wanted to chew that smug look right off her face. But it had been awhile since she had had some new company, she might as well sit through some sort of conversation. Plus, she was in heat and would probably be an easy bitch to bed. Mercy had a lot of shit going through her head and a good romp would do her some good, let her get out some of the pent up emotions that were driving her towards her breaking point. The woman introduced herself as Ira before telling her that she had an ironic name. Yup, she heard that often. Of course her dumb ass parents would have no way of knowing that they had mixed up her and her brother’s names, but there was no changing it now. She liked the irony at times, but sometimes it just got old hearing the same old shit over and over.

The pale woman didn’t miss the little up and down that Ira gave her, and a sideways smile crossed her lips. Ah, see? Easy as pie. Her words brought an even larger smile to her face, and she knew that she had made the right choice in turning around. She nearly exhaled when the vulgar word left her lips, it had been awhile since she met someone who swore like she did. Mercy let out a soft sound like almost sounded like "Well, you came to the right girl then. I know just about all there is to know about the kind of fun you can have around here," she said with a sultry chuckle, her purple eyes sparkling with excitement. She liked the first moves of this dance, and she was looking forward to the finale.

That was until everything changed.

The woman before her staggered back like she had been physically pushed, and her head cocked to the side in confusion. What the… it was going so well too! What the hell was going on? Her eyes narrowed as she took on a submissive pose, causing her lips to curl up. Ah, a little roleplaying? She was good at playing the dominant one. Damn, this chick was playing right into her wheelhouse. Standing up, her tail rose as well as her hackles, before she tossed a wink at the smaller woman. "It doesn’t matter who I am, I’m in charge now," she purred, taking a step forward to try and roughly bump her left shoulder against Ira’s right. The question when she asked where she was through her off though, and Mercy stepped back with a frown and dropped the character. "I’m all down for fun and games, babe, but I don’t want to play forcing myself on you. If you don’t want this..." Taking a few steps back to give her room to figure it out, she looked at her with an even more stumped look.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


09-27-2016, 11:19 PM

Rava's eyes grew wide at the woman's first words, her ears pinning back against her skull and her head ducking down as she took a cautious, clumsy step back away from this stranger. The woman stepped forward and bumped her shoulder into her own and sent her stumbling to the side, having to scramble to keep herself from falling over completely. She was ready to just take her chances and just go running into the darkness in hopes of escaping whatever stomach turning situation this was, but the woman's next words stopped her. Fun and games? A small rush of relief hit her as she woman took a couple steps back, but Rava still couldn't do anything but just stare at this woman with a frozen, wide gaze. "I-I don't understand what you mean. Want what? Who are-"

A furious growl ripped through her jaws and she shook her head hard side to side. Her paws slid into an uneven, widened stance to keep herself standing upright and keep from tumbling onto her side. She stared down at the ground between her forepaws for a moment, breathing hard and snarling. "Goddamn it, Rava... Just stay the fuck asleep!" she grumbled under her breath. She blinked and her eyes darted back up to Mercy's when she suddenly remembered that she had company. Of all the times for Rava to be so fucking active... She should have known better. Rava always wanted to be out and about after a dream like that. "Guess you met my freeloader, huh?" she commented dryly with a shallow chuckle as she shook herself and readjusted her stance. Where the fuck did they go from that?! Who the hell would want to still fuck a woman that broke into a whole different personality in the middle of a conversation. "I guess I should probably just go, huh?"

"Ira" "Rava" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

09-28-2016, 05:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2016, 11:26 AM by Evelyn.)

To say that the pale woman was confused would be an understatement. All she could do was look at this woman who she thought she would get to have some fun with. But she scrambled back from her bump and was obviously submissive. She had read the situation totally wrong and felt really fucking stupid, as well as ashamed. She had thought that this was where their conversation was leading, she had been pretty openly flirting back with her. Mercy's purple eyes inspected Ira closely as she started to say that she didn't understand. Well, neither did she! What the hell was going on with this chick? Maybe she should have just kept walking away. Ears slicked back against her head as she took another step back, her tail tip wagging slightly in her uncertainty. But then a growl tore out of her maw, and the wolf before her stumbled back and stood with a widened stance. Her eyes flew open wide as her paw rose, her lower body slinking backwards slightly in her surprise. What. The. Actual. Fuck. When Ira spoke again, she could hear a distinct change in her voice this time. Unable to move and really not quite sure what to do at all, she just stared at the smaller woman. An explanation would be nice.

