
Electric Love

Finch I


4 Years

11-28-2016, 09:51 PM

The pale girl took a deep breath, her nerves on fire as she went to go and find Lark. Things between her and Tib were getting to the point where she knew that they couldn't avoid introducing him to her siblings. But first... she needed to talk to him about it. He was the most stoic of the siblings, and the most protective of her. So he was the first one that she would speak to, the first one that would meet him. Swallowing hard, she walked around the plains and tried to track down her brother's scent. Finch knew that since Lillie had gone missing, he had been even more of a steel trap. Would introducing a romantic interest at this time just put him farther down his deep pit of despair? And she could be the reason! Shaking her head back and forth, Civetta tweeted as she was moved from her perch on her nose. She was so used to the weight of the little bird that she hadn't even noticed her. Oops. "Lark?" she called out softly, sniffing around for a moment. Was he even here? Should she howl for him? So on edge, she just sat where she was and waited. She hadn't called the Fiori man yet, it wasn't the right time. To spring something on that like him without notice... well that could certainly turn into a mess fast. Licking her dry lips, her mismatched ears pressed against her head. She just hoped that he wouldn't hate him... or her.




7 Years
Extra large

11-28-2016, 10:49 PM
Lark wasn't sure what to think about much lately. Liliannas return had been.. surprising, to say the least. Deep down he knew he ought to be relieved, to be grateful she was well..and though he felt both of these things deep down, on the surface he still found himself feeling annoyed and frustrated. One of these days he knew he needed to speak with her, rather than just listen to her explanation from afar, but he preferred to avoid that day for a bit longer.

Hearing Finch call to him was a welcome distraction from his somber thoughts. Pausing on his walk, he'd turn on his heels and has toward his sister. She wasn't far off, but he'd been sulking amongst the vegetation and hadn't been the easiest one to spot. Seeing his small sister bought a smile to his face, the expression as genuine as they came for Lark. "Finch," he greeted her, tail waving gently behind him. He swore he saw a hint of uncertainty on her face, though it was hard to tell. "How've you been, sister?" At least his beautiful sister could cheer him up, even just slightly, no matter how gloomy he might feel.

Finch I


4 Years

12-09-2016, 04:20 PM

It would seem that she wasn't far off from where Lark had been, and he showed up rather quickly. She tossed him a nervous smile, her tail raising to wag a few times. Even though she was nervous about delivering this news, she still loved her brother with all her heart. They seemed to be the closest out of all the Destruction kids, where she had been inseparable from Starling, once he started to vanish she leaned on her bigger sibling a lot more. He was always there, a consistent shoulder to cry on. Finch knew that no matter what happened, he would be there for her. Out of the first litter, they were the only two who seemed to even be here all the time, him more so than her now. Once she found her gut she loved to be out there more, and then of course the distraction of Tib. Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward to press a kiss on his cheek if he allowed. He asked how she had been, and a breathless laugh left her lips. "Actually, that's kind of why I wanted to talk to you..." she said slowly, sitting down and eying the chocolate man. She was so thrilled to see that smile on her face, something that he was hardly ever without around her. But would her news change that? Her mismatched ears flickered, feeling Civetta move from her head to between her paws, nuzzling her beak into one of them. She took comfort in the songbird's touch, knowing that nothing could further prepare her for this. "I've kind of met someone, and we've been seeing each other every now and then. I... I want you to meet him, if you'd like." Finch's voice was soft, her sky blue eyes searching his usually closed off face. She had been most afraid of introducing him to Bass and Lark, but now that their father had ran into him at the borders it was just her brother left. Her other siblings would come after, this really was the true test.

The pale girl knew that he would worry about her leaving, just as she did. Their family was already so sparse, she would never dream of leaving Abaven. "I'm not going anywhere, brother, I promise," she whispered. She knew him well enough to notice how upset he had been with the disappearance of not only their litter mates, but also other Abaven members who he had befriended. It would seem that everyone that Lark had gotten close to just wandered off, namely Lilliana. She still hadn't seen the other woman since she had come back to the pack, angry at her for what she had done to Lark. Their own friendship would probably repair in no time, the golden leaf necklace at her neck a constant reminder of that. But for her dearest brother... he didn't open up often. She wasn't blind to the way that they had looked at each other during that one meeting, leaning against each other casually. There was something more than friendship there, and now she knew what that felt like. If anything happened to Tiburtius, or if he just left her, she wouldn't know what she would do. She didn't blame him one bit, which is why she felt the need to reassure him that she wasn't going anywhere. Even if it meant that they had to stay in different packs, she was okay with that. Fiori's borders were very close, it was just a little job from one territory to the next.




