
The Elias Pup-horde



6 Years
Extra large

11-27-2016, 01:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2017, 09:46 AM by Elias.)
Going to run all the adoptions through this thread and review the applicants with each of the mothers!

Don't know how many pups will be rolled for, but we're going to shoot for 4 per litter. Feel free to do more than one application, or list a 2nd (or even 3rd) choice if we do not roll enough puppies in the litter you applied for. I *might* buy extra pup passes but we have to see how many gems I have left after everything else. :O

Fun Facts:
Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and arthritis run in Elias' bloodline. Bipolar has been more prominent in the females than the males, and nearly every member of their bloodline that has reached 8 years of age has experienced arthritis. (Mostly due to their size.) If you are going to be playing a larger pup (36"+), please plot for them to get this in their older years!

Blue eyes are so rare in the Praetor bloodline that children who keep their blue eyes are considered hallowed beings, Elias will most likely attempt to kidnap any children that appear with blue eyes.

Red eyes are opposite and more prominent in the Praetor bloodline, nearly every one of Elias' siblings had red eyes and it is believed that there is a relation between the red eyes and the "demons" that haunt their bloodline; aka bipolar/schizophrenia disorders.

Yellow/gold and silver eyes are thought to belong to seers blessed by the power of the sun and moon, silver eyed females in the bloodline's past have always been highly intellectual smooth talkers. One suffered from Bipolar disorder as well, Elias' mother, though Elias' sister with silver eyes is healthy and quite charismatic. Golden eyes have only occurred twice, once by Elias' great aunt and once by his sister. Golden eyed great aunt was a loner, though had a knack for befriending other animals outside of wolves. Elias' golden eyed sister was also a loner, a tomboy in her youth and a fighter- she grew up to be quite a hussy, though.. if I'm just being honest. :'D

I have been playing this bloodline a lot off-site and my former roleplaying partners and I had fun with it. These eye colors don't necessarily have to mean anything to you, but I'd be super excited to see them incorporated into the personality sets you have in mind. I'm also willing to change eyecolors on designs, just let me know in your app. (ie: I want design 2 but I'd like red eyes.)

Also, green eyes have never appeared in the bloodline before.

Mother's get first pick if they wanna play a design for their litter!

Wreckage Litter
Dame: Storm Wreckage
25% off height up to 42"
(Mother is only 26" though, poor girl. lol)
Pups will be raised in Abaven.
First names should have a plant theme.

*2 is claimed by Bluetick.

Adravendi Litter
Applications Closed.
Due: January 3rd.
Dame: Zuriel Adravendi
25% off height up to 42"
Pups will be rogues, eventually joining Lirim or Celestial.

*3 will be played by Shrapnel. Congrats!
*2 is claimed by Shelby.

Ancora Litter
Dame: Odette Ancora
25% off height up to 42"
Pups will likely be raised in Talis
Prone to hip dysplasia and blindness.

*1 is claimed by me.
*2 is claimed by Dragon.
If we roll another pup, it'll be open for adoption.

Armistice Litter
Dame: Abigail "Ricochet" Armistice
Pups will be rogues.

No adoptables from this litter, but just putting it up here so people know where all their half-siblings are. :D Only two survivors of this litter because Ricky's a mean mommy, and Evelyn and I are playing them.

Name: Or what you preferred to be called ooc.
Other characters: Link your favorites here: <a href="">click</a>
Pup Name: For your puppy that you are applying for!
Litter: Last name of the litter you are applying for.
Design: Which design are you applying for?
Back up plan: What other pups/litters are you interested in?
Personality: Just the basics, or a full description fit for a profile page.
Availability: How often will you be able to post? How often do you currently post?

