
Lonely Soul



5 Years
09-03-2016, 12:33 PM

A cool salt laced breeze ruffles the babes crimson fur as she stands knee deep in the warm lagoon. Her mind is blank she she peers out towards the horizon, silhouettes of dolphins and whales crashing back and forth upon the waters surface. A smile curls her lips as she watches their graceful dance. If only she could be as free and careless as those who live within the oceans depths. Like wolves they were social creatures, and almost always lived in large family groups. The only difference was the babe was awfully standoffish, and only invited those into her life that could benefit her in some way. She is selfish, controlling, and heartless. There was no denying that she is fully aware of her sour attributes... but maybe if she could learn to change her ways she could live a comfortable life like they did, always surrounded by the ones who loved and cared for them.

Her daydreaming mind is startled when the slimy skin of something beneath her brushes against her ebony leg. Chills roll down her spine, her hackles raise and her lips curl. She backs up, her head reclining toward the waters surface as she peers into the murky water. Nothing. Maybe a fish had accidentally bumped into her? Whatever it was, she was glad that it was gone now. She exhales a sigh of relief, and slowly wades further out into the oceans depths. Maybe she could see how long it would take until the sand dropped off into an empty abyss. She didn't have much else to do today except enjoy her vacation in Auster.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



4 Years
09-14-2016, 01:59 PM

"Falling Endlessly...Never to Ascend Again"

Hunger, oh hunger, the purest sin. Through the fraught lines of a land buried deep within the cataclysm of monstrosity and the carnality of beasts, shreds of savagery glimpse through thickened scales and slathering fangs borne within the harshened regard of a predatory mask, the barest bones of an artistry of naked flesh slipping through the cracks to become a wholesome intricate design. It is the true form they have chosen, perhaps the most animalistic of them all that betrays itself before the entirety of awestruck eyes as they rise from underneath silken fur of predators and stand upon booted heels in the splendour of a rising sun, of a traversing moon. Cesare was little more than a pawn revolting against the king and queen...but a pawn to whom?

After all, what's a king to a god? Lethal, vicarious, cunning, never was there such an underived refinement in the savagery of carnal impulse. Sleekened creatures, living shadows sifting with parlous fervour out along the edges of a flickering candle's flame, he is immaculate in contemptible, ensanguined swathe comely enough for Mephistopheles himself. He is hellish discord in heaving volatility, he is turbulent with the capability to strip away all that holds worth or sentiment to the heart, yet never forthcoming with his treachery and definite nature. Preferred is the secretive craft of schemes, plots, of kiss and control that he hold with the iron born claw of primal need for dominion, to have the revel of divide and glorified sanctum in the palm of his quivering hand. Cold mirrors reflect beasts beneath the mantilla masquerade of nobility, the grimalkin lurking against the surface of composed regard, the gold of gratified succulence.

The Golden King was a stranger to these lands...foreign...untamed...'wild'. And yet he felt not even a glimmer of nervousness of fear...he had been drifted to this land by chance, fate, or whatever third parties were involved in his arrival rather than his ultimate demise.

And as his vibrant eyes watched closely the slosh of water kicked up onto his underbelly...his gaze wandering outwards towards the sea as his golden markings shimmed and flared brightly from the radiant god of Ra.

He could see something...someone out there...venturing further into the depths.

Question was...who was it?



5 Years
09-14-2016, 02:45 PM

The sand between her toes dissolves as the maroon vixen takes a few more daring steps toward the oceans uncharted depths. Not a lick of fear plagues her mind despite this being the farthest she has ever gone into the ocean.  Mentally she prepares herself for the sands drop off, as she assumes it will come soon.  The whales and dolphins on the horizon seemed to jump and dive with ease, which made her curious. How deep was the ocean anyway? Were the currents soft like a lake, or were they hungry for victims like a river? So many questions swirled in her mind as she carelessly waded farther out. Fear has never been an issue for the girl, and her daring personality oftentimes got her into trouble. The difference now was she did not have Artemis to save her if her experience went south. She was completely on her own now, and although she has been for a while, she would not fully comprehend the principle until she was forced to face trouble by herself.

She is lost in thought when suddenly sand beneath her dissipates, and she takes a rapid deep breath before the vicious current pulls her down into the abyss. Kicking and squirming she tries to fight the currents strength, but due to her small size she does not prevail. Her chest burns as her body begs for oxygen, but she knows once she exhales it will be over for her. The salt water feels like fire against her eyes as she struggles to open them and look toward the oceans surface. It was getting farther and farther away as each second passed. At this point she did not know how she was going to get out of this dangerous predicament. There was no way she could beat the current alone.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



4 Years
09-14-2016, 03:40 PM

"Heroes Don't Exist."

