
Anger Management



6 Years
10-02-2016, 07:33 AM

Her cold emotionless mask would finally melt away into features that held no kindness. She had felt the need to tear flesh apart when she failed to find her sister, or any of her family for that mater, now that need was burning within her. A flame that could only be put out by actually fighting someone. Win or loose, it was necessary to contain the jealous beast that resided within her chest. To maintain her composure around a woman who had proved nothing to her but her ability to steal men away from others. Not only did she have to keep from attacking Xephyris' witch but she also had to prove her worth to the silver alpha if he was going to keep her around.

He had to know she was worth more than what he had seen so far. Soleil might not win this fight but at least she would return to him bloody and bruised but alive. Visual proof that she could handle herself. Slowly a plot would form within her mind as she stalked across the blood stained battle field with her head held low and her ears pointed back. All that was needed was a wicked smile and blood coated pelt and she was sure the image of a demented woman would be completed. That wasn't her though, she wasn't demented or cruel. Hell she usually didn't even take her anger out on someone who didn't deserve it, but since she couldn't justifiably tear apart a pregnant woman she would have to settle for a rough spar here. Practice for when the brown witch wasn't pregnant if you will.

She would simply call this anger management. Sparing with another who was also looking to sink their teeth or claws into something would be good practice for the both of them, they would both blow off steam and it would help Soleil to keep doing what she had always done. Train until she either did it right or couldn't see strait. She did plan, or rather hope like hell, to take Xeph back. To change his mind about being unable to love only one woman while at the same time trying not to turn into her father. She believed in honesty, loyalty, and above all else keeping her anger under control. Her sister and mother had been at the receiving end of anger and then she and the rest of her siblings had after her mother died and Estelle left.

So instead of calling for someone to come to her, she would simply look for an opponent. One who hopefully wouldn't hold the spar against a typically kind wolf.



4 Years
Extra large
10-02-2016, 03:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2016, 04:14 PM by Ricochet. Edit Reason: Changed 0/3 to 1/3 in the footnotes, overseen by Evelyn. )

Fresh into adulthood and she wasn't exactly enjoying it; she didn't resent the fact that she had been born female, but seriously did being in season have to be a part of it? She'd been traveling with intent to find her brothers once again as giving in to her wanderlust didn't exactly seem to sate her needs, but could she let them see her like this without ripping into their faces for any smart mouthed remarks? Hmm, probably not.

The massive beast had been lounging in the midst of the old and bloodied battlefield, some of the blood here beneath the soil having been around for far longer than she'd even been alive. It smelled like death, but she laid sprawled out with her belly against the dirt while she took out a bit of anger on a captured rabbit. Her teeth were putting in their work to shred every bit of the rabbit's pelt from off it's body in short little strips, taking her time to amuse herself while she waited for an opponent to come along and distract her. Like Soleil, she needed a bit of an attitude adjustment before heading back home, wherever that was now.

When the mostly white woman came into view, she gathered her weight up to a full stand while those heterochromic eyes evaluated the woman she saw. This one seemed to be a little older than her, but not by much.... which meant she might even be more experienced? Ricky hoped so, because she certainly had a bit of size on Soleil. Perhaps.. she would go easy on her to make up for it? She smirked, lifting her head then with that smug grin on her face. Nah.

Eagerly, her hackles prickled up to sprout around her shoulders1 and she forgot about the rabbit before rushing to close the space between them. She left a good ten feet to give the woman some room to ready herself as well before she stopped, squaring her stance and balancing her heavy weight evenly across all four paws.2

"Oh, how precious. Have you come to play?" The taunting, deeper voice of the woman rang out in a sing-song, followed by a dark little chuckle as she tucked her chin down3 and opened up that grin, her lip rising to show off her dangerously pretty smile while she left her mouth agape and ready.4

Ricky was a mouthy woman, but she remained quiet with her eyes were busy narrowing5 in judgement as she assessed Soleil now up close and continued to prepare her defenses. She'd only learned to spar as a rogue, never having actually been taught.. but you never truly were completely out of practice when you spent your childhood with three brothers in your litter. Still, she was excited for official experience.

"I'll keep it entertaining, promise."

Her ears finally shot backward, protecting themselves against her skull6 while her neck now leveled out completely to ally with her shoulders as they came rolling forward.7 Her tail reluctantly forfeited it's flag of dominance to hug her flank, keeping it hidden and away from any potential harm.8 She took a deep breath, her chest tightening to flex all of the muscles that rippled in hiding beneath her dense fur and focused on keeping her limbs slightly bent and prepared for fluid movements.9.