Sample Post: Your pup is 6 months old, please supply an opening post of your pup starting a hunt alone.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



9 Years
11-27-2016, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2016, 08:06 PM by Kreft.)
Name: Frost
Other characters: Kreft, Safir, Sora Link your favorites here: Kreft he's the one i use the most these days, likes to hog my muse
Pup Name: Reed (blind)
Litter: Wreckage
Design: 1 or 3 i'll take either preferably 1
Back up plan: #1 Ancora litter different personality and name though
Gender: male
Personality: Reed takes on his father's gene of wanting to fight people but he wants to do it for the sake of protecting those he loves which causes a bit of a conundrum in the fact that he's blind. It makes him antsy whenever he knows somebody he loves is at risk and he can't do much to help it. He wants to protect his mother the most who shares the same trait as he does. First and foremost his want to fight is to protect others but as he gets older he'll want to fight for blood, because he likes it and feels he can't go long without the satisfying feeling of another groveling at his feet. Not many will be able to find what he once was at heart, a good guy who hates seeing those he loves go through pain and trials. He’s not necessarily bipolar but he certainly does have an inner war, does he protect other wolves or does he make them his own. Throughout his lifetime he’s bound to collect a bunch of slaves to do his bidding. If ever a wolf does fall for him it’ll be very conflicting for Reed, make them grovel and beg for his love or protect them and treat them nicely. Reed isn’t the kind to fall for other wolves or obey many rules, any pack he joins will be based off of how much fighting they do and how much he cares about anyone in it. Unless they’re set by someone he loves he won’t care about rules, he’ll do whatever he wants with reckless abandon and if he doesn’t break any rules in the process good for him if he does what does he care.
Availability: i post like crazy these days, the most i let a thread go without a reply is a week and i try not to let that happen too often.
Other: More than willing to play more than one Elias pup.
Sample Post: Reed was more than prepared for this, he may be blind but that wouldn’t stop him from hunting. His mother had taught him how to hunt more than she did his siblings, she could help him more since they laid claim to the same predicament. He had insisted on going out to hunt on his own, he could handle himself out here he didn’t need one of his sighted siblings to help him they might have even been a hindrance. He cared about his siblings, but if he was to ever protect them he needed to prove to them he could protect himself. He took in the smells around him, he could fell that the sun was still up so there should be at least something out here by now. A scent drifted by his nose, it smelled like rabbit. The breeze was blowing on his right side so the animal had to be somewhere in that direction. Reed crouched into the grassy earth and went in the direction of the scent. As he went on the scent gradually became stronger, he had moved as silently as he could. The rabbit should be right in front of him if not a couple of feet. He waited a couple of seconds, he could hear it, it was very close. He prepped his legs to lunge for it, he could feel the energy coursing through to his legs. He leapt forward with open jaws and felt them close around fur and flesh, he had caught it. He was struggling to keep ahold of it, it was still alive and clearly struggling. He took his right front paw up to feel around what he had in his mouth, he located its neck and brought his head closer to the ground. His paw went down hard on the rabbits neck and crushed it against the ground. He heard a clear snap, if it wasn’t dead before surely it was dead now. He picked it up and started on the way home, he loved the way that had felt it the feeling of his jaws closing around and sinking into flesh and the sound of snapping bones felt way more satisfying than he felt they should be, but he didn’t care he liked it.
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



6 Years
11-27-2016, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2016, 05:04 PM by Poser.)
Putting this up so I can edit it on mobile as I go <3  

Name: Jake
Other characters: Lux, Selene, Fortune, Poser. Torin Adravendi-Valentine will be born this season.  
Pup Name: Derecho  -- all of my characters have wound up with titles of sorts when I post them (Selene is the starlit, Fortune is the brave, Poser is the shadow, and Lux is the final spark), thusly Derecho will be the rolling thunder.
Litter: Wreckage
Design: #1
Back up plan: ----
Gender: female
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Whatever doesn't kill me had better start running.
Derecho Wreckage isn't a complicated girl on the surface.  Why have someone else do it when you're competent and capable of handling it yourself?  Never afraid of getting down and dirty, she'll work in earnest for what she wants or what she needs.  Tapping into her needs or wants gets hard sometimes, but the rolling thunder gets by just fine.  Some may say she's flying by the seat of her pants.  Some would be right. Harder, better, faster, stronger.  That's all Derecho ever wants to be.  

I hustle like a man because I was taught to never depend on one.
There's a lot of fight in Derecho's heart.  She doesn't know where it comes from, only that she thrives on it.  A lot of push or pull, a cosmic energy that wants to break down boundaries-- social, societal, political, it doesn't matter.  Every part of this girl longs to find a difference to make and make it happen.  Maybe it's selfish, or maybe it's fierce independence that drives her.  It's paved the way and it's paved it with force.  The rolling thunder thrives on the shock and awe factor she can bring in that respect.  Sure.  She can be loud, she can be rude, but she always pushes for more.  And if you're wondering, no.  Derecho doesn't trust men.  Not at first, at least.  It takes them a bit longer to get through her tough exterior.  

