



08-05-2014, 08:34 PM
OOC: Only had my first fight post saved, but we can start this over at least. Sadly lost the talking beforehand but atleast Eve and I know where it left off, haha.

For now, he is calm; tranquil and utterly blissful in the darling tenderness of this infantile usurper. Tragic innocence would bleed from the gaze of this disorientated boy, and through his charming words of ?equality? Isardis will almost sneer in heartbreaking disappointment; it seemed until Irune showed to preach of her personal decisions, battle would not come. Wasn?t it so dull that all these proclaimed rulers had little desire to defend their own people? What use was a title when you behaved as listlessly and brainless as the majority of the population- the albino ghoul would never truly know. Though the tables suddenly turn, a wicked flash of personal accusations staining his lips with the very blood he could not defend. ?It seems he wants to make this personal?? a brittle chuckle gurgles eerily from the chasms of his pale maw, hind quarters rotating slightly in an effort to come face-to-face with the pale man that so dared to speak such corruption.

And so personal it will be.

Full mind is paid to the steadfast formation of trained defences: stance becomes squared, weight evenly dispersed, knees bowed, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws piercing into the rocky soil, tail swayed level with aligned spine, hackles shuddering to a bristling rise, shoulders rolled forwards, abdomen tight, head lowered to ally with his shoulders, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against tapered skull. Muscles remained tense to aid the rejection of any piercing gnaws, but his joints are lubricated, ready to amend based upon his movements. Universal attacks begin to unfold, his autograph charge commencing in the powerful uncoiling of his taut thighs; attempting to remain almost face-to-face with his accuser, he strives pace towards him.

Orderly conduct is key, he has little desire to pelt at full speed; no, he will remain calculated in preparation for the child to make any sudden movements. In a wholesome attempt to bridge their distance, Isardis hopes to presents himself minorly to Bass? right side; his own right shoulder blade jutting forwards in domineering prospect, skull lowered and shielded towards his left in an effort to protect his vitals. With the power coiled within his abdomen and rear, The Northern King attempts to collide his right shoulder with the tender right shoulder joint of Bass; hoping to cause painful bruising to the regional muscle and threaten to displace the shoulder blade from its socket. The rival?s loss of balance was also an optimistic endeavour, and one that would be welcomed.

He is no stranger to battle. No excess thought need be applied to his second nature response to triumph; gaping jaws attempt to hunt towards his upper right, ambitious to take a relentless hold over the cream stranger?s scruff (lower canines possibly positioned to Bass?s right side neck, upper canines to the bridge of his nape and slightly over to his left side neck). He seeks to attain a (potentially) profound grasp, to inflict damage to both flesh and skin, and to use any preserved clutch to potentially overpower the boys control of his skull. With not a moment to waste, Isardis? right forelimb is sent in an attempted search for the Abaven lord?s own inner right forelimb; he desires to curl his own right ankle around the boy?s lower right forelimb, and try to pull it eagerly back towards him. His limbs strive to balance his tripod stance, but it is short lived; whether he has attained success or not Isardis rapidly replaces his right forepaw soundly against the Battlefield?s pebbly loam. Balanced and squared, he readies himself for the outcome of his attempts.

Isardis vs. Bass ? Round 1 of 2!

For Irune and Dominance.

Attacks: Attempted slam with right shoulder blade into Bass? right shoulder joint. Attempted bite towards his right-side scruff, hoping to attain a secure hold. Striving to cause a loss of balance by hooking his own right forelimb around Bass? inner-right forelimb and pulling it towards him.

Notes: Who would you like to judge, Eve? I?m happy with Muse, Aly or Lunar. <3



7 Years

08-10-2014, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2014, 10:37 PM by Bass.)

