



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
08-30-2016, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2016, 07:08 PM by Sabine.)
I've tentatively decided to see if anyone would be interested in a Sabine puppy, so if you're interested... -waves hands at ad below-

Free-range, hands off, neglectful...all good words to describe Sabine's approach to motherhood. Her method could best be described as a catch and release program minus the baying dogs and beanbag rounds...unless of course one of your characters knows where to get those, in which case, hit Sabine up. Her child or children will be given the run of the north. So long as they come home at the end of the day (or the beginning of the morning w/e) and they respect their mother, they can pretty much do whatever they want. There are limitations, sure, but the odds of straying far enough to run into those boundaries are pretty slim.

I have no designs for you, so if you wanna apply, you gotta bring your own. Luckily for you, Angelus carries pretty much every color imaginable and Sabine has cool tribal markings, so you can pretty much do whatever you like. My only request is that you don't use Angel's eye dots. As for height, Sabine is 42" and Angelus is 45" so if you want to go big, you can. I believe the price is half off. As for names, I'm kind of digging a Uralic theme. So Finnish, Hungarian, Sami, Estonian, Komi...those kinds of languages.

Also, while it says no goodie two shoes allowed, you can apply with whatever personality and alignment you like, just keep in mind that if you choose terribly disrespectful or constantly tearful, Sabine might drop that pup off a cliff or feed it to a bear. I'm kidding of course, she's not that awful.

But for real. Bear food. You've been warned.

OH! Also, I only got one free pup in this litter so if you want one, you have to be able to pay for at least half of an additional pup slot.

Both the common language and Finnish will be spoken in this family. While not a religious or strongly superstitious person herself, Sabine will definitely tell her kids about her people and their beliefs and traditions. The clan is based on the Sami and their nomadic lifestyle, and you can read more about them here.

<b>Name:</b> --- Jarvela
<b>Personality:</b> site minimum
<b>Appearance:</b> site minimum
<b>RP Sample:</b> ONLY necessary if you are a new member or visitor
<b>Can you pay for an additional pup slot?:</b>

I reserve the right to take characters back if you fall inactive. I'm pretty understanding when it comes to activity, but if you go a full month or two without posting I'd really like to take the char back and try to find him or her someone more active. If you set the character inactive or put in an official leaving notice, I reserve the right to take the character back immediately regardless of their prior activity.
[Image: bK4cZNp.png]


08-30-2016, 07:09 PM
Name: Akseli Jarvela

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic neutral


Appearance: His parents' size is definitely something Akseli never gained. His adult height only being 28 inches, he's still quite small. As a pup, he'll not appear to be, being quite large in height compared to his siblings. But his growth will quickly be stunted, leaving him the smaller one in the family. As of now, he's quite thin, with long legs that make him seem even more awkward. In terms of strength, he is severely lacking; extremely sickly and weak, coughing fits not uncommon. Really, it's uncertain if he will make it out of puphood; he may struggle along, and he may not. It all depends on him.

Akseli is, appearance wise, a mix of his parents.


RP Sample: I may make one just to test him out

Can you pay for an additional pup slot?: Maybe, I'll have to see. Probably.

