
Chitter Chatter



4 Years
10-03-2016, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2016, 09:11 PM by Avalon.)
He had just finished a patrol of the area when he had a thought. Perhaps it was about time he spoke to Avalon, or maybe one of her children. He hadn’t been incredibly active within the pack although he had showed up for both the fighting and healing training. The young man flicked his hair, ghostly white eyes scanning over the terrain of the North. He felt at home here, yes, but there were also things missing. Such obvious things that it pained his heart to think about. Though he was here he was not with his kin anymore... He missed Obscoro and Shiro.

Ganta paused, tilting his head back as he let loose a howl. He wasn’t sure who was going to show up, be it Avalon or one of her children... But it was about time he spoke to one of them. Perhaps about rank, as right now he was untested for the most part and that in and of itself frustrated him. He breathed in as he finished his call, settling down on his haunches as he prepared to wait. Hopefully they wouldn’t be too long...

I'm here without you...



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-06-2016, 09:22 PM

Ears flicked at the sound of a howl, a voice familiar calling for her. A lot had happened over the summer, some good and some bad. And in the last few weeks, it had gotten so overwhelming that she had begun to doubt herself. She was tired, and felt like she was maybe at the end of her prime now. It was alright though, she had achieved her dream and built what she wanted from the ground up. And while it wasn't quite finished, she knew that one of her children would continue to build it. She had sent Dragon out on a mission, though left the details vague to him. All he knew was that he was to scout out new lands for a potential pack move. And when he returned, she would have a surprise for him. Hopefully, a pleasant one. She made her way towards the young male, amber gaze finding him soon enough. She smiled at him, tail wagging slightly. Her shoulder was healed now, though a scar parted the fur that had yet to fully return like a crack in the earth that had yet to be completely filled. "Hello, Ganta. How have you been?" She was sure there was a reason he called for her. And to be honest, she had been meaning to talk to him about his place in the pack as well. But there had been a lot going on that kept pushing that to the backburner, and for that she felt bad.


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4 Years
10-11-2016, 08:39 PM

As Ganta suspected it didn’t take too long for Avalon to make her way to him. The woman smiled, tail wagging slightly, though Ganta was sure when he looked at her that there was something more than met the eye about her current condition. He had taken notice of the new scar but politely didn’t ask about it. If Avalon had a mind to tell him what it was from she’d tell him. He suspected however it had something to do with the foreign scent that he’d passed on time while patrolling. Avalon’s scent had been there too, hence why he hadn’t come to her about it, and blood... But... Ganta shook his head, managing to smile as well.

“I’ve been alright, Avalon.” The young man said softly. “Though I’ve been a bit... Restless I suppose. The training sessions didn’t quite go the way I was expecting and I see a bit of discontent within some of the other pack members.” Such as Karnage when he left the Healing training. “I’ve also noticed that we haven’t had much time to speak as of yet and wanted to check in with you. I know the life of an alpha is busy and, well, I wanted to offer my services to help how I can.” Ganta tipped his head.

“I am by no means asking for a high position, Miss Avalon, but I’d be happy to be in a working rank so that I might be able to do a bit more for the pack. I feel that the loose patrols I’ve done are not enough.” His ghostly white eyes returned to her. “...and... I’ve had something else on my mind too... If you’ll hear me out?”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-17-2016, 06:36 PM
Yes, alot had been going through her mind. So much so that her thoughts had become scattered, and not so much in a good way. She loved being an alpha and helping others where she could, helping them find a purpose and giving them a home. But at the same time, she felt that the weight of the responsibility was weighing down on her. Did a lot of other alphas feel this way too? She figured that some were naturally born to lead, while others struggled more. But in the end, they succeeded...or they failed. She wasn't one to want to succumb to failure, so she would keep marching on for the time being. Be it on the front line or behind the scenes.

