
Song of a chance encounter



4 Years
08-07-2014, 02:36 AM

Nona was beginning to tire from her journey across the lands following the river. The fae kept herself company by singing and humming to herself a series of various notes and small tunes to drive away all thoughts that were making her mind wander. The sound of the river's song was also a warm reminder that life can thrive here and maybe something was listening to her own songs that escaped her inky lips. Her voice soft but gentle as she kept her pace however Nona was going to have to stop soon for a quick rest before moving on. There it was a scent marker, one that she didn't know which made her wary of the lands around her now. Nona began to wonder if she was intruding on lands that were not meant to be traveled on by outsiders.

The fae was wanting to get away from here as she didn't want to grab the attention of the residents of the area however the thought was there that perhaps she was already found and she didn't realize it. Regardless of what were to happen Nona held her head up high and kept singing to herself. Listening to nature as it sung with her and the winds carry her voice. No matter what she could do now her heart was racing at the very thoughts that someone could be near and they could possibly do her harm. This was not the thoughts that she wanted to plague her mind but yet, here they were. Perhaps there wasn't any danger after all but it was better to be wary and cautious by playing it safe rather than pay for it and be sorry in the end.

Her heart was starting beat more quickly however her legs couldn't keep up any longer as her movement began to stagger and she fell to the cool ground beneath her. Slowly but surely she was catching her breath before she began to hum again and then let her voice out in song ?Watashi wa oku no wa koko, tandoku oyobi osorete iru. Koko ni watashi no tame ni, michi no hōrudo wa nan, hijō ni dakede wa sore ga kuru ka, watashi wa hitorida tame ni... Hi hyōji ni narimasunode? (?Here is where I lay, alone and afraid. What does the unknown hold for me here, will it come or will it hide... for I'm alone, so very alone?). Nona was calming her nerves a bit with the song for she didn't know what the unknown would hold for her and most of she hoped that if someone did find her that they wouldn't harm her for being here.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-07-2014, 03:06 AM

The borders had been quiet for the past couple of days, but that did not deter the male from walking along them daily. He knew that his Mruni's and Kruni's touched this area already, but it never did any harm to keep his borders strong. He was walking along, golden eyes shut as he stepped along the rapids in a uniform fashion, his paws following the worn down earth that marked their start of the border. From days and nights of pacing had this path been worn, which Bass adored. It meant that his pack was growing stronger, and that without fail his members kept everything strong. Chest puffed with pride, he allowed his paws to guide with without fail as his alabaster ears swirled to pick up sound. Without his eyes closed, he may have been deaf to the faint words of song that graced his audits, causing the golden orbs to be realized from their hiding place. Who could it be, singing around here? Usually it was only him and his siblings, although the scent was one he did not know. She was close to Abaven lands, but not passed his line. Curious, the beast turned around and followed her scent.

He came up upon a rather smaller female, singing to herself as she walked away from his lands. Not able to help himself, he let out a bark to let her know of his presence as he glided towards her, a smile cracking on his ebony lips. "You have a very pretty voice, stranger. What language were you singing in?" He asked with a tilt of his head, his brown marked face sitting at an angle as he looked her over quickly. He knew right away that she was no threat, she seemed very sweet to him. "I am Bass Destruction, Azat of the lands not to far behind us. Were you coming here to seek a home?"
"What might your name be?" He asked after a short pause, his head righting itself to its upright position. It might seem nosy to some, asking for a name so suddenly. But Bass was just being kind, trying to extend a conversation to the pale female. He didn't know if she was a potential member or not, but that didn't matter in the long run. It didn't mean that he was forbidden to converse with her, now was it?



4 Years
08-08-2014, 05:55 PM
OOC: Note Bass speech will appear in green and also this thread is going to become a joining thread due to the event of Starry leaving.

Nona stayed right where she was as she heard a bark come from behind her and a voice, the fae's head turned to see the smile come from the stranger who was quickly approaching her "You have a very pretty voice, stranger. What language were you singing in?" Nona was intrigued by the male as he asked his question and kept listening as he introduced himself to her. Nona was very pleased by the way he spoke to her and proceeded to introduce herself to him in kind ?I'm Nona... Nona Utahime, it's a pleasure to meet you Bass, you seem like a kind gentlemen and yes I would very much be in search of a home? She couldn't help but show a smile of her own ?For the language I was singing, it was japanese and would be willing to teach you sometime if you wish to learn a bit of it? her voice was soft and gentle as she caught her breath a bit more before speaking once more ?I was searching for a place to call home before coming here, not knowing this was home to a pack but it seems my search has come to a end if you would be willing to have me??.