7 Years
Extra large

12-20-2016, 06:34 PM
Finch had always been his light at the end of the tunnel. She was, in many ways, one of the only constant things he had in his life. Sure, he always had his father, always had Merlin and Sandpiper and Pipit, but everything else was often so uncertain. Even Sparrow, though her presence had made itself known lately, was often gone, and he hadn't seen Starling in quite some time now. His mother, too, was a whole different story. Seeing Finch always cheered him up, and the smile he wore was genuine as she greeted him, leaning to offer him a kiss.

Something about her seemed off, though. She seemed nervous, and he picked up on it easily. He sea-green gaze fixed on her as she pulled away, watching quietly and thoughtfully as she began to speak. Immediately he knew it was something.. out of the ordinary, though his heart clenched at the possibility of it being something he didn't want to hear. The only news he heard lately seemed to be bad news - he wasn't sure how much more he could take. Her words made him feel a bit of sudden dread, tugging at his chest. She'd met someone? Did that mean she was leaving? He couldn't help but let his mind go straight to there. Abandonment was a constant theme in his life, especially this last year or so, and he was beginning to wonder if he had some kind of complex now. He tried not to cringe.

But.. Finch quickly assured him she wasn't leaving. Why did it feel like she was, though? He tried to fight a slight frown that wanted to overtake his features. "Who is it?" he asked, warily, after a long pause. He doubted he knew who it was, anyway, since she seemed to be implying he wasn't from Abaven. Why else would she want to reassure him she wasn't leaving? "And.. does he treat you well? He better." Lark's voice was less wary now, tinged with seriousness. God help him if he didn't treat her well; Lark would have no issue at all trying to hurt someone who did his sister wrong.  "I'd like to meet him," he finally said with a slow nod. He was glad, at least, that it seemed important that Lark meet this man.. whoever he might be, but it didn't stop the worry suddenly churning in his stomach.

Finch I


4 Years

12-21-2016, 10:21 PM

Finch watched as her stoic brother reacted to her words, seeing the smile he had offered her falter somewhat. Her ears flicked back slightly, but she could do nothing but wait right now. It took a little bit, but soon enough his wary voice filled the silence. She took a deep breath, meeting his vivid green gaze with her own. "His name is Tiburtius Armada. He is a member of Fiori," she explained, her tail swaying softly against the ground just at the mention of his name. She nodded quickly to assure that he was kind to her, a smile spreading wider across her face. "He's really sweet, Lark. He even met Dad, but that was on accident. He called him Mr. Finch's Dad," she giggled, leaning forward to tug at Lark's cheek playfully. She wanted to share this man with her family, for Lark even more so to get to know him. She knew that he could come off as closed off and a bit stand-offish, but he was so much more than that. He was a protector and a worrier, just wanting to see his family be the best that it can be. Behind those stony walls she knew that he had a good heart, she was special enough to see it on more than one occasion.

Finch sobered up slightly when she looked at him, wondering what was going on in that big head of his. She had felt the absence of their siblings as well, Pipit had been gone for awhile, same as Starling and even Sparrow was constantly coming and going. She had relied on Lark for her constant companion, besides Civetta of course, and they had grown very close over the years. Besides Bass, Lark was the most important wolf to her and the biggest inspiration for her to better herself. And here he was, asking to meet the man that she had feelings for. Once again she nodded her head, and without hesitation she tipped it up and called for Tib. Fiori wasn't far, he was sure to hear here and be over rather quickly. Dad wouldn't mind him crossing in to meet her brother, right? When her song came to an end she shifted nervously, watching at Civetta took off to find the large slate male. They had appeared to be the same height at first glance, but now she would see who was taller out of the two of them.

Getting up, Finch padded over to Lark and sat down at his side, leaning softly into his shoulder if he allowed. Humming softly, she placed a kiss right above his leg as they waited. He had always loved to hear her sing, in fact he was the only one that ever asked her to. "Spread your wings and prepare to fly, for you have become a butterfly. Fly abandonedly into the sun..." she sang under her breath, peeking up at her bigger brother to toss him a grin. No matter what happened she would always be here for him, there was no way that she would leave him on his own, he just meant too much for her. Her baby-blue eyes ran quickly across the horizon, waiting for this meeting to truly start.




