
the simple BEAR necessities

Vadim I


3 Years

09-20-2016, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2016, 02:46 PM by Vadim I.)

When I played Vadim before, he had a best friend and puppy crush. Although, she wasn't your average girl, no. She was twice his size and quite round.

She was, in fact, a syrian brown bear. The image below was the reference I used for her.

I used to play her as a companion, however on Ardently things work differently and that's quite alright! I will enjoy having someone dedicated to playing her. I do want there to be a romance between the two, despite their differences, but the rest I'm going to leave entirely up to you.

800 gems is quite a lot, I know. I'm willing to pay half or all of it, but it will take some time for me to gather that much so she might be on hold for awhile. Please state whether or not you are willing to cover none, some, half, or all of the gem cost to create this character. Covering at least half ensure that this character will always be YOURS, the art that I purchased of the two of them is half yours, meaning I will never adopt out this character and you will be able to use it on any other site that you wish. If I am paying for the character, then it will remain mine and I will continue to adopt it out if you go inactive. Any art/tables/codes made for the character will go with it. ;3;

I WILL make you a cute table to match Vadim's using the art above. <3

<b>Character's Name:</b>
<b>Gender:</b> Please keep this female unless you have a very good dynamic in mind for the two.
<b>Romance:</b> Are you up for there being an awkward romance that blossoms between Vadim and your character as they grow?
<b>Age:</b> Keep in mind bears grow a lot slow than wolves.
<b>History:</b> What happened to her before she met Vadim? Why does she want to spend time with a wolf as opposed to other bears?
<b>Personality:</b> 100 words, at least.
<b>Appearance:</b> 100 words, I know she has pictures but I want to see how you are when describing her.
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



2 Years
09-20-2016, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2016, 07:35 PM by Ainsley.)
Name: Blueberry
Character's Name: Naveah
Gender: Female
Romance: Yep!
Age: Cub (Older than Vadim, kinda closer to a year)
History: What happened to her before she met Vadim? Why does she want to spend time with a wolf as opposed to other bears?
Personality: With her companion being darker in personality, Naveah is a surprising contrast to her friend. She's soft spoken,
Appearance: 100 words, I know she has pictures but I want to see how you are when describing her.



4 Years
09-27-2016, 09:13 PM
I am very interested in this, and would like to aim for half payment for her. And if gems are gained sooner than expected, I will be good with paying the full price.

Name: Pluto
Character's Name: Europa (open to suggestions)
Gender: Female
Romance: Definitely
Age: Considering brown bears leave their mother around 2.5, rarely around 1.5. And depending on when the gems are earned for her, I want to say either a few months to a year older than Vadim.
History: She has a common raising with those of her kind. Born with a brother to a single mother, father having made his mark by impregnating the sow and then going on his way. She followed and learnt from her mother. About how to find food such as berries and fruit, which ones could be eaten and which should be avoided. Meat was more difficult to obtain, and not guaranteed to bring down with every hunt. She would fail a lot, but when onewa captured, it was enough to sustain for a week or two. Solitary beasts, you stay away from another’s turf and continue on your way if you don’t want trouble. And if you are to come into contact with a male, run. As a child, you are not guaranteed safety just because you are beside your mother. Run and hide, and if there are no places to duck into, trees are your next target. A male will kill you, even go as far as to kill your mother. His genes should pass on, not another man’s. It is during a battle such as that where her brother is killed and mother left to die slowly. The children were exploring and playing, their ruckus bringing the attention of an older man. He comes in and upon seeing the kids he immediately swipes and crushes the life out of her sibling. Moving to the girl he only has enough time to grab her scruff before mother comes to the rescue. The girl runs as fast and as far as she can, looking back to witness her mother’s throat being torn, body falling in a heap at his feet. (It would be after this that she would encounter Vadim hopefully, the mental distress giving an opportunity to tie them. If the gems can be earned within that time. and if after the pup she is able to come in, then I will come up with a different story.)
Personality: (adjustments can be made if you suggest. definitely open to them since I’m really interested in this and would like to have them work together) A solitary creature by nature. She roams the landscape in search of food, adventure, and overall freedom. There is no problem with being alone, able to keep herself entertained or occupied without really trying. Exploration is quite invigorating, especially when finding a secret that has not yet been discovered by others. She indulges in it, memorizes every inch so that she may return at a later time to enjoy once more. It is just the same when she finds a new meal. The item is treated like a treasure, and can not be eaten like a peasant meal. No, she must create a feast all together.There are mini rituals she must, activities that lead to it. And if not before, then after. Something must be done to prove its worth. And freedom. She enjoys not being tied to a group. Able to go where she pleases and for however long she wishes. Feel the freezing depths of a river, the pounding winds of the mountain. It goes to say she is a curious and lively woman. That which she does not understand must be learnt. She has to find a way to see the gears turn together, what pushes it, and what it drives. Interactions with others are foreign but it does not mean she is completely awkward. The woman is willing to allow the presence of another, to figure them out and see what they bring or seek themselves. Drawing a near obsession with the being if she grows a liking to them. You are hers, and she is yours. You do things together, share stories and feelings. A fascination grows, making it near impossible to break unless great trauma comes. she supports you and your actions, giving her heart for it all. She will keep a distance however if they turn out to be a force she wishes to avoid. A demon surfacing, the vicious beast her kind is known for. She becomes a force, coming down on you with no mercy. Your existence becomes a problem, and it must be extinguished. Especially if you come between her and a companion.
Appearance: She is no giant, nor is she a dwarf. The girl carries herself with an air of confidence, or perhaps naive. Weight is thrown around with little thought as to whether she will crush what is beneath or in her path, so it is best to steer clear. Ferocity is hidden beneath the fluff that you see, those rich brown eyes able to stare right into the soul. You will see emotions you have not seen before, gain a better understanding of the world around you. This mass of brown stands near forty inches at the shoulders when she is at a leisurely walk, pushing her highlighted skull through vegetation and scooping up delicious berries. In contrast to the face are a pair of darkened ears, nearing black in coloration as they sway atop her head. In comparison to her brethren, she is darker and more highlighted. similar to the ears her legs are engulfed halfway with darker tones of brown, stretching up the backside of her forelimbs and connecting behind the hump. From the head down is a web work of highlights, moving down her neck, dusted in lighter tones near the base. And spreading from the shoulder work, crossing over the back and avoiding the hind limbs. Even reaching to the back side of her small tail. There is something hidden on her however, a dusting of grey across the back and behind the shoulders, spreading from one side to the other about halfway down the ribs. and thus this creatures the woman before you. She gives off the feeling of curiosity, adventure, kindness and hidden strength.

Vadim I


3 Years

09-28-2016, 02:19 AM
Well thought out app, Pluto! I can see you researched their aging process a bit and how they get by, it's quite different from wolves! :D I currently have 400/800 gems, but I am going to leave this open a bit longer and see if anyone else wants to apply.
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



4 Years
09-28-2016, 09:15 AM
Okay, sounds good. (: