



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2014, 09:29 PM

The unforgiving silence of the caverns was what drew her here -- the air was brimming with the stench of stale air and moisture, dank and unwelcoming. The utter lack of life here was suddenly seductive to the alabaster-pelted woman as her wandering gaze found the darkness of the caverns. The promise of solitude an nothingness was something she both craved and despised at the same time. She had never been particularly drawn to such morbidity, but her husband's sudden absence left her feeling significantly more cynical.

Muscles rippled beneath her coat as she slid from her current path, re-directing herself toward the unknown crypts. The darkness enveloped her like a mother would its child as she slid into its depths, paws moving her with little effort over the stone floors of the cavern. Her gait was restless and fitful as she slunk into the unknown. The only sound she could hear was the gentle rapping of her claws against the smooth stone of the caverns, her tail flicking where it lay limply at her hocks.

Epiphron wondered how it was that her life had changed so thoroughly in such a short time; but she found herself growing frustrated at considering things that could not be changed. A gentle huff left her lips in annoyance as she continued deeper into the labyrinth, guided merely by instinct and the faint glimmer of light that shone behind her from the cavern's entrance, slowly growing dimmer with each step.



5 Years
08-07-2014, 10:07 PM

Dark places seemed to call to him, he liked to linger within the belly of them and await the flies to swam into his trap. It seemed to work every time, which is why the clicking of nails on the hard stone came as no surprise. Of course another bitch had walked right into his trap, his web had been spun to well. Chuckling from the darkness, he pulled his body up from his laying position and walked into the dim light to make him seen. "Well well, a lost little dove." He cooed softly, his orange bodice stopping a few feet away from the alabaster babe. "What's a hot piece of ass like you doing in these dark caves? Dark things linger in every corner." With a snicker his silver eyes roamed her curvy form, devouring every inch of that precious body before his gaze wandered back to her own eyes. There wasn't many places for her to run, and his eyes were more adjusted to the darkness than hers were. He didn't ask for a name, cause he didn't give a rats ass. Why would be want her name when he wouldn't even remember her after he fucked her brains out?

Charaz couldn't take his eyes off of her, but what else was new? She was a new piece of meat for him to gnaw on, and she wouldn't make it away with at least a few nips placed on that delicious ass of hers. Mmm, there wasn't much else that he liked than a nice, juicy ass to bite before humping her. While dirty thoughts circled around in his mind, his hindquarters folded to that he was seated on the damp earth. His tail swept behind him a few times, mentally already on top of this woman.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-10-2014, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 01:37 PM by Epiphron.)

There was little time for her to bask in the silence of the cavern before the sultry voice of a stranger broke through the air. Body would writhe and turn to face him, amusement dancing in her sapphire gaze. A lost little dove? That was what she was? Epiphron laughed, a light but haughty sound. She had never been described as anything quite so fragile -- and it entertained her that his initial impression had been so far from the truth. Her gaze swept over his vibrant-hued pelt, marveling silently at how unique his coloration was.

She found her nose wrinkling at his blatant attempts at flirtation. "Should I be afraid?" she snickered softly, though fear was far from her mind. There was no mistaking that he was checking her out, but his unabashed need for her was neither fear-inducing or exciting -- she stared with curiosity at him still, wondering who he was and why he was here. "And why do I even need a reason for being here?" Perhaps that was the better question. She regretted coming him, but not because he was here, but because someone was here. It was silence that the Adravendi woman craved, and she knew she had lost all hope of serenity here.

"I come seeking solitude," she explained simply, her words only vaguely harsh. Though he was likely stronger than her, edge was not entirely afraid. "But it seems like I came to the wrong place."