Heroes get remembered, bad bitches never die.
Brash and immensely lively, there's not a doubt in Derecho's mind that everyone should know her name.  Speak it softly or shout it from the rooftops, either way.  This girl will leave a mark, and in time she hopes the word woman will fade from it entirely.  She will not be the greatest woman that's taken hold of  life.  She is the storm itself, and she will devour life as such.  Storms have no gender, no creed, no family bindings.  It's not that she forsakes the Wreckage name.  No.  Derecho will be so much more than that.  She's sure of it.

If we die, we die. But first, we'll live.
Sometimes she is high.  Two hours of sleep leaves her feeling refreshed and alive, a full night of rest means the rolling thunder can roll for days.  More extroverted, more charismatic than usual leaves the girl in love with life and herself.  The girl finds herself longing for these periods of mania, the moods they bring on leave her untouchably radiant.  In honesty, Derecho wouldn't give those periods of time up for anything.  Enough charisma to muster an army, to command a battle, to lead a war.  It alters her decision making.  It changes the way she lives her life.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Rise again harder and stronger.
For every ounce of mania, Derecho pays the price in depression.  It is deep and it is dark, a hole through which she sinks and continues to fall down.  There is no bottom.  Too much sleep is not enough, there is no feeling.  There's a vast numbness.  Every toll she pays is with blood or sweat or tears.  A raw nerve, a hair trigger.  She will get sick, she will hurt, she will long for pain.  Each is different but the bottom line is the same.  Derecho pays the price for her intense joy with immense sadness. Such is the wheel of life in her light.

Once you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against you.
Something is a bit... wrong.  Inside Derecho, something has been broken. It's a misstep in the wiring of an otherwise normal brain.  Bipolar disorder.  The misfiring of neurons that leaves her in these sort of strange fits.  She never knows when they are coming or going, or what the extent will be.  It's tiring for her, possibly even more tiring for those around her.  The rolling thunder doesn't speak of it, and perhaps that's the poorest coping mechanism of them all.

Availability: literally most of the time.  My activity is obnoxious.  
Appearance: Derecho's build is a strange mix between her mother's and her father's.  If there's nothing to scale her against, the rolling thunder appears taller than she actually is-- long in the legs, tall, lean.  If her father is an adonis, she's certainly received his muscle tone.  Stacked, but refined.  Though this girl is only medium in bone she is strong.  So immensely, intensely strong. 32" at the shoulder, weighing in at 120 pounds.  From her mother, she's gotten the graceful step.  It's a raw, powerful grace, but still grace.  Her silky coat (design above) is fantastic, silky, smooth.  Soft to touch, absolutely gorgeous.  
Sample Post:
Derecho leaves the den at first light, knowing full well where she's going. There is a hunger in her belly, something that burns... warm. She would eat and she would do it her damn self. The rolling thunder is in one of her moods again. Those moods. They come and go, they are hard to put a name to. She would handle herself. Today, she would handle things all on her own. No one could stop her, right? Well. Okay. Mom could stop her, but not for long.

She cuts through the dusk fog with her raw step. It's easy when you're built the way she is. Derecho moves with a certain saunter, equal parts brilliance and shadow. She moves within the land, searching for something. For breakfast. Rolling like thunder through tall grass and over roots and stumps. All is well, and all will continue to be well. Derecho is strong, unpracticed, and ready to come into her own as a fighter, ready to keep herself alive thusly. Well, that and she'll still need her mother. Maybe the rolling thunder will always need her mother. That's important.

