
Teenagers scare the living out of me



1 Year
10-04-2016, 01:42 AM

Life was so complicated right now. Ash wasn't sure what to think since they got back. Her mind was swarming and it felt like a dark cloud hung over her head. She thought they'd spend the rest of their lives with dad, but what if he died? What if the world took him away from them. Seeing Vadim like that - had scared her. She didn't have the strength to protect them that was obvious. And what about Ivalice? How did she feel being here? Soon they'd be a year old and they'd have to make a choice on their own. After all her dad had mentioned something of wanting to leave.

Ash conflicted sought out the comfort of her brother Ramsay. What did he want to do when he grew up? What had he been up to since mother came back and all this happened? Did he want to run away and just leave everything. Or drift off like Greed had - because it just seemed like Greed didn't need any of them. She fought with herself on this as she paced at the mines entrances.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



4 Years
10-04-2016, 01:57 AM

Simply exhausted, Ramsay stumbled as he paced around. He'd been avoiding everyone for so long... he'd tried to hunt, but he hadn't been successful. He'd had no one to tend to his wounds - they weren't festering, but they'd been sore for much longer than necessary. They'd prevented him from moving around normally, and his fear of 'getting caught' had kept him in avoidance for days. He didn't want anyone to know what had happened. Focusing on catching prey, or resting, was out of the question. And as desperately as he wanted to be around his siblings, and his dad, he knew that just wasn't a good idea. Besides, he deserved to be alone as he went through all of this. He'd hurt his own brother, and Vadim was likely alone as well. However, as he wandered around aimlessly, losing track of his surroundings, it wasn't long until he bumped into a familiar form. His sister, little princess Ash... but she wasn't so little anymore. Neither was he. They were growing so fast, and it felt like ages since he'd seen her. He breathed a sigh of relief, before he stiffened, realizing his mane was still crusted with old blood - he'd been too afraid of the pain to try washing. "Ash..." he murmured, not knowing what to say.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



1 Year
10-04-2016, 02:02 AM

When she saw him, concern crossed her face as she could smell the blood on him. First Vadim and now Ramsay? What had happened to these two? Where were the days they'd all play together now. "Ramsay." she shivered and then just couldn't help it. She went to wrap her head around him. Her fur to mix with his even if he was hurt. "Are you okay?! Why didn't you tell anyone you were hurt. Hell why haven't I noticed what's been going on." she flicked her ears back. Maybe this was all her fault.

"Ramsay.... I saw dad cry yesterday.... it was... weird." she sat down in front of him. Perhaps they could talk it out. After all they were here to support each other. She didn't want Ramsay to be alone as she didn't want Vadim or dad to be alone either. Lonliness was a horrible feeling.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



4 Years
10-09-2016, 04:34 PM

He stood absolutely still as his sister said his name, and without warning, she moved toward him and wrapped her head around him in a hug. There was a sting in his wounds, but he didn't flinch away; he pressed into her embrace just a little, so light and subtle she might not even notice. It was comforting, despite his confusion, his sister's presence helped center him a little. Helped him feel somewhat normal in the midst of his chaotic thoughts. Her frantic voice broke his heart though, and filled with shame, he dropped his head, ears flicking back as he stared at the ground. "I... couldn't tell anyone," he croaked, his voice feeling dry and choked. He still intended to remain quiet; if Vadim was staying quiet, he wasn't going to say anything. For all he knew, his brother had already spoken up, but Ash made no mention of it, so he wouldn't say anything about it yet.

He sat down as she did, and his brows pulled together in a worried furrow when she said she'd saw their dad crying the day before. "Why?" the word left his mouth before he could mull it over, "W-what happened?" His heart began to pound, his claws digging anxiously into the dirt. What could possibly have caused his father to shed tears? His mind instantly went to thoughts of his brother - had they found Vadim? What had become of him? Surely he was okay... his wounds had not been fatal. For days, Ramsay had been trying to keep tears at bay as he thought of his brother, and everything that had happened. Crying would have been weak, right? But, dad had been crying? He drew in a breath rather heavily, beginning to feel a rattling in his chest, and he clenched his jaws as he tried to hold back from falling apart.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



1 Year
10-09-2016, 04:55 PM

Of course she would be worried for her brother. If he didn't want to share why that was fine. It still would concern her though as she would tilt her head to one side. He shouldn't feel ashamed - she couldn't help but to feel helpless or sad about it. "Vadim got lost. He was covered in wounds just like you but he was all alone was into some caves. Daddy was so worried. He said he didn't know what he would've done if any of us died. We were just lucky a nice lady sort of related to dad was there something about through adoption I don't know." she shook her head. "I'm guessing the two of you got into a fight?" she furrowed her brows.

Ash would shift in her seat. "It's okay if you did I'm not disappointed in either of you and Dad seems to just be thankful that your back.... please just be okay Ramsay. Tell me if somethings wrong." she would lightly pressed her head into his chest. Ever so lightly so that she wouldn't hurt him. This was the most stressful thing she thought she'd been through.