When Ira talked about meeting her 'freeloader', it really didn't help her sort out her feelings about this situation. It seemed like she was rather quick to dismiss both Mercy and the situation, causing her brows to rise. She wasn't one to give up that easily, plus she wanted some answers. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. I want answers about what the fuck just happened, and maybe I can reward you as you tell me," She said, she had been pretty excited to play with this little spitfire. But then that shit happened. Did she have two personalities or something? Her mother was bipolar, but she never truly saw it to this extent. This was something else.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


10-02-2016, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2016, 08:14 PM by Leo.)

Ira looked at the woman across from her with some genuine surprise for a moment when she insisted that she wasn't going anywhere till she got some answers out of her. And she might "reward" her for it. Ira blinked at her for a moment before just giving Mercy a grin and a cackle of laughter. "Man, you're just surprise after surprise, aren't you? I've never had anyone actually stick around to ask about it." She chuckled softly again and her tail flicked while she tried to figure out how to even begin explaining herself. "Well basically... there's me. I'm Ira. But then there's her. She's Rava." Did that even make sense? She wasn't sure. "I try to keep her on lockdown most of the time, but sometimes I have nightmares and shit and she gets all worked up about it." She shrugged slightly, trying to keep the lingering memories from her most recent nightmare from coming back up so it didn't wake up Rava again.

"So, ya know, I'm basically insane. But I'm still great at sex if that helps," she offered with a smirk as she attempted to move on past the incredible strangeness she created. Who knew, maybe Mercy would realize just how crazy it all was and would walk off. That's probably what she should do anyway. This is why Ira never liked to have more than a quick fling cause the longer she was around someone the more likely it was that she was gonna have to explain everything to someone. Mercy was just unfortunate enough to have that be her first interaction with Ira and Rava instead of her last.

"Ira" "Rava" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

10-11-2016, 03:58 PM

She didn't understand why she looked so confused at her words, a black marked brow raising up slightly. Did everyone just walk away from her when they found out? "I'm not exactly right in the head either, and my mother is bipolar as well. I'm no stranger to illnesses," she said, her shoulders shrugging in a nonchalant way. She wasn't quite sure what to think about two different personalities in one body, but she had had some nasty mood swings herself. Perhaps it was like that. But Ira was talking about it like it was a whole other wolf who shared a body with her, two minds running one machine. That was the part that she didn't quite understand. She called her Rava, the other woman that was inside her, but it would seem like Ira was the one in control. It was a little much to wrap her head around, but she wasn't going to blow her off because of it. It wasn't like she could help it, or could she? Shaking her head back and forth, she just decided that it was best to not think too much on it. There was no logical answer, she just had to settle with the fact that she would never know for sure.

A loud snort left the pale woman's nose as Ira said she was great at sex. "Mentally unstable seems to equal amazing at sex," she chuckled, referring more to herself. She never used to admit that she was bat-shit crazy, but after all her talks with Gethin she was starting to realize it more and more. She had always known that she was a masochist, there was no doubt about that. But she liked that part, it just wasn't everyone's favorite. Her ears flickered at the thought of the man who held a special place in her heart, wondering what he would think about all of this. Maybe he would join in? A large grin split her maw at that thought, her toes curling as her claws bit into the earth. He wasn't fond of sharing, but she could always show him how much fun it was.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


10-11-2016, 08:44 PM

Ira gave a little nod when Mercy explained how her mother was bipolar and she wasn't quite sane herself, which was why she didn't have as much of a problem with Ira's own craziness. Of course she couldn't speak for Mercy or her mother, but she was sure that her levels of insane were a bit beyond that, but Mercy didn't give much more than a head shake in response so maybe she was wrong. It was all very interesting. She had never crossed paths with someone that was so... accepting. Or at least tolerant of the strangeness that followed her around. Even if she was only tolerant in order to get laid, that was enough for her. She wasn't looking for a new BFF. God, she couldn't even imagine what that was like. She hadn't even had a regular fuck buddy, much less a friend.

