
The Mud Queen



6 Years

09-08-2016, 09:01 PM

Why did it have to be so hot?

She'd left the plains to go somewhere where she thought would be a bit cooler. Her itch to travel hadn't dissipated since becoming an alpha and with everything so quiet at home she wanted an adventure. She couldn't really blame anyone for not wanting to do anything. The heat seemed to be sapping everyone's energy and making them lethargic. There were times that even she wanted to do nothing but stay in her shaded den to keep away from the harsh rays of the sun.

Rather than be a lazy stick in the mud, she'd left to go off on an exploration trip. The pack seemed to be growing in numbers so this time it wasn't a trip to see if she could bring anyone home. She mostly wanted new scenery and perhaps even a knew face to acquaint herself with. If she could find a cooler place to have some fun at that was a bonus.

It was noon by the time she'd crossed the Rio Grand. Even its waters seemed shallower than normal but it was refreshing nonetheless. By the time she had reached the range she wasn't even damp anymore and the sun had climbed higher than ever. Dried mud was still spattered across her legs from where she'd climbed out of the river but she didn't mind it. In fact an entire mud bath wouldn't have been a bad idea, but it was too late for it now.

Instead she carried herself around with her tail waving softly behind her. Dual colored gaze would soak in the entire area and she was met with an array of overgrown plants. There was corn, which she hadn't actually ever seen before, and many fruits too. The grapes in particular, of which she didn't actually know the name of, intrigued her and she padded over to a vine. Most seemed to be shriveled from lack of water but a few still seemed to be good. She wasn't sure if she should eat some but they smelled good. They had to taste as good as they smelled, right? Shrugging her shoulders she grabbed one between her teeth and chomped down on it and was surprised by the taste that met her tongue. It did taste pretty good!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

Maelstrom 1


4 Years
Extra large
09-09-2016, 03:59 AM
Taliesin Maelstrom Vortexus

Hoooo, ye gods, it was hot. And to a wolf with fur as black as his own? It was even hotter. Maelstrom had spent the better part of his time upon this continent sniffing around, giving the lands upon it a brief exploration, though not enough to do more than give him a passing knowledge of the terrain. He’d bumped into a few loners from time to time, though none had stayed to be a traveling companion, and by now, he was beginning to feel the pull of loneliness.

He’d run across this place earlier in the day, and had set about exploring, unaware that it had once belonged to a powerful pack. There were signs, however that it had been settled, both by the Old Ones – legends, creatures long since gone that had once ruled the lands – and by a pack. Some scents still lingered, and he gave them a wide berth, moving instead to walk along the river. He could smell the borders of a pack nearby, and took care to skirt it; a pack had taken the riverland, it seemed.

Finally, however, a newer, fresher scent caught his nose, and he paused, something niggling at the back of his mind as he bent to better sniff at it. A wolf had crossed to this shore, and not long past; the ground was still damp, and her paws had left a few clear tracks in the mud before she’d reached drier ground. That scent was familiar, though it had gained something distinctive… Hm.

He turned, decisively following her trail, relying on his nose when visible traces of her passage grew too faint to distinguish, until he at last found the female. He grinned as a name finally came to him, and he called out, rich, deep voice full of welcome. “Faite!”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years

09-09-2016, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2016, 11:23 AM by Faite.)

Faite sat back on her haunches and enjoyed herself. Ears would occasionally swivel back and forth as she got a bearing on her surroundings, but over all it seemed like she was alone. She was tempted to pull off another grape off the vine when she thought better of it and changed her mind. She was still a carnivore and meat would always be her diet. As much as she liked these things she could imagine there were herbivores that liked them better. Since those were the things wolves ate she'd leave the prey's food source alone.

Instead her mind would drift to the pack she'd smelled earlier after crossing the river. She'd missed Rivaxorus' challenge and had yet to scout out Myriad so Faite was more than a bit out of the loop. There was no denying there was a new pack on Boreas though. He'd she felt up to diplomacy at the moment she might have tried to go make friends, but at the moment she didn't care about pack allies. Regulus seemed to be better at it than she was anyways. She was more of a sit down and talk with someone individually kind of wolf.

She'd been rather lost in thought so she didn't hear the approach of another wolf. It wasn't until a friendly voice called out her name that she noticed she wasn't alone. She'd rise to her feet and whirl to meet the face only to be met by a dark coat with brilliant blue markings and a dazzling smile. She'd stare at him for a moment. She recognized him for sure, but his name didn't click into place until a moment later.

"Maelstrom! It's good to see you again. How have you been?" She smiled.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]

Maelstrom 1


4 Years
Extra large
09-10-2016, 05:20 AM
Taliesin Maelstrom Vortexus

It was nice to see a familiar – if you could call a wolf you’d only met once and briefly familiar – face, and his pleasure showed in his posture as she turned to see who had called her name. He could tell she was having to search a little for his name, but he was patient, and the patience was rewarded as she brightened, greeting him by name. An easy laugh answered her query and he cocked his head amiably, grinning, “It’s nice to see a friendly face. I’ve been alright; exploring, traveling, getting my bearings on the continent. How about yourself?”

His ears perked forward with interest. Judging by her slight change of scent, he guessed there was quite a bit of story to be told. After all, becoming an alpha was a big event in one’s life, wasn’t it? His haunches lowered o the ground, color tipped tail sweeping the ground. Call him young of heart, but he loved stories. And when they were being told by a pretty female? Even better.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years

09-13-2016, 05:05 PM

She hadn't missed his laugh and she grinned rather sheepishly at him. His face was surely recognizable, but his name had taken a moment to come to her. She certainly hadn't meant to forget it, but a lot had happened since they last met. She'd run into many new faces, learned a lot more names, and her brain had been more than occupied. It was only natural she forget a few things here and there.

He'd answer her, returning the question even, before settling himself next to her. She was intrigued by his own travels and what he'd seen and done since they'd ran into each other, but she refrained from questioning him for now. After all it'd be rude not to return an answer after all.

"I've been up to a lot actually." She admitted. "My brother promoted me as his secondary alpha so I've had quite a few duties to attend to. I've gone exploring, met quite a few wolves on my travels, and all in all have kept myself busy." She smiled at him. Probably not overly exciting, but exciting to her. "Have you met anyone or been anywhere exciting lately?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]