
Hormones vs Feelings



6 Years
12-04-2016, 01:25 PM

She couldn't stand herself any longer. Winter had come and brought with it her season. Her heart had desired him for so long but her mind and sense of betrayal had kept her from him. now her body called to him, clouding her judgment and making her libs carry her to him. No matter how much Soleil's mind protested, her body wouldn't listen to reason. she ached with need and as far as her hormones were concerned he was the only one that could sate the need that coursed through her.

Xephyris had given himself to the witch in the way the tri colored woman had wanted him to give himself to her. The brown she wolf had since left him and abandoned his children, though no one had actually informed her of the false secondary's disappearance she hadn't missed the fact that the witch hadn't been around since the birth of his daughters.  Soleil could only hope that he will have learned a lesson. Jaelle had been a friend to her in helping translate her words to him and she had barely spoken to him since the pack had formed. With her thought proses a bit foggy, her heart was aloud to take over. To allow her to let her feel as though she could finally have the silver man to herself, that she could take Limno's place and be a mother to his future children along with the girls the witch abandoned.

As turquoise orbs landed on his silver form her mind tried to scream through the fog at her to no avail as she carried her form to him, his sent intoxicating. She needed to feel his touch, something that she hadn't allowed him to do since he chose to take Limno. Though strong her heart and hormones couldn't make her run herself seductively along his side. It didn't matter how much she wanted him, because even her heart was still fearful of being shattered once more. Her tail would wave back and forth, uncaring that the scent it helped spread would only reach him sooner. Half of her wanted him just as much as he would the moment her heat filled the air around them, the other half still wanted to bite him. "Bonjour Xephryis, mon amour." she greeted, her voice soft and seductive.



9 Years
01-24-2017, 11:44 PM

He had been minding his own business, lost in his thoughts as he looked out across the sea. So much had happened in so little time, and there were so many answers he still needed to find. He needed to raise his daughters, but things had not turned out the way he'd thought. Who would be a motherly figure to them, to provide them with a female role model? He didn't want them to grow up the way he had, with so few connections to others. He had a good idea of who could help him, and he knew the pack would teach them what they knew, but he still couldn't help but to mull it over in his mind, day in and day out. However, his thoughts were disrupted when a familiar voice hit his ears, although he'd have to admit that only her words and accent were familiar. Her very tone was something much different, especially since the last time he'd spoken to her. Her voice had been seething, and then dead cold. Now, it was soft, an alluring purr that caught his attention instantly.

He stood, turning to face her. It was then that the scent of her heat reached him, and he understood her change in attitude. She was led by hormones right now. He felt a nervous twinge in his belly, while at the same time, his breath hitched in his throat. It was a mixed feeling, something that made him want to forget his reasonable, rational mind. "Well, hello there, Soleil," he replied, his low voice carrying toward her as he took a step in her direction, "What brings you here?" He paused, his silver eyes searching over her face, her soft white coat, everything he'd come to love about her, before meeting her gem-like turquoise eyes. How long had it been since anything had felt normal, like in the days when their scents had been mingled and everything felt so right? Would anything ever feel normal again, like it did back when they'd met by the lake that fateful day? For so long, their lives had been intertwined, but their bond had been hindered by the infernal language barrier that had left them cursed.

Yet, Xephyris knew at a time like this, language would not get in the way. Actions and feelings would speak louder than any words. He drew in her scent as he took another slow step toward her, watching her carefully. Did she know how delicate this situation was? How one move could set a chain reaction in motion? He stepped closer to her once more, and again, until he came to her side. He wondered if she would stay beside him, or turn and bite him, or perhaps decide she didn't want to be here. Regardless, he knew he just wanted to feel the way he had always felt standing by her side, and he hoped this would be that chance.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
02-13-2017, 10:41 PM

The low rumble of his voice speaking her name brought a smile to her lips for the first time since he had allowed Limno, the brown she witch, to ruin things. She understood very little of the language of the land, but she had learned enough to make out what he said now. "You." Soleil would answer softly and as clearly as she could with her heavy accent. She had so much she wanted to say to the silver man, yet not all of the words she needed to express how she felt aloud. Did she still want to bite him...yes but that was besides the point. Her mind was cluttered and clouded with other thoughts, so much so that she had to fight to keep from jumping him here and now.

Just as he would search over her, Soleil would take the opportunity to caress his features with her gaze as she had so many times before. Adoring the color of his eyes and the caring kindness she could always find there, but now she could see something else there too. She wasn't sure if it was caution or worry...maybe a combination of the two, either way she refused to dwell on it as there was so much more to appreciate about his finely tuned frame that she could lay around lost as if staring at a piece of wonderfully painted artwork for hours on end.

His slow step towards her would draw her Adoring gaze to the movement and then to his face as her muscles tensed beneath her soft pelt as her hormones held a war with rational reasoning. By all rights she should bite him and leave, but her desire to make him hers was heightened by her current situation. For a moment she would watch him with eyes that projected her love but also her fear of losing him to yet another woman before closing her eyes and allowing herself to lean into him and breath in his scent.