
Once Bitten, Twice Shy



8 Years
12-04-2016, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2017, 03:23 PM by Solveiga.)
I just wanna be by your side
The spring wind seemed to whistle through the walls of the canyon, creating a kind of eerie music. Solveiga stood at the mouth of the huge formation, debating whether or not she should enter. Would it be safer to do a bit of climbing and cross the canyon from the top? Probably. Who knew what might lie in the shadows between those two massive walls of rock? There could be predators, or falling rocks, or less than friendly wolves. Last time she had decided to cut through a canyon, it hadn't ended all that well for her. But it could have been worse, and of one thing Solveiga was certain: it would be an adventure.

That was what she had come here for, right?

With a deep breath and not a single look back, Solveiga went marching into the canyon. Her ears twisted and turned almost constantly as she tried to hear through the haunting whistle of the wind against the stone, and she kept her head down and her eyes wide open. She was looking up, at the pockets and caves in the walls above her, trusting her feet to simply follow the path of the winding river. She was too naive to know that she should also be looking down. And her naivety was always her downfall, wasn't it?

Through the sound of the wind, the little woman suddenly heard a different sort of sound. At first she thought it sounding like something scraping against something else. She stopped, and turned her ear to the sound, and only then did her mind register it as hissing. She looked down quickly and tried to move away, but the speckled brown snake at her feet was too quick. It lashed out, teeth extended, and bit Solveiga just above her front left ankle. She yelped in surprise and pain, bringing her unaffected paw down on the snake before it could get away. Ignoring the pain of the bite for now, she pinned the snake by its head and quickly snapped her jaws down, killing it. When the whole scene was over, she whimpered and looked down at her ankle, trying to lick at the trickling blood. She had killed the snake to ensure that she could get a good look at it, and luckily, she didn't think it was the venomous kind. But... damn, did it hurt.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-13-2017, 06:44 PM
This was a place he'd yet to explore. Bit by bit he was checking out the lands that surrounded Talis and beyond. So far, he had found a territory right next door to the castle that was full of herbs of all kinds! And he knew they would be useful...if they had a healer to use them, that is. Zuri had not only been the latest addition almost two seasons ago, but also the only healer in the pack. But it seemed she had disappeared, because he could not find her anywhere! It was bad news for the pack...they would be screwed if they got sick or injured with no knowledge on how to treat anything.

Frustrated by it, he wandered down a trail as carefully as he could, Kimahri jogging along without a care on the rocks above him. Dragon had to admit, he was pretty jealous that felines had way better balance then wolves. The wind whistled around him, tugging at his fur but doing little to disturb him. It wasn't long into his adventure, however, when Kimahri suddenly growled. "Someone is further up on the trail. And it seems they've run into some trouble." He hissed. Usually the jaguar didn't care about other creatures, but his main concern was the snake. Where there was one, there was more. And he could not tell if it was poisonous or not from where he stood.

Dragon picked up his pace, long legs carrying him swiftly until the other came into view. Nostrils flared as he detected the scent of a snake, his ears retreating slightly upon his head as he slowed. He eyed the wolfess, concerns flashing in his eyes when he saw the dead snake and blood trickling down her foreleg. "Hey, are you alright!?
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.