
Last Arrow in My Quiver

Mercy I


5 Years

11-05-2016, 02:50 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2016, 03:14 PM by Mercy I.)

No matter where she went or what she did, it was nearly impossible for her to not visit the knolls. It had been such a huge part of her life that it wasn't easy to let it go. She let out a sigh, watching as it fogged before her. The familiar bray of the buffalo filled her ears, not even making her twitch at their powerful bellow. She still remembered the first time she had seen them when she was a pup, how massive they had seemed then. She had avoided them at all costs back then, but now they were the ones who avoided her. Some snorted at her as she walked by, stomping their hoofs on the trampled ground blow them. But she didn't flinch, cutting her way right through the middle of the herd. They were nervous, but didn't seem to be overly worried by the pale wolf just walking through them. They could easily turn her into mush if she tried anything by herself. Mercy's slightly longer tail brushed across one of their legs, just so she could watch it scramble back slightly. Such large, overwhelming creatures, but she knew how to run them after years of calling this place her home. But she wasn't in the mood right now, an odd melancholy mood dampening her spirits. Her ears were slightly pushed back as she made it to the edge of the herd, continuing to walk up the nearest hill. The memory of just how tall they used to be flashed across her minds eye as she made it to the peek, twisting around to look back out across the herd. They munched on the dry grasses as the sun began it's decline, the first hints of pink taking over the grey-blue sky.

The scarred woman sighed, her breath puffing out in a cloud as she sat on the lip of the hill. Her ail curled around her at the chill of the descending sun, even though it was about an hour or so yet before it would be fully dark. A few of the strongest stars could be seen in the sky, but her eyes seemed to be blind to it all. She wasn't really paying much attention to anything at all, as if in a trance. It wasn't something that happened often, but she missed the days on Imperium and often came here to reminisce. If she closed her eyes she could still smell the scent of all the wolves around her, the most dominant belonging to Valentine. It had been where she first met Kyarst, when he awoke the true masochist within her. When she turned on the very woman who had brought her ear, and battled a trespasser who just slid across the border without care. There were a lot of things that had transpired here that had awoken the beast she was today, stripped the very last sense of her innocence. She smirked just thinking of the word, was she every truly innocent? As a small child, perhaps. But her eyes opened quickly to the pain that was laced through this life, the feeling like she wasn't good enough to keep her parents happy. And then the abandonment of everyone she had ever loved, steeling her already pretty solid walls around herself. Revenge... She nearly spat thinking of his name. If she ever saw him again, he would have a lot of explaining to do before she tore out his tongue. How dare he do what he had done to her, leading her to believe that he had loved her as much as she cared for him? But she wouldn't simply leave without a word, not for this long. Her once still lips quivered at the thought, and she forcibly pushed them away.

She needed a distraction, fast. Already Mercy could feel the impending doom try to weigh down on her, but she wouldn't let it control her. A snarl ripped from her lungs as she stood, huffing into the silent evening. She could run at the buffalo, but that would be stupid. Looking around, she desperately sought something to occupy her mind.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Extra large

11-05-2016, 12:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2016, 12:44 PM by Elias.)

Prey in Auster, just as he expected, had been much healthier than what they'd left behind in Boreas. He was not quite sure why the northern most continent was doing so poorly, having only just arrived here at the turn of summer to autumn, but for curiosity's sake- the beast found his restless limbs moving back up to visit the knolls where he'd had his first hunt in these new lands. He was eager to discover if any changes had been made to the lands now that the season was coming to an end, though he had little hope that it was. He could not deny his fascination with the active volcano that resided to the northeast of the knolls, but he would not force his sister to remain on lands that were not fruitful.

No surprises awaited him here in the knolls with the buffalo, they were still frail and scrawny and hardly holding enough energy to fight with the white wolf that seemed entertained with mildly harassing them as she split the herd. It made him smirk, as he was the one that was usually out playing with his food in the sanctum of his own privacy though he'd managed to catch another doing so, though as he watched he noticed she didn't seem to hold an appetite at all. She was just bored. When she climbed to the peak, he felt as though perhaps his silent observation of her was a bit intrusive. She clearly seemed bothered, a snarl ripping out of her throat toward a silent sky at dusk certainly attested to that. He flicked an ear as his interest seemed to grow; it was always nice to witness a little bit of overrun emotions in strangers. It made him and his family seem a little less.. like a horror tale. They were not the only sufferers in their lifetime, they were not dramatizing their pain, others felt it too. Though, he was assuming an awfully lot from a woman he'd only watched for a few moments.

