
All My Life Is Wrapped Up In Today [AW]

Rœkia T


4 Years
12-03-2016, 06:57 PM

"Wolf, you featherbrained idiot!" Rœkia cursed under her breath as she stared at the chest deep snow drift that was blocking her way to the mountain pass. Beautiful… just beautiful. The magpie was currently enjoying himself, fluttering and playing in the snow in an effort to blatantly ignore his larger, canine companion. Rœkia continued to mutter under her breath about snow and how it made no sense to wander this far north. It wasn't like there were that many herbs she could use growing up here in the middle of winter and she dearly would've preferred to stay in the south but the magpie had been insistent about seeing snow and a lot of it. She couldn't imagine what he liked so much about the miserable stuff.




6 Years

12-16-2016, 03:40 PM
*Navigation, Dreamer's Col

Since she had been trapped in the avalanche, Jaelle had been wary of wandering back towards the mountain. Images of her being stuck under all that snow made her shiver, but she knew that she needed to at least check how safe it was. It was only a day after as she slowly made her way back, all scent of the pack had washed off of her since she had been soaked. There was still a chill in her bones but there was no way that she was going to stop her. Since Vyper was so close, she had to be a responsible wolf and make sure that it was holding up well enough. With a sigh she marched on, picking up her pace to stop her from turning around. Her bangles clattered on her front limbs, her bell-clad tail setting a rhythmic tone to each step. Soon enough the col loomed above her, making the monochrome wolf pause. A single glance up was enough to tell her that the snow still gathered on the ledges, although it didn't seem to be overly swollen like it had before. A sharp breath left her, and she turned to head back to the shores and tell everyone else. That was, until she heard faint whispers on the wind. Her ears flickered as her head moved toward her left, seeing a spotted woman and a crow that was frolicking in the snow. A smile cracked over her inky lips, a soft chuckle following. It would seem that the female was quite irritated with it, making her think that they were companions. It wouldn't be the first time that she had seen this kind of relationship between the two different species. Going to see what was going on sounded a lot better than just going to sit in a den and trying to keep herself warm, and this way she would be able to actually explore the mountain more. With her mind made up she picked her way towards the stranger with more spring in her step, her previous fears forgotten about.

When she was a few feet away from the other female she gave her tail a few wags, letting her bells do the talking for her. "It looks like your friend is enjoying the snow more than you are," she said with a laugh, hew blue and brown eye glancing at the feathered creature. It really seemed to be having a good time, like it didn't have a care in the world. Her gaze moved from the two animals towards the center of the mountain, where she had seen the pass before. It was completely covered in packed ice and snow now, her smile disappearing. Would there be no way through it now? It was quite the long walk to go all the way around. She wondered if that is was this wolf was trying to do, but she wouldn't have any luck at all now.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rœkia T


4 Years
12-17-2016, 03:26 PM

"Wolf… I think that's enough…. wolf are you listening to me?" She continued to glare at the magpie. She wasn't liking the way the snow was collecting in these mountains and it was making her nervous. They'd be sitting ducks if it decided to break loose and it was all fine and dandy for Wolf because he could fly. Inconsiderate feather duster. Wolf took to the sky and laughed. "Always so sullen Rœkia. It would do you to play once in awhile." The woman shook her head. "Play is for children… and I haven't been a child for a very long time." If ever, she thought bitterly.

Rœkia began to move ahead, certain that her companion would catch up to her eventually. She was intent on getting out of this cold and into shelter where she could rest for a bit before turning back south where wolves with some sense would go. The speckled woman didn't get far before a strange tinkling sound caught her attention. Rœkiahe turned to see a strange mottled femme with… stuff hanging all over her approaching. Hmm… the woman spoke and Rœkia answered. "Of course he is. He's an idiot."

"Hey!" Wolf called out landing at her feet, reaching out to playfully tug at the fur around her ankles. She impatiently swatted at the bird, in little mood for his games. "I say you have as little sense as him if you've come all the way up here just to play in the snow. I intend to go south where anyone with a brain would go to get out of this miserable weather. I can't imagine what's so great about winter anyway!"




