



1 Year
11-27-2016, 10:03 PM
Aasta hasn't been accepted yet but this idea came to me so I had to make her and hopefully in future this could come to fruition if there's enough interest to be garnered. I want to get a lot of threads and posts going for Aasta once she's accepted, so they don't need to be about her ambitions... and I want to collect enough gems to start it and have a second territory before anything happens if it does. I wasn't originally intending any pack but I had the idea and it ran away with me.

Oiorpata is another word for Amazon. Either word for the pack name is fine. But here's the information copy and pasted from what I was working on. I'm not sure how well I did at phrasing everything or if I'm missing something important besides gaining Aasta all her things via time in play, gems and post counts, etc.

List your members and their intended rank.
Pack Name: Oiorpata
Territory: (I haven't decided this yet, but I think in South Boreas or somewhere in Austere)
Pack Color: 804F6E
Alpha Name: Which character of yours will be leading it?
Link to Alpha's Account: url
Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url
Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url
Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url
Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url
Member Name & Rank: Name & Rank
Link to Recruitment Thread: url

Oriopata is a pack which values physical strength and loyalty as well as the pursuit of knowledge. They believe in the heart and soul of the warrior and that their oath to serve their leaders is a sacred duty to be upheld and thus traitors are to be annihilated. It is a pack that cares little for alignments as long as the wolves themselves abide by the rules of the pack itself.

Tier 1 Rank: Scythia (1)
Description: The alpha of the pack. Always female. She is the all-mother and warrior leader of the Oriopata otherwise known as the Amazons. They accept and demote wolves and makes the major decisions for the pack. She also decides which she-wolves may mate and with whom.

Tier 1 Rank: Sarmatia (1)
Description: The secondary alpha of the pack. She is the successor of Hippolyta and is usually a daughter, a sister or a niece and rarely a chosen pup born within the pack that the Scythia sees greatness in.

Tier 1 Rank: Anatolia (1)
Description: The heiress to the Sarmatia. Like the Sarmatia she is usually a sister or a daughter or a niece to either the Scythia or the Samartia. Should something happen to the Samartia they take on that role. Should something happen to the Scythia and the Samartia rise in rank then so too will the Anatolia will rise in rank as well. Until that time it is their duty to carry out the tasks set forth for them by the Scythia and Sarmatia and to learn from them.

Tier 2 Rank: Light Knight (1)
Description: The Light Knight is a beta and has many of the same duties of the Scythia and Sarmatia. They can accept other members into the pack but may note promote or demote those in tier 3, 2 or 1. The are typically true neutral or aligned with the light. They are equal with the Dark Knight rankwise.

Tier 2 Rank: Dark Knight (1)
Description: The Dark Knight is a beta and has many of the same duties of the Scythia and Sarmatia. They can accept other members into the pack but may note promote or demote those in tier 3, 2 or 1. The are typically true neutral or aligned with the dark. They are equal with the Light Knight rank-wise.

Tier 2 Rank: Future Knight
Description: They are the single apprentice to the Light Knight and Dark Knight and will upon the death or demotion of either knight ascend to the one available. Should something happen to both Light and Dark Knights they will be able to choose who among Tier 3 or Tier 4 with the Scythia's blessing who will be their equal. During there time as a Future Knight they are sworn to act as body guard to the Anatolia, but if there is not one then they must protect all those in rank above them.

Tier 3 Rank: Captain Shaman (1)
Description: They are the lead healer who is almost always female, whether they were born one or not. It is their sacred duty to learn all they can about herbs and healing and to see to attend to all the sick and wounded within the pack even at the risk of their own lives. This position cannot be challenged for by brute force.

Tier 3 Rank: Captain Nimrod (2)
Description: They are the lead hunter who is always female, whether they were born one or not. It is their sacred duty to find and take down prey to feed the whole of the pack in hopes that none of their pack mates ever go hungry.

Tier 3 Rank: Captain Fierce (2)
Description: They are the lead warrior who is always female, whether they were born one or not. It is their sacred duty to protect the territories and lead their troops against intruders and to keep their leaders safe from harm.

Tier 3 Rank: Professor (1)
Description: They are typically older wolves who have gained much knowledge of the world and therefore have high intelligence. It is they who work in conjunction with the pack Caretaker to teach the next generation, but they also must teach all within the pack pup, yearling, or adult what they themselves know. They are also responsible for maintaining a history of the pack to be told generation upon generation.

Tier 4 Rank: Apprentice Shaman (1)
Description: They are the single apprentice of Captain Shaman. This position cannot be challenged for by brute force.