Heavy paws further embedded the autumn grass, yellowed and dried, into the ground the buffalo seemed to have beaten and broken it into- the giant was moving through in the echo of Mercy's trajectory through the buffalo herd.. though they had already been through this, their annoyance was growing. They bellowed and moved with a bit more animation about them, getting out of the way of the colossus as he calmly waltzed up the throne that the white queen sat upon. A hardly charming grin exposed the red gums and yellowed teeth of his smile beneath his marred lips and snout when he was just a few feet from the wolf as pale as a corpse. She was delightful up close, her own scars earning a glance over from his burning ruby gaze before they stilled on her stare of amethyst.

He would test the waters of her patience, moving to meet her level on the peak she stood upon just inches away from her warmth without saying a word. As if mockingly, he would attempt to brush his tail against her chest if she did not move away from him much like she had done to the buffalo. He recognized the danger of playing with fire, but that was precisely why the brute chose to play- the thrill of him tempting her snapping jaws would certainly cure both of their needs to occupy their minds. "Bored?" Gruff voice, low and holding just a hint of rasp hallowed his vocal chords as he twisted his body around to let his face and chest face her, assuming she'd not already bit the bait that his tail had provided in his little teasing gesture.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Mercy I


5 Years

11-05-2016, 03:13 PM

It would seem that her wish was granted.

Mercy watched as a large male cut through the buffalo much as she had done moments before, smirking at the way they seemed far more irritated with him than they had with her. Keeping her violet eyes trained on him, she watched from her advantage spot. It was interesting to see that he was making a beeline towards her, and she took the moment before he arrived to take him all in. Her eyes roved over him in a greedy fashion, taking in the scars on his face and his blood red eyes. They were lighter than Gethin's, more piercing as well. She noticed more scars on his shoulder, wider than any claw mark she had ever seen. A flash of jealously coursed through her, but she shoved it aside. She had always adored the look of scars on wolves, the chiseled and rough look that they gave the wearer. It spoke of a history of fighting, whether it was a win or loss she didn't care. She always believed that scars should be worn with pride, not hidden away in shame. They were marks to show that you lived, you fought, and you protected yourself. Her mind flickered to Karabela and how she had insulted the mark across her back, but it was something that she held a lot of pride in. Who else faced a tiger and got away alive? Sure, she had lost but... she had still done it, and at a pretty young age too.

The gray and black male strode right up and over to her, not even hesitating as he crossed into her bubble. She sucked in a breath between her teeth, a hissing noise following. She wasn't used to others being so upfront, it was usually her job to cross borders and get right up in others faces. But he didn't even hesitate, flashing his teeth which made her hackles stand on end. A single brow rose in a taunting matter, she wasn't scared. If he came all this way to fight her she would happily oblige. It had been awhile since she had a good fight anyways. The strange male crossed in front of her, dragging his flecked tail across her chest. Humming, her lips peeled back as she too easily took the bait, aiming to lean down and snap her jaws closed over the fluffy appendage. If she was able to latch on, she didn't plan to release him any time soon. Looking up when he asked if she was bored, the girl let out a playful growl and wrinkled as she tried to pinch his tail even tighter between her teeth. Bored until he showed up, that was for sure.

