
Crush me

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-13-2016, 01:54 PM

ooc: gotta get that skill! Anyway I'm looking for a 4 round spar with a 3 day default as practice - extensions when needed are welcome though because I know sometimes I need them and this is made to be as relaxing as possible. No maims please.

If he had nothing to do, he would drag himself to the battlefield. Last he had been here he failed miserably, but he came with a new amount of confidence in him. Sharpen his claws - he could feel the adrenaline in his veins. Rivaxorus couldn't let himself get too rusty, otherwise if something were to happen and he didn't have an excuse to defend himself. He was sure his enemies still wandered around here. As he raised his head in a howl for an opponent he got ready and waited patiently. The end of his tail flicked as his limbs spread equally apart. Taking in a sharp breath he awaited what came for him.



11-14-2016, 10:55 PM

ooc: yayyyyyy skill points!

Her last trip out here hadn't been worth her time, but she wasn't ready to give up on it just yet. Sure, she had offered to practice with her pack mates, but that didn't mean she couldn't be out doing some of her own spars in the meantime. If this one went the way of her last spar then she'd just stick to fighting with Abaven wolves from now on. She started scanning the battlefield for a potential opponent just as a howl went out for a challenger. A smirk touched her lips. Perfect. She trotted toward the call till her gaze landed on a male that was quite a bit larger than herself. That was alright, she had fought plenty of battles with wolves that outsized her. That was just something she had learned to work around as a woman.

She gave her opponent a slight grin and a small nod as she stopped a few feet from him. Perhaps he would be a more worthy challenger than the last. "Shall we skip the small talk?" she asked with a chuckle as she got down into her defensive stance. She was excited to see what this big guy could do. These practice spars would never quite match the rush that raiding another pack held, but she had to get her fix somewhere. Her paws settled into an evenly spaced stance, her toes spread, and her claws dug into the dirt. Her ears folded back against her skull and her eyes narrowed into slits just as her head and tail fell even with her spine. Her shoulders were rolled forward and her scruff bunched up around her neck. Her chin tipped down to cover her throat while her lips curled into a snarl to bare her teeth. Her knees bent slightly and her muscles tensed as she got ready to launch her first attack.

She was at least polite enough to let him get his defences set as well before she went at him, but as soon as he was ready she aimed her first attack at left shoulder. She knew he would have height and weight on his side, so she focused on being light on her feet and fast. She wasn't the fastest wolf around, but she had far less bulk to deal with than he did. She wanted to dart forward, using her bent knees and claws to push herself forward. She parted her jaws and aimed a quick bite at his left shoulder. She made a small arc with her path so by the time she reached his shoulder her body was at an angle to his rather than parallel. She wanted to just scrape the skin on the side of his shoulder with her teeth, aiming to leave moderate scratches behind. She didn't want to hurt him too bad right off the bat. They had plenty of fun to be had still. To add to her attack, she quickly hopped up on her back paws and aimed to shove her forepaws into his neck, right above his left shoulder. She spaced out her hind paws to give her a more firm base so she wouldn't topple over so easily. She also used her tail as a counterbalance to help with this as well.  

"Talk" "You" Think

Liviana vs Rivaxorous for Practice
Round 1 of 4

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-24-2016, 05:06 PM

The man tried to remember how to fight. Seems he had let himself get slightly rusty, but that was the whole reason he was here. What was he supposed to do if he couldn’t defend his family. He bent his joints at the knee, tail leveling with his spine. Riv pinned his ears to the back of his skull and narrowed his eyes. Tucking his chin closer to his chest his hackles raised and his toes spread across the terrain. He scrunched up his scruff and rolled his shoulders inwards making himself more compact. As his face curled into a snarl the skin bunched around his eyes and would make it hard to grab hold of his face as well as making his teeth primed and ready.

