
banishing shadows



4 Years
10-09-2016, 05:01 PM

Lux is all things beautiful and bright as she drags her fluffy self through the woods. Here's the thing about being one of the most brilliant tacticians of your age-- you don't fear much. Heck, you don't fear anything! A ranger, a scout, a fighter, a politician. Lux is all of those things and more. You had to be, if you were going to be a states(wo)man. You had to be if you were going to save the world. Lux was born and bred to do just that. Save the world, make an impact, do absolutely everything she could for her kingdom. That's why she's here! Scouting new lands, making new connections. She would bring information back, or they would come and collect it. All depended on how long it took her. All depended on how long she explored, the things she saw, and if this place was worth moving into at all.

It didn't matter, the Crownguards would prevail no matter what. Still, she missed her older brother. She did so much better at his side, and together they were truly unstoppable. That, and no one dared underestimate her with the hulking man at her side. He was a hulk, a mammoth. She was more elegant, more of an athlete. Lux is tireless, relentless, and ready for anything. That's the beauty of it. That's the way her head works.

At this point, the final spark is ready to throw herself on the ground and shout someone recruit me already, but she's not frustrated enough for theatrics... yet. Still, there's a little bell tone howl that echoes through the trees. Lux is curious, and she needs the company.
i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
Plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]