After a few moments she let him go, drawing her head back to toss him a wicked grin. "I was, Mr. Dark and Mysterious," she rumbled. It would seem like her trend of darker pelted males kept on going. He was about four inches taller than her, but it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. Imperium had been made up of giants, and she had to slowly come to terms with the fact that she was no longer the tallest wolf around. Rolling her shoulders forward, she let her gaze sweep across the burly man slowly. It was obvious that she was appreciating the bulk of his muscles and the size of his scars, letting out something that sounded like a rumbling purr. "And who the fuck do you think you are, just marching right into my space, mm?" she asked, her lips flicking upwards as she bared her teeth at him. There wasn't a lot of anger in her voice, perhaps only a touch. Was he underestimating her prowess, thinking that she wouldn't do any damage to him? Or was it damage that he was looking for? A delicate shudder ran down her body, subtle enough to not be noticed. She had grown lucky that Gethin had been down to play along with her love for blood and sex, but it looked like this bad ass came up here looking for it. Interesting, she had landed herself quite the big fish.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Extra large

11-05-2016, 04:01 PM

It seemed the fish had taken hold of his hook, though she wasn't fighting to get away- she wasn't thrashing, she wasn't flailing, she was biting on harder with her inky lips latched around the bulk of his tail. Those pinching teeth lined around his whipcord and dug deep, etching themselves mildly into the vertebrae makings of it and sending little jolts of pleasure and pain on intermixed wavelengths up his spinal chord to surge his brain and begin an unfathomable change. Those piercing ruby eyes would close for a moment behind the darkened outline of his lids, rolling beneath the skin quite visibly as his hackles slowly prickled to life as she pinched harder.

The feeling was as delightful as the image of her backside when those eyes reopened, scanning across her scar and spine with a predatory look. Every inch of fur seemed to stand on end above the goosebumps riddling his skin, though he didn't dare move as she indulged in this hold she had on his hook, no. The hold had done more than she was probably aware of, it had ensued a summoning of the demon she'd already been tempting by her mere existence. There was a shift of heart and mind deep within those the guarding muscles she so eagerly let her eyes feast upon, they hid his frail psyche and the instability of his sense of morality and fear. At least, they masked it for most.

It was hard to believe such a strong beast held such frail inner workings, especially when his eyes were lit with a flame seemingly bright enough to light the dry autumn grass they stood upon right then and there. As soon as she released his tail and left it with the burning echo of her kissing teeth, his eyes honed in on her own like vultures that knew they were about to feast and did not let his stare falter. A grin found it's way among his crooked lips once more as she spat poison in her words, her sarcasm cracking the guile of her tempting purr and leaking a bit more of that hidden anger than she might have anticipated. The purr beckoned him to come closer though he didn't dare, though as delightful as her humming words were he found himself craving that biting anger just as equally.

Already, his blood was burning up his skin beneath his short fur; the chiseled effect of his muscles only became more dramatic as they all tensed, he'd become awakened by her all too easily and it seemed quite obvious that he didn't care to keep the evidence from her. A rumbling growl started low in his broad chest- not an angry growl, but a relaxed and flirtatious growl that mimicked her purr as a comforting sound of his own. He was playing. His chin tucked downward slightly as his upper lip curled enough to wrinkle his scarred maw and bare his fangs right back at her, playful grin etched in the stone of his dark visage all the while.

"Who do I think I am?" He mused, a dark chuckle starting from that growl and bubbling up his throat to chase his words. "Who's to say I was thinking about myself at all, dove?" All he knew was that she called to him with her presence whether she meant to or not, and he found himself craving to sate his curiosity about her. "You looked so inviting up here by yourself, I thought a brand new face might be just the thing to ease your mind. I heard you screaming at the sky," his tail flicked at the end of his words, sending little tingles of painful bliss up his spine as he reminisced on the feeling of her teeth around it just moments before. "Thought you might like to scream at me instead." Coy expression melted the wrinkle of his snout as he outstretched his neck, daringly reaching for the base of her ear as he moved into his left side and closer to her form all together. He'd attempt to nip the flesh just beneath her nearest ear and above her cheek, practically begging her to take another bite.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Mercy I


5 Years

11-06-2016, 01:14 PM

The pale woman's eyes flashed towards his crimson ones, seeing the fire that burned within. Her own closed ever so slightly, her face more of a mask than she had intended. She knew that she should be more critical about a man who walked up and just offered his tail as a little chew toy, but she was too pleased by it all to linger on it too long. Her body was still taunt though, she wasn't completely relaxed. He was a lot bigger than her, but she was not an opponent to over look at all. The more heavy-set woman was used to pushing her weight around, her muscles well defined around her feminine curves. Mercy was the perfect mix of prowess and an elegant lady -- although there was nothing lady like about her attitude. A low growl rumbled in the strange male, and she met it with her own. It was an odd encounter to say the least, but maybe she was given a treat after years of the shit she had to deal with. Her salmon tongue flicked out to lick at her inky lips, which then flipped back up to her ever toothy grin. But it all changed the instant he opened his mouth.

