
Kalliope x Castiel pups!



9 Years
Athena I
11-15-2016, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2016, 10:16 AM by Leo.)
Kalliope and Castiel have had a bit of a whirlwind romance and have ended up with some pups on the way! The due date isn't till December 12th so there's still a while to go till they get here, but I wanted to go ahead and post this 'cause I'm impatient! As of now Keno and I are both planning on taking one and we're thinking a litter of three so that leaves one, maaaaaaaybe two to adopt out. I'll cover the extra pup purchase since we only got one free pup.

I've made some designs to pick from and I believe Keno is going to be playing around with some designs as well so their might be some more options coming. If you want to use the markings from one design and the coloring from another that's fine! Just include those changes in your application. If you get the pup I'll be happy to make you a ref with your customized design. The available eye colors are yellow, light blue, dark blue, or light green. Light green is the rarest of the options since that's coming from Kalli's father. If you want to create your own design that's fine, but I'd like to be able to keep the design with that character if they have to be readopted out.

Full abnormal color is 25% off as long as you're using the peach coloring from Kalliope. That discount would work on designs like 8 and 11. It doesn't help on designs like 4 and 9 since that would need and abnormal color marking pass. Height up to 39" is also 25% off.

Having a pup being born blind is not completely out of the question. Kalliope was born blind due to an odd genetic mutation sort of thing, so it's possible that could be passed down to one of their children, especially since she and Castiel are both a little on the older side. I just don't want a whole litter of blind pups.

Personality wise, they should be pretty light aligned. Feel free to include some of Kalliope's independence and sass if you so choose ;D

I'll update this with the future plans later. It'll just depend on the outcome of the Celestial challenge!

As far as names go, I know there's a lot of Irish names on the Surreal portion of the Adravendi line so you're free to go that way if you choose. I think Kalliope's name might be Spanish? I can't remember. Feel free to get creative with the names! I think the last name will be Adravendi. EDIT: I guess Kalliope is actually Greek so you can go that way as well if you want xD

<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Design:</b> (Either a number from one of the designs provided or a link to your own design)
<b>Appearance:</b> (must be 100+ words)
<b>Personality:</b> (must be 150+ words)
<b>Character Alignment:</b> (No baddies please!)
<b>Rp Sample:</b> (Not a requirement, but I'd like to see how you would play them!)


11-15-2016, 07:53 AM
Character Name: Luciana Advravendi

Gender: Nonbinary (Female at birth)

Design: #12 (Green eyes instead of blue)

Appearance: 32 inches, light build

Luciana is lightweight and small, not meant for the fighting lifestyle. In fact, they hold a sort of feminine, dainty form to them. Long legs hold up a body that is just as thin, barely muscular in any way. Even so, they have the muscles that one meant for running may have. The slightest hint of it, just enough to show that they can run. Luciana is not meant for fighting in any way, as any wolf with a taller height, or even bigger build, could easily throw them off to the side. Not to mention their obvious reasoning for not fighting.

Luciana is a lovely creature, although they don't know it. For the most part, they are cloaked in monochrome colors. Their base coat is a pure, soft ivory, with the markings marring it yet going well with the soft white fur. Half of their body fades quickly into a medium gray, legs and tail completely covered. The sudden change in colors could be distracting, but it's not so sudden that it would happen without a hint. Towards their side, a few gray strands of fur are here and there, barely visible unless one looks close enough. Luciana's paws are coated in gray as well, almost matching the half of their body but not quite. Their ears are coated entirely in gray as well, standing out against the pale color that covers most of their body. Finally, they hold a mask like Kalliope's, only their mask marking is a medium gray in color.

Luciana, when one first sees their gaze, wouldn't realize that they have taken after their mother in being entirely blind. It's only when one realizes that their gaze is unfocused, and their slight hesitance in walking, that they will see that they are blind. Their eyes are a light green, instead of the normal faded gray that anyone would have. Even so, their eyes are clouded, and it wouldn't take long to notice that they are entirely blind.

Personality: Luciana is almost exactly like their mother, personality wise. They have gained her sass, with a touch of their own sarcasm that will usually come from them if they find something obvious when others do not. They have a bit of bite to them, and most of their comments are made at the expense of another. They would claim that they weren't mean, but they are, just the tiniest bit, cruel. Just the type that other pups are, when they poke fun regardless of feelings.

