
keep up and reach out



6 Years
Extra large

10-05-2016, 01:13 AM

Since his sister's return to his side, there really wasn't much stopping the man from being at his best. He felt close to home as long as he roamed near the volcano, yet away from his worries knowing that he was free and without a pack to lead or a reputation to hold. For the first time in his life, he was feeling as though he might actually.. have it all together.

There'd been one little slip up with Reina, though he'd been able to successfully withhold his temper from reaching the point of violence and remain in control of his fragile mind. She'd even accepted his apology, and compared to past events, he counted that as a win. Perhaps, all they needed was freedom? Himself, and his sister. It would be difficult to manage hunting and keeping their larger frames fed between just the two of them.. however, it appeared that luck had been on their side so far.

The hunt in buffalo knolls had been a success, a trade complete and bellies fed just as he'd expected. He found that hunting kept him occupied, keeping him away from the horrors that crept up within his skull and seized him when he was idle. If smaller game was what they were limited to without the help of a pack or luck of a few roaming rogues, then the hunts would have to be often and he was quite alright with that.

The beast found himself meandering South once more, back to the forest he'd passed with his sister. The gnarled roots and thickly grown in trees deterred him from ever entering so he skirted along the outside of the treeline and took note of the scents he found along it's border. If he found something worthwhile and fresh enough, he might just venture in... but for now, the giant stuck to open land where he could maneuver better. Perhaps a smaller, quicker wolf would have slipped in without thinking twice, but Elias had to think about it a bit differently.

As he neared the end of the forest, he recalled walking along a river of actual clear water, so there is where the beast headed though to his surprise, he'd stumbled upon the fresh trail of what smelled like wallowing pigs leaving the forest and heading in the same direction he was- toward the river. The trail smelled thick of mud and it was difficult to discern exactly what sort of pig it was for Elias, having absolutely no experience with prey in this region. All he knew was that the animal was big, easily 500 pounds, and a smaller set of prints revealed that there was a youth in her company.

He stood there, picking up scents and unraveling the mystery of what creature it might be while trying to decide if he dared to dance with a pig this size by himself. If it was like the ones back home, they carried incredible tusks.. though, he rarely ever saw them reach a weight this immense.

ooc; It's tapir, not boar, but Elias has never seen them before. :'D

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Extra large
10-06-2016, 05:55 PM
Áki begrudgingly had left the northern lands after a brief trip there. He had hoped that he might find a hunting partner to follow some of the reindeer, as they broke off to feed in smaller groups, awaiting winter's approach. But, alas, he was still alone. Occasionally he had found another wolf to chat with, or hunt something small with - but reindeer were no joke, and two wolves simply wouldn't do, and he wouldn't kill a calf without reason. Feeling more dejected than usual - he desperately missed the feeling of running with wolves on each side of him, tracking and chasing the herd as he did many times when he was younger - he headed south.

As miles passed, the weather grew slightly more pleasant. Fall was here in full force, and though the temperatures had begun to drop drastically, the sharp chill in the air seemed less piercing here. He needed to stick around these lands, too, for Renhett would be giving birth soon. The thought was still just as excited as it had been initially. How many would he have? He could only see Sabine's face now when she realized what he'd done, and he wondered how she might react.. though, she was due soon too. He'd have to go visit her, once his own were born.

The oversized brute wove lazily between the trees of the forest, nose nearly pressed to the dirt as he sniffed at the air in search of something. He was hungry, and he was determined to eat. Something good, too - he'd never been a bit fan of small game, though he made due with what was given to him, and that was all that seemed available lately. It'd been way too long since he'd let the thrill of the hunt take him over and he longed to feel such adrenaline course through his veins again. He didn't know how long he wandered before he caught the scent of prey - it was a creature unfamiliar to him, though its trail was tainted with the scent of another wolf, too. Perhaps he'd come here too late. Damnit.