Absinthe 1

09-18-2016, 02:33 AM
Name: Viha Jarvela
Gender: ??? We'll go with Female for now???
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Personality: Loyal_ Viha cares about others in a very particular, nearly invisible way. However, it is there nonetheless. Family is important, despite the fact that, for all intents and purposes, it doesn't appear so. Threats to siblings or parents will not be tolerated. Half siblings, however? Meh. Friends, should they come to Viha, will be followed to the ends of the earth (with only mild complaining). Should they require help, they can count on Viha.
Aloof_ That's fancy, polite-people talk for gives no fucks. Viha prefers not to get involved with anything that doesn't prove itself worth the effort. Drama is pointless and more irritation than it's worth. It's easier to walk in the other direction and go do something else. The general, blase attitude towards important things will, without doubt, lead to trouble of epic proportions in the future. Viha still does not care.
Callous_ The problems of others mean little to Viha. Sure, this immediately leads to the acquisition of the 'asshole' label, but Viha could care less about the opinions of others. What are they going to do? There is ice in the very veins of the northerner, and none shall forget that. Snow coats every bone, and it shows. Compassion is all but unknown, and unheard of. Perhaps it can be taught, but that would be a task in itself.
Assertive_ Not to be confused with aggressive. When something is wrong, you will know. Make no mistakes. When Viha voices an opinion, it is practically fact. It is difficult to sway these opinions, if it all. No timid, china doll to whisper thoughts into the crowd. Rather, a creature who damn well demands to be heard. Viha's presence will be known by all, and nothing can stop that.
Crass_ A tongue like a whip, and wit to match. Foul language will become an affinity, and brutal snark will come to be Viha's first language. Cursing will pepper everyday speech, and rude remarks will be frequently muttered under huffed breaths. What's the point of living without the freedom to say whatever the fuck comes to mind?
Appearance: Reference
Pup: Build This is no runt. Long, stocky limbs will support the bulk of the child. A pudgy belly and even coating of baby fat will fuel the growth of a titan, despite the conditions of the north. Tall, wide ears will eventually come to be the right size, but will make the babe appear more as a fox kit than a young wolf. This will be the cause of much aggravation in Viha's young mind. To complete the "I'm gonna be bigger than you one day" package, oversized paws, of course. Constantly tripping the youth, and teaching the virtues of graceful stride. A thick, fluffy coat of mottled hues will break up the awkward silhouette in many an environment.
Coat: A muddled, indiscernible pelt will be all the pup wears until maturity can clean up the patterns. The predominant colour of the child will be a pale grey that leans more towards slate than anything else. Darker hues similar to denim crawl up gawky limbs, while forming a stripe up Viha's muzzle. One long sock of ebony will coat some of the rear left limb, and encircle Viha's eyes. If you look closely, the faint hint of the Jarvela's trademark rust stains the toes of the right forepaw. The same colour tips Viha's ears and tail, while forming tiny brow spots. Viha will have eyes like embers, searingly bright in darkly circled orbits.

Adult: 42"-200lbs
Build A towering shrine to various lineages. Mulscular, elegant limbs propel Viha to a grand height of forty two inches. As dictated by genetics, this is no waif. Well muscled and fairly broad, Viha could easily be a great warrior. Powerful thighs and shoulders could make for an imposing frame, were Viha bestowed with any form of bulkiness. Wiry cords of dense muscle instead wrap around pillars of bone, instead lending speed and lankiness. Still, Viha's weight will fluctuate around the two hundred pound mark. Definitely nothing to scoff at. A thick pelt further softens the hardness of Viha's angular, stocky build. Large paws displace weight across the snowy landscape of the north, having grown to be perfectly proportioned with an adult form. The sharp jut of a strong jaw and tall ears perched atop a large skull alter the femininity of physique, confusing the beasts appearance into a semblance of androgyny. A thick tail sweeps from a long spine, full and plush.  
Coat: With time to grow, markings and colours will gain definition. Crimson will become more predominant in Viha's coat- staining the thick ruff fur, climbing the tail, and swallowing one paw. The faintest of ivory hues will come to pale the fur below the ruff, barely noticeable.

Plans: be a shithead? Plots that arise are all welcome here
RP Sample: It was too cold outside for adventures. Instead, inside adventures were called for. Viha plodded down the halls, peering about curiously in search of something to occupy the time. Dark paws thumped all too loudly on the warped floorboards, clumsy with youth and inexperience. A rat scurried past. With a snort, excitement thrummed in Viha's veins all too rapidly. Something to play with! The naked tail snaked through a hole in the wall, and Viha stomped awkwardly on it so the creature wouldn't run away. It was play time! With a yip of delight, Viha yanked the little rodent out of the crevice. While Viha's tail wagged with glee, the rat shrieked and wriggled in fear. "Dancing!" Viha giggled, wiggling about in a similar fashion. The rat bit her. A cry of shock erupted from Viha's tiny chest, paw recoiling upwards. It hurt! Brilliant crimson fluid welled from the fresh wound, dripping onto the floor. The rat scurried away again. After a moment to examine the wound, and feel the throbbing pain, Viha began to cry. Loud, godawful wailing in pain. This hadn't happened before! Why was it hurting? "Ma!" The child shrieked, begging for Sabine to appear and make it stop hurting.

Can you pay for an additional pup slot?: yeh