
Among The Petals



08-08-2014, 12:56 AM

She had been restless all morning, pacing and reorganizing the den, often shifting the plush bedding from one side to the other. She was fully aware what was happening well before her contractions started. Often she would leave the den to get a drink of water, making sure to stay well hydrated for the oncoming time of her birth. Excitement and worry pitted in her belly like a huge knot. She could not wait to look upon the forms of her children with Cael, picking out names for them. But this was her first litter, and even a den mother, a seasoned healer could get nervous. She wished Erani was here with her, to guide her through this time and ease those worries away.

It most have been late afternoon when the contractions grew stronger and the pauses between then shorter. Standing outside the den sky blue eyes lifted up, checking the position of the sun. If all went well and quick she could be completely done by nightfall. She let out a short call to Cael, indicating it was time. A gasp stole the air out of her lungs, ending her howl promptly. Head lowered, even with her spine. She wouldn't go to the den just yet. One more trip to the fresh water and she should be ready by the time she returned. She knew walking helped quicken the process, hopefully Cael would be ready with herbs when she returned.

The return took far longer than she thought. Her paws dragged in the dirt and it took all her will power not to just stop where she was. These contractions were killing her, the pain was like fire in her lower belly, the sharp pain like someone latching their jaws into her. She was panting heavily as she reached the den and her mind went into auto. She said nothing and made a bee line right into the den and upon the soft bedding. Soon, soon her children would enter this world.




8 Years
Extra large
08-09-2014, 07:16 PM

Head lifted at he sound of a howl, ears swiveling around to determine a general direction it had come from. Since he had found the pregnant woman Imena and her mate Cael, the man had been sticking around this area mainly between searches for his family and any other Valhallans. Sure, he could have gone on since the male was with her, but he wouldn't always be there, he had to go out to hunt for them every now and then. Besides, after the children were born he was sure after some time with them, the two would want to have some alone time. Deviant didn't mind babysitting, he loved children, if no one else could tell by the many he had with his mate before disaster struck.

Wasting no more time the man would grab the rabbit he just caught and set off. First he would head to the other rabbit he had hid just minutes earlier, quickly snagging it from the bit of vegetation. With those he would then turn and head towards where Imena and Cael had made heir den, just taking a few minutes from his current position.

Only knowing each other for a few weeks now, the group seemed to trust each other and became friends almost immediately. That was another reason why he was going to the woman with these rabbits, to support the two, assist in any way, and make sure she had a meal for when the children were born. Moving at a quick jog he would arrive within minutes, slowing to a walk once he was a few feet from the den. Respecting her personal space he would stop outside the den, setting the rabbits down and catching his breath. "Is it time Miss Imena?" He'd ask, standing just before the den's entrance.




10 Years
Athena I
08-10-2014, 04:58 PM

Cael had been watching Imena so closely the past few weeks and had hardly left her side, only leaving when he had to hunt. He knew full well that she would be due any day now so he had torn himself away for just a moment to find the herbs that would help his mate with her labor. He ended up having to wander a bit farther than she would have liked in his search so when Imena's howl reached his ears he immediately cursed the timing of his search. Luckily he had managed to gather all the herbs he had been looking for, that was a small blessing he could be thankful for. Cael quickly gathered up his finds and ran back toward their den at full speed, covering the distance between him and his mate as quickly as he could.

When he arrived he saw Deviant, the male that had found them not too long ago, at the den's entrance. Cael skidded to a halt, giving a brief, grateful nod to the other wolf before slipping past him into the den. He would have thanked their new friend if it wasn't for his mouthful of herbs. Cael went straight to his mate's side, gently setting the herbs by her muzzle and panting gently from his run. "There, take those, dear... You're doing fine, just fine." He laid down beside her, giving gentle, encouraging licks to her forehead and cheeks.

ooc: too lazy to look up birthing herbs xD




08-10-2014, 06:29 PM

Being alone was slightly frightening, what if something went wrong? She shook her head, no even if she had to she could do this alone. She had been a den mother for years and trained under Erani and had once held the title of Primary Theta. She could do this as long as she remained calm. Though when a voice sounded outside she could not help to sigh of relief. Deviant had proved to be a loyal and trustworthy friend. All three of them had hit it off rather well. So well Imena had considered to ask him to be the Godfather of her children, but still needed to ask Cael about it.Yes Deviant, they are ready. She called back in a calm and steady voice from inside the den.

The contractions were growing stronger, blindfully painful but she was determined. She wasn't sure when in that time Cael arrived. But she couldn't have been more grateful to have him there. She quickly lapped up the herbs he brought, thank the heavens she wasn't the only healer. Her claws dug into the soil, head breathing harsh and labored. This was it, the first pup was making it's way into the world. She did not fight it, did not fear but grew excited, anxious to see the first born pup, to look upon what Cael and she had created. The process was running smoothly, if not a little bit fast. A pup emerged at her hindquarters and naturally she turned to snap him from the sack and clean him off. Oh what a brilliant ebony little boy. His fur glistened in the gloom, darker than the shadows. She gently moved him to her belly before her head laid back down on the floor. Her sky blue eyes never leaving her son. He was so handsome, full of warmth and life. Already she adored him, it was all in one first look and her whole world moved around him.

In no time another was rushing to make its entrance into the world. It took longer, her strength slowly ebbing away from her. She was growing so tired and feared she'd pass out from exhaustion by the end of it all. But alas a second pup laid on the earth. Unlike her brother she was the complete opposite. White as snow, pure. She seemed to radiant in the den and was immediately crying out, sharp and hoarse. It took a lot of effort for Imena to move her to her belly next to her brother without bumping her. The little girl was so tiny though, so light in weight. When Imena laid her down she gasped at how tiny she was compared to her brother, not only that but she was so thin. Worry creased her brows, but at least the pup was alive and screaming her head off like she life depended on everyone knowing she had entered the world.

A break was given to her as she waited for the third and last pup. It didn't seem as bold and demanding to make its way out like its brother and sister. She laid her head on Cael's paws, eyes fixed on her two pups at her belly taking their first vital nourishment. Cael...she's so tiny.. She whispered, eyes fluttering. She wanted to sleep so bad right now. But she couldn't, she could still feel one more pup in her, wiggling and squirming. It must have been a while before finally the last pup was there. In the dying light, or so it seem from the passing of time, she gazed down at the last pup. He was the complete equality of his siblings. A nice shade of grey, closer to her in color but with large white markings engulfing his front legs and face. She cleaned him up as quickly as she cloud, pulling him to the other side of his sister. With a sigh of pure joy she closer her eyes, but mind was still awake.




5 Years
08-10-2014, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 05:11 PM by Laoch.)

Everything suddenly changed and the quiet, stillness he was used to was gone, replaced by a movement and pressure. He hurried to get away from that pressure, his little body wriggling the best he could. Just as suddenly, the warmth was gone and cold air was sucked into his lungs as he took his first breath. He imidiately regretted being so eager to move, but soon enough he was pulled toward his mother's stomach and he was warm again with his stomach being filled by her milk, easily calming him down. Soon enough another form pressed to his side, his sister. Once his stomach was full he blindly curled up against his mother's stomach, his head leaning against his sister's shoulder as he dozed off, sleeping easily and contently.


Shikoba I


3 Years
08-10-2014, 09:03 PM
Everything she knew, the darkness, the warmth and close fitting surroundings was about to change. She had experienced movement, the light bounce as her mother ran, the gentle pressure as her mother groomed her belly. Those were things she knew of in the womb. But this would be different, the pressure seemed to be next to her, shoving her about, which was all to easy with her thin frame. She did not fight it, just went with the flow of things. A warmth, a lump that had always been there to her one side was gone suddenly, the other lump leaning up against her, adding more pressure for her to move. And move she did, she was getting tired of being pushed around. She wiggled and squirmed till suddenly cold hit her. Where ever she wormed to it was hard and cold. Her first breath was taken quickly and just as fast exhaled in a cry.

She wanted everything to know she was cold and didn't much like the hardness under her or the open space. She cried as loud as she could, making sure everyone and thing knew how she felt. In a matter of moments she was moved to her mother's belly where it was warm. Instincts lead her to her mother's tit to take in the nourishing milk her body so craved for. She drank to her fill, maybe even more as if she was a mosquito. A lump was next to her once more and she found she rather liked it a lot. her cried had stopped and tiny jaws part with a squeak as she yawn. Curling up against her mother's belly, head turned toward her oldest brother she slowly drifted asleep, but not before another lump joined her other side. Squished happily between her brothers she slept, all that moving was exhausting.