When he called her dove, her entire body froze as her head slowly dropped to grow level with her spine, showing off her raised hackles. Wrong move, buddy. Her nose wrinkled as a true growl left her maw, anger making her gaze stone cold as she glared at the beast before her. "What the fuck did you just call me?" she asked, all notes of her flirtatious mood fleeing. She was all anger, it practically pulsed off of her in waves. The woman had been called dove before, as she was nearly pure white. But she hated the nickname with a burning passion. Doves were often seen as a sign of hope, of peace. They were weak prey animals, not worth of being used to describe her. Her name may be Mercy, but she didn't have much within her. The world was a cruel twist of irony in her eyes, she had worked hard to prove that her name didn't define her. She changed her last name because of the despise she had for her weak ass family, even though it was a name that fit her well. Destruction. The fiery woman's ears twitched when he spoke more, drool dripping off her exposed fangs. She remained silent for now though, wanting to hear if he had any more petty names for her up his metaphoric sleeve.

He instead offered himself for her to scream at, which made her falter slightly. Her growls stilled in her throat, swallowing to cut the sound off. Her once pinned ears flicked back up to the top of her head, confusion drawing her brows together. Scream at him? She was so wrapped up in her anger that she wasn't thinking quite clearly, trying to figure out what he meant by that. Fight him? While he had said that she was inviting, she was quite the opposite. That insinuated that she was warm and welcoming, which made a rather dark chuckle leave her mouth. "I'm not what you think I am," she said with a low growl, taking one step towards him. "I would advice you against pissing me off, I'm not all bark," to put more emphisis on her words she opened and snapped her jaws shut tightly. The little bite on his tail was only her opening act, a little love nip if you will. Mercy liked blood, and to bite deep into another wolf's flesh. The fact that he pissed her off only put more fuel in her fire, the need to pull his blood to the surface growing in her. She was quite the vindictive little bitch, but she had long since grew to terms with it. There was no controlling her madness, not now and not ever. Eying his already scarred shoulder, she wondered if she could add another pretty arrangement to it. She quickly tossed her gaze back to him, eyes narrowing further into tiny little slits. He had asked her who he thought she was, but she had skipped over that and focused on the 'dove' part of his speech. "I think you're one dumb bastard for strutting up here and offering yourself so freely to me. Do you like to toy with random strangers to see just how much pain they can inflict on you? Cause trust me, dumb shit, I bite a lot harder than that."

Who ever said Mercy was nice?


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Extra large

11-06-2016, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2016, 03:58 PM by Elias. Edit Reason: FIRST EDIT WAS FOR THE FOOTNOTE, overseen by eve, second edit was to announce that it was overseen by eve, third edit- I forgot to mention eve :T )

She seemed to ignore his little attempt to nip at her ear and settle for a fighter's pose, lowering her figure and raising her hackles all while hissing out her words like some outraged pussy cat. His lack of charm did not change and that crooked grin took a turn more sinister as his own eyes narrowed and his thick teeth clenched. He pulled away from her, stepping back a few paces while he listened to her poisonous words, cherishing every infliction of burn that they ensued on his ears whilst mimicking her movements in a lazy fashion. His shoulders rolled forward while his thick neck craned down to ally with them, his marred muzzle wrinkling to pull his lips away from his cleavers and release a healthy shine of drool to lather their slopes much like her own were doing.

Her thrown insults brought forth a dark chuckle from the heathen, as soon as she announced him dumb he couldn't help but let a hearty laugh rip through his offensive portrayal and break his warrior's guise. He was thoroughly amused that she'd already thought of him so lowly, and he was beginning to wonder if she'd earned that scar on her back in a brave fight or if it was some sort of punishment she'd received from her all too quick tongue spewing out immediate assumptions. He couldn't be upset, he'd offered for her to scream at him, after all. "Well, there's a start." He grinned, his chin tucking downward as the fire in his eyes targeted her own narrowed and hateful stare.