Rivaxorus was a little surprised at the smaller girls jump towards his left side. Her teeth hit the mark leaving moderate scratches on his left shoulder only bleeding out slightly. His body shifted slightly to the right though, her paws sitting on his left shoulder avoiding his neck with his tucked in chin as well. He felt sort of bad now but as such was life he opened his own jaws and tilted his head to his own right. Aiming to place a bite at her left ribcage to cause enough pain for her to get off. As he did this he jutted out his left shoulder aiming to shove it into her neck to try and choke her a bit and make her fall over. Trying to use his weight to his advantage.

ooc: sorry for the delay I should be on time from now on.

1/4 for practice.



11-24-2016, 07:11 PM

ooc: I think you might have gotten some directionals wrong somewhere, but I tried to decipher it.

Liviana felt her teeth meet their mark on the man's shoulder, leaving behind the moderate scratches she had aimed for. However, his form shifted to his right before her paws were able to make contact with his neck. Her claws brushed his shoulder, but not enough to do any damage. She was quick to hop back down onto the ground and take a step back so that she would reset her defenses. Her paws settled back into that evenly spaced, sturdy stance. Her toes spread and claws bit into the dirt while her knees bent slightly and head returned to sit even with her spine. Her head tucked down over her throat and her tail sat even with her back as well. Her eyes remained in narrow slits, her ears stayed back against her head, and her lips were pulled back in a snarl. She kept her shoulders rolled forward and scruff bunched around her neck.

His head turned and since she had taken a step away from him his bite landed on her shoulder instead of her side. His teeth left a moderate bite on her shoulder, pulling a small amount of blood to the surface. His shoulder movement didn't do any good since she shifted her position. She took advantage of the movement toward her though. Since he put his left shoulder back within her range she reached forward with open jaws to attempt a bite right behind his shoulder. She wanted to leave a couple moderate lacerations on his side where his leg might rub when he ran. Liviana hoped this might impede his movements a bit and slow him down more. She then turned her attention further down his left side, stepping forward so that she might use her own forward momentum in her attack. She kept her head tipped down over her throat and lunged forward to attempt to headbutt the man in the soft part of his left side just past his ribs. She wanted to cause some bruising and perhaps knock him off balance if her attack connected well enough. She made sure to return her paws and legs to their former position so her defenses would remain in place whenever her movements stopped.

"Talk" "You" Think

Liviana vs Rivaxorous for Practice
Round 2 of 4

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

11-26-2016, 07:59 AM

Ooc: if you have trouble feel free to pm me ^^ Sorry that I made the last post confusing.

Rivaxorus was starting to fall into place of things now. His scruff rolled forward and hackles raised. The male kept his ears pinned to the back of his head, tail leveling with his spine for balance. As his toes spread into the terrain he narrowed his eyes and the skin around his eyes bunched for protection as well as making his teeth primed and ready. His limbs bent at the knee ready to spring into action. She was a fast one that was for sure, but he was still going to try and use his weight to his advantage. His bite may not have hit where he wanted it, that was when he tried to pull back instantly after trying to tuck in his head closer to his chest. Taking his right limbs he attempted to scoot himself to his right a few inches scooting his left leg back again as she had moved too far away for his shove to work. Riv attempted to place them at an almost right angle where her teeth bit into the flesh of his chest. Only leaving a moderate bruise her headbutt would hit air as she continued placing them in a T shape with her left side facing him.

Opening his jaws the male tilted his head to the right, attempting a bite for the area just behind the scruff for a hold. He kept his limbs equally distributed his aim to try and push her to the ground as he attempted to push his weight onto her within the bite with force. His right forelimb would raise and aim to smash down onto her back left paw. To cause discomfort and to attempt to topple her over.

2/4 for practice.


The Judge


01-09-2017, 02:09 PM
And the winner is...

Liviana! Due to Riv agreeing to a default, the fight has defaulted in Liviana's favor. Rivaxorus must give up by submitting, passing out, or fleeing.