
It's not the last time



9 Years
10-16-2016, 03:43 PM

His meeting with Leo had inspired Xephyris to get out and about, and get on top of his pack relations. He would need to visit with each pack, and meet the Alphas to see where they stood. For some reason, he had decided to visit Abaven first. Perhaps it was the inner turmoil he felt when he thought of the pack. He'd held onto an old grudge for quite some time when Abaven had sieged Hellstrom with the help of Imperium. However, after meeting his ex-pack mates, he had become somewhat glad that his old pack had been torn down. So, all in all, he wasn't sure how he felt about Abaven yet, but he was sure he could start to put that all behind him. He didn't want to hold onto something that would negatively effect his future. With Limno so close to birthing, he had to provide some sort of stability and safety for their pups. He would not repeat Sin's mistakes, of making more enemies than he could handle, without an army to back him up and protect his young.

It was a rather far trek east, and he was already feeling the urge to return home and check on things. But this was important. So, making his way to the east, he felt determined to establish some sort of truce, and perhaps friendly relations with Abaven. He'd also passed a new pack on his way here, and he would have to check that out on his way back. When he finally arrived on the border of the plains, it was getting dark, and a strong, blustery wind had rolled in, buffeting his thick coat and sending a shiver through his body. At least it wasn't raining, for the time being. Xeph paused at the scent line and tipped back his head, his low, rumbling howl carrying over the flat prairies above the sound of the wind, calling to Abaven's alpha for a meeting.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



7 Years

10-16-2016, 04:08 PM

It wasn't often that he got visitors to his borders, and it was even more rare to hear a new voice calling out for the alpha. His ears perked, and he abandoned his game of stalking a snake. There were enough around the plains still that he could easily pick up where he left off when he got back. He set off at a trot for the borders, a grey man soon coming into view. He didn't recognize him aside from the fact that he had been at the festival in the north. They hadn't actually spoken there, but from his scent he was no longer in Riv's pack. There had been so many howls for packs as of late that Bass had stopped keeping track. Dipping his head in greeting, he stood opposite the man that called for him. "Greetings, I am Bass Destruction. How can I help you?" he asked, keeping it short and sweet. He was unsure of what this strangers stature was, but he guessed from the way that he held himself that he was in some sort of power. Was he leader of one of the many new packs that had been called? A lot had been falling recently, only to be claimed again quickly. What was the hurry, anyways?

Walk "Talk" Think



9 Years
10-16-2016, 06:08 PM

Patiently waiting as the gusts ruffled his coat, he stood squarely, bracing himself against the growing force of the wind. He would be glad to get somewhere with a little more cover when he was done here - he couldn't imagine living in a place so exposed to the weather. At last he saw a mostly ivory-coated male approaching him, and he was sure he had seen this man at the siege. Forcing down the searing feelings of vengeance that he had difficulty removing from his being, he clenched his jaw and straightened up, hardening his expression to remain neutral. He dipped his head in return when the other man did, refusing to be rude on the other brute's territory. Besides, he didn't want to appear hostile, when it was unlikely this Alpha even knew who he was, or what pack he had belonged to in the past. Not like it mattered anymore, he had to remind himself again. "Greetings, Bass," he rumbled in a low tone, "My name is Xephyris. I've come from the north to get acquainted, as I recently claimed a pack. I've named it Vyper, and we live at Soul Sand Cove." He paused a moment to breathe, and give a chance for the other male to take in the information.

Thick tail swished, brushed aside by the wind, and his ears flattened against the turmoil. "As my pack settles and establishes itself, I hope to eventually host competitions and promote some healthy rivalries," he stated, silver eyes glancing over the male's amber eyes, "For now, I'd like to form respectful relations with other packs. Would you agree to a peaceful relation between Vyper and Abaven?" He would make no mention of his past, or how he already knew the man and his pack. There was no sense opening that can of worms, when things could go so much smoother.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



7 Years

10-16-2016, 07:35 PM

He wasn't all too familiar with the north, even though he had lived here for most of his life he didn't travel up there too often. The name Soul Sand Cove went right over his head, but he nodded regardless. Vyper was something that he took in though, storing it in the back of his mind. Although he wasn't a fan of alpha meetings, his ears did perk up at the sound of competitions. That is what he had had when Imperium was still around, and those had been the most booming days within Abaven. The thought of having something like that excited him, his tail wagging a few times behind him. "That sounds like an excellent idea, Xephyris. I've been waiting for another pack to set up something like that with. The north is a little ways away but that's never stopped me before," After all, he had gone to the festival that Avalon held up there with a few of his members. His tail continued to sway slightly as the gray male spoke, offering a peaceful relation between their two packs. He couldn't help but chuckle, it was a little too obvious that he was new to the whole alpha thing. "First I'd like to hear a little bit more about Vyper. Did you have any questions about Abaven at all?" He asked simply. Generally before making an agreement about that they learned a bit about each other. After all, he wasn't going to remain peaceful with a pack who sought to do harm to others. That wasn't the way he worked.

Relaxing slightly, amused that this man was baffled by the winds, Bass took a seat before him. He had laid claim to the plains since he was a year old, the winds didn't bother him at all anymore. He hardly even noticed them, actually. A smirk crossed his lips, he almost felt a little bit bad that he was struggling so much. The pale man could only assume that the cove was somewhere more walled off, that or he just wasn't used to such wide open spaces.

Walk "Talk" Think