
Four Words To Choke Upon



5 Years
12-06-2016, 09:17 PM

Kharn still had some reservations about joining Ivalice, now Talis, and then he found out they were moving. Going to Auster hadn't exactly been on his top list of things to accomplish. He was a creature built for the north. His fur was thicker than most and even in the summer time it was thicker than those graced with short pelts. The north had been his home since Ivalice had been raised and now he didn't know how to feel about leaving it. He hadn't scouted out these new lands, but he highly doubted he'd like them as much.

Then there was his mother. He still hadn't talked to her yet, but he knew it'd have to happen eventually. He was still angry with her for giving him a mentor that hadn't even bothered to train him. Angry with her for making Lykos heir at one point. Angry that it felt like she'd changed so much since Imperium. Trying to force claiming Mercy, to him, felt like it was something so out of the norm for her. He still couldn't wrap his head around it. Had it been cause she'd trespassed. That just didn't feel right. It felt so petty and yet he couldn't think of anything else it could be. Which left him with the fact that he really needed to sit down and talk with her about it, as much as he didn't want to.

And that was all the way in Auster now.

He still was going to go regardless. Most of all he missed being around Dragon and having pack mates. He'd been in a pack for as long as he could remember and it was weird being on his own. In some aspects he liked the solitude, being able to do what he wanted, but in the same regard there was nothing to work towards. No goals other than surviving and no one to spend his time with. No adventure buddy to go antagonize things with and no company when he needed it. Some times it really sucked.

This would be his last day or so in the north before he began his journey south to catch up with the others. He'd been to this strange hulking thing stuck in the ice before, but it never ceased to fascinate him. The metal was still as cold as ever when he approached it to touch it with his nose. He hadn't spent much time inside the last time he was here, but he aimed to change that. Who knew when he'd come back to this place?

So he padded inside into the weird structure and paused while his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. The floor felt cold beneath his thickly furred paws and the walls didn't resemble any cave he'd ever seen. At least I won't be falling down and hitting things in this place. He grumbled internally. He padded a little further inside and began sniffing around. He could smell stale scents mostly. Wolves that had been here previously as well as a few smaller animals. So far nothing noteworthy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



6 Years

12-07-2016, 12:54 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2017, 07:11 PM by Evelyn.)
*Navigation - S.S Antiox

She didn't quite know how to feel just yet, about all of this nonsense with Xephryis and his pack. Being stuck in one place certainly wasn't her style at all, so even though she promised to help out here she was slipping out again. It made Jaelle feel ill almost to pace along the beach, the black sand clinging to her paws. But since being stuck in the avalache she hadn't been overly eager to get out anyways. Except for today. She had laid in her den in Vyper lands, tossing and turning on it until she finally made her way up the slope. Skirting the col, she made her way instead to the odd cave that she had explored with the spotted woman. She hadn't gotten a good enough look at all the goodies inside, and her curiosity drove her paws down the familiar trail. Her bells sang softly on her tail and front legs as she trotted along, a smile spread across her inky lips. Now this is where she felt alive, when she was out and moving with the wind. Darn feelings and promises keeping her tied down, she should have known better. Shaking her head back and forth, the monochrome woman nuzzled her nose into her scarf as she picked through the snow, her paws crushing through the frozen top layer. The soft powder underneath stuck to her fur in clumps, but she didn't care much at the moment.

Reaching the metallic cave thing, she noticed that her scent wasn't the only around her. Tucking her tail slightly, Jaelle hesitated as she sniffed at the ground. From what she could tell he was younger than her, but still at a mature age. Mmm, interesting. She couldn't see him at the moment, and could only assume that he had gone in. Good, a buddy to explore with! Humming softly she strut up the ramp and into the belly of the strange contraption, turning towards her left where a big hulking male blocked the way. He most likely would have heard her, it wasn't like she had been hiding the jingling of her bells. The stranger looked a bit familiar, although she didn't care to place it at the moment. "Hello there very-big-wolf, would you mind moving over so I can accompany you on this trip today?" she said in a sing-song voice, her grin holding a hint of her mischievous nature. If he declined she would just have to wiggle passed him, now didn't she?

Jaelle's ears twitched when a shuffling came from behind them, and the woman turned around to gaze at the inside of a barrel. It appeared to be stuffed with furs and strips of leather, but when she stuck her nose in to sniff it she was met by a sharp bite from very sharp teeth. Withdrawing with a hiss, she could feel the blood pool to the surface of her flesh. About to stick her face back in to grab whatever bit her, an oddly long ball of white fluff tore out of the wooden barrel and began to run every which way. It jumped up and twisted, curling around the floor in what looked like a terrible dance. Transfixed on the oblong critter, she peeked at the stranger for a moment and rose her brow before looking back. What the hell was that thing and why was it dancing? The terrible thing had just bit here and now this? It was nearly all white, save for the black tip of its tail. Really it looked like a rat that had been stretched out, except with a furry tail. Did the male know what it was or what on earth it was doing?


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



5 Years
12-07-2016, 01:58 AM

he hadn't made it very far when the tinkling of bells caught his attention. Of course it wasn't a sound he recognized, having never heard it before, but it certainly was something he was curious about now. He turned his head to look behind him and nostrils flared as he tried to pick up a scent. He peered towards the doorway and found he didn't need his nose after all. A woman came up to him, calm as can be, and he could do nothing but stare at her.

Blue eyes roved over the multiple eye-catching things that adorned her. Her pelt was unlike anything he'd ever seen with gray splotches all over her. Even that wasn't all that made a statement. He noted the weird cloth thing she had draped around her and then the trinkets that she wore. He could only assume those were what was making the sound he'd previously heard. What they were though - well that he couldn't quite figure out. Either way she easily had gotten his attention and he was more than curious.