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



4 Years
10-09-2016, 08:55 PM

The boy remained silent, since he was not asked about why he couldn't tell anyone what had happened, he was not going to offer the information. His black-edged ears flicked forward when Ash spoke their brother's name, possibly giving away his subject of concern. Vadim had gotten lost? Why, had he taken off after their fight? As the girl continued, explaining how they'd found Vadim covered in wounds, of course he knew why that was. But then she described how Liar had reacted to it all, that it had caused their father pain and distress - Ramsay's ears folded back once more. Everything that had happened... it was all his fault. He felt his insides squirming with discomfort, a sense of rage stirring. He wanted to apologize, to take it all back, but there was something in the back of his mind that told him if he could go back and do things over... that he would do it all the same. He couldn't admit he'd been wrong.

Olive green eyes glanced to Ash, looking into her eyes for a moment in silence, before he looked to the ground. "I... I just couldn't stop myself," he said, feeling that anger burning within him, "Vadim challenged me. I'm sick of being a nobody. But then... then he brought up mom, and I just..." Tears stung the corners of his eyes, even as he felt his sister press her head lightly into the front of his chest. His breath became ragged as he lightly rested his head on the back of her neck. He'd lost it... he'd lost his temper and his grip on control, and he'd hurt his brother with no remorse. And because of that, he'd hurt everyone else, including her. Suddenly he pulled away from her, feeling like he didn't deserve the comfort she gave him. "Ash, I'm sorry," he murmured as he turned away from her somewhat, "There's something wrong with me. I was so angry. I shouldn't have laid my fangs on my own flesh and blood... yet some little voice in my head says I'd do it again. I know I would. How... how did it get this way?" His voice wavered somewhat, but he bit his lip to still himself.

He didn't know why he'd felt a sudden shift in his moods and sense of self. When they'd been younger, he'd felt so carefree, like nothing would ever matter and nothing would ever change. As a baby pup, he'd thought life would just carry on the same forever - he'd be with his dad and siblings, he'd play and tumble around with them, explore new places and never be apart. But then again, before that, he'd never thought mom would leave. So maybe things did change. Maybe nothing was ever what it seemed.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



1 Year
10-10-2016, 01:44 PM

Ash let her ears pin to the back of her head. She of all wolves would be here to listen to her brothers. From what he told her though she thought of him as an idiot. She hissed through her teeth mildly keeping her head in place as she tried to comfort him the best that she knew how. "That doesn't make you less a part of the family Ramsay." she said as she went to look up at him. "Being angry is part of growing up, it's part of being who you are. And if it's anything that daddy's taught us it's to be who we want to be and still be there for each other." Ash watched him sadly. "Did you ever think Vadim just shouldn't have challenged you? You know I would've gotten jealous too if I were a fighter." she chuckled lightly though it was laced with a tiny bit of pain.

"Vadim wants to be a king Ramsay. Why don't we follow him? He said he just wanted us to be a family! And you, you are part of that family. Flesh and blood sure, but it won't be the first time we harm each other physically nor emotionally. It happens and the important part is that you know you aren't alone! I'm here, Dad's here. Vadim will always be here." she furrowed her brows and tried to embrace him in a hug. "I love you brother, nothing will change that. Not even if you turn out to harm everything around you. The gods would just be happy, if you be who you want to be." her tail flicked behind her.

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4 Years
10-14-2016, 12:25 AM

Ramsay heard the hiss of air that escaped between her teeth - did she think he was an idiot? Had he made a big, stupid mistake? Was she mad at him? He breathed deeply for a moment, his eyes shifting from side to side as he avoided her gaze for the time being. He knew she'd already said she wouldn't be mad at him, but he couldn't help but feel like he was a disappointment to the family, that he'd ruined things with his loved ones. His ears twitched to the sound of her voice, and he tried to listen above the insanity of his wild, swirling thoughts. Was she really right, that being angry was just part of growing up? He could believe it, but then, he kind of felt like his anger was out of proportion, and like it wouldn't ever end. But he had to agree, no matter how he felt, he knew he had to be there for his family. He'd have to make it work, somehow. When Ash asked him if he felt Vadim shouldn't have challenged him, he nodded tentatively, black-rimmed ears perking when she said she would have felt jealous at the time as well if she'd bee in his place. "Really?" he asked somewhat meekly.

However, he wasn't too concerned with the answer to that when he heard what she said next. Vadim was planning to become a leader, a king? When had he decided that? Ramsay's hackles rose, his ebony-tipped tail flicked into the air. His brother had never discussed this with him. Had he decided it after their fight? His lips curled back slightly as he listened to his sister go on about the plans that Vadim had somehow thought of. How... how had his brother thought of these things, of bringing their family closer after all of this, the bloodshed, the hurt, the fury. Suddenly his legs felt weak, unable to comprehend it all. He felt weak and pathetic. Why did he feel like his anger was consuming him and leaving him helpless, while his brother had walked away from it with thoughts that were clearer than ever?

