
At it again - Sibling adopt



10 Years
12-03-2016, 11:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2016, 03:44 PM by Caelum.)
So, accidently made a new character bc i need a bad char to do things I can't do with Caelum. So not really an accident. But I had to make two designs, and now that I've given the other to eve we have kind of come up with some plot stuff and now I need to adopt out another Character who will be the brother to this girl Link!

and then we have eves new lady, who is essentially the slave of my girl and her brother Link!

so basically the story so far is that my girl and the guy up for adoption are two siblings who are very much dark characters, do bad things or w/e and kind of stick together. They came upon lil miss black feet one dark evening and attacked her and have captured her and made her sort of their slave i guess. They all got a lot of their scars from this interaction. The siblings so far don't have much written up. I know that they will be baddies, doin evil deeds and generally not giving a crap about nuthin. I think so far as their history goes all I have is that they came from a sort of chaotic evil kind of pack that was always going on raids and going after other wolves. One day, they just never came back. So the young wolves set off on their own after waiting a few days, and left a trail of chaos in their wake.

Expect a lot of escape attempts by eves bby, lots of drama hopefully, and some fun threads. He will get many, many pretty arts from me if you bring a char in for this ok, I have a problem, I just draw free art, it's a problem.
Also this him: Table image Top left

ye, to dopt just like, gimme a name, basic persona, ect. I need to go now so not time for a real app but you guys know the drill i hope.

Pls apply, I need this char to happen, I need this plot, my life is so boring I live for rp ok pls help me frens


12-24-2016, 06:01 PM
Your name: Bird
Character name: Liekos
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark grey base coat with black points (ear rims, back, stomach, hind legs, & tail), deep grey ears, muzzle, eyebrow marks, and framing the black. There are random spots of white on his body, and he has a white tail tip. His eyes are a brilliant feral yellow. Liekos is a broad, muscular wolf who is the living, breathing epitome of strength.
Personality: Liekos is a wolf one would not want to cross, even on a good day. Rather than finding the reason why, Liekos is a male who would simply punish any wolf who dares fail him. He is a wolf known to take others and keep them, this male was raised in chaos and loved every second of it. He finds his joy through causing others to suffer and to hurt. It is his life's mission to make the world bow to chaos and allow darkness to take over. Anything he has to do in order to achieve such a thing, Liekos has no problem executing such actions. his singular determination is undeniably strong, and he will protect those who aid him in his quest for darkness. While he is not one for love, he does see the benefit of such things and perhaps will even use a female's love for him to make her do his bidding. Nothing is too low for Liekos.


12-24-2016, 08:01 PM
Username: Croatoan

Character Name: Mori Berodach

Gender: Male

Appearance: Large build-- 36'

Mori is just as easily recognizable as his sister. Not for being handsome, either, although he could be to those that like very scarred up wolves. His frame is one that shows off his strength. While he's not exactly heavy, his build is bulkier and stockier, making him look a lot bigger than he is. He holds the build of a warrior, that's for sure. His form makes it harder on him if he tries to run, and he's nowhere near being agile. Instead, he'll have to rely on brute force to get his point across. Even with his stockier build making it hard for him to dodge attacks, it will make it a lot easier to deal them out just as bad as he gains them.

And, judging from his appearance, Mori's gained quite a bit of them. A particularly large scar stretches from the edge of one eye down his face, just inches away from potentially blinding him in that eye. Two scars stretch across his snout as well, one the tiniest bit longer than the other and stretching onto his face. A scar can also be found on his neck, near his scruff, this one more jagged and torn as if it could have possibly been a violent fight. Three scars are on one shoulder, possibly some of the more eye catching ones. Near his back, and his flanks, are a few smaller scars that seem thinner but still part the male's fur and are easy to see.