He watched the emotions change on the strange creature in front of him, and knew that he had irked the beast into a fight. Bass readied himself, knowing what was coming. This was not only a fight to protect his member, it was also a fight of dominance, of who was the better man. Isardis had many years on him, which meant that he would be more skilled and more knowing when it came to a fight. But Bass would be faster, and able to absorb damage more than an aged wolf. Watching as the man set his defenses, he did as well. Legs spread as his claws dug into the earth, alabaster ears folding back to lay flat against his skull. Bass stood up at full height, tail standing out to align with his spine as lips pulled back in a snarl. Tucking his chin into his chest, his hackles rose as he narrowed his eyes at Isardis. Bass was ready, his weight balancing out to all four legs as he slightly bent them, taking in a deep breath. Butterflies roamed in his belly, nerves frayed as he tried to calm them. Isardis was the most experienced fighter he had come face to face with, and he was starting to doubt his own abilities. Attempting to calm himself, Bass rolled his shoulders as his neck scrunched, protecting his vitals. He was as ready as he would ever be...

Bass didn't have too long to think things over at Isar made his way towards him at as easy gate, Bass attempted to slide his body to his own left as Isar came at him. He was not quite fast enough though, and Isar's shoulder blade rammed into Bass', Isar's shoulder connecting with the tip of Bass' sternum tip. It sent a jolt through his body, he could feel the tenderness of the deep bruise spread along his shoulder. Shuttering, he blinked back the pain and used it to fuel himself forward. It may have been one hell of a blow, but it also helped wake up his senses and make him more aware. Bass' eyes locked on his opponent, watching as Isar's head began to rose. Reacting quickly, Bass attempted to toss his own head higher, aiming to knock the top of his {Bass'} skull against the bottom of Isar's jaw. The attempted movement would block the bite that was aimed to lock on his skull, and with Bass' attack he hoped to stop a further bite to his head. Bass did not see Isar's right limb moving towards his own, and the albino brute was successful of pulling Bass' right leg slightly off of the ground. It threw him off balance, and on first instinct he attempted to catch himself by splaying out his front limbs, trying to stop himself from falling on the ground. Trying to hold himself with his stretched out front limbs, Bass quickly aimed to lock his teeth around Isar's retreating right paw, hoping to lock down on it.



Round 1 of 2

Defenses : "claws dug into the earth", "ears folding back to lay flat against his skull", "tail standing out to align with his spine", "lips pulled back in a snarl", "Tucking his chin into his chest", "hackles rose", "narrowed his eyes", "weight balancing out to all four legs", "he slightly bent them {them being his legs}", "rolled his shoulders", "his neck scrunched"
Attacks : Attempting to ram his head up, hoping to connect the top of his skull with the underside of Isar's jaw, attempting to bite his right front paw.
Injuries: Deep bruising on right shoulder
Notes: We decided on Lunar to judge this, and got approval for it. Also! I used THIS bone guide.

Yumpy gave me permission to edit because I broke my table T.T



08-11-2014, 06:35 PM

Though it had not gone wholly as the ghoul had initially planned, his right shoulder blade still manages a satisfying crack upon Bass? own right-side sternum. The shock of collision is quickly absorbed by the muscles of his chest, blissfully unaware of his own minor bruises of recovery that were both expected and un-harming. As Isardis? spine uncoils and gaping jaws seek to snake towards the youth?s right-side scruff, Isardis is suddenly deterred by a clash to the backwards point of his right cheek, seemingly caused by the crown of Bass? skull. Despite the aching suggestion of mild bruising and shock, he identifies the counter and attempts instead to angle his skull more rightwards, to try and wrap his jaws eagerly around the marked structures of Bass?s snout whilst he presumably retreats from his partially successful counteract. Isardis strives to land his lower canines beneath the tender fleshy areas of the male?s underside jaw (aimed for Bass? right-side face), while upper canines and incisors hope to find clamping purchase over the top regions of his snout, to tighten at bone crushing velocity and try to cause damage not only to the oppositions facial structure, but to the soft tissue that guards the tongue beneath his lower mandible.