The woman listened to Ganta as he spoke, her gaze growing thoughtful as she listened and nodded. She understood what he was saying, and even she was not blind to the restlessness of some of the pack members. Many like Ganta, were still sitting in a basic rank. And she felt bad that she hadn't gone around to assess their skills and put them in their deserved positions. "I understand, Ganta. I sincerely apologize for the amount of time that's gone by and leaving most of you ignored. It was not my intention, and I do not have an excuse for that." She wagged her tail slightly, she would return to this part of the conversation. But first, she was curious as to what was on his mind. She nodded, giving him the go ahead to continue.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
10-17-2016, 06:46 PM

Ganta shook his head, offering Avalon a light smile. “Don’t worry about it, miss Avalon. It’s quite alright. I’m sure that things in your own life have happened... One can not fault you for that. An alpha is another wolf in the end after all.” His ghostly gaze held a kind look. “Though that is exactly what I wanted to speak to you about. You see... I’ve dreams to build my own pack too. It started out as a small flutter in my heart, an inkling in my brain, but alas it has been growing larger and I feel it only right to share the news with you.”

Ganta dipped his head. “I want to create a pack where wolves can come together for fun and love... Festivals and all. A much more peaceful pack than what my father raised. I do not want to take anyone’s home, but rather build it from the ground up. I feel it’ll be more rewarding that way.” Ganta let out a light laugh. “I’m sure my father might even question if I’m really his son at this point. I do not want the blood of others... Though I do have my ambitions.” His smile faded, a serious look on his face.

“Though, with your permission, I’d like to remain in Ivalice a bit longer. I’d like to repay you for your kindness and help how I can. When my own pack forms... I’d like to hope that perhaps I could consider you at least on peaceful terms with it, if not allies if our minds are alike.” He was probably getting ahead of himself but what point was there in beating around the bush?

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-08-2016, 02:35 AM

She smiled lightly at him, telling her not to worry. Everyone seemed to be telling her that, but she still worried regardless. It was simply who she was. She nodded slightly to him, giving her full attention as she listened to every word he said. It seemed he had been thinking a lot, seemingly forming a plan for his life. She admired that about him, he always seemed so positive, and although he was the exact opposite of his father, they were both ambitious in their own way. Ganta, however, appeared to want to do things peacefully. Whereas Sin went in with an all or nothing approach. It was interesting to see how different this child of his had come out, though she supposed it might have also been due to the early loss of his father.

At last when he finished, she would speak. "It seems you've been sitting on this thought for some time Ganta. You appear ambitious, perhaps not in the same way as your father was, but I'm sure he'd be proud of you as well. You are welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like. As for an alliance of sorts, I am not opposed to the idea. However, it does depend on when you wish to pursue your dream. I don't entirely know how much longer I will remain the Chief of Ivalice." Did he understand? There were so many things that could happen between now and then. She could get challenged. Sieged. She could lose her life in some freak accident even. Or...she could step down, among various things. She couldn't say for sure, and she didn't want to give him a definite answer in the event anything happened to her. "I will support you, however, for as long as I can. That being said, how about we start by promoting you from Native? Are there any fields that interest you?"


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
11-20-2016, 10:01 PM

Ganta gave a small nod. Yes he was ambitious… and not in the way his father was, no, but he still held ambition his his heart. He wanted to create… wanted to build things anew. He wanted to protect the things he loved. “I understand, Miss Avalon. But I can certainly hope that you might be, right?” He let out a soft chuckle. “…and if it is to be one of your children whom will takeover the pack then I’m sure I can speak with them about the chance at the very least. Who knows? Perhaps Dragoste’s vision will become more flushed out by that time.” He grinned. Sure he understood there was other things that could take away her position… he just saw Avalon as a strong individual.

“I’d be happy to become a Brave. I am a fighter deep down, though I’ve also been learning a bit of herblore in honor of my mother. She… was more delicate and peaceful than my father perhaps realized.” Ganta chuckled softly. “I’d also be happy to assist in any hunts as well. I want to work on my own individual skills… as many as I can. If I want to be a leader someday I’m going to need to know as much as possible.” Ganta paused.

“Do you think… I could talk to you about Dragoste again? Whether you are chief of Ivalice at the time or not… I’d like your insight.”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...