With a striking sort of gaze, she sights a rabbit. It is fat, slow, and juicy-- the product of spring. She's beautiful, tracking the thing down with shining eyes. The takeoff on Derecho's end is easy. To action the girl springs, head low, moving at a breakneck pace. She is fast, but in the muscular manner. Everything is fast when it's driven by the finely tuned machine that is her system. The end of hunger was near, the hare fat and ripe for the picking.


heroes get remembered
bad bitches never die

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



2 Years
11-27-2016, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 08:12 PM by Evelyn.)
Name: Hopeful
Other characters: Link your favorites here: Zuri
Pup Name: Tempest
Litter: Wreckage
Design: #3
Back up plan: Ancora litter, #1
Gender: Female
Personality: Tempest is protective, charming, curious, and loyal. She is protective of her family and her siblings especially, but the extent of her protection expands over all who she deems worthy. Beware, not all will be worthy. She is charming with her words and knows how to appeal to people, she can be manipulative when it suits her needs. She is an excellent actress. She is curious about the world and the way it works; socially and physically she wants to poke and prod at the world, seeing where it's limits lie. Adventure and risk taking will be common with this one. She is extremely loyal, a loyalty that cannot be bought. This stretches over those who have proven loyal to her, with the exception of her family; they are given loyalty to begin with, and will continue to have it until otherwise stated. Tempest can be thick headed, stuck in her ways and her beliefs, she will fight for what she believes in. She also believes in 'not my circus, not my monkeys' motto, she will not be one to stick her neck out to help strangers. Tempest is one to hold grudges too; if she decides not to like you, she will make it loud and clear (sometimes in cruel ways).  (working)
Availability: Daily or every other day (basketball starts this week)

Sample Post: Your pup is 6 months old, please supply an opening post of your pup starting a hunt alone.


11-28-2016, 07:23 AM
Name: Croatoan

Other characters: Arsenal, Alina

Pup Name: Lilac

Litter: Wreckage

Design: #3 Wreckage (With faded red/pink eyes like on #1)

Back up plan: #1 Wreckage, or Ancora pup if one is rolled.

Gender: Female

Personality: Lilac is driven by different things than what one may expect. While others may be driven by power, or their own beliefs, she's driven by the want to be adored. The want to be loved and wanted by all, or at lest most. A selfish thing to be driven by, really. Even so, she'll be using her charms to try and get her goal reached. She plans to flirt, charm, and gain trust until she reaches the top. Or near the top, at least.

Despite her desire to be adored, Lilac tends to be angry most of the time. Or, rather, the way she speaks gives off the impression of anger. Not that she doesn't get angry. She does, really, about a lot of things. Her goal will not be easy to reach with how she acts. Maybe it's the difficulty she knows of that makes her appear to be so angry most of the time.

If Lilac's angry disposition wasn't enough, the child is quick to feel strong emotions. She's far from even tempered, and one would even describe her as emotional. It doesn't take much to make her mad, or even upset and sad. Really, her emotions change quite a bit. One little thing could ruin her mood when she was once happy and smiling. Anger is more likely than sadness, however.

Despite being quick to anger, and emotional, Lilac is optimistic. Although it may be hidden underneath that anger, she has good plans for the days to come. She views the world with a sort of happiness, if just on the inside. She believes the future holds good things in store, and that there is good in a lot of things. Even if she doesn't show it outwardly, she'll never be pessimistic. Underneath everything else, even hidden, she'll always be as optimistic as a young pup.

Lilac is not one to go out and do things herself. She's unscrupulous, the near definition of it. Lazy and manipulative, she'd hardly ever do anything for herself, instead manipulating another into doing it. She's unreliable, and one of the last ones that would come if someone called, or needed something done. She's impratical as well, doing things the way that wouldn't be easier.

Lilac is controlled in how she acts and what she does, even with how quick to emotion she is. She won't charge into everything, and likes to think it over. She likes advising her siblings as well. She may not even rush into something to protect her family. It depends on what she can figure out and if there's a way to get them both out safe.

Lilac is cautious when it comes to danger, or just a lot of things in general. Even her angry disposition cannot hide this. She's timid when it comes to some things, such as fighting or being in danger. She's tentative to do new things as well, and she's constantly alert. It would be strange to see that she wasn't alert, really.

Lilac is engaging and talkative, and not just about herself. She'll talk about anything and everything, really. She'll even go far enough as to reach out to others, hoping to strike up some sort of conversation. She'll talk even if she doesn't know anything about what she's talking  about. It doesn't matter to her.

