



5 Years
Athena I
12-03-2016, 11:03 PM
So I still haven't 100% decided if I want to adopt her out. I just want to see if there is any interest in her really. I know there's a lot of adopts out right now, but she's just turned two so if you're looking for someone that's not a pup here's an option for you! I'll warn you though, I'm going to be really picky with who gets her. She's my baby, but I haven't been giving her the attention she deserves. So on to the details!

This is Jayne Aaren Adravendi-Armada, Athena and Amalia's daughter. She has a sister named Diana as well as four half-brothers. Her birth father is Leo, but neither of the girls really know this. They just know Athena and Amalia as their mothers. She lives in Fiori with them as well. It's not a requirement for her to stay in Fiori if plots take her elsewhere, but I'd love for the family to stay together.

Her design and name will stay the same. Jayne is Amalia's middle name and Aaron is from Leo's real first name so it's a very sentimental name. Her design will still belong to me and you are not allowed to use it outside of Ardent. She does have some art that will go with her. Her personality can be changed a bit to fit your playing style if you'd like, but she should stay generally light-aligned.

If you fall inactive with her or aren't posting her regularly without good reason I will take her back.

Alright, I think that's it. Check out her profile if you want more details. And fill out this form if you're interested!

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Appearance:</b> Rewrite in your words! At least 100 words.
<b>Personality:</b> Rewrite in your words! At least 150 words.
<b>RP Sample:</b> Please show me how you would play her! It doesn't have to be super long, but at least three or so paragraphs.


12-05-2016, 06:19 AM
OOC Name: Croatoan

Appearance: Jayne is not the biggest wolf, but she's still a bigger wolf if just in height. She reaches Athena's height of thirty-six inches, but she doesn't hold her warrior build. Her build is more slender and delicate, elegant in a way. She holds fair and pretty features that are only outlined by her thin, small build. That doesn't mean that she's frail, however; she's far from it. Jayne is simply just made more for running and herb gathering than fighting. Her fur is naturally thick, like her mother's, but doesn't make her appear any larger as it lays nicely against the curves of her frame.

Jayne takes most of her looks from Athena. She has the same light gray hue that seems almost silver in the right light, along with the eye and ear markings. However, her markings are a deep slate blue that is similar to the colors her brothers have in their pelts. This color just appears in two small markings. Two lines underneath each eyes and the tips of her ears are the deep slate blue. The only other color, besides the light gray, is a pure, snowy white. The white covers her tail and each of her legs, just past her ankles. The white dapples up her legs, haunches, and all the way up to her scruff in uneven, smudged spots.

Jayne's eyes are a perfect accent to the light gray and slate blue on her face. A perfect and clear blue, they're catching and pretty, finishing off her lovely appearance.

Personality: While Jayne may take after Athena in her appearance, she takes after Amalia personality wise. She wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was absolutely necessary. Even then, it would likely bother her to no end. She reaches out to others and is extremely gentle, afraid of hurting others with a mighty fear. Jayne is also kind to others, unless they give her any reason not to be kind towards them. Even then, her anger is not a thing to be frightened by. She would not be intimidating in any way, her personality being too sweet for that.

Jayne is a hopeless romantic right down to the bone. She falls in love easily, almost too easily, and loves deeply and passionately. Her heart is all too easy to break, but she bounces back easily too. She never takes long to bounce back, and she'll be up and ready for action again. She's thoughtful, and gives those that she cares about signs of affection. She loves to give them affection, really. It isn't surprising, or even rare, for her to bring those she does care about gifts, or give them a kiss on the cheek from time to time.

Jayne is as playful and cheerful as they come. She loves to play games, and she loves to joke around with her friends and acquaintances as well. She may be a first shy when you first meet her, but that may not take long to stop. If you make some sort of connection to something she likes, or give her time to warm up to you, she'll quickly become your best friend for life.

RP Sample: (Based off of posts in "a peaceful day". If I get her, this may or may not be the next post.)

So, the other female hadn't been in Fiori long? Jayne couldn't really imagine how that would feel, being older and in a pack with wolves she didn't know very well. Did Faelyn need friends? Was she getting along with the other wolves in the pack well? Her thoughts were interrupted by a the question, and she gave her head a small shake. "I've been here for almost as long as I can remember. My mother, one of them, used to tell stories from when they lived in the North, but..." She trailed off, giving a small shrug, a smile stretching across her face. "I've never lived there." She doubted she wanted to, anyways. It seemed like it had been cold and rough for them. She couldn't imagine that it would be nice living there. Her mothers and brothers seemed to think highly of the North, though.

The original train of thought Jayne had was enough to make her change the subject slightly, worry in her clear blue eyes. "How's Fiori treating you? Made any friends yet?" Jayne hoped that the female had made some friends. She would feel bad if the other hadn't. Maybe offering to be the female's friend, if she hadn't made any, would be nice. Even if she had made friends, it would be nice. The other didn't seem like a bad wolf, after all.

"If you need some friends, I can be one of them! I mean, if you want." Jayne didn't want to force the other into a friendship. That would be more than a little awkward, after. Instead, she offered a smile, tail thumping behind her as she waited for the other female's reaction. Hopefully she would take Jayne up on her offer.