Bass? sudden change in weight suggests Isardis? right forepaw has succeeded in its endeavours to hook around the man?s own right forelimb and tip it back towards him. Releasing any hold he may possibly have attained over the man?s jaws and acting quickly upon the first suggestion of success, Isardis attempts to take a single, swift leftwards step with his left hind limb; striving to pivot his chest at more of an angle with Bass? right shoulder and the beginning of his right ribcage. With barely moments to spare the albino coils sinew within his hinds and attempts to jut his left shoulder blade, making a vicious attempt at lurching forwards and simultaneously striving to plummet his left shoulder into the tender right-front ribcage intimately behind the boy?s right elbow. Isardis not only hopes to wedge bone against ribs and cause them to damage and splinter, but also to throw the man?s apparently wavered weight toppling even more so to his left. If he could cause the youth to lose balance it would be game over.

A snap of frustration comes forth in a low growl as Isardis feels the pained pinch of discomfort against his outer, mid-way right foreleg. Though the ghoul was somewhat unaware of the man?s initial intentions, Isardis had already replaced his forepaw against the loam previously; Bass having found piercing purchase almost a centimetre into the skin, unknowingly not where he had intended. In retaliation Isardis swiftly lifts his right paw, reaching it forwards and rightwards in an attempt to bring slightly pointed toes down on Bass? own splayed right paw, hoping to graze dulled claws down the mid length of the man?s leg simultaneously. He sought only to sprain the beast?s foot and to cause enough discomfort to hopefully cause the bastard to release the squeeze of his fangs. His weight is heavy on his right paw for but a moment before he restabilises his balance, still sustaining his defences; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws agape, hackles bristling, weight even, limbs squared, toes splayed and claws digging, spine aligned with ?ruddering? tail, chin tucked, shoulders rolled and abdomen tight.

Isardis vs. Bass ? Round 2 of 2!

For Irune and Dominance.

Attacks: Responding to Bass' attempted counter with a bite aiming to clasp around the mans right-side muzzle and cause damage to the tender areas beneath his chin and tighten in an effort to cause further damage to bone structure. Forward thrust with his left shoulder blade into Bass' ribs behind the right elbow, and attempting to stop on his right front paw with his own right fore paw, and simultaneously scrape nails down his forelimb.

Injuries: Bruising and discomfort to the right, underside cheek, moderate skin lacerations (about 1cm deep) to his right outer, mid forelimb.



5 Years
08-14-2014, 06:47 PM

She had heard the call ring out over the land and could honestly say she wasn't surprised to hear it was a challenge for Bass from her father. Since she had last seen Isar she had isolated herself in Abaven, depressed in hearing her mother had passed away and that Isar offered her a place in his ranks. The offer was tempting. She knew among Isar's pack she would hold a higher power, be the main if not the only healer. She would be respected and known. And Isar could train her, mold her to the goal she strived for in life. To claim her own pack and lead it with her brothers. But then she would think of Quelt and guilt would twist at her belly. She did love him but had she moved into that relationship too fast? All of it was so confusing. Where Isar could offer her comfort for losing her mother and mentor her, Quelt could love her no matter what she did.

She would move slowly to the battlefield, tail in the air like a banner, a flag wavy to the fight. She had never personally been here to the battlefield but the stain of old blood the litter of fur and bones did not frighten her. She simply stared at it through amber as with disinterest. After all it was a battlefield, what would one expect? Flowers and butterflies everywhere? She snorted at the thought and picked up the pace, gliding over the barren land. She could hear the fight before she even came into view. Each step taken with care and deliberate slowness. Eyes took in each and every little movement the two males made as the fought over her.

Personally she was really interested in how this would turn out. Would Bass be able to prove he could protect and defend his members? To her it was important a leader was capable of doing such things. She would loose respect for Bass as an Alpha if he lost. In her eyes then, it would not be difficult to go to Isar then. This was just how she was. How could she learn to strive and drive forward in rank when their Alpha could not protect them and keep them from being stolen away? Was not the Alpha the primary example of how you should act in every aspect? Amber eyes lighted as she watched her father and in a matter of moments predicted he would win. She shook out her fur before sitting herself down with tail wrapped over her paws, waiting.

The Judge


08-14-2014, 06:49 PM
Default to Svanerna

Due to Bass not posting in the allotted time, Isardis is the winner.

Bass must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away. Irune now belongs to Isardis and Indarra.



