
One thing after another



8 Years
Athena I
11-14-2016, 11:10 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2016, 08:12 PM by Leo.)

Roza lingered around her den grumpily. She couldn't believe she fell and hurt her shoulder like this. It was such a dumb mistake, she hated it. She sighed and carefully rolled her injured shoulder, cringing a little when she did. It was getting better, but it still didn't feel great. But she was gonna have to get over it sometime if she was gonna catch herself some lunch! The little berries and stuff Abbey had brought her only went so far. It wasn't like a cardinal could exactly hunt a rabbit. She chuckled to herself as she imagined Abbey trying to fly while carrying a rabbit in her talons. No, that wouldn't work. She got to her paws and started padding away from her den. She had to limp a bit, but she was making progress.

She padded through the mangroves, wondering where she might head to find some food. Maybe she should find Lionel and see if he would help her hunt this time. She hated asking him for help, but it would probably take a lot less time and he already knew she had hurt herself so it wasn't like she would have to explain the whole thing to someone else. As she was walking and thinking she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidently stepped night on a stick. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but she happened to step right were a slightly pointy part was and it poked her right in her paw. She yelped and hopped back, her ears falling down against her head. Jeeze, she just couldn't catch a break, could she?

"Talk" "Abbey" Think

Autumn Star


1 Year
11-15-2016, 12:47 AM
The dark, slate-blue she-pup was cautiously exploring the mangroves; not too far from home, but perhaps a little farther than she'd ever gone on her own before. She felt a little bit wary, but she was curious enough to push herself out of her comfort zone. As she slowly crept along, keeping to shadows and creeping underneath roots and brush to remain somewhat concealed. It was an interesting place to explore, and she felt somewhat proud of herself for making her way around without anyone to supervise her. However, when she heard the sound of someone yelping, she suddenly felt a jolt of fear, and wished she wasn't outside by herself. Where was her mom or dad? What about her siblings? She was sure the voice she'd heard wasn't anyone she knew. What happened to them?

Panting heavily, nervous, Autumn began to move toward the sound of the yelp, terribly afraid of what she was about to find. Yet, she knew she was too far from the adults she knew; if there was real danger, there was nothing anyone could do. Coming around a corner and peeking out from under a bush, she noticed a white and red-marked female wolf who seemed to be holding up a paw. Had she hurt herself? Taking a deep breath, the pup felt somewhat relieved that at least there seemed to be no imminent danger, although she wasn't familiar with this wolf. At least she knew the wolf was part of Fiori, so it should be okay...

She slunk forward, out from hiding, and approached the she-wolf with her ears folded back and tail tucked, her eyes wide and glossy. "A-are you okay, miss?" she asked in a nervous squeak, her voice hardly coming forth audibly. However, she was just concerned enough to push past her wariness, to see if her pack mate was okay.



8 Years
Athena I
11-19-2016, 08:20 PM

A soft squeak of a voice made her ears perk and she looked up to see a small slate-blue and gray pup creeping toward her. The little girl's expression was very concerned and she realized she had probably heard her yelp. Roza's expression immediately brightened up and she nodded as she settled down onto her stomach so she would be on the girl's eye level. Pups were so cute! "Yeah, I'm okay! See? I just stepped on a pointy stick." She turned over her forepaw so the girl could see that her paw was just a little inflamed, but there wasn't any blood or anything. Her paw pads were just a little red. She turned her spotted paw back over and gave the girl a warm smile. It looked like she was pretty skittish so she didn't want to scare her. "I'm Roza, by the way. What's your name?" She wondered where her parents were. Of course anywhere in the pack was safe, but it was pretty chilly out and it was raining a lot lately so she would hate for this pup to get caught out in a cold rain and get sick or something. For now the weather was find though so she just smiled and waited for the pup to introduce herself.

"Roza" "Abbey" Think