
Avalon Sibling Available!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-02-2016, 02:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2016, 10:55 PM by Avalon.)

Yes, that's right! I got in touch with none other than the amazing Clash (Finally~) and I have been given permission to adopt out her inactive Ancora "pup" Orica!

I am going to be very picky with this, because the Ancora history is one that is so very extensive and important to some of us, that I want to make sure they go to the right player who will keep her Active and post her regularly.

Oricais the Littermate to Galileo & Avalon, older sister to Odette, Oracle, and Galahad. Her exact height was unknown, but she was at least of medium height with more dainty features, and of course the extra fluffy fur from her father. Her design was very similar to her mother Ocena, with the blue eyes but minus the blindness that their mother had. She also comes with a medic bag which can be found here. She had a pretty sweet and innocent personality, very curious and always concerned about her siblings as is natural for her caring nature. Her design can be seen Here. She is the tiny little pup on the far left, a near replica of her mother. (Then there's Avalon nomming their mommy's tail and Galileo on the far right) <3

Due to her being gone so long, please take a look at her old threads so you know what happened in the early days. It all pretty much happened during her first year of life, and a lot of it was pretty important since it involved old Glaciem (when Gargoyle was alpha) and the stuff that happened there. After that, there's at least 5(?) years of history that was never written (though I might have already come up with a few things to fill in the blanks). You can take a look at her old threads through her old profile Here

--I reserve the right to take back any of these adopts as I am pretty much the "guardian" of these siblings.
--Inactivity will result in you losing the adopt, and setting them inactive at any time will be an automatic forfeit.
--I want to see them Active! Meaning more than one post a month...preferably at least a post a week. Failure to comply and failure to post will result in me taking it back with or without warning.
--Designs are NOT to be changed in any way! So don't ask.
--Names are also to remain the same.
--They are not required to join Avalon's pack, though to be honest due to them having such close bonds when they were together, then it is highly likely that they will go wherever Avalon is.
--DO NOT apply if you feel like you won't have the time. These babies need to be loved and posted, not sitting around like pretty little wallflowers.

Again, I will be pretty picky with who gets one (or any of their kids should I add any), so don't get bummed if you don't get chosen.

Apps will be open until I find the right adopters, but please, if you start an app then you have 7 days to finish it. Otherwise it will be ignored and/or deleted and that's it.

<b>OOC Name</b>:
<b>Age</b>: 6 (born in summer)
<b>Appearance</b>: (In your own words. 200 word minimum)
<b>Personality</b>: (In your own words. 200 word minimum)
<b>RP Sample</b>: (I want to see how well you can write her)
<b>History</b>: What happened during the 6 year absence? Feel free to pm/skype me.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


10-03-2016, 06:40 AM
OOC Name: Croatoan
Age: 7 (born in summer)
Appearance: (In your own words. 200 word minimum)
Personality: (In your own words. 200 word minimum)
RP Sample: (I want to see how well you can write her)
History: What happened during the 6 year absence? Feel free to pm/skype me.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-04-2016, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2016, 06:40 PM by Avalon.)
Ignore this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
10-05-2016, 01:09 AM

Note: Whoever gets her is free to this table I'll post it in table testing after Orica's player is chosen.

OOC Name: Rivaxorus
Age: 6 (born in summer)


Orica sits at a medium height of 29", but with a more dainty build than most wolves would have. The little lady has thin muscles plastered over her skin which are more for her gathering and climbing than anything else. Taking pride in her appearance Orica's gait will always be something of a confident walk. A walk of age and wisdom, as her paws carry her body another day into the world. With that, she keeps her head high - not usually bowing it unless there is a true need to. As she see's everyone as her equal unless proven otherwise.

Her coat color resembles that of her mother to almost an exact. Black covering the upper portion of her body, pulling down the bridge of her nose and to the rest. As her lower portions are scattered with a white as snow color. Her chest, stomach and underneath of her tail sporting this. The only difference between she and her mother is the white on her paws carry a little further up. Stopping near where the elbow bends at the knee of all her limbs.

As assumed before that she would have her mothers eyes, sure enough her eyes bloomed into both beautiful blue orbs. Showing off much of her colors they are filled with the kindness in her heart. Her devotion to her work and to others around her. As she would never be fit for fighting - however she doesn't think that fighting is everything. Orica's eyes just simply are easy to read, as she isn't one to hide her emotions either.

One thing about the woman is her coat is thick and fluffy. Born in the north and taking after her fathers coat - her tail is almost always puffed up. Making it easier to get hot, otherwise it's a very nice insulator for heat. During cold winter months others can feel the softness of her fur that she also considers and asset to herself.



While every wolf has their ups and downs, Orica has everything that just makes her unique. Seeing the world in a brighter view, she's a woman who is very strongly opinionated. Though never without a filter, her nature as a whole is a kind one. A soft smile sitting on her face in a usual manner. Orica believes that everyone has good and bad in them, so if that is true she is always never one to think ill of others for the darker parts of their hearts. She's sure she had her own when it comes down to being frustrated or anything else. Orica is more inclined to hold a deep conversation though, and she's always open to greeting strangers. What was once unknown yesterday and easily become known the next.

Orica is very expressive, if not for her personality she is very open to her emotions. Frustration, anger, hurt - all these things are worn on her sleeve easily. As an extrovert in nature she often doesn't mind others seeing how she is feeling. That way they can at least appropriately respond and she finds it more healthy for her state of mind. Seeing as she is usually optimistic, it can be quiet an adventure to get to know her. As she cares deeply for others, she makes that known through actions and words alike.

Call it mother nature, Orica is always worrisome over her friends and family. Momma Orica as nicknamed in her nomadic group she is always trying to help others as if they were her own children. Something to note is that she is only a call away. The healer is ready to put her paws out to help another and make sure their well being is high on the record.