As far as his pelt goes, Mori is a creature that's almost entirely monochrome. His base coat is covered in a medium slate gray. The back of his neck darkens slightly into a color that's a few shades darker than his normal fur color, going down his back and halfway down his flanks. This color stretches slightly down his side and neck, the fur on the back of his front legs tinged this color. His throat and part of his stomach are coated in the darker gray. This colors also coats his hind legs, up to his ankles. The edge of his snout is tinged in this color, as well as the outside of his ears. A much darker gray coats the other part of his stomach and almost covers the entire of his tail. Mori has a few off white spots here and there, the same color on the bottom of his front paws and coloring his tail tip. This off white also covers the fur inside of his ear, and the tufts of fur on his cheeks.

Mori's eyes are a rich yellow, not dark enough to be orange or gold. Flecks of these two colors can be found in his gaze, although it's unlikely anyone will ever get to see that.


RP Sample:



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-25-2016, 12:07 AM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2017, 02:12 AM by Dragon.)

Name: Cerberus Berodach
42" & 200 pounds
Cerberus is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to bulk and size. The male certainly knows how to throw his weight around. However, don't be fooled by his well muscled appearance. He's just as swift on his feet as he is heavy, a result from years of harsh and rigid training. The man excels in stamina, a wide barrel chest accommodating large lungs that can keep him going for prolonged periods of time. Rarely does he become breathless, endurance his key element in a fight as well as travel. He can run for miles, hours, days if need be. Especially when he is in pursuit of someone who has dared to attempt an escape from his clutches. He's a fighter alright, unafraid of anyone or anything.

The males coat is thick and coarse, rough to the touch and far from the softer fur that most others have. Sturdy legs keep the male standing tall, tail often curled over his back in a constant show of dominance and confidence. Yes, he thinks he's better than everyone else, so his show of arrogance is often a natural occurrence whether he wants to or not, (but who is he kidding? He's always an arrogant bastard). It also shows in the way he walks, the way he holds himself, and the way he speaks. Voice is laced with venom, often a rumbling purr to the ears of those he wishes to claim as his own. He is a man of many faces, so he will change his voice to suit whatever mask he is wearing.

The giant male is a handsome one even with his many scars. His base pelt is a dark slate, hairs of dark and silver intertwining across his body in an interesting fashion. The markings across his body are a darker blue-grey, almost black in appearance. Stretching from his muzzle, the darker colors stream up his face and across his back where it then bleeds across his neck, shoulders, legs, underside, and the tufts of fur on his face. His muzzle and ears are darkened entirely, as well as his tail and his hind legs from his ankles down. An off-white paints the inside of his ears, the tufts of fur on his cheeks, the bottom of his front paws, tip of his tail, and random splotches are strewn across his body in no particular pattern.

The beast is littered in scars, the most prominent are the triad of scars that sweep across his left shoulder and across his muzzle, as well as a deep jagged scar that just barely missed his right eye. No fur grows over his larger scars, though even his smaller ones part his fur making them all visible. He believes that the more scars, the better. It's a sign of a hard and rugged life, not to mention the fights he's been in. The wolf holds a feral look within piercing amber orbs, almost unblinking as he stalks the lands. He does have a wild look about him most of the time, even the bravest of creatures should remain cautious around him.

The beast carries within his dark mind, a disease known as Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD). This coincides with another mental disease, thus making him an extremely violent and unpredictable individual. He enjoys humiliating and torturing others, often in the presence of another. He seeks fights on a constant basis just to get a chance at rubbing his opponents face in the dirt. Any chance he gets at being cruel towards one who is weaker then he gives him complete satisfaction.

Malignant Narccisist
Cerberus believes he is important. This coincides with his SPD, thus bringing the behemoth to be cruel and manipulative. He will not hesitate in bringing down others, all in the act of self pleasure as he does not get emotionally attached. He will lie, cheat, steal, and dominate the field. He does not feel sorry for those who fall victim to him, for the creature has no remorse whatsoever. The beast finds pleasure in walking all over his victims, never coming to the realization that he may be in the wrong. Instead, he believes he is always right, and so those who tell him otherwise, may find themselves in a fight for their lives. This disease brings out the worst in his dark world, the man compelled to tear apart the minds of those he meets. He belittles, his tongue sharp and quick to the point, whatever that may be. He feels the need to be superior at all times, his drive being control.