Tier 4 Rank: Nimrod (∞)
Description: They are the hunters of the pack. And usually for every three mouths to feed the pack feels it best to have at least one Nimrod. It is their sacred duty to hunt and feed the whole of the pack. They take orders from Captain Nimrod and listen to them above all others save for those in Tier 1.

Tier 4 Rank: Fierce (∞)
Description: They are the warriors of the pack. They protect each member from harm and keep a vigilant eye out for strangers and potential threats. While they may love to fight they prefer peace within the pack save during the time of tournament or when a willing spar partner can be found while they wait for their next great true fight.

Tier 4 Rank: Scholar (∞)
Description: They follow the Professor around and do their bidding as long as it has something to do with lesson plans. They help teach the pack the lessons of the scholar. They continue to learn from the Professor while the Professor continues to learn from them to help the members within the pack become more intelligent. They are also responsible for maintaining a history of the pack to be told generation upon generation.

Tier 5 Rank: Shaman (∞)
Description: They are the healers of the pack. They are the helpers of Captain Shaman and Apprentice Shaman.

Tier 5 Rank: Bard (1)
Description: The bard is an entertainer whether it be using song, dance or story. It is their responsibility to tell a tale to the pack underneath the night sky of the crescent moon.

Tier 5 Rank: Caretaker (∞)
Description: The caretaker cares for all pups of the pack. It is their duty to teach them the laws and history of the pack and the ways of the wolf.

Tier 6 Rank: Hope (∞)
Description: These are the pups of the pack. Once they're four months of age they begin their more vigorous training as apprentices, each one under a different wolf typically chosen by the Scythia themself.

Tier 6 Rank: Breeder (∞)
Description:: These are where males who were born to the pack but returned after their year of exile as loners to join their rejoin their family as well as where other males start who don't come to the pack as slaves.

Tier 7 Rank: Fallen Angel (∞)
Description: These are the slaves of the pack. Typically male and rarely female.

Tier 7 Rank: Fallen Demon (∞)
Description: They are the prisoners of the pack. Typically members of other packs they have caught trespassing or worse.


1. Loyalty is above all, key - Once an oath has been sworn by those born into the pack who choose to remain or those who wish to join they are seen as loyal members. However should their loyalty prove false the whole of the pack may converge upon them to maim them, or worse.

2. Respect your elders, for they made all things possible - Anyone who does not respect their elders is seen as rebellious and is unlikely to climb the ranks and if they cannot learn then they will be driven from the pack into exile of seven full moons on threat of death should they return beforepaw.

3. Outsiders are, unwelcome, for they will try and destroy our ways. - The pack doesn't like outsiders. It doesn't matter if they be male or female. The only way to join the pack is to have been born into it, been there at its founding, be under two years old upon joining or be voted in by a majority of the pack.

4. Males are only good for procreation. - The only males allowed within the pack, if they're even allowed to be a part of the pack are those let in for the sole purpose of procreation. However only the Scythia may choose which females may breed with which males. There is never a male-female permanent pair within the pack and the she-wolves who have paired with one another may still choose to breed with a male the Scythia chooses for them though the male usually thereafter is not allowed to be a part of the pups life unless the females so choose.

5. Males who wish to stay must prove themselves. - Male members are few and far between. Those who wish to join must prove themselves useful after they are accepted in at the lowest tier. Rising from the lowest tier for a male is ten times more difficult than if they'd been female and it is ten times easier to be demoted as well. Yet most males find themselves slaves to the she-wolves of the pack and rarely rise higher than one tier above that, perhaps two tiers had they been born into the pack.

6. Male Pups must live for a year as a loner after they've reached their first year. - Males born into the pack are not invulnerable to the rules. They will be chased out by the whole pack if need be and must live the life of a loner for a year to prove themselves worthy to their natal pack. Then if they desire to still be a part of their natal pack once they've been gone a year and a day they can join one tier above the last unlike males that were not born to it. They have only a marginally easier time of it than other males.

7. One pup from each litter will belong to the Scythia. - The Scythia is allowed to take one pup from each litter to raise as her own if she so chooses. It is an honor for it is possible to rise high in the ranks, perhaps even up to Anatolia if one does not yet exist, or to be chosen as a future breeder for an Anatolia once both are of age.

8. Intruders may be attacked on sight - The pack doesn't like intruders and will fight them in hopes of maiming them, killing them or taking them in as prisoners or slaves. Pups are not allowed to be maimed or killed, but may be taken prisoner.

9 Those who follow not the rules will find themselves punished - Whether that be demotion, exhile, or a maim depends on the crime and whether or not it was a first offense.

10. Pack names are given to pups upon their apprenticeship. - They still carry the name their parent gave them, but are given a special name by the Scythia that is to be used by all packs members save for those closest to them, such as parents and siblings. Speaking a true name too often is believed to bring about ill luck.