She gave Mercy a little cackle of laughter when she confirmed that being mentally unstable lead to great sex. She certainly liked to think so anyway. She could see that something was running through Mercy's head and she was almost a bit curious as to what. It must be something pretty interesting if her ears were flicking like that and her toes were flexing into the dirt. She didn't ask though, instead just giving Mercy a slight grin and a raised brow. "Well then," she started with a soft chuckle, padding toward the white-coated woman till she was close enough to lightly nip at her cheek. "I gave you answers. What about my reward?" Her tone was sweet and tempting, but the grin on her lips was anything but sweet or gentle. Her tail flicked behind her and she made herself wait for some kind of response before she pushed Mercy's boundaries any further, no matter how bad she wanted to.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

11-05-2016, 01:33 AM

Mercy tsked her tongue at Ira's words, her head slowly shaking back and forth. Her tail twirled behind her to further spread her scent, making her nostrils flare. "You're a greedy little bitch, aren't you?" she whispered harshly. With a groan she pulled herself to her paws, closing the distance to attempt to roughly press her chest into Ira's. She was a smaller woman, but that didn't mean that she would get treated like one. Leaning down, the woman aimed to place gentle, almost tender nips on the nape of her neck. With a grumble she leaned back, parting from Ira with a grin on her maw. This was just going to be far too much fun. Walking in a tight circle around her, she let her extra long tail dangle across her skin in an oh so tantalizing way. She kept her motions slow and calculated, it was obvious that she had done this a few times before.

When she completed her circle she came to pause at her head again, lapping gently at her throat before delivering a rather harsh nip behind her right jaw hinge. She aimed to pinch the skin between her teeth and rub it across her teeth, hard enough that if this was allowed she would draw tiny droplets of blood to the surface. Letting go, she aimed to draw her tongue over the back of her ear, nibbling at the sensitive appendage. This was all a game, and one she had many rules to. Drawing back slightly, after whispering a breathy moan in her ear, she looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. It was an open invitation for her to see what Ira had.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-11-2016, 05:27 PM

Ira certainly wasn't disappointed in Mercy's response as everything went from zero to a hundred in a heartbeat. A sly grin crossed her lips at Mercy's assessment and she couldn't exactly disagree. Ira's toes curled and her claws pulled at the dirt under them when Mercy stood and pressed her chest into Ira's hard, the sudden contact sending a thrill through her. Damn, it really had been so long since the last time she had any sort of fun. Her head tipped back a bit and her tail flicked as Mercy nipped at her neck. She caught a flash of Mercy's grin as their chests parted and she shot a similar grin back at her. It was very, very clear that this wasn't Mercy's first rodeo and Ira couldn't be any more glad. Things were a lot more fun when everyone knew how to play the game.

Mercy's tail left light tingles all across her body in its wake and Ira just let Mercy do what she knew best for the time being. Then Mercy surprised her with a sharp bite just behind her jaw, pulling a gasp out of her that dissolved into a moan. Oh, that's how it was going to be, hm? Ira was immediately twice as excited for this encounter than she was to begin with and that was really saying something. She didn't too often find wolves, especially other women, that liked playing a little rough. Now the question was just how rough did Mercy want to go?

She leaned her side into Mercy's as the larger woman teased the delicate skin of her ear, a slight shiver trailing down her spine. She brought her golden gaze up to Mercy's face when her partner for the evening pulled away enough for Ira to realize she was passing off the baton for the moment. Ira's grin widened and a breath of a moan left her as she aimed to bring her muzzle down to where Mercy's throat and chest met. As long as Mercy let her, she would start leaving a trail of nibbles along Mercy's throat, lightly pinching the skin there between her teeth. At the top of Mercy's throat, right where her neck ended and head began, she aimed to leave a particularly hard nip, much like Mercy had done to the area behind her jaw. She started circling around Mercy then, letting her tail flick under Mercy's chin with a light chuckle. Her heat scent was already all around them as it was, but she didn't mind just letting the scent get even more thick around Mercy as she drew her tail under her chin. She left a quick bite at Mercy's hip as she passed, just hard enough to draw a little bit of blood, before she came back around to stand at Mercy's side again.

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

11-19-2016, 02:50 AM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2016, 03:22 AM by Evelyn.)

She was pretty infamous for getting right into things, but it wouldn’t be something that this woman would know about. She couldn’t help the large grin that was on her lips the whole time, a rumble bubbling up in her throat as she appreciated the simple beauty that the masked woman held. She knew just how to work her until she melted into a puddle at her paws, molding her with careful touches and nips here and there. But honestly that was only half of the fun, her body shivering in anticipation of Ira’s returned touches. It didn’t take very long, her sharp bite eliciting a sound that made her form quake.