6 Years

12-20-2016, 03:05 PM

Jaelle's tail swung behind her as she giggled at the stranger, amusement plain on her gray marked face. Her irritation was easy enough to see, and she couldn't help but grinning at her. Her little companion didn't seem to take nicely to being called an idiot, and now that she was closer she saw that her feathered friend was a magpie, not a crow. Oops, good thing she hadn't named it out loud! The woman flung a paw in the birds direction as he pulled at her fur, the gypsy could only smile at the obvious bond between the two. She wondered if they gained much from being around each other constantly, it would be nice to have eyes in the sky while exploring. Maybe she needed to rope a bird of her own.

Her ears flicked when the other wolf spoke, looking up from the magpie to the speckled being. "I came not for fun but to check on the statues of the mountain. I was trapped under the avalanche yesterday, actually," she admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. The monochrome woman could still feel the chill in her bones, the thoughts making her shiver. "I take it you're not a fan of the snow, mm?" Jaelle said with a hum, her bells ringing as her tail moved across the snow below her. While she didn't find winter her favorite season, she had to adapt as she was pretty much stuck up here until it all melted away. Then she would be free to navigate the other regions once more. Tucking her nose under her scarf, she basked in the warmth that was trapped under before fully lifting her features once more. "The pass through the Col is the quickest way through the mountain, but I'm afraid the snow has completely cut it off by now. I was also looking if there was another way through, otherwise it adds a day or so to your journey." Considering that she had to make it back to the pack without much delay, it was in her best interest to find another path through the mountain. She glanced over at the rock face now, eyeing the cliffs that still had snow clinging to the face of the rock. Would it even be safe enough to travel any closer to it? They couldn't never well spot a cavern or something from way over here.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rœkia T


4 Years
12-31-2016, 04:32 PM

"Wolf… I think that's enough…. wolf are you listening to me?"  She continued to glare at the magpie.  She wasn't liking the way the snow was collecting in these mountains and it was making her nervous.  They'd be sitting ducks if it decided to break loose and it was all fine and dandy for Wolf because he could fly.  Inconsiderate feather duster.  Wolf took to the sky and laughed.   "Always so sullen Rœkia.  It would do you to play once in awhile." The woman shook her head. "Play is for children… and I haven't been a child for a very long time." If ever, she thought bitterly.  

Wolf set about hopping in the snow, his slender feet leaving little marks as he set about making himself a little picture in the snow. Rœkia purposely focused on the woman in front of her. She wasn't going to indulge her companion in this silliness. She was about to make a smart-mouthed comment at the bird when the strangers words sharply caught her attention. An avalance? Rœkia gazed around her, eyes narrowed before she turned back to wolf. "Ya hear that? Avalanches… we shouldn't be here." Wolf paused and gazed up at her. "Well… if its cut loose already maybe it's fine." Rœkia snorted. "Or maybe it was just getting warmed up."

Rœkia shrugged. "I don't hate snow per say but if I'm going to be freezing my butt off I'd like to accomplish something in the process. Spazzing about like a drugged up rodent isn't my idea of an accomplishment." She grinned. "Though considering my companion perhaps it is for him." Wolf squawked at her and fluffed up his chest.

"Well, I was just nosing around, don't think I"ll go through myself. Why you trying to get through, miss… uh…?"




6 Years

01-05-2017, 10:31 PM

The woman's brown and blue eyes followed the magpie as he hopped through the snow, gazing at the little markings he was making with his feet. She grinned at him, it was really fun to watch the interactions between these two. She could tell that the woman was getting annoyed and the bird was simply goading her on. How long had they been friends, she wondered. It seemed like a bond formed over time, but she couldn't linger on it long before the speckled female spoke up again. She was worried about another avalanche, making Jaelle look up at the col as well. There wasn't as much snow resting on the crags, but she hadn't thought that the swollen hills would just give out like that. It did make her a touch nervous since she had been trapped under it all the first time, but she pushed it away with a soft sigh. If she couldn't find another way through, then she was even more stuck here in the north. The wolf teased the bird again, and the bell-clad female turned to smile at them once more. Friends for a long time, she was sure of it now.