Cerberus will abuse others just to gain a little fun for himself. He will always strive to make another feel down about themselves, however, sexual abuse is his favorite. He likes to toy with them, humiliate them in the acts of sex, and never will he admit to his wrongdoings. In his mind, this type of behavior is okay. He feels powerful in this act, and should any choose to disobey and go against him, will lead to his rage spilling out.

Short fuse
Cerberus is a rager. Yes, that's right. He will attack without little to no provocation at all, so anyone who crosses his path may find themselves bending to his will. He is not afraid of anything, be you man or woman, he will strive to get what he wants no matter the cost. He is extremely quick to anger, even if that's not what you're trying to do, almost anything may set him off.

Cunning Trickster
This falls into his personality disorders. For the beast is as sly as a fox and as venomous as a serpent. He will lie through his teeth to achieve what he wants, the creature very well capable of making others believe what he says to be true. He can sway others minds quite easily with little effort. Because of this, he may be led to break contracts when he feels like it, the assassin blaming it on the one who made the contract with him. Because let's face it, he is never the one at fault.

Cerberus is as manipulative as they come. Perhaps even more. He will do what he can and say what others want to hear in order to grasp the power that he believes he deserves. Be it sex, power, or importance, he will spew pretty words just to rip out your heart. Literally. As mentioned before, he will put on whatever mask he needs to hide himself from those he comes across. He is able to completely change his voice and his entire demeanor at the drop of a hat, at least until he gets what he wants...the man can easily go from smooth talking casanova to your worst nightmare in the blink of an eye.

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



2 Years
12-30-2016, 11:58 PM
ok finally checked this out but im on a friends laptop sleep deprived and blasting TOP in one ear so this probably isn't th best time to apply but i wanna do this


01-03-2017, 01:17 PM

OOC Name: Chrono
Character Name: Gaius Berodach
Character Age: 4 years
Character Alignment : Chaotic Evil

Gaius is a large wolf standing at 36 inches and weighing 142 pounds. He likes to stand over top of wolves, even if they are taller than he is and wants to show them that he is dominant.

Gaius is a wolf of mostly granite, a lighter grey covering almost his entire body. His back legs up to his knees are darker, as well as underneath his stomach and his chest that also comes up around his neck. The outside of his ears are black and so is around his muzzle. He has a light amount of ebony upon his back. His tail is completely black other than the very tip which is white. His front legs on his toes are white and so are the insides of his ears. He is flecked with spots of white all around his body not showing any real pattern. His eyes glow with gold, shining greatly off his pelt.

Gaius usually shows a lot of interest in others by perking his ears forward at them but his expressions are normally saying that he is batter than them by narrowing his eyes or puffing out he chest and trying to show how handsome he is.

Gaius has scars that cover a lot of his body. Most of them are scars that he doesn't even remember how he got them. One goes over his right eye down his face. 2 more go right across his nose on both sides of his muzzle. And another few markings that are more noticeable are ones that go across his left shoulder.


Try and Stop Me

Gaius believes that he can do whatever he pleases, not letting anyone stop him along the way. Those can try but he won't give up without a fight. He doesn't respect any kind of authority that believes they can tame him and is mostly an individual wolf.

Unleashing Hell

Gaius will fight any wolf without reason. Maybe he doesn't like they way they talk or maybe it's just because it's raining outside. Those should try to stay away from him to avoid any conflict.

Every Woman Wants Me

Gaius believes that he is the most handsome wolf on the planet. He thinks that every woman wants to be with him and will try anything to seduce them. He isn't a family man so any children that come out of him mean nothing to him and he won't hesitate to show it. He doesn't believe in Love but very rarely does he come across a woman that he actually fancies.

(I would have to write him a couple times to find more personality traits!)
(I really hope dragon gets him because i love the app)



10 Years
02-09-2017, 02:40 AM
Dragon wins with cerberus!

Sorry this took forever guys, I'm trash.