
Chilly chats



9 Years
Athena I
10-14-2016, 02:48 PM

After the small detour at the other new pack he happened to come across, he kept on further north will he started to catch hints of Xephyris' scent. It had been a while since he had seen the gray wolf, but he was pretty sure this was his scent. A while later he finally found the pack's border and he smiled softly. At least he found it! He wasn't entirely sure where he was going to begin with, but it had all worked out it seemed. It wasn't the worst trek he had ever made to do one of these little visits, but he almost wished he had waited till spring to come up north. It wasn't even winter yet and it was already too cold for his tastes! Putting his qualms about the weather aside, he lifted his muzzle up to howl for Xephyris or whoever else might come to meet him. He could tell from the scent markers that there was someone working with him here, but it was a scent he didn't know. He settled down on his haunches while he waited to give his paws a break so that he wouldn't be quite so tired for the trip back.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
10-16-2016, 03:09 PM

The gray-coated man was resting well inside the territory when he heard a howl ring out across the land. For a moment, his brow wrinkled and eyes narrowed as he thought there was something familiar about the voice, but he wasn't sure how he knew it... then it occurred to him. It was Leo from Fiori! A grin crossed his face as he lifted himself to his paws, shaking the black sand out of his coat. He supposed news must have traveled to the man that Xephyris had started a pack. Well, this would be interesting. He supposed it was about time he got around to the duties of establishing other pack relations, now that he was all settled in. Setting off, he made his way across the beach, passing a few stray palm trees, until he reached the rocks. He clambered up the narrow rocky path that lead up to the main land above the beach, and it was there that he met with the russet-coated male.

He approached the man with a polite dip of his head, and halted several feet in front of him. He seated himself comfortably while wrapping his thick tail around his base. "Greetings, Leo, it's been a while," he said in a low rumble, silver eyes casting over the face of the other, "It must have been quite the trek for you to come this far north. What brings you here?" He wondered if the man was just making his rounds briefly with the other packs, or if he might need to stay a while. Xephyris wouldn't mind showing him around and allowing him to rest and eat before he had to get going. But first, he would wait to hear what the other Alpha had to say.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



9 Years
Athena I
10-16-2016, 06:59 PM

Leo noticed Xephyris making his way toward him not too terribly long after he had called for him and he offered the other alpha a friendly grin. He nodded in agreement when he mentioned that it had been a while, letting Xephyris get settled and finish speaking before he replied. "It was a little bit of a journey, but not the worst I've ever made," he assured him with a smile. "I heard that you had created a pack from Jackson so I just wanted to touch base with you and make sure all was going well." He hadn't been terribly close to Xephyris when he was living in Fiori, but he was glad to see him again all the same. He had always considered his pack members, current and former, to be his family in a way. "I don't keep very many alliances with other packs, but I'd like to think you're a trustworthy man if you'd like to discuss the possibility of our packs being allies." He was happy to keep up the banter and small talk as long as Xephyris would like, but he also knew how busy life could be as an alpha. He didn't want to beat around the bush if he had work to get back to.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
11-07-2016, 05:42 PM

Xephyris remained respectfully quiet as Leo spoke, allowing the other Alpha a moment to describe his journey here. He smirked as the brute said it had been long, but not the worst trek he'd ever made. Well, that was good. He perked with interest when Leo told him that Jackson had been the one to make mention of him creating a pack. Ah, so Riv's brother must have gone back to Fiori. It seemed a good match for the young man, in Xeph's opinion. If he'd found Jackson, he would have asked the hunter to join him, but it seems he'd missed out on a valuable pack member. No matter, Fiori would have the hunter among their ranks. Besides that, it was good to hear that his former pack mate was not homeless, like many of them had been after Myriad had been disbanded. "All is going well," he said with a nod, "We're still small in number, but settling in well. I assume all is well in Fiori?" It would be good to catch up, even if much time had passed since his short time in Leo's pack.

The gray-coated male perked again when Leo suggested a potential alliance between their packs. It certainly seemed like a possibility to him. Perhaps they would have much to offer each other. He knew Fiori was full of skilled healers, and hunters. As Vyper grew, he was sure he would have many fighters and hunters, though for now they only had Armai as a healer. Perhaps one day they would share their strengths and help to balance each other's weaknesses. "I'd love to discuss that," he said in agreement, "Why don't we walk as we work things out?" He wondered if Leo had come with any sort of suggestions in mind, any information he wanted to know, or conditions he wished to propose. Ideas were already beginning to form within his own mind, but he'd like to hear what Leo had in mind. "So, what sort of agreements did you have in mind, should our packs be allied?" he asked, as he turned to walk at a slow pace along the border. He wondered what the benefits and the possible disadvantages might be.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



9 Years
Athena I
11-11-2016, 08:58 PM

Leo was glad to hear that the fellow alpha's pack was settling in well so far. He was sure the beginnings of anything as serious as a whole new pack could be hard, but as long as everything got off on the right foot he was sure it would all work out. Leo nodded in agreement when Xephyris asked about Fiori. "Yes, we've been doing well. As healer and scholar heavy as ever, but holding up well all the same." He chuckled softly, giving Xephyris a small smile. He was sure Xeph would understand now that they couldn't always control the hand they were dealt when it came to pack members. They had to just be grateful sometimes that they had wolves to lead. This was really the first time that Fiori could afford to be choosy about its members, but Leo's heart was too big to turn anyone away unless there was just no more room for them, even if it was his tenth healer.

He gave Xephyris a pleased smile when the gray male agreed to at least discuss the possibility. He nodded in agreement and got to his paws so that Xephyris could take the lead as they began to walk around the border. "Well, like I mentioned, Fiori is chock full of healers and scholars. My first priority in any alliance is some sort of promise of protection if anything happens. What warriors we have are good at what they do and I can hold my own, but I like to know I have a few more wolves in my corner if need be." He let his gaze wander around their surroundings as he spoke, but his eyes came back to Xephyris as he finished. "And what about you? Anything in particular?"

"Talk" "You" Think