Snuffing audibly, he'd continue on through the dreary forest. This place was a death trap, he noticed suddenly. The forest floor was littered with vines and tree roots, and only when he tensed at the thought of the hunt did it become apparent that this was no real place to hunt. Just his luck. He plowed onward, only slowing his steady pace when the form of a stranger came into view. He was easily as large as himself, his frame sturdy and strong, with the build of a warrior. Aki eyed him appreciatively, tilting his tusks to the earth in a slow bow of a greeting. He wondered if he was following the scent of these animals too? Barking would only alert the prey to their presence. "Greetings," he rumbled, his voice low and steady as he took a few steps toward Elias. "Are you as hungry as I am, ystävä?" There was no harm in asking, after all.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years
Extra large

10-07-2016, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 10-07-2016, 06:25 AM by Elias.)

Elias heard him approaching before he ever saw him; the sound of heavy paws disturbing detritus quickly gaining his attention. He forfeited his attention on the trail to twist his neck around and look behind him, his hackles beginning to prickle slightly in defense as he prepared for the utmost worst- it is what he was used to, after all.

What appeared was an enormous beast of equal size to his own, but those tusks that protruded from the other's lips painted a visage that Elias would never be able to forget. His eyes widened slightly in his moment of stupor, caught in awe as he admired the gift in genetics that the gods seemed to bless the creature before him with. As if to further this hallowed creature's appearance, Elias' eyes drifted over the red markings that adorned his silvery, shaggy fur. His hackles had been smoothing out through-out the entirety of his observation and slowly, Elias turned to face him and bow his head in respect as the other voiced his greeting.

The question brought a coy smile to Elias' lips as his skull canted slightly, wondering inwardly if this beast was offering to aid him or preparing to run him off. His ears flicked toward the word that concluded that question, it was not one he knew but the free usage of the other's native tongue inspired him to answer with his own in pride. "Veto, I am." A grin started in his cheeks, pulling his lips across his smile as he looked on to the man before him in similar appreciation.

Whispers meant for only himself to hear swirled in his mind, speaking fondly of the strength within the ghostly creature in front of him; Elias was forced to listen to them, his ears flicking gently in different directions as he continued to stare, admiring Aki. There was a warmth radiating beneath his skin as he felt in the presence of something almost holy. "I'm not sure what it is that I'm tracking, to be honest. Though, you are welcome to accompany me, providing it interests you, if in return I may ask you a question?" He'd never been one for trading before, but perhaps Dagmaer had started something? He had no use for material ownerships, but a constant thirst for understanding- in his mind, the trade was fair without doubt.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Extra large
10-10-2016, 08:55 PM
Aki was not easily hidden, even in the night, so he made no effort whatsoever to hide his approach. The brute's grin appeared quickly, coming easily and with little effort as he assessed his newest acquaintance. Though far from timid, his posture was largely non-threatening - he had nothing to fear from this man, nor did he have a reason to be anything but complacent toward him. He ignored the stranger's initial stiff reaction, noticing he quickly relaxed when Aki spoke and showed his intentions.. rather, his lack of intentions.

His grin widened at the sound of a language unfamiliar him, and he found his tail batting against his hind legs in slow rhythm.  "Good!" he'd say heartily, glad to hear it. Hunting with another was also preferred to hunting alone, and he felt his chest swell with gratitude that he had stumbled across another today.  "I'm not sure either, but it smells quite good," he admitted, nostrils flaring as he took another whiff of the cool forest air. The scent was not entirely alien, but he couldn't quite place it. It was something somewhat large, though certainly not a deer or cow, he could tell that much.

The other brute said he could join.. if he asked a question. Why, that was a simple enough trade! Not that Elias could convince Aki to really pay much of anything to merely assist him in hunting, but answering a question seemed innocent enough. He wasn't sure what sort of question might be worth asking him, though. He shrugged nonchalantly, a bit curious - and liking the attention, though he wouldn't really admit it.  "Of course," he said quietly, sniffing at the air again and grabbing hold of the scent as he shifted and began to slowly trail after it.  "What is it you wonder?" He figured he ought to offer his name, at the very least, but he was interested first in what sort of question he had for him.
table by argent/neffs



6 Years
Extra large

10-12-2016, 03:19 PM

He'd noticed the appetizing aroma on the trail as well, though boars had always been his favorite to hunt back on his home lands. These didn't smell quite the same, but he had hopes that they'd hold the same fat content mmm. He didn't waste any time following after Aki while he sought the trail, though even with the promise of food.. it was Aki that Elias seemed to be staring at, not the trail.

