
What a waste of blood and sweat


10-16-2016, 11:03 PM

ooc: Spar open for anyone, but know that Livi doesn't pull punches! Looking for a 3ish round spar.

Liviana was beginning to feel rusty and she hated that feeling. Fighting had been such a constant part of her life in her old home that not having that almost daily practice was beginning to make her feel soft and out of practice. She could have just seen if any of her pack mates wanted to spar, but her last attempt at calling for someone had been met with nothing but silence. It didn't make her confident that she'd even find an opponent there. So instead she made a trip back to the blood-stained battlefield where she had first met Bass. She padded out toward the middle of the open field and she looked around for a moment. Being surrounded by the smell of rust and dirt that accompanied the telltale signs of battle brought back so many memories, some good and some not. She gave her fur a shake before she lifted her head and let out a strong howl, summoning an opponent to spar with her. She lowered the front half of her body toward the ground when her call ended, stretching her front legs out in front of her as her back arched and stretched. She stood upright again and sighed contently. A small grin touched her muzzle and she hoped for a challenging fight.

"Talk" "You" Think


10-18-2016, 08:56 AM

He was probably going to regret this.

But still, when he had heard the howl, he had wasted no time in heading towards it. A practice spar would be fun, or promising, as long as he didn't get too hurt. It probably wouldn't do him any good to get hurt. After a while, he stood in front of the one who had howled. A female, and he offered her a small nod before he spoke.

"All I ask is that there's no horribly bad injuries."

With that, he fell into his defenses. He tucked his tail between his legs, using his tail as a way to keep balance. He flattened his ears to his head to protect them, and lifted his lips so they don't get injured during bite attempts. He wrinkled his muzzle to protect that area and lessen the chance of a secure grip if someone tries to get it. He narrowed his eyes to keep debris from going in or his eyes being plucked out. He bent his knees so he character had more balance and was less of a target. He shifted his weight forward which can offer more balance or a stronger attack depending on the situation. He tucked his head to his chest to protect his throat. He bristled the fur along his back and neck to make himself appear bigger and hide the exact location of his flesh in that area, and dug his nails into the ground to try to be more planted in place.

"You can go first."

Arsenal Vs Liviana for Spar
Round - of 3
Attacks: N/A
Defenses: Tucked tail, flattened ears, lifted lips, wrinkled muzzle, narrowed eyes, bent knees, shifted weight, tucked head, bristled fur, nails dug into ground.
Injuries: N/A



10-18-2016, 10:30 PM

She was glad that for once her calls didn't go unnoticed. She waited a short while before a dark-furred man came up to her and gave her a nod before making a request. She frowned a little at his request to not be "horribly injured" during their fight. Well, that was awfully subjective, wasn't it? Everyone around here seemed so much more soft than she was used to. But she supposed that beggars couldn't be choosers. She sighed and then nodded in return. "Yeah, fine, no bad injuries." This was for practice after all, she told herself, as she started to get into her defenses. It probably wouldn't do her any good to make enemies or come home all torn up if this boy was any good. That didn't mean she was gonna go easy on him though. Maybe just a few less real bites.

Her paws separated into an even, stable stance under her while her toes spread and her claws dug into the topsoil. Her knees bent slightly while her neck and tail evened out with her spine. Her shoulders rolled forward as her scruff bunched up around her neck and her chin tucked down over her throat. Her ears fell back against her skull, her eyes narrowed into slits, and her lips pulled up to expose her teeth. After a second thought, she ended up tucking her tail under her instead, deciding speed wasn't what she needed to focus on here. The only time she left her tail out like a rudder was when she was going to have to dodge and move quickly, but here she only had one opponent to focus on. This wasn't a siege, this was a small practice spar. When was she going to remember that?

As soon as he told her to go first she didn't hesitate to push herself toward him. She was afraid that she was going to be out of practice, but things were falling back into place easily. It seemed like her muscle memory wasn't too far gone after all. He was maybe an inch taller and slightly more bulky than herself so she took that into consideration as she aimed for his right side. She wanted to slam the front part of her left shoulder into the area between his left shoulder and chest, hoping that the bone of her shoulder blade would leave some moderate bruising in the muscles and tissues there. She knew she would probably receive similar bruises herself, but as long as she didn't end up slamming bone into bone it shouldn't be too terrible for either of them. She also aimed to use her momentum to slam her left front paw down onto his right front paw in the last step of her advance. She wanted to bruise his paw at least, but at his request she wouldn't slam so hard as to fracture his toes.

She kept her defenses in place as she moved, making sure to use her splayed toes and claws to her advantage as she looked for traction on the loose soil. She also shifted her weight slightly to the three paws that she wasn't using in her attack to keep her balance steady. Her jaws flew open, completely baring her teeth, as she turned her head slightly so she could aim for his side directly behind his right shoulder. She wanted to try and scrape her teeth along his skin, hopefully leaving moderate lacerations through the top layer of skin there. She closed her jaws and her muzzle to its previous snarling state once her attack was over.

Arsenal VS Liviana for Spar
Round: 1 of 3

"Talk" "You" Think


10-19-2016, 06:44 AM

The female in front of him seemed a little disappointed by his request, but she gave in anyways. Already, Arsenal knew that he wouldn't get out of this without some sort of scarring; the other wolf seemed as if she had been ready to cause some terrible injuries. As long as he could walk, as long as he wasn't dying after this, he would be fine with anything else. And, of course, he'd try to return the injuries she gave him.

Arsenal barely had time to react before the female was darting to his right side. His gaze followed the female as she moved to ram her shoulders into the place between his right shoulder and chest. Quickly, he shifted his weight to his left side, leaning away from her, just barely; the hit still landed, but not with the force that had originally happened. It still hurt like hell, the pain only worse when he put his weight on that side, digging his nails into the ground once more. With the slight lean he had done, however, his paw was still in the open. A new pain shot through him, and for a moment he put his weight on his other paws. Just for now.