Lilac is conventional and orthodox. She'll follow family traditions pretty well, even if she doesn't exactly fit the idea for it. She's not rebellious against them, and would instead rather be whatever the family wants to believe. If they want her to be ladylike, she would do it and be as traditional as they were.

Availability: Probably every day, depends on how I feel.

Sample Post:

Lilac's ears pricked at the slightest sound of hooves brushing against the leaves and grass. Her chest moving as she breathed in the scent, she hesitated. The scent was close, she knew it was. Maybe there was more than one of them. Maybe she could help bring in some food for the family, with the help of her siblings. If they were anywhere nearby. And if they would answer her call and come to her. Twitching her ears, she waited for a moment before calling out, raising her head in a howl. Lilac knew that the cry would likely alert the prey to her presence, but it was a risk she'd have to take.

True to what she thought, the creature was moving, running away. Muttering a near-curse under her breath, she gave chase. If her siblings were here, they'd need to hurry and get to her. She wouldn't be happy with having to take down the small deer like creature by herself. Any signs of being sneaky she had were abandoned as she trailed after it, moving further away from her siblings. This would be a risk, and she could get hurt, she knew. Still, maybe she could get the creature drug down before it had enough of a chance to try and hurt her, or really ran her too far away from where they were.

She could at least hinder it, right? Moving close enough, she lunged forwards, jaws open as she attempted to latch onto the leg. Falling short, she stumbled, falling to where the deer like creature had been. There would be some light bruising there; she had hit the ground heavily. Rising, she took a few deep breaths, panting heavily. She had lost the prey she had worked so hard on catching. It was already running away from her, a distance away. If she tried to catch up, even now, it'd likely be too late.

Huffing angrily, she stomped one paw, turning tail and heading in the opposite direction. Her siblings would have a few words to deal with.



7 Years
Athena I

12-03-2016, 10:26 PM
Anyone that might be applying for Zuriel kids, she'll probably name them something Irish since that's been the tradition in her line. Here is a good site with a lot of Irish names if you want some ideas!


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
12-04-2016, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2016, 01:52 AM by Shrapnel.)
Caving cause I have no self control >.> This is a WIP for the moment

Name: Shrapnel
Other characters: I have a lot, but here are a couple of my fav's Creed Faite Kharnage Asha
Pup Name: Miach
Litter: Adravendi
Design: #3
Back up plan: Ancora #1
Gender: Male
Personality: (rolled the personality with a generator and I just filled it out from there!)

Driven: Miach is a creature driven by goals. Even from a young age he has a desire to be in control. Everything has to be perfect and within his own reach and if he has his sights set on something that he wants then there's nothing that will keep him from it. He's driven, cunning, and wily - he will stop at nothing to get and do what he wants. Perhaps it's a spoiled way of thinking but he feels entitled to getting whatever it is. Training is a big thing for Miach - he knows that to attain what you desire you have to work for it. He'll stop at nothing to be perfect and daily he strives to better himself. More than anything Miach hates to feel like a situation is out of control. If he feels it slipping out of his grasp it only furthers his resolve. It's rather frightening in some aspects.

Excited: With his controlling and desire-driven demeanor comes some excitement. He certainly isn't a stoic creature and he gets excited about most things. More times than not it's paired with curiosity and an unashamed desire to learn about everything and anything that interests him. His curiosity and brightness is contagious - more times than not it tends to roll off him in waves to anyone he's around. Most times it's fun and amusing to be around - but his selfish desire to go after things he wants isn't always a good thing. Some times the excited aura around him is downright frightening.

Even-tempered: For the most part Miach is rather level-headed. He has a calm and intuitive mind and is able to look at situations reasonably. Of course this doesn't hinder his goals at all, but instead gives them purpose. If he goes after something then he does it with a level head and a plan to go along with it. Most situations don't phase him and he doesn't freak out, stress, or worry about problems that arise. Where one would panic, he finds he's in his element. He can thrive off of chaos and take control of a situation. In most areas he's quite dominant and doesn't quite take to authority. He'll recognize it, but if he's given the option he prefers to be the one on top.