It was safe to say he was fixated on those magnificent tusks coming out of the man's snout, they were not only majestic in appearance.. but he could only imagine the use of them as weapons in battle. Every bite would hold additional damage and he was beyond enthralled with the sheer amount of power the beast before him held with that alone. His height was just an added bonus. When it came time for him to ask his question, Elias's scarred lips pulled back slightly with an eager grin as he would cant his head just before he proposed it.

"Who are you?" Or rather, what.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Extra large
10-17-2016, 08:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2016, 08:49 PM by Áki.)
To say he didn't have a.. thing for large, strong males would be a lie - his gaze roved openly over Elias, noticing his similarly red eyes and the vast array of scars that marred his pelt. He was a fighter, which Aki could appreciate. Or, even if not a fighter.. surely a survivor. He hummed, nearly inaudibly, as he assessed his new acquaintance.

It seemed Elias was equally as interested in him, which came as little surprise. He knew his tusks were unusual, and he got a lot of attention over them..   not something he'd ever complain about, that was for sure. He found himself grinning back at Elias, surprised that his question had been one so simple. Who was he? Something in his inquiry seemed to imply he wanted more than just his name, though Aki wasn't sure what sort of information he wanted. His head tilted slightly to the side, a curious look falling on his features as they walked together, the scent of the creatures growing stronger as they moved.

"Who am I?" he'd reiterate the question lightly, a chuckle falling from his lips.  "My name is Aki Jarvela. I am a wanderer from distant lands," he offered, his voice playful and clearly full of jest. His gaze fell on his hunting partner's features as his pace slowed.  "Is that what you wanted to know?" His voice would lower as he noted the scent of the creatures they were following grew much stronger, his head lowering to the ground as his nostrils flared widely. "And who might you be, friend?"

table by argent/neffs



6 Years
Extra large

10-18-2016, 06:26 PM

The vagueness of his response issued a little smirk to arise from Elias as he watched him, his own ruby gaze meeting Aki's in an attempt to read a bit more into the soul that wandered from distant lands. 'Is that what you wanted to know?' He gave a nod, even though in truth he wanted to know a bit more about the male before him. He at least had received a name, and that made the beast more comfortable about revealing his own. He did not fail to notice the increasing stench of what he assumed to be some sort of mud hogs so he slowed his pace nearly to a full stop just for a moment, giving them time to introduce themselves before giving away to their prey that they were tracking.

He watched as Aki picked up scents on the ground and flicked an ear, "Elias Praetor, ....also a wanderer from distant lands." He grinned slightly before lowering his head as well, they would have plenty of time to talk over dinner- he was sure. It was time to get to business. He picked his gaze up to the stranger and tilted his head slightly, "Hmm.. if they are hogs, then my usual strategy is an ambush as boars like to stand and fight for their territory, if not charge. I usually get one chasing me if I can to lure it out, then the rest of the hunting party would jump in." He thought quietly for a moment, realizing he'd just mentioned his old ways which might have hinted that he'd not always been alone- though he brushed it off and continued on, "Though, I can't guarantee that they are hogs. What about you, do you have any ideas?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Extra large
10-19-2016, 05:44 PM
Aki sought Elias's gaze again, his grin widening - a playful, mischievous sort of expression. He was generally an open book, so long as you knew what questions to ask. They seemed to have a plan ahead of them.. after they ate, perhaps they could speak more freely. It was difficult to carry on a decent conversation when they were tracking prey and had to be wary about spooking them. A soft chuckle left his lips, his ears flicking lightly. "Then we are kindred souls, Elias Praetor," he quipped back lightly, amusement dancing on his weathered features.

