
back to eden {Fiori healer training!}



7 Years
09-11-2016, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2016, 09:08 PM by Evelyn.)

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

After the meeting, she knew that Leo had been disappointed with her performance, the pointed look to both her and her mate was enough to send a clear message. She had been so focused on bettering herself that training up all the little ones just completely left her mind. So, with a sigh, she gathered up her bundles of herbs. She had a bit of a game in mind! She wrapped her legs with the vines that she had brought back from her trip, holding fast the bunch of herbs that were pressed against her pale and grey fur. Grabbing the left overs in her mouth, she quickly made her way to the Sunset plains. Acting with as much haste as she could muster, she undid the wrapped leaves and took out the plants and other various things that she had gathered. Through out the whole plains, she stashed away the herbs, berries, furs, and even every day items. That was right, she was going to have a bit of a surprise in store for everyone! Excited for her plan, she walked back to the very bottom of the falls, sitting by the last pool. Even the heat had effected the once fast flowing water, there was hardly any spray as the water just kind of fell over the edge without much haste. A touch concerned, she tried to push it away as she focused on the very entertaining training that she had in mind. Sitting her tiny butt on the earth, she tipped up her head and let her call ring out loud and clear; it was time to learn a bit about healing, and have some fun in the process!

ooc;// There are going to be quite a few rounds here, so the first round will be due by September 14th. If you hold up the training, you will be skipped and will miss out! This is mandatory for all healer ranks, other members cam come if they wish!




4 Years
09-12-2016, 02:59 PM

A howl from his aunt caught his attention and Lionel found himself rushing towards it. He hadn't been up to much, but if she had something planned for the pack he wanted to be there. He had already planned to immerse himself in any and all training called if he could help it. So he rushed towards the falls and quickly made his way down it without falling. It seemed he was the first to arrive though and he'd glance around. His gaze would rest on his aunt and his tail would wave. "Hey Aunt Amalia! I hope you don't mind that I came." He grinned at her. He doubted she did, but he then again he was a bit excited. He'd take a seat near her and glance at the falls before looking around to see who else would show up.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]



9 Years
Athena I
09-12-2016, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2016, 10:48 PM by Leo.)

Leo perked up when he heard his sister's howl, a grin splitting his face. Finally! He was glad some more training sessions were popping up and more wolves were getting involved. He wasn't a healer and he certainly didn't know a lot about healing, but he wanted to be there to support his sister. After all, he had been wanting her to hold a healers training for a while now so it was only fair that he come along as well. He hurried to get up and trot toward where she had called from. He spotted her soon enough, along with Lionel. He gave his son a proud grin, happy to see that he was putting putting actions behind his words, and went over to Amalia to give her an affectionate nuzzle on her cheek. "Hey there, sis! What do you have planned for us today?" He asked as he settled down on his haunches beside her to wait for the training to start.

"Talk" "You" Think


09-13-2016, 03:47 PM

The girl liked it when her mother called for trainings, or anything, really. But especially for pack things. She felt more comfortable showing up, and her mother was very smart too. She wanted to be just as smart as her, especially when it came to healing. They both were, really, but healing and fighting respectively. This lesson would bring her one step closer to becoming that wise and all-knowing healer that she desired to be. So instead of dreading the training and the potential fear of showing her face and speaking to everyone, she arrived at the falls with a skip in her step, which was quite un-Diana-like. To her surprise, she was feeling very excited and bubbly. "Hi mama," she chirped to the cream-furred woman, nuzzling into her shoulder before seating herself just in front of the berries, as if watching over them.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Extra large
09-15-2016, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2016, 02:43 PM by Quelt.)