7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-21-2016, 11:39 PM

Tib probably wasn't as far from Abaven as Finch had imagined. He generally lingered in the area near the top of the falls anyway these days, but he just happened to be just past Fiori's borders on that end of the pack lands. His head popped up at the sound of Finch's song, his ears perked while he listened. He really didn't even give himself time to wonder why she wanted him. Just her wanting him to come to her was more than enough reason for him to turn toward Abaven and head off at a quick lope.

He had kind of expected to find her near the border, but when he didn't he hesitated on the outside of the scent markers. Even though he didn't think Bass would be mad at him for crossing the border to answer Finch's call, he didn't want to risk embarrassing himself again or getting himself in trouble with her father either. However, when he glanced up and saw Civetta he finally crossed into Abaven lands to follow the finch. He tried to assume nothing was wrong, but after the incident with the bear in Fiori he had an inclination to assume the worst. Her tone hadn't made him feel like he should feel that way though.

Soon enough he spotted Finch's pale form, the glimpse of her immediately making a smile tug at his lips. Then his two-toned gaze shifted to the larger brown male at her side and something that felt like nervousness plopped into his stomach. This had to be her brother, didn't it? Surprisingly, the male looked to be the same height as him which wasn't something he saw every day. He smiled and dipped his head respectfully to the man, saying, "Hello there." He glanced toward Finch again, giving her a little grin as he added, "You're not gonna get me in trouble calling me into Abaven, are you?"

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Extra large

01-02-2017, 02:40 PM
Lark wasn't sure when he'd become so.. insecure. So worried about everything; about where he belonged, about who might stay in his life and who might leave. Knowing that there was even a slight chance that Finch might leave, too, was distressing to him. He was reassured by her words that she wouldn't, and Finch wouldn't lie to him, right? He could only hope the best of her, as she had never disappointed him thus far.

He was from Fiori. Good, he'd heard nothing but good things about that pack.  "I see," he said thoughtfully, thinking about it. It was obvious that he made her happy, even by hearing her talk about him, and so he wouldn't be too frustrated over it. Such things, after all, were here choice and he only wanted the best for her. Hearing that he'd called their dad Mr. Finch's Dad also brought a smile back to his face, a low chuckle leaving his lips.

He was a bit taken by surprise when he heard her call, leaving her lips as she tipped her head to the sky. He hadn't meant he wanted to meet him right now, but apparently Finch had other plans. And while they waited, she leaned into him and started to sing. He hadn't heard her sing in a long time, and briefly he closed his eyes to enjoy the sweet sound as time passed and as they waited for this Tiburtius to show up.  "I've told you this before," he said after the song was through, opening a single eyelid to watch her.  "But you really ought to sing more."

Their moment didn't lost too long, though, before he caught sight of someone approaching in the distance. Even from a distance, Finch's new.. friend? boyfriend?.. seemed rather large, perhaps even nearly his height. When he was close enough, and offered a greeting, Lark offered a slight nod in return. His sea-green eyes examined him thoroughly, and he noted the scent of Fiori on his coat. "Tiburtius, I presume?" the man spoke in a low tone, not totally warm but not very standoffish either. "I'm Lark."

Finch I


4 Years

01-11-2017, 02:36 AM

The girl smiled when Lark commented that she needed to sing more, something that he had told her several times now. The first was when they had returned from their trip, and the second was after she got really sick. Giggling, she reached up and tried to tug gently at the fur around his cheek, pressing a kiss there with a soft hum. "Only for you, dearest brother." Finch said softly. The little burst of song was enough to calm her nerves, for now. As soon as the lumbering blue man came into view, her heart skipped a beat as she sat up a little taller. She hesitated, growing giddy at the sight of him. By the time she found her voice, both had already spoken. She laughed softly when Tib asked if she was going to get him in trouble, her head shaking back and forth slightly. "Only if you want to go tattle on Mr. Finch's Dad, but I'm sure that he will be fine with it. I mean if not, Lark is pretty good at following the rules..." she teased, her gaze flicking over to her stoic brother. She was glad that he wasn't being hostile, this meeting was really important to her and she needed it to go well.

Swallowing past the nervous lump that was growing in her throat, Finch fell silent and left space for the two of them speak. Was she supposed to carry the conversation for them? Glancing between the two, she offered a hesitant smile. This was something that she had never had to do before, and had no experience in this at all. She was the first one out of her litter mates to even bring someone home... And they hadn't even really spoken about all of this yet! Oh man, this was getting serious fast. Her head was spinning, but she showed nothing on her face. Her claws dug into the ground of the plains, Civetta looking up from where she was curled against her paw.