Orica is confident, in herself, her ability and just about anything. Of course she may not be able to fight but her strength lies in knowledge and relationships she builds with others. The confidence to know how to take care of herself and in turn take care of those around herself. Orica makes sure to hold herself with some sort of pride, if she doesn't she knows wolves could easily take advantage of her and she isn't one to let that happen. Independent and calm, there is more to her than what others could even imagine.

The wolf puts her trust in others. She is under the belief that someone cannot trust you unless you trust them. Even if it's given out on a whim Orica likes to think that trust is a binding contact in the mind. After all if her trust is broken, she's well aware that she can make it known how upset she is. She might be trusting, but she isn't a push over either. Never would she allow herself to be in any danger if she could help it at least.

Orica is extremely extroverted. She enjoys being out and about, she enjoys having long conversations with others and learning about them even sharing a bit about herself. She is more adaptable to many situations and although she'll always know the difference between a stranger and a family member she loves to make more of them. Friends are family all the same if the bond is that strong. Orica is open to organizing get together's and events.

The last thing to know about Orica is her protective nature. Probably arising after she had a family of her own, those close to her know that she would stand up for them. She dislikes it when other wolves put each other down "bullying" with the belief one is stronger than the other. Everyone has strength, weakness, dark and light. Nothing is very clear cut in the world and she's someone that everyone can just depend on.

RP Sample:

That flower there was just beautiful wasn't it. Blooming as spring had hoped and skipped its way into the land. It hung from the trunk of a tree the blue flower hanging off with four bright petals. It most definitely stood out among the green wooded area. Covered in moss as the sunlight filtered through the tree's above. The blue nearly matched that of her own eyes, as she shifted on her paws inspecting the living thing. That was until a voice had broken up her thoughts. A young pup calling her name as Orica blinked and turned towards the small brown apprentice she had. "Orica you've been staring at that flower for ages. Is it a herb of some sort?" he asked tilting his head to the side as she smiled and chuckled softly. Now sitting down her tail would come to rest on her right hind leg as the male looked up at her with curious eyes.

"No Terrik it's not, I was just admiring how it looks. It means that spring has finally arrived." she took in a deep breath and then let it out again. Taking in the scents and sights all around her. It smelt like fresh rain and growth of life. As sweet nectar reached her nose from the flowers blooming she looked towards Terrik. "Take a deep breath, you'll feel it." The black and white female encouraged it as his green eyes blinked towards her. He stopped to stay still before taking in a deep breath it seemed. After a few second looking at her, "I still don't get it." Orica couldn't help but to laugh lightly. She then turned to her bag, nose shuffling until she found what she needed. Teeth grabbing hold and pulling out a small leaf of mint.

She placed it in front of Terrik, "Give that a wiff then." she suggested as Terrik leaned down instantly and sniffed the plant. Jumping back as he wrinkled up his nose. "It's mint, a type of herb that has a lot of uses if you know how to use it. Also cleans your breath." she smirked for a moment as he frowned at her. Orica stood up and nudged him, "It's about time we get back to the others, let's not worry your parents." happily the apprentice followed her back to where the group had held camp for the moment.

The moment she lost her parents and family was a moment of lapsed curiosity. At a very young age Orica took off on an adventure, where she met a nomadic group after some time. Realizing that she was oddly content with that fact she asked if she could join them. Welcoming her with open arms, this group had no leaders. Simply like a large family living together, Orica was filled with delight as they helped take the tinge off her loneliness when she thought of her mother her father and her siblings.

Orica trained among the healers there, by the time she was two years old she knew the languages of French, Spanish and Irish. Her healer skills had been polished and one night, a mysterious white wolf was found injured on the edge of the river where her nomadic pack had been staying. He was covered in cuts and bruises from head to toe. Seemingly from a bear attack which he had barely escaped. Orica took him to her den and treated the male, where she learned that his name was Kija. Kija had picked a fight with a bear for some reason and had gotten hurt. This made Orica laugh slightly but worry for him. In which he asked her if he could stay and she agree'd.

Over the next year as the group traveled Orica learned more and more about Kija. He was a single pup where he was raised by two loving parents until they passed away when he was two. Having been a year older than Orica she always found him interesting and his parents as well. Kija was a king story teller who loved to challenge himself. Sometimes in the most idiotic ways where Orica had to pull the white wolf out of danger. He also had beautiful green eyes that she would find herself staring into. Soon enough, she found herself in love with him and Kija felt the exact same way.

When she turned four years of age, she gave birth to a litter to three. At that moment Orica really knew how it felt to be attached to someone. Those bundles of joy brought so much happiness to her heart. Each and every one of them she wanted to hold close and protect, Kija as well she was thankful for the male. As they spent the next year raising their children together. Which Kija's life was cut prematurely. On a mountain hunt with a caribou - Kija did not return home from the hunting party. Orica and her children were struck hard by this. Spending a season to mourn him before the group finally moved on as he would return to the earth.

Orica was left as a single mother, though her children forever supportive after their fathers death. She began to feel the pain of lonliness again. More over she missed the lands of Ardent. Beginning to tell her children stories of the place. Of her brother and sister her parents and the other members of their ancora family roots.

It was when her kids turned two and she grew to the age of six that she decided to leave the nomadic pack and embark on her journey. She would return to the land of Ardent once more, to seek out her family.

If I get her I plan for Orica to join Ivalice as she would want to stay at Avalon and her little nieces and nephews sides. For her kids you could adopt them out and they could have followed their mother here but that's totally up to you. I plan for Orica to interact with all the family regularly and have a very positive impact in their lives as well as any others who meet her.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-07-2016, 06:41 PM


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!