She had half a mind to go ahead and launch an attack as her talons dug into the earth on splayed toes10 in anticipation but she waited, wanting to give the woman a chance to decide whether to accept her spar with a first attack or to decline it with a submission. She chuckled again, the corners of her lips still curled around that open grin. She was ready to have some fun!

Soleil vs. Ricochet || Spar || Round 1/3(?)

R for Ricky



6 Years
10-02-2016, 05:04 PM

The tri colored woman would size up the slightly younger but larger she wolf as she bolted up right and practically ran to close the distance between them. Apparently she was just as eager to entertain herself as Soleil was to get this frustration temporarily out of her system. Once more she wouldn't understand all of the words spoken to her and decided it was best if she just stay quiet this time around. She wasn't here to make friends after all. She would watch for a moment to examine the larger woman's stance before setting her own. Turquoise orbs scanned the other in hopes of finding any kind of weakness, though she was sure it looked like she couldn't decide to run or fight to the other wolf.

After a few seconds of scanning over the other female Soleil would set her stance as well. Her base would widen and her paws would splay on the ground beneath her for balance while her ears flattened to her skull to make them less of a target. Eyes would narrow and her head would drop just below shoulder level to protect her throat while at the same time her shoulders would roll forward scrunching up the scruff of fur and skin to help protect the back of her neck. Her legs would bend for quick easy movement with the added bonus of it put her stomach closer to the ground and further away from the dark woman's jaws and her tail would be held just high enough to help with her balance and movement but low enough to help keep it out of harms way as well. Finally her lips would pull back to bare her teeth at her opponent. She had come here to blow off some steam and damn it that's what she aimed  to do here today.

When the other woman didn't launch herself at her, Soleil would take the liberty of starting the spar. Quickly the tri colored woman would dart forward and to the left by and inch or two, attempting to close the ten foot gap between them with haste while staying low. The moment she got close her jaws would open wide and she would angle her jaws upward and to her right a bit in an attempt to snap down on the right underside of Ricochet's lower jaw where her upper and lower jaws connected while also attempting to dig the claws of her left front paw into Ricochet's chest as Soleil turned herself into the attack.

Soleil vs. Richochet for spar round 1 of 3

Injuries: N/A

Defenses:Her base would widen and her paws would splay on the ground beneath her for balance while her ears flattened to her skull to make them less of a target. Eyes would narrow and her head would drop just below shoulder level to protect her throat while at the same time her shoulders would roll forward scrunching up the scruff of fur and skin to help protect the back of her neck. Her legs would bend for quick easy movement with the added bonus of it put her stomach closer to the ground and further away from the dark woman's jaws and her tail would be held just high enough to help with her balance and movement but low enough to help keep it out of harms way as well.

Attack:Quickly the tri colored woman would dart forward and to the left by and inch or two, attempting to close the ten foot gap between them with haste while staying low. The moment she got close her jaws would open wide and she would angle her jaws upward and to her right a bit in an attempt to snap down on the right underside of Ricochet's lower jaw where her upper and lower jaws connected while also attempting to dig the claws of her left front paw into Ricochet's chest as Soleil turned herself into the attack.



4 Years
Extra large
10-03-2016, 07:44 AM

As Soleil hesitated, Ricky's ears began to raise in question as she wondered if the woman would accept her challenge, waiting for some kind of verbal response to her words. When none came and instead Soleil dropped her body and readied her balance, Ricky grinned and her ears plastered themselves back down to her crown. While Ricky would have enjoyed a bit of an exchange of bitching, she could certainly admire a woman who spoke with actions rather than words.

When Soleil erupted into a lowly postured run and quickly filled the ten foot gap between them, Ricky bent her elbows to lower her chest closer to the ground and anchored her toes into the soil further while anticipating a head-on attack. Heterochromic eyes watched carefully as she observed Soleil's chosen trajectory and as she moved to Ricky's right, Ricky's skull rotated so that her right ear went slightly downward to further protect her jugular just in case that was what she was aiming for. Ricky's mouth was still agape and waiting with her chin tucked to scrunch the flesh of her own neck, her eyes still narrowed and watchful, and her ears still pinned and protected. Her tail was still tucked, her hackles still raised, limbs evenly squared with hips and shoulders, but her weight was pushing more toward her chest now to keep it closer to the ground and anchored as she kept herself ready to deal with the impact that would come from Soleil.