3 Years
08-11-2014, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 11:06 AM by Arda.)

Here, in this world of soft edges, muted sounds and comforting warmth, here Ardal would be exactly as she was supposed to be. Here sheltered from the world she had developed, body and brain taking diverging paths and yet co-existing together. The real world was not a concept that existed here, its harsh realities and social conventions putting no pressure on the unborn children; not yet anyways. But the world was changing, bringing with it the ever growing threat of reality, of a world where the child might not be accepted as she was here.

Though there was no concept of her siblings the knowledge that they were there was a comfort, the gentle bumping of their forms against her all that existed to prove they were there. With a great amount of heaving; pressure and then release in an ever changing dance there was a sudden shift and though she was not next to her brother Ardal could feel something amiss, then just in the same manner the other form was gone and for a moment she was alone, abandoned.

Finally there was more heaving and the child was thrust into the world as her siblings had been. An object brushed over her and as lungs filled with cold air she cried out in protest, quickly being nudged along till she found warmth again and instinct took over, tiny mouth closing around her mother and drinking till she was full. Sleep took hold of the girl?s body and for a while longer the child was safe from the judgements of the world.

Speech, thoughts, you

[Image: MUKlXeo.png]



10 Years
Athena I
08-11-2014, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 10:09 PM by Cael.)

One after another their children would come into the world and Cael would do his best to be as supportive as he could. He shifted slightly so her head could rest on his forelegs, curling his body so that it acted as a protective barrier to keep the outside world away from his mate and his newly born children. He did it without thinking, a natural need to protect his young family.

He gazed in awe as his first born son came into the world, the pup's appearance bringing a small smile to his muzzle. The pup was the spitting image of his father Cormallin. He only hoped that one day his father would reappear and could meet his grandchildren.

Cael placed tender, encouraging licks all across Imena's face and neck, hoping to keep her calm while she struggled to bring their second pup into the world. Finally the small, white form would join her brother at Imena's stomach. His eyes drifted from the stunning form of his daughter back to the gorgeous face of his mate as she spoke, worried over their daughter's size. He smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, whispering, "She is beautiful, Imena. Absolutely gorgeous. We'll watch her carefully, don't worry."

Time passed, Cael continuing to dote over his wife and watch her carefully for any signs of trouble. He was just beginning to get worried as more and more time passed, but finally the third and final pup emerged, Imena quickly caring for him and bringing him to rest beside his siblings. The pup was a perfect blend of the two of them, but reminded him fondly of his brother Caerul. There was so much family resemblance in all three pups and that made him proud.

Cael smiled, pure joy on his face as Imena's head rested on his legs once more and he could look happily upon his beautiful children. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes and he lovingly showered Imena's face in gentle licks. "They are perfect, Imena... Perfect in every way. They're ours, our children..." His voice had a sense of awe as the reality of it all dawned on him. He was a father. They were parents. Finally, after all this time, they were parents. He gazed lovingly at his children, letting Imena rest in peace.




8 Years
Extra large
08-24-2014, 05:55 PM

Upon asking if it was time, the man would smile when Imena answered him, confirming that the children were indeed ready to join them in this world. It was a beautiful thing to be a part of, even if he wasn't related, children being born was fantastic. ?You will be fine miss, I'm sure the children will all be beautiful and healthy.? He tried to comfort her some till her mate showed up to assist her with the birth. And just like that the man had appeared, well, more so skidded to a stop before Deviant with a mouthful of herbs. Just in time. With a nod from both men, understanding Cael couldn't really talk with his mouth full, he would move aside to allow the man to join his mate.

With the birth continuing in the safety of their den, Deviant remained outside, guarding the entrance should anyone try to sneak up on the family growing one by one with each second. Having become his friends in no time, and with children on the way, the protective side of him had really kicked in, so much that just the flutter of a bird's wings nearby had caught his full attention.

After what felt like hours, the man, laying outside the den entrance now, would prick up an ear and catch Cael speaking of their children. He couldn't help but smile, those moments as true parents sinking into the couple as they looked down at their children. With the birth over with he thought it would be a good time to bring the meal inside, or at least drop it in the entrance for Cael to grab for them. Picking himself up the man wold stretch before carefully grabbing the two rabbits that had been siting beside him, turning around he would poke his head into the entrance and set the meal down, being respectful and keeping his gaze towards the ground should the two still want their privacy. "Thought you would be exhausted and hungry." He rumbled with a smile.
