
Hajime pups! x3



5 Years
10-08-2016, 07:31 PM
I tried to adopt him out long ago, but it didn't work out. Darrah hasn't been posted since 2015 so I'm going to try and get him out again ^^ Dragon eventually plans to bring back their brother Levi so there is also that!

Darrah Walker is one of the male pups from the Hajime x Elsa litter I played Hajime their father. Their mother died giving birth to them for a short while Raisa Xanliov welped these pups until Hajime took them and went to Abaven after Raisa's disappearance. Where in turn Hajime fell off a cliff to his death before they even turned a year old. The litter spent their childhood in abaven with Quelt as a sort of foster father along with his ex mate irune until Quelt basically.... vanished out of their lives.

Darrah was the only pup who remained in abaven after his siblings scattered. He was in a sorts like a son to Bass - they were close and Bass was in charge of his training.

Darrah like Renhett when he was young was very sick so they USED to be close siblings in the den due to their sickness. With Renhett looking to go back into Abaven there is also that ^^

He already has a set appearance and personality, so if you wish to change the personality let me know what you want to change and why within the time he was gone! He was a year old when he left and the siblings are all now 5 years old with autumn here.

Here is Darrah's profile (for his appearance and personality)CLICK and I would prefer a name change as I will be doing the same with Aiko.


I'm also adopting out Aiko. As per Keno's request her name has to change ^^ Aiko was the runt and at a medium height. However as sickly as she was she stuck to Allen Walker her uncle like glue so where ever he was she was for a majority of her life. Vaguely we remember she was a black wolf with brown ears, then three white paws and white under her eyes. Her eyes were a reddish orange color. Her personality was more reserved she also was stopped being played at 1 year old so what she did is up to you.

Her old account is blank but you might be able to read her threads Click


Lastly there is Ixionn Walker Click He was played more recently than the others and stopped being played at 3 years of age. I'm not entirely sure what went on with him so you might want to touch up on some of his old threads. He was the princely type though, he knew Arian and at one point was heir to a pack(can't remember whose)

you can change his name or keep it that's up to you.

Appearance: 200 words
Personality: 200 words
History: what happened in their absence
Changes: changes to personality of slight
Rp sample: at least 150 words

I'll personally make tables for all these guys. They have no end date, just make sure you get your application done within 7 days.


10-08-2016, 07:56 PM
Name: Asami Walker (Formerly Aiko Walker)

Appearance: (Assuming this was her old design)

Asami is a beautiful creature, but not the kind of beauty that would be eye catching and vibrant. She's a shy, quiet kind of beauty, one that isn't aware that she's pretty. A delicate kind of beauty, like the flower on the first Spring day. A breakable beauty, one that isn't one in a million, but still one that gives off a certain kind of hope. A quiet hope that could be gone in an instant, but it still lingers about. She's smaller than her siblings, way smaller, but she's still not so tiny that she could be thrown around. At 33 inches in height, and weighing in at only 90 pounds, she's still tiny, shaking off the remnants of her sickness. She'll never be a big wolf, and her weight will never be anything that would be expected from a wolf of her height.

Asami is dark in color, an inky black that would only appear lighter in certain lighting. Of course, she's not completely black in color. All four paws are coated in a white that contrasts against the dark color of her fur. The tip of her tail is tipped in the ivory shade as well. A marking under her eyes, one that highlights her eyes slightly, finishes off the white markings. Finally, one ear is covered in a medium brown.

Asami's eyes are fiery, and bright, a flame. From far away, they appear to be a vibrant ruby red. Closer up, however, one can catch the orange tint that just keeps her eyes from being full on red.

Personality: 200 words

History: what happened in their absence

Changes: changes to personality of slight

Rp sample: at least 150 words



6 Years
10-08-2016, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2016, 08:48 PM by Poser.)
Name: Aiko Naomi
Appearance: she's grown from a sickly thing to a beautiful one, but Naomi will never know it. She'll never show it. There's something dramatic about the way she shies from her feelings about her looks, but that's okay. Delicate, nearly fragile looking, and shorter than her siblings. Naomi is something different. Fragile, but she's gotten stronger. Though she'll never look it, she can hold her own. Twenty nine inches at the shoulder, 85 pounds. She's gone from sickly to graceful, as if she's grown into all the strange angles that made her look a little strange as a child. Naomi knows how to carry herself now.