Nona kept watch over the male to see if he would do anything else however she looked back at her paws to make sure that she would be able to keep moving if he were the alpha of this pack and accepted her into the pack's home. Her curious side got the best of her as she had a question for Bass as she didn't know what Azat was however she was drawing her own conclusions in her mind but wanted to make sure ?I don't know if you would find this question stupid or not but is Azat what you would use for alpha or is it some other rank? I just want to be sure, as I don't mean to offend with this question I've just never heard of the word Azat before? Nona was interested in Bass and hearing what he might have to say to her question and to what she said to answer his questions. Either way the conversation was peaceful and it was something that she was enjoying with a friendly stranger.

"I pray for a chance to find a home"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-11-2014, 02:09 AM

When the woman called him a gentleman he felt heat rush to his cheeks at the compliment. To him it was just part of his nature, it wasn't an activity that he forced himself to act in. She said that she was indeed looking for a home, which caused his tail to wag behind him slowly. They were always looking for strong wolves to fill his ranks up. While she was small, Bass did not judge on appearance. Even the smallest of wolves could be the best warriors, so he was very careful to not let his mind assume things. Nona then told him that she was singing in Japanese, which caused him to tilt his head. He had never heard of Japanese before, but it sounded really pretty. She even offered to teach him! "I would love that very much Nona, I would love to learn some of this Japanese. Its very pretty and... flowing." He said, his tail picking up a bit of speed.

She asked if he was accepting members into his ranks, and his head nodded slowly. "Of course Nona, but I do have a question for you first. In which do you find yourself to be most skilled in? Fighting, scouting, or healing?" He asked, breaking down his ranks in more latent terms. At times, his ranks were a bit of a mouthful, but they meant a lot to him. If she chose fighting, he would have a little bit more explaining to do. Abaven was a strange pack indeed, it was much different from all others. Some wolves liked the way that it worked, and others did not. It didn't effect Bass too much, he was not in this to force members into his ranks.

Nona posted another question, making a small chuckle bubble up from his throat. "Not to worry Nona, my ranks are in a different language as well. Armenian. Azat is the alpha rank of Abaven, and Abaven means Protector." He said, his golden eyes shimmering with pride. He was very proud of his pack, and all of those within in. Folding himself onto his rump, his head tilting as he gazed at the dark brown female. He was very curious in what rank she would think fit her best.



4 Years
08-11-2014, 02:45 AM

Nona smiled at Bass as she listened intently to what he had to say to her. He was interested in learning japanese the very thought of teaching someone else the language made her feel warm inside because she could teach someone else something. Listening to his words further he asked her what she found herself most skilled in, she has had a little training as a healer before but it was rather brief and hasn't been able to use what she learned yet. Bass broke down the ranks of his pack to her and as soon as he mentioned healing she knew what she wanted ?I'll take up the rank of a healer and I hope to be of use to the pack as that rank? She spoke softly but her answer didn't waver as she looked Bass in the eyes her forest green eyes quickly started to look Bass over again as the brute spoke again.

The fae couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her lips as he explained what language his pack ranks were in but when she heard Armenian she was instantly curious about that. Abaven, the place that she could call home her life was beginning to grow into something far more than she could've ever hoped for and perhaps she could find someone who would be her special someone but for now, Nona was content with what she was being offered. The earthy colored fae wanted to learn Armenian and so thus another question came from her ?If you would be willing to teach me, I would like to learn Armenian if you would be willing to do so?? Nona truly desired to learn that language now. Perhaps it would be a fair trade in terms of learning and teaching one another a language.

She wanted to sing again but was waiting for Bass's answers to come before then. Her mind was forming lyrics about Bass and Abaven one of which that she could sing and impress everyone there. Nona was excited and her tail very much showed this as it swayed about rather quickly and her smile danced across her maw even more. She had to ask him if he'd like her to sing for the pack sometime no matter his answer she would respect it ?Bass, would you mind if I sung for you, for the pack?? Nona was still curious about his answers but she knew she wasn't going to really get any if she kept piling on question after question.

"My search has come to its end"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-11-2014, 03:04 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2014, 03:05 AM by Bass.)

When she mentioned healing he nodded his head slowly, his gaze pensive. He needed more warriors within his ranks, but healers were just as important. With all the training they were doing, it was always needed to have those who knew about healing. That and part of their territory seemed to be overrun with snakes during the spring and summer. Flashing her a grin, he dipped his head to the two toned female. "Welcome to Abaven then, Nona. Your rank is known as Kruni, by the way. Our lead healer seems to be missing right now, but I have a pack who owes me a favor. I just might ask for their healer to teach the Kruni's more about herbs and healing." He was pretty sad about that, Harmony was his sister and it hurt him dearly that she seemed to vanish.

It seemed that they would be trading a language for language. "Seems like a good enough deal to me, a pretty even trade it seems." Bass was all about trading and favours, it was a huge part of Abaven and how it operated. And then she brought up something that was even more interesting to him, causing a brow to rise. Sing? She had come to the right pack for that. "Of course! I love singing, if you cannot tell from my name. Me and my litter mates are all named after something musical, and take it to heart. There is me, Harmony, Chord, Motif, and Rhythm." He commented, his tail wagging in a steady beat behind him. He quite enjoyed to sing himself, as well as his dear friend Wren. Perhaps he should start a moonlit song sharing or something, maybe make it a tradition for Abaven.