Across the metaphorical landscape of Cesares mentality raged a thundering storm fed by anticipation. On the outside he often moved with disinterest and general lack of motive, his head was never held high...and his legs never seemed to really rise to bring his feet off the ground…within he weathered the tempest of self destruction mixed misery. For the years it had taken for The Golden King to grow, for him to understand his purpose, to remain hidden and carefully educated, there had always been a chance of failure. Success was the only option left to The King, growth a coveted and hoarder aspect. It would begin with the ashes and end with absolute control and power. From the lost and downtrodden he'd cultivate a civilization that fed on the agony of those who had once thought them weak and inactive. This was the start, this precious moment of silence shared between functional Eyes.

A newcomer to these lands? Yes...that much was undeniable.A nobody? Of course. No one here knew who he was...what he had been through. This was a clean slate...but he would not be a nobody for long.

Cesare was not immune to being nervous, he just had experience with hiding it. His heart indeed remained cool and silent...smoldering embers within that black coal soul...his breath steady. His expression that of open disinterest as he neared the Acropolis.

He could still hear the agonizing screams of his people...There was no way to wash the blood from his paws, no way to ease the haunting voices that collected and traversed the space above his head—their songs alluring and teasing, stirring up memories best left buried. Cesare had weaved a tale of political power and dominance...After all, his evil did not come was not meditated was not sadistic evil. He only committed evils when it was beneficial for him to do so. In the end he was a necessary evil.

But in this world filled with chaotic evils and liars, being a monster was the only way to was a tactic to him.

His idle thoughts were only a distraction, something best left to midnight hours and lonely brooding. For now, he was filled with purpose. For now, he had the drive. He’d keep his crooked crown...though he'd never place it upon her head.

She was a King by policy. Not by birthright...And perhaps someone would be brave enough to snatch the crown from her searing fangs...

...No... he’d destroy them all before such notions came to pass. He was not the fragile boy he was all those years ago when all he held dear was ripped from his innocent arms.

And in the midst of these notions The Kings peace was soon disturbed...a force had rippled through him...

The mass he had observed venturing out into the sea had suddenly vanished beneath the ocean blue...a flurry of water being kicked up and splashed as Cesare observed what he could only assume was a struggle...

He narrowed his gaze skeptically...concern rising in his chest as he squinted to see closer...

Had this wolf...wandered to sea purposely to drown? Or was this a mere accident? Frankly he had trouble distinguishing between the two...

The golden marked canine moved forward...the water reaching up towards his elbows as he found himself rather worried...he made his way to the edge where he had last saw the mass vanish...and slowly he sunk his head under the cold water to see where it had floated off did not take him long to spot the crimson fold descending into the deep abyss...

Lovely...seemed he had to play the hero.

Cesare pulled his head from the water and sighed...rolling his eyes in general disdain before inhaling deeply and jumping off the sandy edge...diving down towards the drowning wolf as his bright eyes flared with color...opening his jaws and grabbing the sanguine creature by the scruff of the neck and hoisting her upward...kicking his feet back in attempts to pull the wolf back up to the surface. And after his front paws gripped the drop off he quickly pulled himself up and above the water. Gasping for air through clenched fangs as he held the red furred mass between his teeth...his body heavy with the weight of water as he dragged her back to shore forcibly...

He silently scolded everything about the situation. His golden tipped bangs hanging messily before his visage as he neared the shore and let the wolf between his jaws and onto the floor.

Cesare breathed heavily. Whipping his head from side to side in attempts to loosen some of the water from his fur.

The King was slowly starting to hate water...and slowly his gaze flicked back to the wolf behind him through a narrowed gaze as he scoffed. "Nor brava? Ech'nal snavvy borra?" He asked in his native tongue, standing in the water as it kept his paws cool. Awaiting and answer from the...crimson maiden.

"And Even If They Did I Wouldn't Be One Of Them"



5 Years
09-14-2016, 04:35 PM

Crimson eyes close tightly as the babe begins to accept her self induced demise. There is not much else she can do at this point, she is no fool to the world's harsh realities. Her mind drowns with memories of her past as she sinks further into nothingness. Her mother, her non existent father, her kingdom, her starstruck lover. It was as if she was fading away to forever rewind the many memories of her life.

But suddenly alarm courses through her body as sharp fangs grip her scruff. Her eyes snap open and instantly she feels them burn. Through her foggy vision she can make out the silhouette of a large creature dragging her upward. Bubbles escape from her maw as she opens her mouth in protest, a small gurgling noise erupting from her throat. Within seconds her head bursts through the waters surface, her chest burning as she gasps for air. She allows the man to drag her to the shore for she is too weak to swim there herself.