'I'm not what you think I am,' he thought over those words again with another brief and rumbling laugh set low in his chest and barely audible. "On the contrary, I believe you're mistaking the sort of invitation I believed for you to be putting out all alone up here and snarling by yourself." His toes wiggled in anticipation just from the thought of starting this dance with her; his heart steadily started pumping more adrenaline down through his limbs, his talons scraping the earth below him idly while he spoke and splayed them apart and proportioned his balance. "Perhaps you're not wrong about myself, though dumb is a harsh word.. I much rather prefer.. daring? Brave? Adventurous, even?" He smirked, eyes narrowing as the meat of his face pulled together for a thick snarl to suddenly rip from his throat while he mockingly lunged forward, his hackles finally fully standing at attention from the base of his skull to the start of his tail- thoroughly visible on his shorter coat and outlining nearly his entire spine. It was just a tease, however, as he was testing his reaction and the lunge stopped only a few inches from where it began, still leaving about three feet between them.

He was taunting her at this point, though in truth he'd been searching for a fight for some time. It had been awhile since the brute had someone he didn't care about readily available to be on the receiving end of the darker intentions of his heart. Like Mercy, Elias had a need of his own to draw blood.. though the crazy fucker actually found some sort of enjoyment when that blood came not only from his chosen victim but from himself. "And I assure you, when I heard your beautiful snarl cry out into the sky.. I was dreaming of the bite that came with it. I would not have approached if I, for a second, took you for being all bark." Whipcord thrashed at the end of his spine as it, too leveled out with it, still reminiscing on that little pinch she'd done earlier while heeding her warning that she could bite much harder. Jaws parted in another wicked set of laughter as he felt the goosebumps return to his skin, electrifying his walking corpse with a rush of pleasure just from the mere thought. He had to bring it out of her, he had to get her ready for the exchange of assault. Though it was a pity that such a pretty thing came with such an ugly way of words, he was determined to find a place for her in his world of love and hate.

With a gaping set of jaws, the beast finally unleashed his fury and barreled forward with intent now to fully close the space between them. His limbs remained bent at the joints to keep his tall frame lower to the ground while his movements strained with effort to keep his body level and coming at her like a solid battering ram. His skull seemed to decline slightly as it reached out, twisting to his left as he closed the distance with his jaws snapping in aim that would hopefully allow for them to close around the topside of her snout- his top fangs sinking into the right side of her nose while the bottom ones came into the meat of the left side of the upper portion of her snout. The muscles of his neck and back would tense as he prepared himself to continue his pummel, wanting to grab her by the face and start a lover's waltz by her to walk backward or risk losing her balance. He'd hope to keep his hold on the topside of her snout, uniting their muzzles in a bloody kiss of a jaw lock.

Elias vs. Mercy || Dominance || Round 1/2

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Mercy I


5 Years

11-10-2016, 02:29 PM

An odd mix of lust and anger coursed through her body, even though this bastard had pissed her off she still wanted to see just how hard he bit. Her elongated tail lashed behind her like an angry cat as a snarl ripped free from her maw. Her blood pumped faster through her veins, her instinct telling her that she was going to get exactly what she wanted. A slow smile replaced her angered look at his words, a laugh bubbling up from her belly. "Can't a girl express emotions without attracting someone towards her? Or was I simply too alluring to pass up. Mm buddy boy, did all your other bitches run off at the sight of your pretty scars?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone, batting her lashes at him in a innocent fashion. There was nothing angelic about this dame, but she was very good at acting. Chuckling again, her head raised as she seemed to size him up. While she was impressed by what she saw, there was almost a superior way that she gazed at the stranger. It wasn't that she thought she was better than everyone else but... well she was up there. Mercy's mind was a strange thing, she knew that she was fucked up but she also liked to think that she was... what? Stronger than others? Maybe it was just the fact that she knew how much she was messed up and owned up to it. She also liked to piss others off, getting a reaction out of others was oh so amusing. It entertained her on days when she got bored, or on nights like this where her emotions fought to get the best of her. Not now, not with this tall glass of distractions before her.