He inhaled sharply as they paused on their trail, nostrils flaring as he tested the scent. It did smell a bit like a boar, he was familiar with those.. but distinctively different. Aki shrugged uncertainly. "Smells a bit like them," the brute agreed firmly. He hardly noticed that Elias had mentioned hunting with others. He had spent much time hunting in a group as a youth, but not so much these days, which was a shame. "But different. I say we do just that. Perhaps you could circle around the group and taunt one and send it running back to me." By that point, he hoped to surprise it - maybe by confusing it with two enemies, they could take it down easily, depending on its size. "Then I'll charge and send it back to you. If it's bigger than a boar, we'll just run for our lives." A wide grin appeared on his lips, another bit of laughter bubbling from his chest at the thought.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years
Extra large

10-31-2016, 10:53 AM

Since his sister's return to his side, there really wasn't much stopping the man from being at his best. He felt He did not attempt to hide the grin that spread across his lips from Aki's comment on them being kindred souls, they were words that he heard with a bit of nostalgia for those that he'd loved in his past. Though he was certainly still wary of the stranger, he was quickly becoming fond of the idea of learning more about the man. His features calmed as their conversation turned back toward strategy and he gave a nod as Aki confirmed the plan. The comment at the end earned a chuckle from Elias as he turned his large frame into position to continue on down the trail.

He'd walk aside Aki until they'd come close enough where it came time for Elias to continue on alone. His nose plastered against the beaten path of their prey and his ears could already hear the weight of something moving through mud in the distance. The gray man lifted his skull, chiseled features turning to face Aki one last time while ruby eyes narrowed with a look of determination. Whispered words left his lips delicately, "Leave it to me, then. I'll be back shortly." Another nod of his square muzzle was given before the brute leveled out his spine and bent his knees in a prowling poise and continued forward, the trickling of the stream's water already echoing in his ears.

It didn't take long before shrubs partially cleared his line of sight with the tapir enough for him to peek through a window of leaves and take in the image of what had to be the oddest creature he'd ever set eyes on. They didn't look very much like boar, their snouts were limp and flopping from their faces and he definitely noticed their lack of tusks. The young one was spotted and only one adult was in it's company, which would prove it difficult to get her to charge in his direction.. she would be hesitant to leave her young. He thought for a moment before turning to his right, covering himself again behind more shrubs as he tried to find pathway secluded enough to get him down to the river but further along the bank.

It took a bit of a walk, but he carried himself until he managed to make it down stream, and then he crossed the shallow stream, his paws only ever losing contact with the bed for a brief moment in it's deepest parts. He climbed up the other side and he could already see the tapirs in the mud on the other side. Knowing he needed to act fast, he didn't bother to shake off the water soaked into his pelt as he ran down the bank opposite of them and brought attention to himself by splashing through the edge of the stream. They were instantly alerted, watching him as he dove into the water of the stream and aimed for them while pushing against the force of the current. He wasn't all that fast, though eventually they knew he would come. They did as he had expected, both mother and piglet turning to run back down the path they'd came though they were already out of sight by the time Elias reached the bank.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Extra large
11-17-2016, 06:47 PM
It was a tricky thing, to send one single animal running away from the group - but Aki did not doubt Elias would find a way. If the animals were pigs, or boars, surely they could outrun them. They moved in unison together, trailing after the scent of the prey animals slowly. The corners of his lips lifted in a grin as Elias whispered that he'd be back. As his new friend moved away to his task at hand, Aki also grew silent as he focused on their plan.

His nostrils flared as he got a more thoroughly whiff of their scent. Ears flicked, hearing the rustling and splashing of Elias - presumably - as he rounded on one of them and aimed to send it running. The gentle noise became more frantic, as the rush began, and Aki found himself tensing his muscles in preparation.

