
Pinky swears don't work no more



4 Years
10-03-2016, 11:53 PM

Ramsay paced anxiously. It seemed like he had been doing so for days. He hadn't eaten, he hadn't seen anyone. The boy was a bit of a mess. His cheek ached and throbbed where his brother had left lacerations, and every time he turned his head one way or another, the deep punctures in his scruff, crusted over now with dried blood, cracked open painfully. Yet, he was avoiding everyone on purpose. He didn't know where Vadim was... his brother's scent didn't linger anywhere that he went. Guilt clawed at him. Was his brother okay? His pride told him he'd only done what was right, not to worry about it. Vadim was a tough boy. He could take it. They'd both heal up, and things would go back to normal. Why did it feel like it was taking forever?

Desperately, he wanted to seek out his siblings, his father... but surely he'd be in deep trouble when they discovered what had happened. He had to keep quiet, stay on the down-low. He could only assume that Vadim was doing the same, since he hadn't found the boy's scent anywhere. He'd noticed the scents of other wolves, but Ramsay hid each time he thought someone was close, or taken off as fast as he could. The boy was getting tired though. His wounds pained him, and his stomach ached and begged for food for his still-growing body. Today, he was in a haze, for as he rounded a rocky bend, he found himself face-to-face with someone very familiar, and he hadn't noticed his scent at all. "Greed!" his brother's name came forth without hesitation. Well, now what was he supposed to do? There was no way he could play off the dried blood and crusted wounds on his face and scruff like they were nothing. Breathing heavily, paranoid and exhausted, he glanced around, wondering if anybody else was near. It had been so long since he'd been alone with Greed, and he hadn't expected to meet him under these circumstances, caught completely off-guard.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-19-2016, 09:32 PM

The boy had been digging through the mines, searching for nothing in particular. He was bored, and two of his brothers had gone and disappeared. One sister was missing and...he didn't really wanna hang out with his annoying sister. Nothing was wrong with them, but Greed seemed to have taken on a more solitary type of attitude. So today, he'd spent the majority of his time exploring the mines and digging things up to see what he could find. Blue gaze remained focused on the ground, paws working as he dug away the soil. But when it became clear that he wouldn't be finding anything interesting, he abandoned the hole to move on to make another.

That was when he nearly walked into someone. Not just anyone someone, but his brother Ramsay. Ears perked when he heard his name, his brother surprised. A brow raised as he looked his sibling over, blue eyes narrowing when he caught the scent of dried blood. Not only that, but he could see where it stained his brothers fur. "Where have you been? What's with you?" He drew closer, tail flicking as he stalked around his brother to further inspect him. A smirk curled up his lips, "You got in a fight, didn't you? With who?"


Art||Plot with me!

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4 Years
11-07-2016, 06:33 PM

Olive green eyes flashed, scanning over Greed's facial expression as the boy examined him, obviously noticing the wounds and blood with ease. What would his brother think of him? Ebony-rimmed ears flicked forward as Greed asked him where he'd been. He licked his lips nervously. Had he really been disappeared so long that even Greed had noticed his absence? Perhaps it had been longer than he thought. And it seemed that his brother would also notice his nervousness, so he cleared his throat and forced himself to stand up straight. He didn't want to let his anxiety control him so much; besides, he had nothing to really be ashamed of, right? The fight that had happened was meant to be. Vadim had launched the first attack, and Ramsay had fought back, and in some sick way he had enjoyed the bloodshed and the feeling of victory. Winning that challenge had stroked his ego and made him feel proud, but at an expense he hadn't anticipated.

His gaze followed Greed as the boy stalked around him, examining him closer. "Oh, I've been around," Ramsay forced himself to sound casual, tail flicking, "Just been spending time alone, lately." As his brother came back to his front to question him again, Ramsay grinned toothily at his brother's words, although his ears pinned back and his eyes closed briefly. It was such an odd mixture, feelings of pride and strength, mixed with grief and remorse. "Yea, I got in a fight, and I won, too," he finally said, his eyes flicking open to meet his brother's icy blue gaze, "Vadim challenged me, so I took him down a peg." He watched Greed's face, suddenly very curious to see how his brother would react to this news. Would he be intrigued? Ramsay wasn't going to admit that he felt bad about it; in fact, it felt kinda good to boast about it, removing some of the shame he felt beneath it all.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-17-2016, 01:36 AM

His head tilted slightly, brow raising as his brother said he was around but spending time alone. Alone why? Was it because of his wounds? Was he ashamed he had them? If it were him, he'd go around showing them off! But he'd wait before saying anything, his only response a simple "Hmmm..." Had Ramsey just been hiding from their dad or something? He didn't know, and he didn't care right now. He was more interested in the answer that suddenly brought his brother to grin like that, and Greed waited hungrily for an answer. And it didn't take too long for his brother to answer either. Greed snorted in amusement, a smirk peeking through and exposing white canines. So, Ramsay and Vadim had gotten in a fight? It was no wonder he hadn't seen them around. Though Vadim's scent seemed to be around less than Ramsay's. "That pork chop challenged you?" He couldn't help but to laugh.

Shaking his head a bit, he flicked his tail as he found this amusing. "I don't doubt that you did knock him down, it's no wonder I've found his scent leaving the territory! He ran away like a big baby to hide! If I were either of you, I'd be proud of my battle wounds!" He puffed out his chest, claws scraping in the dirt as his grin stayed in place. "Man, I wish I coulda been there to see that...does dad know? that why both of you have been hiding?" He eyed his brother, curious to know if that was indeed the reason.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
11-17-2016, 02:03 AM

Ramsay's ebony-tipped tail merely flicked, his head lowering and eyes searching over Greed's face as his brother simply hummed in response to what he'd said. He grit his teeth, wondering what Greed was thinking. He knew he'd have to threaten his brother into a fight if he tried to put him down for any reason, but he was so exhausted, he wasn't sure if he could follow through. At least, he couldn't win. Finally, Greed said something else, and Ramsay laughed with him, nodding his head. "Yea, he did," the boy confirmed, shaking his head now as he chuckled, "Believe it or not, he put up a good fight. But, he kinda gave up... I wasn't expecting that." Although, he could have admitted that he'd antagonized his brother first, which had probably led Vadim into striking first, but Ramsay was more than happy to claim that he hadn't started the fight. Yet, he had certainly finished it. Still, every time he thought of that, it brought him shame. It was a confusing feeling, as there was pride mixed in with his victory, but deep down he wished he could have conquered over an enemy, rather than his own flesh and blood - it just didn't feel the way he expected it to feel.

He blinked in surprise when Greed said he'd scented their brother leaving the territory. Was that because of him? Had he caused Vadim to leave? He swallowed hard, wondering for a moment in he'd caused his brother to run away, for good. Ramsay had been avoiding so much that he hadn't even noticed. But his thoughts were distracted from any thoughts of remorse when Greed stated that he'd be proud of any battle wounds. Immediately, Ramsay stood up tall, his black-tipped tail flicking into the air as he eyed his brother. "I am proud of these battle wounds," he retorted, claws digging into the sod, "I mean, look at all the blood that's still on my fur! It was a real fight. I wish you coulda seen it, too, it was awesome. But I'm not hiding... I just... I dunno. It's my first fight, I didn't know what to do." He raised a brow, flicking his tail as he dared his brother to question him further on it. Yea, he'd kinda been hiding, most definitely had been hiding, but he wasn't sure what anyone would think of it. Brothers weren't supposed to fight, right? But... it had felt right at the time. And he wasn't sure if things would be different if he was given a second chance.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!