
--once you go black you never go back



Extra small
08-07-2014, 04:15 PM

Fal?dara didn?t feel particularly needed in any one place, however, this did not sadden her. It made her feel as though she was supposed to be looking for a place where she was needed. She loved her family, specifically her mother, so dearly. They would be alright without her for the time being. Fal?dara was a calm soul that didn?t really believe in worry. Besides, Song could see her whenever she wished. Whenever Fal?dara figured out wherever it was that she really belonged she would certainly let her mother know. Her father was long gone, so there was no need to really look to tell him anything. She was sure he was perfectly fine. He must have had some really important business to tend to.

Fal?dara had also failed to notice that age had done her well. She was still petite and small for her age, and perhaps for her lineage, but she was far more feminine than she had been. The youthful boyishness had left her and gentle curves were taking over her body. She had developed delicate facial features that resembled her mother, and her entire body was healthy, albeit slightly thin. She was never going to be a heavy set girl though. Fal?dara?s gentleness not only was upon the way she looked but also the way that she moved. Her steps were gentle and light and she moved with an airiness that was only natural. It wasn?t simply learned.

Fal?dara had no notice of what was becoming of her or really those around her. her observance wasn?t especially keen, but she was sweet nonetheless. She had a brilliant heart despite her early on naievity. She would grow and she would change some more, however, only those involved would determine how she would turn out.

The morning was crisp and the air was warm. The sun peeked over the horizon with a bright glare and set the world aglow with a brilliant morning kiss. Fal?dara was seated on a patch of grass watching the golden rays pour over the landscape. It was going to be a lovely day, and once she had situated herself and thought about some things she would let herself go wherever the wind carried her and to whatever future she was supposed to be involved with. Oh what a day!



2 Years
08-07-2014, 04:35 PM
Just a reminder that Lakota doesn't have a censor bar or anything like that. Continue.

Some stroke of either brilliance or idiocy had brought her to the pitfall, and she was not exactly pleased with having to actually pay attention to where she was going. Quicksand was everywhere, and it made it difficult to wander about and enjoy the scenery. The only scenery she could enjoy at the moment was the lovely view of her feet and the little bits of grass and sand here and there. Fan fucking tastic. She grumbled quietly to herself while she walked, pallid banner sweeping across her heels as she did, feminine hips swaying gently with each stride of her long legs. It wasn't much fun to stick close to home all the time, but she'd try to stick around while Song was pregnant, in case her mother needed her help or anything like that. Though, she probably wouldn't be needed. This was her mother's third litter so far, no doubt she knew what she was doing by now. However, it never hurt to stick close to home. Besides, she wanted to meet her younger siblings, she hadn't seen hide nor hair of any of them yet.
A patch of grass came into her view, and without thinking she cantered toward it, happy to be out of the ridiculous quicksand maze. Obviously whatever gods had gotten a hand in designing this place hadn't been keen on making it an enjoyable place. The only problem with bounding blindly forward was that her eyes couldn't quite catch the smaller form sitting peacefully in the midst of the grass. Shit. The giantess ended up doing what one would expect, and tripped over her long unseen sibling. Going head over heels, the lass was introduced none too kindly to the ground, earning a mouth full of grass and dirt. It didn't take long for her to be back on her feet, spitting earth and flora while she shook her head vigorously. Long tail would stick straight out as she pawed at her face, muttering about things getting in her way.
When she'd finally managed to get most of the grass off of her tongue, she turned around with a small frown upon her delicate features. Hey, sorry about- Fal'Dara! She suddenly yipped, face alight with glee. Her sister had come back too! She forgot all about her apology, instead plodding forward in a less than graceful manner and aiming to wrap her long forelimbs about her sister in a joyous embrace. A huge, dorky grin was plastered to her face, and she would squeeze her sister tightly out of joy to see her again. Where've you been? I missed you! She exclaimed, tail wagging rapidly at her hocks.



3 Years
08-07-2014, 05:22 PM

Dutiron Destruction typically stayed close to home, in fact he had never actually left the Ludicael pack lands. Of course he wasn't quite a year of age yet, though it was still perhaps a little strange, all the family he knew were in Ludicael though, aside from his mother's trip away, and he had plenty to learn from them without going off and exploring the world. Suddenly though he had gotten the urge to start seeing some of the world outside his home, his elder sister Novel had once told him that there was lots of different things to see outside of the Ludicael lands that he had always called home and whilst he couldn't recall that memory apparently subconsciously a part of it had remained within his mind and so now he would begin to start his explorations in the world.

