
My Heart Is A Landmine



9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-22-2016, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2016, 10:13 PM by Silva.)

It had been quite a long while since she'd been back here. Though she hadn't gone very far to begin with. The silver toned girl had remained even some time after the pack of Donostrea had disbanded, but eventually she had shuffled off to avoid the loneliness that had plagued her. She never found out where Glacier and Ray had gone, she just knew that one day...they simply weren't there anymore. None of them were, and it had always made her sad. She didn't know why they left without telling her, but she always hoped that one day she would see them again. She had considered seeking out her older siblings, knowing that they probably weren't too far. She hadn't seen any of them since her father was killed, so it made her wonder how they were. Mostly Obscuro, was he still alive and well? She knew he had trouble with his blindness, but she didn't really know where to start looking. What about her other siblings? Her litter mates? While she was aware that her eldest siblings weren't the best company, she still felt that she should seek them out since she had nothing else. They were her only family now, she supposed. Both her parents were dead, and Glacier? She only hoped he was happy somewhere and still playing with Ray. She felt the pang in her heart, a low whine in her throat as she sat near the once marked borders.

Walk,  "Speak" Think



4 Years
Extra large
09-23-2016, 09:33 AM

He wasn't quite sure why he was coming back here of all places. Ever since he'd left he'd made a point to never to return to it. Maybe it was for a lack of anywhere else to go. Whatever the case, he was back here and looking upon the familiar prairie where they'd first found him made it feel like something was sticking inside of his throat. Already he was picturing all the adventures Ray and him had gone on and all the trouble they'd caused together because she'd somehow managed to convince him that it was a good idea. He could hear all the stories she'd told him, some made up, and some told to her by her family. He could remember Glacier and Anais and Voltage and how nice everyone had been to him.

And then he could remember them just being gone.

That was the hardest part. He could have understood it a little bit more if someone had told him where they were going or where they'd disappeared to after they had left. Instead they were just gone without a trace and they'd left him behind. That part was the most soul crushing for him. Glacier had even called him his son and then turned around and abandoned him like he meant nothing and that's what hurt the most.

Feeling quite dejected, he traveled along the border. He was reluctant to go any further. He knew what lay past the unseen line that had long since been forgotten. Nothing. No one was there except for maybe a loner or two and he certainly wouldn't find any of the Elementas family. He was completely and utterly alone and a part of him felt like that's how it was going to be for the rest of his life. He was cursed: doomed to live in an eternity of misery of being alone.

Except he wasn't as alone as he thought today. He'd come to a pause as he saw a silver figure with darker gray on her sitting where the border used to be. She seemed to be staring into the territory. What was she doing. Awkwardly he padded closer and stopped a few feet away. Resisting the urge to stare down at his feet he instead shuffled in place.

"Looking for someone?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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