Black in the body, sleek, taking on a nearly blue tinge in some lights. It stops at all but one of her paws (the right hind) and fades to a bright white. The same white rests under her eyes, delicate waning moons coming down from a tired sky. Chestnut brown at the ears, painting them, making them almost more expressive, bringing more attention than anything to her emotions. Pretty eyes, rusty eyes. They are the reddish orange, a firey amber, warmest at the center and spreading outwards.
Personality: Naomi is still the shy child she once was. There's something about her, something... lost. She's misplaced her truest sense of self and replaced it with beliefs that keep her sane. They keep her intact, they keep her whole. The way her mind works, you see, is a strange thing. She's a strange little thing, but she doesn't mind. It's not in her nature to mind, per say. It's hard to get a rise out of a girl that doesn't know what she's feeling at all.

Getting a grip on herself is something that Naomi isn't good at. To figure out what she's feeling would only be detrimental, of course. Naomi has learned that you're only immortal if you're careful-- a fragile child becoming something that was so much more. Shutting off the confusing feelings, the feelings that filled her with anxiety or despair, has turned her into so much more. Now that she has nothing to cling to (uncle Allen has been gone for some time, you see) the girl clings to the things that she knows she can trust. She can trust herself. She can trust her mortality. Those are the most immensely important things. Trust yourself and yourself only. You're only immortal if you're careful.

There's something in the depths of Naomi's heart. It's something colorful and bright, but she pushes it down in her own self. There's a tossup inside her. She could be an artist. She could be the most grand artist, or could she not? Doubts tick in and out of her head, things that she can't track or trace. Self doubt would cripple someone who was weaker than she. Are you an artist, or do you just have big emotions? Maybe Naomi is a poet, or maybe she wishes she was. A healer is a sort of artist, so that's the path she's taking, but the barely grown child doesn't think she likes it. Good at it maybe. But it's not her art.

She's an introvert, probably textbook. Large amounts of time on her own, she needs it to re charge her batteries. Large groups are inherently draining. Being alone, that's true comfort. But she tries to be comforting to others too. She tries to be a good support system when someone needs it, but it takes a lot out of her. Naomi is the kind that will give and give until she's almost drained, but... well, then there's the mantra ticking down in her head. You're only immortal if you're smart. A giver, but a delicate one. It's a balance, one she's trying to perfect.
History: In the time Naomi has been gone, she's been travelling with a group of witch doctors. They were lovely bunch, some kind folks. They were a bit kooky, sure, but they taught the little girl how to heal and how to be compassionate. Some were even on the edge of being therapists, maybe, helping the child control her anxieties and be more social with groups. They never pretended to be a family, which was maybe the most comforting thought of them all. A group of kind wanderers that took in a small girl that didn't know how to feel so well. Naomi has become healthy and strong among them, and she will be forever grateful for their kindnesses.

The young lady has returned home with some new skills. Some are emotional, some are physical, a healer and a far more sociable creature for it. Naomi feels lovely now that she's coming home.
Changes: I'm going to play her as a lawful neutral, not necessarily a "good." I find good really restrictive to play. Her skills will be healing and navigation.
Rp sample: There's something amazing about autumn days. Hey, Naomi was born on one not too dissimilar to this one. She chuckles softly to herself as she moves across the ground on confident paws. She's ever so confident. There's something about her today that could take on... everything? Not quite that. But the girl is smiling and that's a good start. The days that start with a smile are the best ones. Her head is clear and gaze bright, something that will not be stopped. Something that cannot be stopped. Naomi wouldn't usually consider herself an unstoppable force, but today is a special day. Why, today may just be her birthday!

There's something lovely in the air. It's crisp, and that alone is enough to make the girl feel bright. Warm and bright. Everything in her system is warm on days like this one, the smells of fall (decomposing leaves, earthy and soft) and a delicate walk with her head high. It's so easy to take in an autumn day, and it looked like the hillside before her was ablaze-- so many colors. So many brilliant, gorgeous, amazing colors. Days like this one treated Naomi well. On days like this one, Naomi treated herself well.
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



8 Years
03-05-2017, 09:52 PM

Putting a deadline on these guys now, you MUST get your applications in no later than March 25th Also if no one applies for Darrah I think I shall take him on.

The reason for this is because all siblings I want involved in the upcoming plot with Renhett, she'll need all the support she can get.