He had no idea where he was going and certainly hoped he could rely upon his memory to get him back home without getting too lost. All the same he would continue and apparently misfortune would come across him as he found himself in a particularly unpleasant part of Alacritia. He had avoided the quicksand fortunately so far, though oblivious to the existence of such dangers it was only by pure luck that he didn't find himself sinking. All the same, even without knowing the dangers of the pitfall he would decide he wasn't too keen on the area.

A shout not too far away would catch his attention and now he would look ahead to the patch of grass and two figures. One he almost mistook for Novel, on a quick glance it was certainly an easy mistake to make though even from this distance he could see that the other wolf was in fact larger than his sister. Curious all the same he would venture closer to the pair, the scent was rather familiar as well, in fact he could smell his mother and even traces of Ludicael upon her. It was then as he reached the grass that he realised he wasn't actually overly sure what to say to the pair.



Extra small
08-09-2014, 01:15 PM

Fal?dara wasn?t often around any of her siblings, as a matter of fact, so the fact that two of them would be in her presence today was going to be a surprise to her. She rarely expected anything of anyone, of course. To expect things was to be certain they were going to happen. She, however, was quite aware of the fact that things changed--Fal?dara did not see poorness in the unexpected. She welcomed change as she welcomed everything else. Without care or thought that things could potentially go wrong. Maybe one day she would learn otherwise, but for now, she would feel the skin of her sibling collide with her own. Golden eyes would widen slightly and Fal?dara would make sure to find her footing and swivel her hops around to face Lakota with nothing short of a glamorous smile painted on her face.

?It?s fine! Are you alright?? Her head would tilt slightly to the side and her tail wavered gently behind her. She was the smallest out of all of her littermates, though she?d never really paid much mind. Head slightly tilted to make eye contact with Lakota she would then recline backwards. Seating herself before her sister her tail would wrap around her body and she would wait for Lakota to clean herself up a bit. She was an awkward one. It was adorable. She was so sweet to apologize and to make note of the absence Fal?dara had shown, ?I?m sorry! I went looking for father, and I was studying, and I just was looking for a purpose of sorts in the world,? There was a strong cluelessness about Fal?dara, but it was forgivable in her gentleness.

Still yet, they were not alone and it was certainly noticeable. The glamour on her face would turn to take notice of another--a smaller--wolf nearer them. Fal?dara immediately noted the smell on his body and the familiar features. His lineage was of no doubt, and the girl could feel a touch of guilt for not having sought out this one. She hadn?t had much of a hand in Song?s newest brood. She had really dropped off the map. Now, still, she missed her mama. Far more than she missed her feather; and she missed him a great deal, ?Hello!? The girl gave a brightened response to their third party and she would rise up from her assumed position and move towards the child. Her nose sought out the the boy?s neck and she simply gushed excitement, ?You?re a brother? I?m Fal?dara!?



2 Years
08-11-2014, 01:24 PM


Her sister had not grown as she had, which was obvious by her much smaller stature. Her sister, even though she had probably earned at least one foot to the face, asked if she was alright. The porcelain features of the willowy lass crinkled with a huge grin as she nodded, chuckling quietly. Fal's explanation for her absence was a whole hell of a low better than her own had been, though Canta might not think so. She nodded again, shrugging her petite shoulders and nuzzling her sister's neck affectionately. "Hey, at least you're home. We all missed you, things have been a roller coaster apparently." She hummed, banner flicking at her rump momentarily. It didn't take long for both of their gazes to fall on the new arrival to their little reunion in the god damned quicksand hell. Who would manage to get out here, and somehow fall upon them? The stature was recognizable, and the lass soon came to realize that it was one of their younger siblings. Fal'Dara was quick to welcome him, all aflutter with glee.
Her smile would grow, and she would take a few steps closer, lowering her tiara to cast a dual toned gaze upon the young boy. He was a pale boy, with dusty brown markings that bore some of the same tones as their grandfather. Her tail started to wag even more, and she closed in on the boy as well, bumping his shoulder with her muzzle in an affectionate greeting. "And I'm Lakota, but you can just call me Kota." She added in a jaunty tone, her rump falling to the ground roughly as she sat with a quiet thump.