Optimistic: Miach has an optimistic outlook on life for the post part. He's able to see the good in the world, the things that make life worth living, and take each day as they come. He doesn't despair when he fails and instead sees it as an opportunity to try again and do better. Each failure only drives his resolve to do better for himself and he won't back down as a result. He's confident, idealistic, and upbeat about most things and it's easy to see he takes on the roll of a natural leader.

Conscientious: He's aware of the feelings of others and will some times take them into consideration when making decisions. For his family he'll make the effort to please them while simultaneously pleasing himself. He's not completely selfish, at least not around them, but just because he has some good morals - well they don't make him completely good. There's parts of him that can't see past his family and strangers are more liable to see the darker parts of him. For instance if one stands in his way then there's no hesitation, no caring for their well being, just the thought that they need to be eliminated from his path.

Controlled: Miach is not an impulsive creature. Each move he makes is calculated and well thought out. If he has a plan he'll stick to it till the end. He's deliberate with his actions and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that each decision made has taken a lot of thought on his part. He's intuitive, smart (perhaps too much for his own good.) and takes pride in being his own person. He certainly doesn't act like a sheep following the herd and isn't afraid to take life into his own paws.

Intrepid: Danger doesn't phase him in the slightest. He's more than willing to fight for whom and whatever he wants. Granted he doesn't immediately rush into battle, but if there's a good cause he will. He's dauntless - not scared of mostly anything. He's confident in his ways and will even try to share that confidence with his friends and family. He's the rock - that wolf you go to when you need to feel reassured. If he's your enemy - well don't expect him to back down from a battle. Hell would freeze over before then.

Adaptable: While he does like to be in control of everything (in this he's a bit of a control freak) he isn't completely against change. Should a situation arise where he needs to adapt then he'll simply conform to it. He has an open mind and is willing to see new opportunities for what they are. He's tolerant for the most part and can be forgiving where mercy has been earned. Should he feel that a crime is nonredeemable then don't expect forgiveness from him. Arguing with him is like arguing with a mountain - he won't budge.

Engaging: He's an intriguing creature. He can be charming if he wants to be and isn't afraid to use the art of manipulation. Females are more likely to be susceptible to his charms. A quick smile, maybe even a wink, and some smooth talking and he'll feel like he's got another melting into his paws. With the manipulation also comes the knowledge of how to talk his way out of things or being able to convince others to give him things. It's not a fool-proof plan, but he relies on it when brawn isn't the answer. He takes pride in being able to use both his brain and his body collectively.

Heterodox: Miach certainly isn't a normal wolf. He can be rather rebellious at times and doesn't exactly have the same "knight of the round table" views as some others in the family might. He has no desire to be bold, courageous, or all noble like some. He still has some great values, what he feels are his more redeeming qualities, but he's by no means perfect. His flaws are mostly selfishness and greed though it's slightly tamed in the presence of his family. While he'll outright disregard a stranger he isn't heartless to those he's related to. He certainly has a free-thinking mind and is far from ever being able to be reigned in and tamed.
Availability: I post pretty often - I have a lot of free time so a lot if I get another threads for my characters to post to.

Sample Post: Your pup is 6 months old, please supply an opening post of your pup starting a hunt alone.

Vadim I


3 Years

12-04-2016, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2016, 04:41 PM by Vadim I.)
Adravendi pups are due January 3rd and I'm going to go ahead and accept Shrap's app.
This litter is closed now! There were only 2 free pups.
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



9 Years
01-15-2017, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2017, 05:59 PM by Storm.)
Storm and Elias Breeding thread should be finished in the next couple of post so any applications for the Wreckage litter should get completed if there is still interest. Will post again when we know how many free pups we will get!
Also accepted new applications for anyone else who is interested!
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



6 Years
Extra large

01-19-2017, 09:48 AM
Application for the Wreckage litter is up. We had promised a puppy slot to Punish, but since they are inactive it's up for grabs again! We'll be going over applications and accepting players really soon.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



6 Years
Extra large

01-20-2017, 07:23 PM
Bluetick and I are happy to announce that we've chosen:

Jake playing Derecho Wreckage with Design #1
Frost playing Reed Wreckage with Design #3
and Punish with Rose Wreckage playing Design #4. :)

Dunno how many puppies we will be getting, but I'm prepared to pay for the extra pup slots.

Feel free to make your profiles!

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!