Now, given that her chin was tucked and her mouth agape, she hadn't really expected Soleil to aim for her lower jaw, but as she saw it coming she kept her jaws in line with Soleil's as if she were aiming a pistol and following a moving target. Ricky began to lift her chin and watched Soleil's skull lower and aim to bite, a growl releasing from her own throat with ferocity. With Ricky's skull still turned slightly to the right, she had intent to allow her open mouth to meet the top of Soleil's muzzle before it had a chance to reach her jaw. She aimed for her top fangs to reach over the top of Soleil's nose on Soleil's left, while her bottom fangs aimed to puncture into Soleil's right-side chops (the fleshy bit of her cheek right above her fangs). If she managed to make contact with the flesh, it would be difficult to keep a hold considering Soleil's speed, but she would try to at least use Soleil's momentum against her by dragging her own teeth along the flesh of Soleil's muzzle, thus forcing her to move away or risk Ricky's teeth becoming dangerously close to Soleil's precious eyes;  Ricky's goal being to leave severe lacerations across the top of Soleil's snout and to deter her from trying to attack her jaw.

Ricky had been so focused on her opponent's teeth that she did not see the oncoming attack done by Soleil's left front paw. She felt the tip of her opponent's claws dig into the middle of her chest, her dense fur padding it some, though it would definitely leave mild lacerations and bruising. Once she felt it make contact, however, Ricky immediately pulled up her own left paw and would aim to hook it over Soleil's left leg and bring it down with a force, possibly worsening her own lacerations to her chest; but, given the awkward angle of Soleil biting to the RIGHT but using her LEFT paw in an attack, Ricky hoped to slam the paw down with her own on top of it and to do so with enough force that between Ricky's bite and the sudden change of position for Soleil's forelimbs, Soleil would ideally lose her balance and tumble right at Ricky's feet. At the very least, she hoped to leave some bruising or possibly broken toes beneath the crushing power of her own paw.

Soleil vs. Ricochet || Spar || Round 2/3

R for Ricky



6 Years
10-05-2016, 04:54 PM

She could feel her claws dig into the other woman's chest but her teeth had missed their mark and were met head on with other woman's gaping jaws. Quickly she would try to push herself backward by pushing off both the ground and Ricochet, in an attempt to get away from the other woman's jaws, with her front paws only to have her left leg pulled pushed down. Temporarily it would throw her off balance and she would stumble in the direction she had been pushing towards(her left). Soleil would wince as Richochet's teeth drug across her cheek close to her nose, leaving two thin cuts from the other's canines. Though Richy had been unsuccessful in stomping on Soleil's toes she had made her stumble.

As quickly as she could the tri colored woman would regain her balance by widening her stance once more and splaying her toes in the dirt below her. Her ears remained flat against her head and her eyes were still narrowed, again her tail would lower a bit and her shoulders would slump forward to push the extra scruff over the back of her neck while she held her head low to protect her throat. Again she would launch herself forward only this time instead of a head on attack she would have a better angle for her size...or so she hoped. This time she would aim lower on the other woman's right side. Her head would tilt to the left and her jaws would open wide in an attempt to latch down on the Richochet's upper right front leg.

[red=color]Injuries:[/color] Two Mild thin cuts along her right cheek

Soleil vs Richochet for Spar Round 2 of 3



4 Years
Extra large
10-06-2016, 10:12 AM

So... Soleil had been able to slow her momentum enough and retract her left leg to avoid getting any severe damage from Ricky's teeth as well as minimize her fall to barely a stumble? Impressive, but as Ricky's orange and green stare narrowed even further and a snarl ripped up her throat in defiance, it was clear that this only fueled the growing fervor within this beast of a woman.

She let Soleil regain her balance without any sort of retaliation to interrupt her, taking opportunity of the 'intermission' to recoup her own defenses as well. She kept her body moving in a way that kept her head-on with Soleil, wanting her neck safely barricaded by her own teeth. She focused on distributing her weight evenly across all four limbs once again, her elbows bending to lower her chest closer to the ground while her hinds did the same. Her pelvis would slightly tuck in an attempt to anchor the weight of her hind-quarters on the ground, all four paws remained square beneath her body, and her toes remained splayed out while talons raked at the old and bloodied soil of the battle field. Her ears pinned against her head, her tail snug against her flanks and hidden in the dense fur of her hocks, and her hackles jutting out in every direction from her mantle in chaotic disarray. Finally, that upper lip peeled back to expose the drool sliding down the curves of her smile while those jowls slowly parted, the red muscle encased within them flicking eagerly at the back of her teeth while her chin tucked and she released a misty snort in Soleil's direction. She was ready.