4 Years
08-11-2014, 11:06 PM

Nona was rather pleased when she heard him talk about his family and their names as well as the fact that he also loved singing. Perhaps since coming here she was going to able to share her own musical talent with the rest of the pack and perhaps also teach them something while learning from them as well. The thoughts were very pleasant to her as she tilted her head and gazed into Bass's eyes with thoughts about him. He was a rather pleasant man to talk to and he was giving her a home which was so much more than she could have ever hoped for all in one chance meeting. He was just really kind to her even though she was just meeting her but again he was indeed a gentlemen or so his behavior thus far told her.

She was curious about what the lands of Abaven would hold in store for her now that she belonged here she could finally be apart of something bigger than just herself and would do anything she could to help out. Her mind was racing with thoughts and ideas as to what she was to do first besides learning about stuff that was required of her to learn due to joining at the rank of kruni. Nona was wanted to show that she could be trusted and be a reliable member for the pack and the best way was to impress Bass ?Bass, if you need me to do anything for the pack I would be more than happy and willing to do so? I want to prove that I can be useful to the pack in more ways than just being a healer perhaps I could use my voice to help ease the tension of fellow pack members if need be... I don't know, I just want to be as helpful as I can be? She couldn't help but let out a playful chuckle but Nona hoped that he would understand that she was serious about doing everything she could to help out if he asked. However before she could stop herself from saying it out loud small tears formed and slid down her face they weren't of sorrow though but of joy ?thank you so much for giving me a home...thank you? now that she truly knew that her search for a home was now over.

"I pray for a chance to find a home"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-13-2014, 12:44 AM

The words that were spoken warmed his heart, it seemed that Abaven attracted the best wolves from Alacrita. They were always so willing to help him and the pack out, and it truly made him the happiest man around. It made all the hard work he put into his pack worth it, because his members gave it back to him tenths-fold. They took that heavy weight off his young shoulders, making the burden lighter. "I will be sure to do that Nona, thank you very much for your drive. As for singing, I have been wanting to make a traditional singing night for Abaven and all who want to join, on every full moon or something. What do you think about that Nona?" He wanted her input, he had yet to bring it up to anyone but her.

The brute grew confused when he saw her eyes cloud over with tears, his brows furrowing together. She thanked him for letting her in, making him realize that they were tears of happiness. "Its my pleasure Nona." He said softly, stepping forward and putting his wet nose on her shoulder to try to calm her. He didn't want to see her crying, even if the tears meant happiness. "Care to come home Nona?"



4 Years
08-13-2014, 01:17 AM

"I will be sure to do that Nona, thank you very much for your drive. As for singing, I have been wanting to make a traditional singing night for Abaven and all who want to join, on every full moon or something. What do you think about that Nona?"

"Care to come home Nona?"

Nona felt his wet nose on her shoulder which helped her tears dry a little. She shown a weak smile but was happy nonetheless, the touch was comforting and her own lips began to part and her voice could be heard "I'm ready to come home, and I think a tradition like that would be amazing... I believe it would help bring the pack together" the idea of a singing night amused her greatly and got her to laugh a little. The fae was going to be able to be apart of something amazing in Abaven, her home. She brushed her nose against Bass's shoulder for a moment to let him know that she appreciated his touch.

She wondered who else was apart of the pack and became excited by the thought of meeting everyone even if they weren't excited to meet her. However as part of becoming a member of Abaven it was important to get to know her fellow pack mates. The fae felt a bit more calm now, from this point on Nona was going to hold her head up high and work as hard as she could to prove to Bass, to everyone that she could be someone they could rely on.

"I pray for a chance to find a home"
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-



7 Years

08-13-2014, 01:27 AM

He grinned at her words, his tail wagging a few times behind him. He would turn around then, heading back towards the place that they now both called home. He would show her the way in, and from there she would be able to explore the lands that made up Abaven. Easily trotting towards the borders, he gave a quick look over his shoulder to be sure that the earth coloured female was close behind him. "Welcome home." He whispered, a wide grin on his maw. The landscape spread before them, the river swallowing a chunk of the earth, and their lake the other parts. Taking in a deep breath, his eyes slipped closed as the smell of home took over his senses. Ah, no matter how far away or how long he was gone, he always missed it.

-exit bass-



4 Years
08-13-2014, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 01:42 AM by Nona.)

Nona followed Bass staying close behind him. She had to look over her shoulder to see what was behind her and smiled... this was her home, this was where she belonged. She wasn't going to be alone anymore as long as she had her pack mates and a home to which she belonged to, Nona was very happy. This was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, this would become the chapter of her life in Abaven in the times to come. Nona kept pace with Bass as she marveled at the beauty of this land before them wondering to herself what was in store for her.

-exit Nona-

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-