Coming to a stop, the black marked woman passed the baton on, just waited for her return fire. Her head tipped upwards as Ira started to nip at her throat, letting out a groan when her teeth sunk harder into her flesh. Mercy’s pupils dilated as her never ending fire burned hotter in her belly, a breath hissing between her clenched teeth. She then matched the circle she did around her with one of her own, flicking her tail against her. Bending towards her, she aimed to sink her teeth into the thin skin of her tail, biting into the plethora of fur there to pinch at the small bones tightly. If she was successful, Ira wouldn’t be able to move unless she wanted to risk a permanent injury to her tail. Mercy wasn’t fast enough to stop the bite that was delivered to her hip, enough to draw blood. The woman let out a dark growl, rising as she tugged softly at Ira’s tail before lauching herself at the woman’s hind quarters. She tried to slam the front of her chest right against her backside, her elongated tail swishing behind her as she chomped down at the base of her spine, pinching her skin tightly between her teeth. Twisting her head, she lifted her right front leg and tried to trip the smaller woman up, her end goal to flip her quickly to her back. She wasn’t a patient woman.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


12-05-2016, 10:08 PM

Ira's teeth left Mercy's hip just in time to feel Mercy's own teeth on her tail, stopping her in her tracks. She guessed that Mercy liked her return fire since her partner for the evening kicked into high gear all at once. The growl that she heard from Mercy was enough to send a shiver of anticipation through her. She peered back at Mercy as the larger woman's chest slammed into her rump just moments before Mercy's teeth clamped down on the base of her spine. A growl rattled in Ira's chest, hackles prickling a bit as a shiver shot up her spine and her claws drug through the dirt. Her teeth just lightly broke the skin, pulling a few drops of blood out into the open air.

Before she really realized what was happening, she felt Mercy's leg catch her own and all at once the world spun around her and suddenly she was on her back with a light thud. Mercy was so much larger than her than it was fairly easy for Mercy to do whatever she wanted when Ira wasn't resisting in the slightest. A wicked grin parted Ira's lips, exposing her teeth as she peered up at Mercy expectantly. She was completely open and exposed to whatever Mercy wanted to do to her, no matter how pleasurable or painful. Hell, Mercy could be planning on killing her for all she knew. Did that make her concerned in the slightest? No. "Go on, you can rip me to shreds if you want," she told her with a dark chuckle. "I'll bite back when you're done though."

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

12-10-2016, 03:38 AM

She flipped the woman over with ease, looking down at her with half lidded eyes. The scent of her heat swirled more openly around her, a growl twisting through her jaws. Ira looked up at her with expectancy, making a touch of a smile linger on her black lips. Rip her to shreds? She had better be careful with what she wished for. Without warning, Mercy's jaws parted as she bit down around Ira's throat, meeting her yellow eyes as she pinched down lightly for a moment. No, she wasn't going to kill her, but it was more of a power trip that she was looking for. She could end her life right here and now, but that's not what she wanted. Letting her go with a grumble, she lowered herself so that she was pretty much sitting on Ira's tail, trailing kisses and nibbles down the woman's exposed belly. She paused to place a rather harsh bite in the fleshy part of her thigh, licking tenderly across her lower belly. Glancing up to cast her eyes on the other woman, she ever so slowly made it down to the best part of all, where all the action was needed. Grinning, she hovered over her for a moment before finally giving Ira was she craved.


Pulling herself up from where she had been laying, her still hooded eyes searched Ira's body. If she thought she was done, she had another thing coming. It wasn't a show just for her, not at all. Instead she repositioned herself so that she was lingering above her, lowering her bottom half until the fur on her belly kissed Ira's. Locking eyes with her, she finally rested herself against her, a delicate shudder passing through her form. Tossing the gray masked wolf a grin, she went back to work all over again.


Now Mercy was truly spent. Flopping over, she panted where she lay in the grass, her mind swimming in a sea of bliss. Glancing up at the sky, a loud sigh left her parted jaws. Now that was the stuff. She wasn't used to being with other women, but this time she had been in full control of every twist and turn, not something she could do often with a male lingering above her. Unable to say anything or really even move for the moment, she just enjoyed the feeling of the cool ground at her back.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.