08-14-2014, 08:00 PM

Was he not a worthy enough opponent? Did the pale fool seek to have his face torn from his skeleton while glazing eyes watched his own blood spit crimson weakness athwart imaginary observers? Isardis sputters in fume, saliva crawling from the raging chasms of his jaws as he ceases his efforts before the worthless leader. Deep, rolling chuckles reverberate from stained lips, ruby gaze intent upon the form of a failure, ?I am utterly humiliated my daughter sought sanctuary beneath your worthless law. To think she considered you capable of sustaining her protection?? his skull shakes, lowered beneath his breast as coral toes wriggle blissfully about harsh sands, ?I could pull your lover from beneath your dismal toes and you could do no more than stand and watch her become a doll of my leisure and desires.? Lips pull tight into a frenzy of delighted ecstasy, as the albino rakes judgemental gaze about the defeated existence of the lesser being. Wholly and utterly disappointed he had considered the child worthy of his time.



7 Years
Extra large
08-14-2014, 09:43 PM

He had been too late to stop it, and of course he was angry. Part of him was disappointed in Bass, for not being able to protect his mate in such a time. The pups needed her, they were growing but if they lost another parent Quelt wasn't sure what he'd do. As he arrived on the field he watched Isar, he was derived to respect Bass being under his rule, and over the fact he was here to become stronger and to become a king. Though the larger beast would then stand in front of Isardis. "I have heard a lot about you, albino King Isardis." he would dip his head for a moment. But of course he was taller than the king, which made for a little awkward stance trying not to seem too disrespectful. Irune was his mate, his love, he wasn't going to disrespect her father right in front of everyone. "While I cannot deprive Irune of her blood, I am her mate Isardis. I'm not going to ask your permission to love your daughter because I can't help myself. But know this, I plan on gaining a kingdom soon. And when that time comes, I would like Irune to come with me. You may have won her now, but the children she is fostering will also miss her." his bi colored orbs looked interestingly at the king. Though he smiled slightly in a devious way.
"But that aside, I do respect you, as her father you had full rights to come challenge for her. Please forgive me Bass if I have spoken out of turn. You are still my alpha after all." Quelt was trying to fight the tears. The urge to ask Bass if he could challenge for Irune back, but as far as she was concerned it looked like she was willing to go back to Isardis because of Bass' lost. Though he thought a man was not measures by his losses he assumed that was how the Armada's worked. He certainly did hope he hadn't pissed Isardis off either. The least he wanted right now was a fight. He pulled himself to Irune's side, brushing his pelt against hers with a soft smile. Whatever, he loved her, that was a fact he couldn't deny.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



5 Years
08-14-2014, 10:32 PM

And so it would be, she would once more be under the paws of her father. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed at Bass before standing up. With ease and a light sway to her step she sauntered up to her father with pride in her eyes. She was no fool and knew she had to treed carefully, Ah father, you once more show our blood is the finest. Come lets not linger in the presence of those below us. She said smoothly, like honeyed milk. She would look over at Bass with the mixed feelings of sorrow and distain. How could he just seem to give up. Her father was right in one thing at least. How foolish she was to follow this male.

It was then that Quelt padded to her father and her body would tense. What was he up to? Had he never heard the stories of her father? Eyes widened briefly before she forced herself to remain neutral. Her heart would twist painfully inside, but if they were to ever see each other again she had to go with her father, for now at least. Head bowed slightly as he mentioned the pups, she would miss them too. The pups are strong, believe in them, they will and can overcome anything. You just need to show them the path to it, shed the light for them. she said softly. Pulling to the side to speak with him she would nuzzle his shoulder tenderly. I will return in time. When I can i'll come back. But I don't think I could follow under Bass again. She whispered before giving his cheek a lick and pulling away. It was so hard to walk away, so hard not to look back. She couldn't do it, for it might be the last time she would ever see him again.

She returned to her father's side with a smile tugging at her lips. Ice King I do believe I have family to reunite with and a new home to study and learn. Shall we be going now father? She asked him softly. She knew she had to show adoration, and to be honest she didn't have to fake it either. Her father lived on respect and admiration, to be holly supreme above all else.