Blinking. she realized that she had yet again started up a conversation without introductions. Ah crap, what was wrong with her? Shaking her head back and forth, she let out a soft groan. Being stuck here was already getting to her head. "Jaelle, sorry. My name's Jaelle," Pausing for a moment, she left room for the other to reply in turn before she moved on. "As for getting through, cutting through the passage of the Col cuts of at least one to two days of your journey. Going all the way around takes far too long, if I can't find another way through than I might as well stay on this side of the pass." She explained softly, turning back towards the expansion of mountains. She honestly hated being stuck here, she longed to move on and go and see what was out there. But darn her feeling and crap, mucking it all up. Huffing, her ears pulled to the side slightly as a look of longing took over her features. "I hate being trapped..." she whispered, a delicate sound not meant for other ears. However, she was rather close to the other female who could probably hear her with ease.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rœkia T


4 Years
01-14-2017, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2017, 11:42 AM by Rœkia T.)

"Nice to meet you Jaelle."  It was an interesting name and one that seemed to ring clearly in her head. "Thanks for-  ACK WOLF WATCH THE FEET."  She shuddered at the feel of cold little bird feet grasping at the looks flesh and fur between her shoulder blades.  She turned her head to glare at the bird who was now fluffed up and nestled contentedly upon his companion.  Rœkia scowled.  She should just toss the featured fiend in the snow but instead she decided to take this opportunity of the bird being still to finish up her conversation and head back south with the other sane creatures.  "Ahem, as I was saying.  Thanks for the information, that's good to know.  What's on the other side of the pass?  Is there really anything worth the journey for?"

Rœkia eyed the pass and shivered.  She could sense the shifting of snow around her, the still thrumming of winter's lungs just wait to lurch forth another great cough.  "Seems awfully dangerous this time of year."  Only rare herbs would get her to go through such a foreboding pass and as she stood there contemplating it she caught the woman's words about being trapped.  "Trapped?  What do you mean?"  Her eyes narrowed with suspicious.  This femme wasn't trying to lure her into some sort of trap was she?




6 Years

01-30-2017, 12:52 PM

Jaelle bit her lip to hold back the laughter when the woman's companion jumped on her paws, with most likely freezing feet. Her brown and blue eyes were sparkling as she looked at the two, somewhat jealous of their bond. She didn't get the chance to connect like that with a lot of creatures since she was forever on the move. While it wasn't something she would give up with ease, it was nice to have a companion at your side. She focused back on the spotted wolf when she asked what was on the other side of the pass. "Just more open fields like this, but it connects with a yard forest a few yards away. There is a lot of lands on the other side, a strange cave thing and a forest frozen under the ice. I suppose it depends on what you are looking for to call the journey 'worth it'." She offered with a shrug. In her travels she had learned that not everyone saw the beauty that she did in landscapes, and while she didn't quite understand why it didn't bother her.

Noticing the narrowing eyes sent her way, Jaelle shook her head so quickly that her bells rang. No no, it wasn't anything like that. Well.. maybe. "I was making my way through the pass when the avalanche struck. I was buried under the snow and I wasn't sure I was going to make it out." She swallowed hard, her ears falling waywards as she shook. "It was a terrifying experience to say the least, but I won't let it ruin my sense of adventure. The snow seems to be holding up for now, but I just came to check on it when I noticed your bird playing in the snow." Jaelle smiled, peeking at the magpie to stick the tip of her tongue out at the feathered creature.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rœkia T


4 Years
02-04-2017, 01:50 PM

Jaelle described the lands that lay beyond the pass. Most of it sounded rather mundane to her but the mention of a forest frozen under the ice caught her attention. That was something she'd like to see… but perhaps she'd wait for winter before journeying through this pass, after all she'd often learned the hard way that curiosity alone was rarely worth the risk of death. "Well, it all sounds very fascinating but I'm an herbalist so I don't think I'll bother with the journey til the summer when I can get some work done." Rœkia couldn't help but be practical. She had to be. She didn't have a pack or anyone to fall back on and every step utilized energy she didn't have to waste. Of course she had travelled all this way so her companion could get his snow fix so maybe she was secretly an idiot after all.

Rœkia carefully watched as Jaelle shook her head. Stating that she'd been making her way through when an avalanche struck, burying her. Rœkia shuddered. Ok, she definitely was not going through the pass now, no way in hell. She stated that the snow seemed to be holding up. Rœkia shrugged lightly causing Wolf to chirp in irritation. "Oh hush, I'm not your bed," she hissed at the bird before turning to Jaelle, "I suppose so, though hearing about you being buried alive…. I might just turn back. This is all a bit nuts for me. I don't have anywhere to be or any plans anyway. About how many days journey is it around this do you think?"