Another chortle left her lips when he said he didn't like the word dumb, but this time there was no humor in the sound. Her shoulders rolled forward as she bared her teeth in an angry smile, her tongue flicking out to lick over their smooth surface. "Daring, I will take that one. It takes some fucking guts to strut up here like that, you're one lucky bastard to have met me," she said in a low voice, eying the distance between them. Her muscles grew taunt under her fur, the desire to bite into his flesh again growing as the seconds ticked by. She needed his blood, the primal need making her ears twitch on the top of her head. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into... or did he? She gazed at him with narrowed purple eyes, a new appreciation to them. He knew exactly what he was doing, didn't he? Her toothy grin returned, a deeper bellow making her head shake back and forth. Clever boy, playing right into her paws. His next words only affirmed her thoughts, the fact that he was hoping that she had some bite in her. Oh damn did she ever, and he was about to find out just how hard she could chomp down. She watched as he dropped into a fighters stance, excitement making her pupils dilate as the breath hitched in her throat. It was so on. "Bring it," she whispered, saliva dripping from her exposed fangs.

-fight starts below-

There wasn't much room between them, about three feet. (Distance agreed between us) Mercy didn't move an inch, relowering her head until it was in line with her spine, her tail raising to do the same. She was as straight as an arrow as her ears pinned back against her head, violet eyes remaining narrowed. Her toes flexed, spreading apart as her black nails dug into the knoll below her. She rolled her shoulders again, tucking her chin tightly against her chest. Legs were set an even distance apart, aligning her with her shoulders and hips. Her weight spread across all four limbs equally, a perfect example of balance and poise. Mercy's lips pulled upwards in a snarl, the loose skin around her eyes bunching up to further protect them from an incoming assault. She was more than ready, standing very still as she waiting for him to make the first move. It didn't take too long before he barreled at her, her muscles bunching in preparation for their ultimate collide. The larger male's jaws opened and aimed towards her muzzle, but she wouldn't allow him such a valuable hold so early on in this little game of theirs. If he wanted a kiss, he would have to ask nicely. Dropping her upper half towards the ground with her rump remaining in the air, Mercy's forelegs slipped forward so that the top of her belly nearly brushed across the grass. She avoided his jaws, but knew that her position was a dangerous one to keep for too long. Quickly the woman sought to rise back up onto all fours, her head twisting to her own left as she shot back up. Her jaws parted as she aimed to clamp down on the man's throat, her top jaw aimed for the right side of his neck, just below where the right side of his jaws met. Her lower jaw was aimed to shut down on the center of his throat, hopefully pinching tightly and gaining a hold on such a valuable position. She was exposing her own neck in the process, but it was a risk she was willing to take to feel his blood run down her face and throat. At the same time her right front leg rose, attempting to snake it behind his left front leg around his ankle and pull her own limb back against her chest. She was hoping to completely knock his left leg off the ground, disabling his balance and making it easier for her to overcome the larger male. Her weight shifted towards her left side to make up for her tripod stance, her tail flickering behind her to aid in her balance. She was showing no mercy and going right for the good stuff, as she often did.

Round 1/2


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



6 Years
Extra large

11-14-2016, 08:03 AM

As soon as the male saw her upper body begin to lower, a rush of adrenaline came over him as he anticipated the attack that would come next from such a movement. His talons raked through the earth to slow himself, not that his momentum was something uncontrollably with a distance of only three feet between them. His body had remained low, his spine level from the base of his skull to the tip of his tail with his knees bent to keep him as close to her height as possible. His ears pinned back as he snarled out, meat of his face scrunching to protect his eyes and reveal the pinks of his gums along with his threatening front-line of bayonettes.

