
We were kind've heroes, wicked little machines.

Vadim I


3 Years

09-22-2016, 01:15 PM

Vadim could barely contain himself, hopping his weight back and forth as if he was weaving through an obstacle course... but he was just excitedly jumping in front of his brother as they prepared for battle. He finally took a more serious demeanor about it all as Ramsay got into place, setting up his defenses like Avalon had just demonstrated. Limbs strategically placed to square his balance, toes stretching apart while his talons dug into the earth to anchor him in place. His tail reluctantly found it's way between his legs, barely having enough control to keep it from waving behind him wildly with excitement.

He'd been watching his paws to make sure he was doing it all correctly, though now he looked to his brother and narrowed his gaze. He was giving him a mischievously playful, toothy grin that spoke volumes for the heart that wildly beat within the confines of it's cage, rattling at the bars as it eagerly wanted for things to start. He was patient for now, however, lowering his ears as he made sure Ramsay had all his defenses up and ready as well.

His eyes flashed momentarily over to the darker, round bellied woman that sat herself next to them. A spectator? The tip of his tail wiggled, threatening to let go of it's defensive position between his legs, but he contained himself and issued a yip in Ramsay's direction, "Come on, let's get this started!"

Vadim vs. Ramsay || Fight Training || 1/3
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



4 Years
09-23-2016, 10:54 PM

A wide, toothy grin was plastered upon Ramsay's maw as he and his brother prepared themselves for their spar. He tried his best to ignore their spectator, and luckily she remained fairly silent. Maybe she would just let them practice on their own and figure it out. He didn't really want any advice, especially from someone he didn't know - who was she anyway? What could she tell him that his dad couldn't? Ignoring the chunky woman assigned to them, his olive green eyes would stay focused on his brother as the boy put his newly learned defensive postures into place. Trying it out for himself, Ramsay placed his paws equally apart, bending all of his legs to lower himself closer to the ground, while spreading his toes over the dirt and digging his nails in. Getting a good feel for it, he lowered his head to align with his spine, and tucked his tail like Avalon had advised. His black-rimmed ears tucked back, and he narrowed his eyes as his brother insisted they get started, sounding a little impatient and excited. He squared himself up so that he was head on with Vadim, his rump wiggling with anticipation.

"Alright, let's do this!" he yipped, as he then attempted to leap forward at his brother, hoping to close the small distance between them (after all, they were normally attached at the hip). It was a playful motion, as he lifted his over-sized forepaws off the ground, awkwardly shifting his weight to his hinds and nearly losing his balance in the process. His aim was to press his forepaws onto the front of Vadim's shoulders - his left forepaw aimed for Vadim's right shoulder, right forepaw aiming for Vadim's left shoulder, hoping to push his brother backward - he had to give it a try and see what he might be capable of. He also hoped to balance his weight against his brother's form with this move, so his weight was now shifting forward. Laughing as though he already expected to win or take the advantage, Ramsay opened his little jaws, aiming a nip straight toward the end of Vadim's nose, trying to leave a stinging, but mild bruise with his puppy teeth. Now, how was his heavier brother going to respond?

Vadim vs. Ramsay || Fight training || 1/3


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!

Vadim I


3 Years

09-24-2016, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2016, 01:36 AM by Vadim I. Edit Reason: Forgot to add the footnotes. Overseen by Eve! )

As Ramsay excitedly announced the start of their fight and engaged the first attack, Vadim's adrenaline naturally began to soar. The fur along the back of his neck rose immediately, an attempt to make himself more intimidating though it also helped to protect his scruff while it was raised.. not that he had any knowledge of that yet!

