
Fantasize for Tragedy



3 Years
09-16-2016, 10:04 PM
Anything you say can and will be held against you

The pale wolf was once again on the move, this time passing through lands that were green and full of life. Those pools of sapphire glanced about his surroundings, rounded audits flicking on top of his crown as the sounds of the birds chirping within the thick canopies over head. Paws would carry him out onto the beach, his toes spreading and sinking within the grains. His banner would flick behind him, and columns carrying him toward the waters edge. He peered down into the water, contemplating a swim before lowering himself within the crystalline water, his limbs carrying him easily into the water. It lapped at his chest and underbelly until he entered enough for it to begin climbing up his sides, and the male sighed softly in content. Eyelids would slowly lower over his eyes, and rounded audits were still listening to the cheerful song of the birds that were not far from him, still within the jade covered canopy of the forest.

He didn't know how long he stayed there motionless, and just let the water caress him as if he were it's lover. Of course, he wasn't. That would just be weird. However, it didn't change how gentle it brushed against his pale coat, or how it seemed to comb fingers through the few knotted tendrils that he retained. Finally, ocean hued optics would open slowly, almost a if he was drunk. He was just extremely relaxed, and for once it was welcome to him.

It was with a heavy heart that the male decided that despite it's relaxing properties he'd had enough of the water, and began to leisurely take his time back toward dry land. He didn't linger in the sand, no -- he didn't want to be picking sand out of his coat for the next three days. So, he crossed the beach as quickly as he could, and crossed back into the green forests. It was here that he paused long enough to shake himself dry, the water droplets flinging about him before he stilled. He cast one last look around before spotting a spot that was was partially in the sun, but allowed him to lean up lazily against one of the tree trunks. He pressed his right shoulder against it, and lay upon the ground with a soft huff. He didn't sleep -- no, he wasn't tired. He did let his eyelids flutter over his eyes halfway, however, and it was here that he rested.

"Talk here."



2 Years
09-17-2016, 01:21 AM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2016, 05:50 PM by Deacon.)

The black male had decided to stay on Ibon Isle after his meeting with Mortar, loving the way it was peaceful and quiet. He'd had so much craziness early on in his life that he was currently taking the peaceful silence for granted. Above him, the birds chirped and sang happily, merrily, a soft smile gracing his maw as he licked his legs clean, the tang of salty water exploding over his tongue. He'd just climbed out of the water after taking an early morning swim to try and beat the heat that was no doubt building already. The humidity was already building, and it was nearly stifling. A soft snort left Deacon's nostrils as he stood and stretched, his banner wagging a little as he padded back toward the water, the waves lapping at the beach gently, softly. His weight caused him to sink a little in the wet sand, and he lowered his crown to sniff at the water, his muzzle wrinkling up when he realized that he certainly couldn't drink this down. Well, not without becoming even more thirsty.

Quietly turning, he made his way back to the wispy green vegetation, slipping into the shadows that the canopies of the trees were laying down upon the world. Carefully, Deacon laid himself upon the gentle slope that led to a small pond, his eyelids sliding shut over vivid hunter green chasms. His banner was tucked comfortably, firmly against his left side, a gentle sea breeze ruffling his fur. A soft hum traveled the length of his body as he opened his chasms and watched the fish swim in the crystal clear water, a soft smile on his maw as he laid his crown upon his outstretched forelimbs.

He lost track of time, but he eventually found himself waking, his crown lifting, maw parting in a powerful yawn, one that had his body quivering in the effort. Slowly, Deacon stood and stretched out his muscles, a soft groan leaving his throat as he turned and began walking back to the beach, hunter green chasms locking on the pale male that was making his way across the beach and crossing back into the forest greens. Deacon remained where he stood, audits perked high atop his cranium, which was canted to the side slightly. A curious look crossed the black male's face as he quietly watched the male shake himself dry, his body standing behind the male now as the pale one leaned lazily against one of the tree trunks. Carefully, quietly, slowly, Deacon approached him, drawn by some invisible force, drawn by his own curiosity. "Hello. I don't... I don't mean to scare you. I just... I was coming back through here on my way elsewhere, and I saw you leaning against the tree, a-and I wasn't sure if you were okay. Are you? Okay, I mean." For some unknown reason, the pale male looked familiar, but Deacon couldn't place where he knew him from.

text. "speech."



3 Years
09-21-2016, 05:44 PM
Anything you say can and will be held against you
He hadn't been expecting anyone else to show up. In fact, he had been starting to doze off - maybe even day dream - when rounded audits flicked forward at the approach of another. Ocean blue optics would glance up, and gaze upon the face of a black colored wolf with a scarred face and chest. Set within his skull were orbs of hunter green that Casthiel felt nearly drawn to. He blinked softly at the male, his words escaping him for a moment as static filled his mind. When he remembered that it was not polite to just stare he cleared his throat, and turned his audits back to paint against his cranium. "Ah, hello." He whispers softly, his shoulder still press firmly against the trunk of the tree. The male went, rambling as if he didn't know what to say but wanted to hold a conversation with Casthiel all the same.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking." The male wolf woofed, his banner wagging slightly behind him as his gaze glanced over the entirety of the black males frame. He was muscular, and scarred in various places. He was quiet for a few more moments, ducking his crown some-what shyly. He was cute -- but something about him caused his head to ache just a little bit. Almost like memories were trying to resurface but couldn't quite make it past the barrier in my head. Why was the appearance of this strange wolf stirring memories that he couldn't uncover himself no matter how much he tried, no matter how much he wanted to remember. "M-my name is Casthiel." He offered shyly, his banner wagging bashfully behind him as heat flushed his cheeks and collarbone.

"What's yours?" He inquired, audits perking on top of his skull once again in interest to know more about the black male.

"Talk here."