As Soleil launched her attack, all of Ricochet's muscles in her abdomen seemed to tense as she anticipated where the woman was heading. Ricky's heterochromic stare watched as the tri-colored woman aimed for her own right leg, and with enough speed as she could muster, Ricky would attempt to lift her body away from Soleil and actually allow for this to happen. A dark chuckle released from the heavy woman's throat as she felt Soleil's jowls wrap around the meat of her forelimb; due to Ricky's height and her rise in stature, the bite landed on the meaty part of her forelimb right before her elbow, though it was likely with enough force to cause some severe bruising and lacerations, as well as enough for Soleil to attain a solid hold. However, Ricky's opportunity to strike, given Soleil's new position, had never been sweeter. As she felt the sting of Soleil's jaws only growing around her right front leg and the trickle of blood begin to stream down her limb, she did not hesitate to seize the moment and hopefully put an end to this little spar.

Tucked chin and agape smile allowed for a swift lunge to it's right to connect Ricky's teeth with the right side of Soleil's throat, aiming slightly upward from the middle of the trachea and right over the area where the jugular emerged from the muscles and became an external presence above them, just underneath the skin. She had no intentions of killing Soleil, but her aim was to put them in a bit of a check-mate. Her lower fangs would carefully aim to pierce the flesh just below this vein, her large jaws widely parted enough that her upper fangs aimed for digging in to the meat of where the tender flesh started to bundle on her scruff. She did so on purpose, so that she could aim to force her top fangs down into the generous amount of flesh there and offer severe lacerations of her own doing while her bottom fangs kept right in their initial puncture wounds and didn't move.

She hoped that the other woman would be smart enough to forfeit her hold on her front leg now that Ricky held her blades so dangerously close to the other woman's vitals, but just in case, Ricky aimed to rotate her skull side to side a bit and drive her fangs deeper and deeper into Soleil's flesh until she decided to get go, all the while leaving her own right leg limp as to not further any damage to it by her own doing.

Soleil vs. Ricochet || Spar || Round 3/3

R for Ricky



6 Years
10-09-2016, 06:01 PM

The tri colored woman felt a bit of victory as her teeth sank into the meat of Ricochet's upper right forelimb, that was until she realized the other woman let her make the purchase. She had actually stood up and let her gain a hold on her leg, nothing good could come of the allowance she was sure. Soleil didn't waist a second dwelling on the fact though, she knew something was coming and there was no point in wasting time.

Her ears were still pinned and her eyes were still narrowed. Her base would widen again and her toes would splay while her nails dug into the ground beneath her while her shoulders rolled forward giving her neck as much extra padding as she could. Quickly she would attempt to jerk her head to the left without opening her jaws in an attempt to cause more damage only seconds before teeth would sink into the side of her neck.

Instantly Soleil would stop moving as she tried to asses the situation within her mind. Though Ricochet had gotten mostly  scruff and bunched up flesh, any moving the tri colored woman did could easily result in deadly damage...then again if she moved enough they could both end up bleeding to death and that's not what she wanted. The punctures in her neck were uncomfortably close to her jugular but she knew her own teeth were close to an artery in the other woman's leg as well. To make maters worse Ricochet had also had the idea to shake her dome back and forth to sink her teeth in deeper. For a split second she would tense with pain before allowing the muscles in her neck to relax as well as they could while in pain just as the other had done with her forelimb. They were at somewhat of a stand still, both unwilling to give in, both with a purchase that could quickly become deadly. She would loosen her grip, but didn't give it away fully as turquoise orbs would open enough to look at the other in a bit of a question. Would this end in a draw or would one of them give in?

Injuries:Two Mild thin cuts along her right cheek and several moderate and nearly severe(not deadly yet but could be made so) punctures to the right side of her neck

Head Judges


02-05-2017, 01:47 PM
And the winner is...

Soleil! Due to Ricochet being set inactive, the fight has defaulted in Soleil's favor.