His eyes narrowed quickly, almost as if he were flinching to keep them protected, while he watched Ramsay launch himself at him. The laugh made him release one as well, and he lightened up a bit when he felt Ramsay push into his right shoulder and successfully making Vadim lose a bit of his balance. His forepaws stumbled but found their footing quickly since he had kept his weight evenly distributed and anchored so that he wouldn't be caught too off balance. He felt Ramsay keep his weight on his shoulders, though the heavier of the two got an idea! It would have to be put on hold, though.. as he watched Ramsay's teeth seeking out his nose, it wouldn't be too hard to land that bite, as Vadim had his head facing his brother the whole time. As Ramsay's teeth came toward him, his instincts reacted in a flash while trying to make the damage as minimal as possible for his sensitive nose. His upper lip lifted, flashing his fangs.. he was going through the transition from milk teeth to adult teeth, so there were a few of his middle teeth missing and he honestly looked quite silly, but when he grew this move would be a bit more intimidating. At least, one would hope. Lifting his lip also wrinkled up the fatty meat surrounding his nose while his jowls swung open, ready to bite back if he needed to. His lower jaw swung open wide, half from his over-zealous grin and half to protect his throat beneath. When he felt his brother's teeth land on his nose, he was surprised by just how sensitive it was and his tongue wriggled while he shook his head to try and get away.. he would be sure to have a little bruising around the edges where his brother's molars were. He quickly pulled his head back, causing a few mild scratches, but that wasn't Ramsay's fault. He wasn't down for the count, though! Not by a long shot, he was ready to execute the plan that had been forming in his head.

After he'd pulled away, he knew he had to act fast and hopefully before his brother had time to fully realize what he was doing. He prepared his attack, giggling as he yelled out, "You'll have to do better than that, brother!"

The weight of his gut lowering a bit on his back legs to keep him closer to the ground and leaving his front legs able to move quickly, then he launched them quickly to the left, away from Ramsay, and landed with his frame facing away from his brother and his butt in Ramsay's face. He wasn't scared for his tail, it was still tucked between his legs but he did widen out his limbs once again and lower his chest to the ground.

Then, it came! His first attack. With his weight relying on his forelimbs now, he kicked his heavier back legs behind him like a bucking bronco and aimed them toward Ramsay's chin in an effort to return the bruise he'd taken on his own nose. He was unsure of how well he'd be able to aim his hind legs like this, but given their closeness and the oddness of such an attack, he hoped it would work in his favor and leave moderate bruising while he kept the majority of his body safely away from Ramsay. Or so he thought. What had Avalon said? Something about a great defense being a good.. offense.. something like that. Yes! He was doing that!

Vadim vs. Ramsay || Fight Training || 2/3
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



4 Years
10-04-2016, 12:27 AM

He felt his own little fangs drag over his brother's nose, leaving small scratches, and at that point he pulled back at the same time Vadim did. He placed his forepaws back on the ground, watching curiously with a slight tilt of his head as Vadim whipped around; was he going to run away? Forgetting to set his defenses as he was distracted by his brother's movement, he left himself wide open for a kick in the chops. He felt the back of Vadim's right heel knock him under the chin, leaving a moderate bruise, and causing his jaws to click shut audibly, knocking out a loose milk tooth, one of his tiny little fangs. He took a step backward, shaking his head, his tongue running along his gums as blood leaked from the space where the tooth had been. "Bleh!" he complained as his own blood stained his tongue.

Bending his legs at the knees and elbows, shifting his weight to his hind legs as he prepared to leap at his brother. His ears tucked back, his little puppy butt wiggling as his tail flagged out behind him. His hackles were still raised, and his little puppy muzzle wrinkled up almost comically to reveal his small teeth. He launched himself forward, hoping to make a big leap at his brother. "You left your butt unprotected!" he called out, turning his body slightly to his right as he tried to slam the front of his left shoulder blade into the back of Vadim's right thigh. He hoped to leave a mild bruise there. Narrowing his eyes naturally as he moved, he tried to remember the lesson they'd just had, but for the moment it was kind of just over his head, and he was really just having more fun than actually trying to fight seriously.

