
one – -



3 Years
10-02-2016, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2016, 09:03 PM by Pharos.)
Powerful paws strike the earth below, surefooted. Thick foliage bends beneath his will as the wolf approaches, scent of water heavy in the atmosphere. He can smell it before he can see it.

With a grimace upon his raven-esque inky lips, eyes the pigment of molten gold flicker through the greenery. The reflection of fading sunlight glints in his pupil; it is at first a pale blue shade. As time progresses, the evening approaches. Around him life is teeming, though the chill of an upcoming Autumn has quieted some of the lesser organisms.

Pharos makes no mistake traveling about this land. He pays homage to tradition, becoming a dispersal wolf upon coming of age. Fast forward to two years later, and he can be found roaming the Firefly Forest. It appears to him no better or worse than any ordinary lake, and therefore, he plans to linger if only to rehabilitate his health. Pathfinder. He travels here as a wolf of his own caliber, structured movements calculated yet filled with disconnect. The acid brand of swagger that drives his body is undeniable, some arrogant pip in his step.

Ahead of him, thick and dense shrubbery recedes to become a pebble shoreline. He flanks the water's edge, toes sinking into areas where stone gaps and sand is dominant. The beast slows his trot, gears of a sharp mind turning. Something is upon the wind, and soon, he will come upon it. A corpulent skull lowers, and with one defining snort, he abandons his quest for substance. This, given up, is done so in favor of discovering the owner of said smell. Whiskers quivering excitably, apex senses pinpoint the location.

And thus, he is after her.



6 Years
10-06-2016, 04:20 PM

A cold chill from the upcoming Autumn had already begun to settle in the north and the girl already found herself unable to cope with it quite yet. She'd grown complacent with the warmer southern temperatures and moving to the north, so far, had not been an easy adjustment. With that and the lack of useful herbs to keep herself occupied with, she found that so far she wasn't enjoying herself as much as she thought she would. With the colder weather approaching she was becoming a bit more frantic to stock up on her stores before the frost started to kill everything on the ground.

With Nox in tow, they both headed towards the east to see what herbs she could dig up. Despite the chill in the air it still seemed warm enough for the plants. It'd still be a few weeks before the first chill settled so she still had time. So far luck hadn't been in her favor. The heat had already ruined quite a few of the marigold plants she came across and horsetail was, so far, the only thing that seemed to be doing well. After digging up some Marshmallow plants she decided to take a break.

The herbs were left by the lake as she traveled along the treeline of the woods by the shore. Nox had practically plastered herself to Armai's side so she didn't run into any of the trees nearby. Armai's head was low to the ground as she sniffed around some more. Despite the fact she'd resolved to take a break, a healer's mind couldn't easily be quelled. She couldn't just simply go home with what she had. With the rapidly changing weather she worried it'd bring on sickness in Vyper.

Her attention wouldn't remain on herbs. Nox had stiffened by her side and she felt the cat's tense muscles. Her own head would raise as she sniffed around for whatever it was that had put the cat on edge. Whatever it was, Armai couldn't smell it so she flicked an ear towards her companion. The leopard made no notion to explain what it was, so they just both stood vigilantly for the moment while Armai waited for whatever it was to either reveal its presence or go on its way.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



3 Years
10-08-2016, 09:04 PM
He manifests from the foliage like a branch from a tree, golden eyes set like a gun upon the figure of a wolf. What is beside them, however, is the attraction Pharos feels. Drawn forwards, like a magnet, he allows his tail to curl indefinitely. One ear angles forwards, the other back, while he continues to approach. He does not speak; does not feel the need to. Instead, the wolf awaits.

If she felt discomfort, then perhaps her voice would be heard. Until then, the male continues to watch her; as if she were prey and he predator. Regardless of their nature, there is a distinction between his gaze and hers. Pharos can see it, but is not completely sure. He debates possibly kicking up dirt in her stead to test the theory, but decides to wait. Calculative, the wolf would play the game before he reveals his cards.

Her purpose here, unknown to the man, seems innocent enough. If it were not for the Goliath feline at her side, perhaps he would be less inclined to remain defensive.



6 Years
10-17-2016, 04:02 PM

The silent breath of paw steps tickling through grass and the soft rustle of foliage could be heard. Where her eyesight was lacking the rest of her senses made up for it. She soon came to the realization that whomever it was they were downwind. She wouldn't be getting a good whiff of who they were unless they dared come closer. She didn't just keep Nox around for the added benefit of having help in going places. Nox also served as a safe guard to keep in place to deter most predators from preying on her. In most cases it seemed to work, but she noticed it caught a lot of curious attention from her own species. Nox was indeed a strange companion.

Whoever they were, they were quiet. No words could be heard and Armai's silver ears flicked around as she tried to pinpoint his location. She felt the eerie tingling sensation of being watched and she found it to be rather unsettling. Where Brutus' company had been welcomed easily, she felt a fair amount of nervousness with whoever this was and she had issues keeping it contained. With a lack of a better option she finally decided to say something.

"Are you going to stand there gawking all day or are you going to come introduce yourself?"

Nox seemed a little less inclined to invite company so a curious look was given to Armai. The leopard had already managed to spot the male and eyed him warily, and yet her own stance was only slightly defensive. While she was willing to go out of the way to protect Armai, she also wasn't going to instigate anything either. So long as the male played nice she would too.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.