When she moved forwards again, towards the skin on his shoulder, Arsenal was waiting. Delicately placing his weight on his right paw and readjusting his defenses. Whipping around, he attempted to lunge towards her left side and bite down on the skin just behind her shoulder, hoping to cause moderate lacerations there. He would also attempt to bring his left paw up, adjusting his weight on the other three paws, and bring it down onto her left paw, hoping to cause severe bruising on that paw. Even if his attack did work, Liviana's last one had left thin scratches on his flesh that welled up with blood.

Arsenal Vs Liviana for Spar
Round 1 of 3
Attacks: Attempting to bite skin behind Liviana's left shoulder and cause moderate lacerations. Also attempting to slam left paw down on Liviana's left paw and cause severe brusing.
Defense: Tucked tail, flattened ears, lifted lips, wrinkled muzzle, narrowed eyes, bent knees, shifted weight, tucked head, bristled fur, nails dug into ground.
Injuries: Bruised chest/shoulder, bruised right paw, thin scratches behind shoulder.



10-20-2016, 04:00 PM

ooc: edited to fix the number of rounds, supervised by Eve

There was nothing quite as satisfying as successfully landing attacks. He shifted to his left so her shoulder blade collided with his shoulder blade a bit more than she would have liked, but the original intention remained the same so she wasn't mad about it. She felt her paw connect with his and she pressed into the attack before quickly pulling her paw away again so that she could get all four feet back onto the ground. Last thing she wanted was for him to go knocking her off her feet. Her teeth lightly scraped his side, his shift to the left making her bite even less effective than she had intended it to be, but it was enough for her to see some small red stains of blood well up through his darker fur.

She kept her defenses in place to prepare for his counter attack. Her paws were repositioned into that original widened, steady stance now that all her paws were free once more. Her claws remained dug into the soil and her knees were slightly bent. She kept her neck down to lay level with her spine and her chin tucked back over her throat. Her ears were pinned down to her head, her eyes were narrowed into slits, and her lips were pulled back in a snarl to expose her teeth. She kept her tail tucked under her, especially now that he was facing back toward her rump past her shoulder. She didn't want her tail to become a target after all. Her scruff was scrunched up around her neck and her shoulders were rolled forward as well.

She felt his weight shift closer to her once again as he readied his attack and she took that moment as a chance to use the bruises she had already created on his chest to her advantage. When he lunged forward toward her side she tried to push her chest forward into his again as well so she could attempt to really dig her shoulder into his bruised shoulder and chest. She gritted her teeth against the pain that she caused herself by pushing into her own bruises as well, but it wasn't the worst pain she had ever felt by any means. She hoped that it would be enough to at least distract him a bit or make it more uncomfortable to put weight on his right side. She felt his teeth cut through the skin on her left side, much like her teeth had done to him. His attack left moderate lacerations and a sharp, stinging pain in its wake, but the adrenaline covered it fairly easily.

While he was busy with his counter attack, she continued on with her own attacks. Liviana turned her head to her left and down just enough to attempt a bite at the elbow of his left foreleg. Since her head was already tucked down to cover her throat it made it a bit easier to have his elbow in her line of sight already. She attempted to leave a moderate bite there. She wanted to lightly clamp her jaws on the joint for a moment to leave moderate lacerations and impair his movement. She wouldn't keep her jaws there long though since she didn't want to cause a lot of damage or leave herself open to have him jam his elbow into her jaw and hurt it. She then attempted to shove her weight into his left side and slam the top of her skull into his shoulder. She wanted to use the combination of all of her attacks on this side of his body to hopefully weaken his balance and shove him over or even just send him stumbling.

Arsenal VS Liviana for Spar
Round: 2 of 3

"Talk" "You" Think

The Judge


11-06-2016, 02:37 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2016, 02:39 PM by The Judge.)
And the winner is...

Liviana! Due to Arsenal not posting in the allotted time, the fight has defaulted in Livi's favor. Arsenal must give up by submitting, passing out, or fleeing.


11-11-2016, 10:30 AM

His attack had worked, but at a cost; his bruises were rammed into by the female, and Arsenal gritted his teeth at the sharp pain that went through him. At least his jaws had sliced through the female's skin and left some injuries. The female bit onto the elbow of his left foreleg, but she didn't latch onto it for long, although stinging pain still went through him. The female wasted no time in slamming into him, and he stumbled, breath huffing in his throat for a moment.

"Fuck." The curse left his jaws easily, breathless and quiet as he struggled to get his breath. Backing away slightly, he stared at the other female, although he didn't truly submit. "That's enough. I can't fight anymore." Even so, he still stood tall; as tall as he could, really, even with his slight lean towards his less injured side.

Giving her a nod, Arsenal offered a small smile. "Good fight." A little awkwardly, he turned, slightly, and began to walk off.




11-11-2016, 02:09 PM

Liviana blinked with confusion when her opponent suddenly backed away, clearly breathless and pained. She was panting with adrenaline and she just stared as he admitted that he couldn't fight any more and started to walk off. Her mouth dropped open, aghast at the fact that he had just given up. Never in her life had she seen anyone just stop in the middle of a fight like this. He didn't even give her a chance to truly win! A slight, frustrated growl rumbled in her chest before she turned away in disgust to walk back toward her back with a slight limp. What a waste of her time. And how she had to deal with these bruises that she got for no good reason. Maybe she should have just stayed home and faught. At least then she could be sure that whoever it was wouldn't just limp away like a pup. At least she hoped not. She'd hate to have to face them day in and day out if they did.

-- Exit Liviana --

"Talk" "You" Think