Slumping to the ground, Ramsay growled, pressing his nose into the ground as his forepaws covered his face, and he squeezed his eyes shut. He felt Ash embrace him again, and her words reached his ears, but he didn't know how to respond. So, they were all supposed to follow Vadim now? Somehow, he was going to have to just be okay with everything, and do what his family did. He wanted to, but envy clouded his thoughts. He sighed, a growling sound rumbling in his throat. "I love you too, Ash... I love you all," he said, knowing he had to confirm it out loud, "Are you really going to follow Vadim? I mean... I want to. O-of course I will... I just..." He shut himself up, having nothing good to say. He wasn't being rational, so it was no use trying to say anything.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



1 Year
10-14-2016, 12:42 AM

She watched her brother carefully. Hoping her words hadn't etched wounds into his skin. She knew words could hurt just as much as those wounds on his pelt. He was struggling with himself she knew that was normal! Maybe she was too smart, but she had observed it with all of them. Figuring out who they were - was only part of the journey. Maybe she and Ramsay were just slow at that. "Ramsay I don't even know what I want to do with my life or who I am." she told him as she carefully settled a paw on his own. She tried to shuffle her head under his jaw to raise his head. This was her brother, he should raise himself proudly.

"What Vadim said. He'd probably decided it after a long thought after the fight. He said he was tired of us not getting recognized, of not being listened to. That he saw how the pack reacted to Ivalice and he just wanted that. He wants us to have a voice not to be shapes in the background. And that includes you! Even if you don't want to follow him, it's not like we have to... I just thought - I thought it would be nice. And you could muster this anger and turn it towards the enemy. Use that rage! Sharpen your teeth, we are young and we are able. One day I want you, dad, and Vadim to look at me and be proud so no matter what I want to look at you and you be proud. And as a walker myself I won't go back on my word. As an Armada yourself, you should carry yourself with pride. Those wounds are just a start to finding your path." she wouldn't let her words go to waste. She didn't want to discourage him either. He had a lot of potential. It was just like with Greed - sure he had a tendency to be a dick but that ran through their blood, he was hard headed and the path he took Ash had no doubt he'd succeed even if it was to be a king himself. "And who knows, whatever you do is fine. I don't even know if I'll follow Vadim when the time comes, but it sounds like a place I'd like to be. Dad would be there too. "

[Image: qB7n6hY.png]



4 Years
10-17-2016, 09:15 PM

As his sister stated that she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do with herself, that she wasn't even sure who she was, a sad grin spread on his black lips. He felt his spirits lifting when she settled one of her paws on his, nudging her nose under his chin to lift his head up high and proud. He blinked his eyes, trying to get rid of the sting and the tears that had threatened to spill. He felt a little stronger with his sister comforting him, and he was glad that she wasn't judging him for what had happened. He had felt so much anxiety over it all, fearing that his family would despise him for spilling blood that belonged to them all. He wouldn't have blamed them. He knew it had been wrong. But it had just happened, and he couldn't change it.

Ramsay listened, his black-rimmed ears perking with great interest as Ash spoke, realizing how much he valued his sister's words right now. When had she gotten so clever, and wise? Maybe she hadn't wasted so much time worrying and being angry over things that couldn't be changed. Perhaps he ought to strive to be a little more like her, and get his head back on straight. It gave him a lot of insight as he listened, realizing what his brother had planned - they were grandeur plans, for sure, and Vadim was still very young, but Ramsay realized he liked the sound of it all. Sure, he'd been mad and hurt over their fight, and guilt had clawed at him for days and days... but all in all, he loved his siblings and his dad, and he wanted them all to be a family. To be together, to succeed and be proud of one another. It sounded great. He just needed to shove his pride aside, and if Ash could do it, he was sure he could too.

When she had finished speaking, he finally found some words, having had a chance to breathe and somewhat find a steadiness in his mind. "It sounds great, Ash... I want all of that," he said in response to her, nodding his head as though to truly confirm it all, "I want us all to be a family, to be proud of each other. I don't want to hurt any of you... I shouldn't have.. I just shouldn't have fought with Vadim, no matter what. I've heard that blood is thicker than water, maybe that's what this all means. That we should stick together through everything. And you're right... I'm angry, but I can use it on enemies." His green eyes glimmered with the thoughts of potential for them all. He looked to the ground, pausing for a moment in thought, before looking back up at Ash again, offering her a small smile for what felt like the first time in forever. "Thank you Ash, for making me see straight again," he said, his tone full of gratitude toward his sister, "Vadim is our brother. If he wants to be a king, and he wants us to all be recognized, then we should follow him. Especially if we don't even know what we want to do with ourselves... maybe we're just meant to be followers. But that's okay, right? It's for our family, to make us all better, and stronger." He watched his sister's face, wondering if she would agree. He hoped so. He hoped he sounded like less of a moron than he had seemed moments ago. He knew now, he would have to talk with his brother, apologize for what he'd done, and see where the future took them.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!