It wasn't long before, through the underbrush, he caught sight of one of them.. no, two.. scrambling forward. They weren't pigs at all. In fact, they only looked mildly pig-like. They looked pretty damn weird, though he was only momentarily stunned. Rearing back slightly, they quickly noticed him and halted in their rush forward. They were suddenly panicked, and uncertain which direction to go.. toward the wolf that had chased them, or toward him. He made the decision a bit easier, starting forward with a great surge toward them.

In their confusion, the two tapir became separated. It was a split-second decision which one to ignore, and which one to push back toward Elias. The larger of the two would make a far better meal, though would be more difficult to take down. He chose her, charging toward her as she made a squeak of fear and scrambled back toward the way she'd came. He snapped his jaws as he closed in on her, through his presence caused her pace to quicken drastically.

table by argent/neffs



6 Years
Extra large

11-21-2016, 09:07 AM

It took him some time to reach the bank, and as he did he could see Aki snapping toward the mother as she shuffled around in a panic. She seemed to speed up at the sound of those jaws, however, though Elias was apparently taking his time to shake out the water this time while he watched on. Finally, he bolted forward now that he was a bit lighter though he still felt the rolling water moving down each of his limbs. He didn't let it distract him and although he knew the smaller one was running away he wanted to scare this one back into the jaws of Aki to ensure they got at least one. The younger tapir would be reluctant to go too far away from it's mother and Elias' hoped it would find a place near by to hide where he could pluck it out from later.

He rushed forward and snapped his own jaws in the air in front of the mother's face, forcing her to either halt or risk running right into them and she stopped just as he expected. Assuming that was enough for Aki to take care of the rest, Elias turned his face quickly to his right in the direction that the younger tapir was running off in. Deciding not to give it a chance to get out of eye-sight, Elias ran right through the surrounding ferns of the river and aimed to get on the other's heels as quickly as possible. They were surprisingly fast for their awkward body stature, he found himself thinking, though no match for the long limbs of the tall wolf and he closed the distance quite quickly.

His ears swiveled to listen to what was happening behind him and around him while his eyes remained locked on his target. When he was close enough, he would leap forward with his neck outstretched and his jaws opened wide. He aimed to bring them down on the tapir's backside, though he quickly discovered just how thick of a hide they had as his teeth struggled to penetrate. He snorted out and decided to retract his bite and try again with more initial force, panting out as he lowered his body and ran to get closer. Finally he was close enough so that he wouldn't be stretching out so much to reach it and he swooped his skull downward, latching his teeth onto the poor thing's backside with incredible forced that broke it's skin instantly and filled his mouth with the thick taste of blood. Elias stopped running and shook the young tapir back a few paces while his heavy forepaws came up to latch onto it's body and hold it against the ground. He let go of it's backside and traded his bite for one on it's neck. Teeth sunk in for the kill and he held it still all the while, though his eyes eagerly flashed back to the path behind him that he'd made to see if he could witness Aki's victory as well.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



10 Years
Extra large
11-27-2016, 09:32 AM
He couldn't help but wonder, just briefly, if this meal would be worthwhile or not. He'd never disliked the taste of boar but he couldn't be sure these tasted anything like boar. Though they resembled them vaguely, they were quite different too. Either way, they were too committed to back out now.

The mother tapir broke off from her young, a panicked decision, as Aki charged her. He snapped periodically at her flanks as she ran, as Elias rounded her and closed in on her efforts to flee. The moment of confusion was enough for him to grab hold of the beast by it's hindquarters. Her hide proved surprisingly thick, and though she yelped out in pain he relinquished his hold on her momentarily. His pace hardly slowed as he, instead, reached to grab hold of one of her back legs. He composure was all but shattered as his firm grip sent her toppling over. Taking advantage of her compromised position, he closed his jaws in around her throat in a quick movement, as she flailed and tried to escape.

Blood filled his mouth quickly as he held her there, a welcome taste indeed. Only briefly did he search for Elias nearby, noting he seemed successful too. Aki held the beast down as it struggled, shaking his head vigorously as the life drained from it and as their hunt concluded, as profitable as he had hoped.

table by argent/neffs