Luciana is sweet, though, when they want to be. Unfortunately, that's not as much as when they want to be sarcastic and rude. When they are in a sweeter mood, however, they can be quite affectionate and just more loving in general. Almost overbearing in how affectionate they are, whoever the subject is better deal with or try to get away early on. If they don't, well, there won't be an end to it by then.

Luciana, surprisingly, is far from serious and is constantly making jokes. Some of these jokes are directed at them, at their blindness, and almost all are darker. No innocent, happy jokes here. They want like minded creatures to be friends with, as they don't want to be scolded for their jokes. They can be trusting, as long as that's one main thing with the other creature.

If their family was in trouble, Luciana would not hesitate to go to the rescue. They're not much of a fighter, but they are extremely family oriented. Family comes first, even if it's before their own safety, and they would risk their life to help them. They may complain about it, but it would be just to try and act tough around their family and hide their worry.

Luciana doesn't like to explore all that much, afraid they'd be close to danger and not even see it. They're hesitant to do much, and someone they trusted would have to be by their side and tell them that it was safe before they walk confidently.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Rp Sample: The sun was warm on their fur, and, for Luciana, it was a sign that the day was new and soon their siblings would be up and exploring whatever was out there. With something far from grace, they stood, paws scraping against the den as Luciana moved forwatds, trying to ignore the slumbering bodies that were almost wrapped around their paws. It was a difficult thing, trying to get into the sunlight without waking up any of the sleeping bodies. It was even worse when Luciana had no idea where the bodies were, except for when a paw barely grazed fur.

If they could get away in time, and without waking up any of their siblings by stepping on them, maybe, just maybe, they could have some breath and time alone. It was a rare occasion, but when it did happen it was something that Luciana enjoyed. The quiet of birds chirping, the sun on their fur, maybe even a slight breeze. Of course, the times that they didn't manage to get outside without waking someone up was time they didn't truly dislike, but not something they enjoyed, either. It may as well be a game of sorts. Make the blind one sneak out of the den. A quiet snort escaped them, and for a moment, they froze, falling silent. If the quiet breathing was interrupted, was stopped, then they knew that they would have woken someone. So, they were totally still, ears strained, listening for the lack of it from any of their family.

Their ears caught nothing besides the normal sound of sleeping, and they moved, quickly, all signs of being careful abandoned as their first paw grazed the grass. Almost tripping over a tail, they practically threw them self forwards, landing awkwardly in the grass. For a moment or two, they were still, until a motion forced them from their stomach onto their side in the grass. A strand of grass tickled their mose, and they moved their head away, before falling still again.

As much as they wanted to lay in the grass and sleep, they knew it was almost impossible. So, with reluctance, they sat up, pushing themselves to all four paws and raising their head to the small breeze. There they would stay, they decided, until their family came along.



9 Years
Athena I
12-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Gonna bump this! The pups are born on the 11th so if anyone is going to put an app in it needs to be soooooon



9 Years
12-01-2016, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2016, 10:44 PM by Kreft.)
Character Name:Bedelia Adrevendi
Design: 4
Appearance: Bedelia’s color scheme follows that of her mothers, she possesses a light peach coloring on the lower half of both of her front legs as well as the tip of her tail. There is also a spot of peach on her snout that starts at her bottom lip and goes up to between her eyes. The rest of her is a bright ivory, both her eyes are a dark sea blue that you could almost get lost in upon seeing their depth. She will surpass her mother in height but not her father, at a height of 38 inches she is quite on the taller end of the spectrum. Her body is built so that she is light and skinny, this doesn’t mean she is fragile though she is quite resilient when it comes to taking hits.
Personality: Truthful to the meaning of her name Bedelia will be an emotionally strong wolf, willing to stand up for herself and others. She dislikes seeing other wolves being picked on and is not afraid to use her height(38) to her advantage. She is protective of her mother and won’t stand for anyone debasing her just because of her disability. She wants to explore the world but has put that on the back burner so that she can help care for the rest of her family. Bedalia may be protective over her family but that doesn’t make her incapable of having fun, activities she enjoys are meeting other wolves she loves making new friends and isn’t afraid of spending time with anyone no matter how screwed up they may seem when she first meets them. She may not see good in everyone but she is willing to put up with the bad to see if she can find any good. When it comes to orders she’ll follow them no matter what they may be, but only if she’s thought about it she won’t blindly go out to do something that may cause severe consequences in the future. When it comes time for her to go searching for a mate she will stay with them for life for if she loves someone she truly loves them and will do anything for them.
Character Alignment: lawful neutral
Rp Sample:
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