As she fell forward his intentions never changed, he wanted her face; his chin tucked to keep her snout in the crosshair aim of his bite and as she came upward his previously agape maw only become further unhinged as he let out a hellcry. He hadn't been this excited in some time, she looked so delicious coming up to him that he found his shoulders lowering to meet her with his weight coming more to his upper body than his hinds. He did not let himself get far enough over her to not be able to protect his throat, so as she came up to attempt to land her hit just below where his jaws met his neck- she would have trouble doing so with his eager jaws widely protecting that area. When she came for it, his own jaws motioned slightly to his right to follow her aim- he would patiently seek for her the right side of her muzzle, preferably closer to her nose than her eyes. Coming from her right side, the bottom fangs sought to dig themselves into the divot of flesh spread across her bottom jaw, right behind her jawbone and beneath her tongue approximately halfway between the corner of her lips and her front canines. His top fangs would come down with less aim, their goal to be to administer any sort of lacerations or pinching to the meat of the top right side of her snout- to drag in such a way that would administer scarring eerily similar to the scarring on his own maw's left side. He hoped to bring his jaws together finally when those bottom canines of his met their mark, wanting control of her bottom jaw with her so close to his vitals.

He'd been so focused that as her right front limb snaked around his own, well-muscled left front leg- he could do nothing to prepare for her pull on it. When he felt her tug back with her own limb, he could only throw his weight into her drag as well as his bite. The muscles of his back and hind limbs would tense as his back paws pushed against the earth while he eagerly motioned into her pull, his balance skewed as his tail veered to his right in an attempt to hold as much of it as he could. With her right forelimb bent slightly to accomplish her hold on his own left forelimb, his focus switched to bringing his weight of his left forelimb fully down on his left forepaw while their pawpads rested flush against each other for that brief moment. He wanted to immobilize her right forelimb by forcing it to remain awkwardly bent at the ankle (if not moderately spraining it) with him standing on top of her foot, her foot pawpad up and her toes crushed beneath him into the knoll.

Being forced to focus so much on his second attack, his first would lack the power and intent that he'd wanted to put into it. His teeth mainly focused on defending his throat against her own if not administering a bite until he had control over his balance once again.

Elias vs. Mercy || Dominance || Round 2/2

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!

Mercy I


5 Years

11-19-2016, 01:48 PM

Mercy hadn't given this male enough credit, he was a lot faster than she would have thought for his size. She may be a bit slower, but she was solid muscle through and through. With a growl she saw that he wasn't going to give up on his choice for her muzzle, and the dame hadn't much room to dodge anymore. His chin had tucked towards his chest, his jaws parted and waiting for her. She abandoned hope of her bite, instead attempting to curl her head downward, pressing her chin to her chest, and aimed instead to slam her head against the very center of his chest. The middle of her forehead was aimed for the dead center of his chest, hoping to bump into him as she tossed her weight forward in hopes of shoving him back. Because of her moved position his teeth dug into the back of her head, just an inch below each ear and right around her spine. She hisses as his teeth dug into her flesh, causing moderate wounds that bled freely. The scent of it drove Mercy forward, a guttural growl leaving her lips.

The pale woman had been successful in grabbing his paw out from under him, but he was aiming to step on her lifted right front paw. Unable to move much because of his hold on her neck, the dame aimed to quickly pull her right forepaw back towards her own chest so that it was flush with her fur, tucking it up very much like a stork would its leg. Her weight was still shifted to her left, her tail aligned with her spine to aid in her balance. In her current position her chin was tucked into her chest, her shoulders rolling forward as her ears slicked back tightly against her skull. Her three grounded limbs were evenly placed, every toe spread as each nail bit into the surface of the knoll. Her fur was standing on end, hackles raised to their full extend and her purple eyes narrowed. Mercy felt like she was trapped down here, but he wasn't about to get off without a scratch. Growling again, her jaws parted as she aimed to bite down on bottom center of his chest, right before it curved downwards towards his belly. Her upper jaws were aimed just below his sternum, her bottom jaws seeking to grab hold of the flesh just before his first rib. Mercy wanted to bite down firmly, her nose wrinkling from the amount of pressure she hoped to exude. Hoping to get a good grip on him, she was aiming to do as much damage as possible in hopes that he would let go of her neck. At the same time she attempted to push forward, her back legs locking as she hoped to apply pressure to his chest and knock him down off the knoll. It was a risk she needed to take, if he kept a hold of her when he went down then she would have no choice but to follow. Mercy didn't play it safe though, it was now or never.

Round 2/2


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.

Head Judges


02-05-2017, 01:48 PM
And the winner is...

Mercy! Due to Elias being set inactive, the fight has defaulted in Mercy's favor.