Turning his head to his left and slightly upward, he aimed a nip at Vadim's butt as he laughed mischievously, just to the right of the boy's tail base, hoping to leave a mild bruise there. He hoped he'd landed his nip, it would be hilarious to know he'd bit his brother right in the butt. But then, he wondered what Vadim would do next, and how would he have to react?

Ramsay vs. Vadim | Fight training | Round 2/3


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!

Vadim I


3 Years

10-04-2016, 12:52 AM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

Ha! It worked, he felt his right heel shut his brother's jaws before they met the ground again and he radiated in a feeling of pride as a result. He had a mischievous grin on his face as his neck remained level with his spine but twisted to look back at his brother as best as he could. Haha, he'd been so clever, Ramsay didn't see it coming, aaah it was great!

He'd been gloating a little bit too long, it seemed. He heard Ramsay's words ring out, 'You left your butt unprotected!' Oh no. His eyes went wide in an instant as he felt the impact of his brother's slam into his right thigh with a force that would surely leave a bit of bruising and also push him forward just a little. His puppy toes gripped the soil as he tensed up to keep himself from falling like some sort of toddler, boy that would be humiliating. Almost as humiliating as being bit on the butt by your favorite brother. Oh wait. The nip that came to his tail base made him drop his bum almost immediately, letting it hit the soil as he sat to keep his brother from being able to bite it anymore. He couldn't believe Ramsay had just been able to do that, and immediately he erupted into childish laughter.

With his rump already in the soil, the boy decided to roll to the left and get onto his back and use his limbs as his weapons. He kept his mouth open as he laughed, still barring his fangs at his brother now that he could see him better as his tail remained curled between his hind legs. He aimed his hind paws for the middle of his brother's chest, talons scraping a little though not at all sharp enough to leave any sort of lacerations. He just wanted a bit of soreness and returned bruising for what had been done to his butt! His little heart raced as he continued to laugh and growl, his forelimbs outstretched toward Ramsay's face as if he was some sort of boxer and was using them to protect his own.

Honestly, by now, he had nearly forgotten that this was supposed to be fight training and he had no knowledge of his defenses while on the ground and belly up. Right now he was just focused on having fun! Bring it, brother!

Ramsay vs. Vadim || Fight Training || Round 3/3
html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



4 Years
10-04-2016, 01:31 AM

"Gotcha!" the boy called out the obvious as he nipped Vadim's rear, and saw his brother sit his butt down quickly in response. As his brother rolled backward to his left, Ramsay blinked, seeing Vadim's tail between his legs, it reminded him he was supposed to be... remembering that sort of stuff. So he flicked his tail down between his legs, shifting his paws in the dirt as he tried to even out his stance, bending his knees and elbows as he lowered his center of gravity... and prepared to pounce on his brother, who was now on his back, flailing his legs out. His other defenses went mostly forgotten, although his hackles were still raised from the excitement, and his ears lay flat against his head. Naturally, his eyes remained narrowed as he tried to pounce toward his brother, his forepaws lifting, weight shifting clumsily to his hind legs as he tried to bring both forepaws down right in the middle of Vadim's belly to try to wind him just a little.

As he moved toward Vadim, his brother's hind legs kicked out again, this time landing in the middle of his chest, between his forelegs, leaving a mild bruise. He tried to push forward against Vadim's legs, his little jaws opening as he tried to reach forward and aim another bite at his brother's nose. But his brother's forepaws had come forward toward his face, and batted him on the right cheek, preventing him from getting close enough to land a bite. Well, this wasn't going to work, was it? Laughing, he dropped all of his weight onto Vadim, letting his legs go limp as he tried to squish the boy, not sure what he would accomplish, but it seemed like it might be his only option left. Okay, he and his brother had a long way to go in learning to fight, and a lot of maturing to do in order to be able to focus on this in a more serious manner.

Ramsay vs. Vadim | Fight training | 3/3


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!

Head Judges


02-05-2017, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2017, 01:48 PM by Head Judges.)
And the winner is...

Ramsay! Due to Vadim being set inactive, the fight has defaulted in Ramsay's favor.