Quelt was no healer that was for certain, but as an old scholar he would apply himself. Who knows perhaps one day he'd need the information to give it out to his pups or even a stranger. So with a smile he showed up to the meeting, dipping his head towards Amalia he would center himself towards the back of the crowd. Maybe that way no one would interact with him unless Bright Moon came along. The male wasn't going to get any more social in his coming age. He still didn't think he was worth the time or effort, however he knew that he could work hard.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]

Bright Moon


6 Years
09-16-2016, 06:05 PM
Hearing the call for a healing lesson, Bright Moon felt conflicted. Her body was aching and fatigued, and she just wanted to keep resting in her den. But at the same time, she really wanted to attend the lesson, as she'd been interested in healing for a long time, but hadn't had many opportunities to learn or practice. Forcing her silver eyes to stay open, she took a few deep breaths and then heaved herself up to her paws. She knew she'd regret it if she missed this lesson. Slowly making her way across the territory, following the direction she knew that Amalia had called from. When she finally arrived, she realized she was quite late, but she was glad she had come. She smiled to the lead healer, then glancing around to see everyone else that was already there.

She padded over to Quelt's side, seating herself right next to him. As she glanced around, she caught sight of Lionel and smiled at the boy, then turned her smile to Leo. Lastly she caught sight of Diana, and if she could meet the young lady's gaze, she would offer a greeting smile. It had been a long time since she's spoken to the girl, and Bright hoped that everything was going well in her world. Now her attention flipped back to Amalia, and she quietly waited to hear what the healer had in store for them today.
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



7 Years
09-16-2016, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2016, 07:51 PM by Amalia.)

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Mathias

She wagged her little bunny tail when her nephew was the first to arrive, a huge smile on her face as more and more wolves started to show up. She shook her head at Lionel, of course she didn't mind that he came! The wolf who surprised her the most was her own daughter, who was usually very shy and reserved. But she just came bounding on in like nothing even mattered! She leaned over and nuzzled her little doppelganger, beaming at her girl. "Hey baby, you look bright eyed and bushy tailed today!" she chirped, watching as both Quelt and Bright Moon joined them. Her eyes were right on the silver woman, she had been gone and didn't know that she was carrying pups. Excitement grew within her, but she kept her mouth shut. For Amalia it was easy to spot a pregnant wolf, she had dedicated herself to studying them and their unborn children for so long that she knew the signs and smell very well. But did she know? Trying not to say anything, she waited a few more moments before looking around the small crowd. The tiny woman frowned, this was not the outcome that she had expected, nor wanted. Her game would not be as much fun with this many wolves, and she was unsure how well Bright Moon could play along. Letting out a sigh, she rolled her shoulders forward and tried to find her excitement again. It was still going to be fun, no matter how many wolves showed up.

"Well now, thank you to those who have showed up! For the first part of our healer training, we are going to play a bit of a game," she said, looking around at those gathered. "I am going to give you the name of a herb, one which I have hidden all across the falls. When I call go, you have to race off and find this herb! There is only one leaf hidden at a time, so don't bother trying to follow anyone. You then have to race back to me, and tell me what the use for that herb is. You will then be told the next herb, and you have to race off and find that one! But if you get it wrong, you have to stay until the very last wolf returns with the first herb. There are only two hidden herbs, so the first one to get the second herb and tell me its use correctly, wins!" She had a prize in mind, but she wasn't going to tell them yet! "After the game, I have a little more training in mind, but it's still going to be fun!" Amalia barked happily, her eyes roving over everyone there. She waited a few heartbeats before announcing the herb. The first one was a little easy, but the second one would not be so. "First herb is watercress, GO!"

ooc;// No posting order, since it's a race! But only one post per person until Ama posts again. Due Sept 18th


Bright Moon


6 Years
09-18-2016, 02:01 AM
She was glad she'd arrived when she did, as the healer was ready to get started immediately. Bright perked up with interest when Amalia told them that they were going to play a game. Her black-tipped tail wagged against the ground - now she was really pleased that she had made it in time. Although she wasn't feeling her greatest, she was intrigued by the idea of a game to learn about herbs and healing. She found herself leaning in slightly as the healer described to them the rules, and what they were expected to do in order to win. She wondered if she'd stand a chance in this game, and although she felt a slight twinge of nerves, she was eager to get started. When Ama announced the first herb and ordered them to go, the silver-coated woman got to her paws, nosing Quelt's shoulder for just a brief moment. "Good luck!" she said in a light-hearted tone. Excited, she took off, hoping to be the first to get out there and find the herb, although she was sure the rest of the participants would soon be searching eagerly.

