
Hush Little Baby, Don't Say A Word; Mama's Gonna Buy You A Mockingbird



9 Years
11-13-2016, 08:31 PM
(Gonna have to do a naked post, euughhh!)

Kavdaya howled as she ran, calling for her mate and children. Gone far too long, her heart ached with it all. Longing for her kids, her love, aching to bury herself in their scents, to wash it all away with her family. But she still had to tell Creed. He'd been friends with Surreal; close friends, and a stalwart, loyal member to the pack.

It had been a very painful two seasons. With the loss of her cousin, and seeing the pain Falk was going through, not to mention her own agony at being away from her just weaned litter and mate, she felt ready to burst, whether with tears or a scream, she wasn't sure. But gods help whomever tried to stop her from reaching her children when she was so close now.

Her nose caught a scent, and her heart leapt into her throat as she veered madly onto the trail, calling out in a voice mixed with desperation, agony, and joy. "Fable!" Oh gods, how would he receive her? Would he even recognize her? She'd break if they didn't know her. Even more, if they hated her.
[Image: C87vX2z.png]


11-13-2016, 09:32 PM

He was just minding his own business, trying to practice the stalking lesson that Fortune had taught him. But then there was a sound that changed it all. A howl cut through everything and made the world fall silent, his head whipping up from where he was sniffing after a rabbit. It took him a few seconds to place the call, but then it clicked. Kavdaya. That was his Ma. Leaning down he bit his leg, yelping and jumping back. He wasn't dreaming, this was real. She was home, she was home! It must be because he had been working so so hard, she must have seen that he was a good boy and came home right away. Abandoning his tracking, he flung himself towards the borders and his mother, trying his best to not trip over his too-large paws. Fable panted as he ate up the ground as fast as he could, his eyes already misting. And then there she was, running towards him and calling out his name. The boy let out a sob, running until he slammed right into her chest. He flopped to his rump, stunning, but not for long. "Ma, Ma! Ma you're home!" he screeched, lapping at her chin and lower jaw if she allowed. Whines spilled out of his mouth one after another, his paws working on the ground as tears spilled down his face. He mushed his chest against the lower portion of hers, unable to get close enough to her. "You came bwack cause I a good boy, rwight? I do so good Ma, I'm lwearning awl the fings!" he sobbed, pushing his features into her neck. He was getting taller, there was no doubt that he was going to be a big, tall man when he was full grown. He would grow taller than both his parents.

Wiggling where he was sitting, Fable cried into his mother's white pelt as he still tried to push himself closer into her. Greedily he sniffed in her scent, closing his eyes and remembering the days back in their den. "I mwissed you, I fought you lweft 'cause I'm not good enough," he sniffled, his voice muffled by her pale coat. "I wuve you Ma, I wuve you sooo much!" Fable yipped, nibbling at her fur gently.