1 Year
12-03-2016, 03:38 AM
Character Name: Viho
Gender: Male
Design: #7, but with pale blue eyes.
Appearance: He looks little like either of his parents in pelt save for that he has white upon him. His eyes however are so similar to his dam's that it's easy to tell their relation. His fur is primary gray in hue, but white still breaks up the monotony. Along his nose and around the beginning of his muzzle white fur grows. Only his legs too have white upon them. On his hind-legs from the tip of his toes up to his thighs on his his thighs. On his forelegs from his toes to a few inches past his wrist joints.

He is no small wolf. In fact he reaches a great height of forty-five inches at the withers upon reaching his full adult height. Although his size and bulk tend to slow him down he makes up for that lack with force of strength and intelligence. With so advanced a height he'll reach as much as two-hundred thirteen pounds.

Personality: He is ever the protector, a valiant knight in shinning armor. To those in need should he come across them or hear of their troubles he will go to do what he can to help them. Yet it is his siblings and parents who he feels closest to. They will have his unwavering loyalty. They whom he would do most anything to keep safe from harm whatever cost to his own self.

He lives by a code of valor. Of truth and honesty. Liars beware for even they will not be spared his displeasure and need for justice to be mete out.

Viho is ever kind and willing to lend an ear even to those who have in his eye committed some crime no matter how small that crime may be. And thus believes almost, if not everyone can be rehabilitated to the cause of truth, justice and the way of the valiant knight. Those however who have been given a second, or even perhaps a third chance will soon face his fury and like the goddess of vengeance he may swoop down upon them intending to mete out the highest form of punishment of all - death.

Character Alignment: Falling somewhere between Lawful Good and Chaotic Good
Rp Sample:

Viho blinked open pale blue eyes as the sun filtered through the canopy and shined upon his countenance. With a soft snort the youth rose onto all fours and stumbled forward a tangle of limbs. Compared to his siblings he felt ridiculously clumsy with his too large paws and too long legs.

Gazing down at his fore-paws he growled and arched his tail over his back. "Can't you behave, you useless paws!? We got to hide before everyone else wakes up." It was a game he'd come up with. If he was first to rise then he'd hide from his siblings and parents and they'd have to come find him. Not that he ever wandered too far, but one day he would. He'd see the whole world!

Whipping himself around he peered into the slumbering den. He couldn't make out if he'd been the first to arise or the last. Either way he determined he'd hide himself away. This time in a spot he'd not yet used rather than his favorite blackberry bush.

Turning from the entrance he waddled away, almost tripping over his own feet again as he made way south southeast from where he'd awoke. He headed right for a tree with a hallow at its base where half its roots were visible.

With a bit of caution he inspected his chosen hiding spot by sniffing at the scents. One of fox, but it was so stale it was barely decipherable. So much so that he wagged his gray tail and lowered himself into the old foxhole and waited. Maybe this time they wouldn't find him and he'd have for once won the game. He could hope.

Note: I can pay for the size as long as its fine for him to be so large (it can be my Christmas present to myself =D). Otherwise I can change this.


12-03-2016, 04:23 AM
Hoo boy some pretty good apps so far! Please try to fill out all parts of the apps though Croa, Frost! Its just preferred in case we need to make a decision based off RP samples. ;w; My own pup is silvery-gray and white, but this maaaaay change and depending on a commission I may also be getting some height! {Probably 39-42" so if you get your pup Trinket yours would still be bigger. I'm fine with that height by the way! Just feel a bit bad for Kalli. xD}



9 Years
Athena I
12-03-2016, 05:21 PM
I'm also fine with the height! Poor Kalli xD My pup is peach and white and missing a hind leg and her name is Etain!



9 Years
Athena I
12-04-2016, 05:47 PM
Keno and I decided to go ahead and close the adoption since the pups will be born in one week! The pup will go to Trinket!! Thanks for applying guys <33

Here is a link to the pup slot I bought for you, Trinket <3 link


12-04-2016, 07:48 PM
Thank you! I am very much excited <3.