Once she feels sand beneath her feet she attempts to move away from him, but can only make a few steps before she collapses on the beach. Her head aches as she struggles to keep her eyes open, her gaze lingering upon the figure standing a few feet away. What she sees is astonishing; a large man draped in ivory with black markings littered with flecks of golds. Puzzlement devours her features as she beholds his beauty. Was she... seeing things? Or was this handsome creature really her rescuer?  "Wha-What?" Her voice cracks as she replies to him. She cannot understand him at all, and it  worries her. Was she hallucinating?

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



4 Years
09-14-2016, 05:08 PM

"Never Forgive, Never Forget"

Ever the nobleman, Cesare ever so slowly strode through the shores waters with an easy grace. Confident, yet unassuming. Strong but not bold. His face was blank, an expression that haunted him, and one might guess that this was The King without the mask, no pawns to lure, no soldiers to dominate, no monarchs to hide from behind a false face.

Just blank. Empty. And that was just how he felt - or rather did not feel - for much of the time. His moments with others might have appeared touching to a casual observer, or an eager audience expecting of course that since he cares for them, naturally he cares for everyone. But while said audience might begin to see The King as an emotionless droid they would never know the truth...besides. This is simply not the case.

The truth was, Cesares moments of intimacy and heroism were just that, moments. The rest of the time was filled with the typical day to day emptiness. Emotions were a hazard that were better gone, and so he did what he could to rid himself of such trinkets as empathy or morality during the times when his only friend was lost to the void. Read: almost always. Cesare might be sociable at rare times, might even be friendly. He took a concerned interest in others rather misfortune, fortune or even solitude, a meticulous mental phonebook of his acquaintances. He always treated everyone, wolf or creature alike with extreme dignity and good humor, peasants with mercy, and treated the children with what could almost be described as...a strange brotherly affection. All these things made him generally relateable...

But despite these necessary moments, everyone, including said audience, would be wise to remember that The King isn't a good person.

A lack of cruelty doesn't disqualify you from being a monster. The days of mutilating others for no reason was long past him, but mutilating others with reason?

Audience, you can figure it out...

And as those golden optics remained steady upon the small crimson female before him as she stumbled away sluggishly his face remained rather steady as his tail flicked with a hint of interest. Her response reminding him that he was now in a land unfamiliar with his native tongue...something he needed to remember.

Still...she did not seem needlessly aggressive at the moment.

Today didn't look like it was going to be a day that required firsthand evil...

Clearing his throat, he sighed a bit and rolled those shoulders. Muscle rippling throughout his heavy frame as water trickled down every rigid edge and carefully crafted mass of solid form. His strands of fur clinging to the side of his face as the water settled into his fur and made his reflective markings shimmer in the light as he bared his pearly white fangs in what one could assume was an amused smirk...a grin.

"Hmm...your alive...well that is good. Would of been a waste of an effort saving a corpse." He mused, tilting his head a bit and licking his obsidian maw as a growl erupted in his chest. "At any time. Lets avoid drowning ourselves eh luv?" He advised, taking a breath and exhaling for a moment. Waiting to see her reply...

Come now can see how this plays out.



5 Years
09-14-2016, 05:45 PM

Salmon hued tongue licks away the water that litters her facial features, her mind reeling as she tries to fully comprehend what is going on. She peers up at him and sees a smirk curl his lips, his teeth and gold markings shimmering from the suns rays in a display of gifted beauty. The gods were very kind to this man's complexion. The next time he speaks it is in English, and a sense of relief washes over her. Okay, so she isn't hallucinating. Time to clean her act up.

Clearing her throat she responds to him, her voice soft and composed. “Despite what you saw, none of that was intentional.” Slowly she collects herself, her small paws clawing the earth as she pulls herself up into a standing position. Shaking her pelt she frees herself from the water that weighs her down. Once she is content with her shaking she reclines onto her haunches and begins to lick herself clean. Starting with her right shoulder she keeps her crimson stare on him. Her gaze cordially lingers over his large frame as she makes mental notes. He is much larger than her, but it did not intimidate her. She has defeated much larger foes than he before. “Your timing was oddly accurate. A few more seconds and I would have been gone.” A short pause. “Were you watching me?” Right brow cocks as she asks him the simple question. It couldn't be a coincidence that he had gone for a swim and saw her sinking. She would have seen him, so he must have saw her go under from the shore.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"