She knew what watercress looked like, but she wondered if she would remember its scent and be able to find it quickly. And... oh, what was it used for again? She would have to try to conjure up a memory as she sought out the herb itself. Following her nose, she plodded into the woods around the falls, searching under mossy logs, and behind big rocks. As she wandered closer to the falls, she picked up a scent that she recognized, and it became apparent to her that it was the watercress she was looking for. Speeding off towards it, her mind occupied enough by the game to ignore her earlier feelings of fatigue. When the scent was close, its fragrance heavy in the air, she dropped her nose to the ground, snuffling around a water-soaked rock. Aha! There it was, one of the single leaves of watercress that Ama had planted. Delicately Bright picked it up and turned around, plodding determinedly back to where the healer was, as her mind searched for answers as to its use.

It looked like she was the first one back (assuming everyone else has set out), or so she hoped - she wondered if anyone else had already found the herb and set out for the second one? But it didn't really matter, she would just have to do her best. The scent was a refreshing one, and she was pretty sure she knew what it was for if she remembered correctly. "Amalia, I found the watercress," she said softly, placing it down in front of the healer, "Is it for coughs?"
[Image: zeB2pXm.png]



10 Years
09-19-2016, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2016, 06:27 PM by Ara.)
Ara hadn't meant to be late. She knew what Leo had said, and had taken it to heart - she needed to participate in Fiori life, and to not leave without warning him. The woman had been outside of packlands when Amalia's call sounded, and she would quickly scramble to answer it, abandoning the small bundle of herbs she had collected. She really ought to to find a way to transport them more easily. She'd seen some old scraps of fabric that might do.. she thought over it for awhile as she walked, heading toward Amalia's call.

Her pace was quickened, and she found herself panting audibly as she drew toward the group that had gathered. She was late, considerably so; she found her face growing warm as her gaze scanned over them. She hoped Leo wouldn't be upset at her absence, but instead happy she had joined. She caught the tail end of Amalia's words as she moved closer and sat down quietly. Herbs had been hidden, and they had to find them.

Needing to catch her breath for now, she'd sit as some of the others raced off, searching for watercress. Maybe she could hear the second one and find it quickly enough! She didn't care much for winning anything, but she did have to participate and hopefully it would be a welcome distraction from her solemn thoughts these days.



4 Years
09-22-2016, 12:20 PM

His Dad was the second to arrive and he wagged his tail and a grin at him before turning his attention to everyone else who arrived. A cousin showed up, the gray scarred man he'd sat with one meeting, Bright Moon herself (who he returned the grin to), and that seemed to be it. Such a small meeting! He glanced to his aunt to see how she'd take it, but he had high hopes more would show up later. Maybe they were just running late! He was disappointed to see none of his siblings there, but Heather had already made it known she wanted to fight. Maybe Alfred didn't wanna learn to heal either? Oh well. And then there was Roza... he wasn't sure what she wanted to do.

Amalia didn't seem to want to wait too long so he listened intently. White ears perked up at the idea of a game. That sounded like fun and a lot less dangerous than hunting porcupines. His face fell a bit when she said she'd hidden herbs all over the falls for them to find. He didn't really know many herbs except for the most common ones. Maybe he should just sit and watch... He was more interested in the training afterwords so he wasn't bothered too much.

She told them the first herb and he realized he didn't know what watercress was or its uses so he remained seated near his aunt. He watched as Bright Moon ran off and another wolf showed up to the meeting. It was a woman he hadn't really seen before. He didn't focus on her long as Bright Moon came back. He noted the herb she'd found and smiled softly at her achievement. He took in the scent of the herb and tried to get a good look at it for later. Even if he couldn't really participate he was going to try and learn as much he could from the adults.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: ouBhbyt.png]
[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]