
Caught in a trap


11-18-2016, 08:46 PM

Ira breathed in deep, taking in this odd mix of fear scent and the stench coming from the tar pools, letting her breath out in a sigh. Now this was her kind of place! All these pretty lakes and pleasant fields and peaceful forests... Those weren't her jam. This was much more her speed. She picked up a stick with her jaws and tossed it into one of the tar pools and she watched as it slowly sank beneath the surface right next to what looked like the rotting skeleton of some large animal.

A wicked grin crossed her face and she giggled while she looked around for something else to toss into the tar pits. A panicked squeaking caught her attention and her ears perked with interest. She turned her golden gaze toward the sound and she spotted a squirrel that had gotten just a tad too close to the sticky, sticky tar. She padded closer to it, her hips swaying with each step and her grin growing as she watched it. "Got a little too confident, didn't you, Mr. Squirrely?" she said with a giggle as she crouched down so that her nose was eye-level with the trapped little squirrel. Just its tail and hind legs were trapped, but she could tell it was going to get sucked all the way in before too long. It wasn't strong enough to pull itself out.

Ira watched it for a moment before reaching out and clamping her jaws down around its neck, snapping its neck in two. It went limp immediately and she started pulling her little convenient prey out of the tar, but she was surprised by how strong and sticky it was. She dropped the squirrel and looked down at it with a frown. Ah well, so much for that. She stood up and kicked the rodent further into the tar pit with a forepaw.

"Talk" "You" Think