Hello there very-big-wolf, would you mind moving over so I can accompany you on this trip today?"

What the hell?

Very big wolf. Okay then. Confusion swept through him but he shuffled out of the way so she could come in as well. He'd never found an adventure buddy so easily, yet here she was willing to come with a stranger to explore the bowls of this strange not-cave with him. What wasn't weird about this chick?

A noise caused him to peer over her and he turned all the way around now with ears pricked forward. He tried scenting the air again, but he didn't smell another wolf. The woman seemed more keen on exploring first so he just stood and watched as she stuck her head in a round barrel. An eyebrow rose as he waited somewhat impatiently to figure out what it was. Muscles tensed as she suddenly withdrew her head from the container and a low growl escaped him as he noticed blood coming to the surface of her nose. What the fuck? The next thing he knew there was a flash of white and a long rodent-looking thing shuffled across the floor in a very terrible dancing motion. He glanced back towards Jaelle as his hackles rose before turning to look back at it. It seemed she didn't know what was going on either.

"I vote that we eat it."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



6 Years

12-07-2016, 02:14 AM

He had moved aside for her, but that didn't matter much when she heard the noise. They both stared at the terrible twists and turns that this rat thing put on display, before he wiggled up and tried to nibble on her toes. Oh hell no. Raising her paw she easily stepped on the rat thing, who shrieked and twisted to try and maul her. The stranger said that they should eat it, which made the white tube of fluff stop. It's sides heaved under her paw, but she wasn't letting it get up any time soon. Beady black eyes shifted over to look at the male, before it chortled and bared its sharp little teeth.

"Oi, no eatin' me! I won't have it!"

Jaelle jumped when the creature spoke in a language that she could understand, scrambling back until her rump slammed against the gray man's chest. Peeking up at him, she blinked her blue and brown eyes in confusion. He had heard it too, right? She wasn't crazy? Looking back at the thing, it stood there and bared its teeth at them, making that same odd choking like sound.

"Ya heard me, no eatin' me or I will chew yur face off! Or pull off yur toes one by one!"

That was it, the bell-clad woman couldn't take it. First she snorted, and then a full out peel of laughter left her lips. She would have fallen over if she didn't brace herself, lowering her head as the laughter consumed her. "You really think that you can take us on? You're just one elongated ball of fluff! I stepped on you with ease you little rat!" she said around her laughs, her bells ringing as if they too were laughing at it.

"I ain't no rat, I'm a stoat! A stoat ya hear me?"

Jaelle wasn't listening though, too consumed by the thoughts of this little puff ball trying to attack their faces. His teeth may be sharp, but two wolves at once? Did he think he was the god of fluffy rat things?


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



5 Years
12-07-2016, 03:02 AM

The thing hadn't slowed down at all and he halfway started to move forward when the rat made a move to nibble Jaelle's toes. Thankfully she took a move to stop it and Kharnage felt some satisfaction as she stepped on it to keep it from moving. At least it had stopped bouncing around for the time being. If she hadn't stepped on it he probably would have.

Then it talked.

He bit back his surprise at it's outburst of not wanting to be eaten. He lifted his lip to bare one fang at it before letting his lip lower once more. If it didn't want to be eaten then it shouldn't go around attacking noses! He glanced towards Jaelle as she scrambled back from it and bumped him in the chest. He backed away from her hastily, not used to being that close to a stranger, and then glared at the rat while letting out a rumbling growl.

"Ya heard me, no eatin' me or I will chew yur face off! Or pull off yur toes one by one!"

He would have found the creature's spunk funny if it hadn't been so stupidly annoying. A growl rumbled through his chest. He opened his mouth to retort but Jaelle's laughter caught him off guard. He glanced at her as she nearly doubled over with laughter and then his eyes flicked back to the rat as he took offense to the word. What the hell was a stoat?

"How about I bash your teeth down your scrawny little throat and then we'll see who's gonna eat who's face? I highly doubt you'll walk away from me intact." He snarled. He was beginning to think he liked it better when food didn't talk.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



6 Years

12-07-2016, 03:17 AM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2016, 03:18 AM by Jaelle.)

Oh this was all far too good. This little thing thought that it could take on Mr Big-and-Tall here? And her? She may not be a fighter but she sure as hell could stand up for herself. Able to contain herself finally, her ears flickered at the brute's hostile words at the weasel thing. She smirked as she tipped back her head to eye him, not even noticing that he had scrambled back until that point. "Oh so Mr. Big-and-Tall AND Mr. Brooding, that's quite the combo you have going on there," she said with a laugh before she turned back to the white thing. "Listen here, little fluff. Why don't you save your hide and just calm down."

"I ain't gunna calm down you lil' snot! I am the mighty Giet!"

Jaelle paused at the rodents word. Wait... Giet? As in giet? Biting her lip, she tried so hard to hold it in but she just couldn't Another round of laughter left her as she flopped on her rump, eyes on the stoat. "Giet as in Goat? Goat the... what are you?"

The stoat let out a little growl, his snake like body wiggling closer to her. "No Giet as in Giet! And Imma stoat, do I need ta shout it in yur ear?" He didn't know why this smaller female wolf found his name so funny, it was a good name! He made it himself!

The gypsy lost it. Her bell clad tail thumped on the ground as her paw hit the metallic floor with a clang. It took her a few moments to control herself, little giggles leaving her as she tried to compose herself. "Goat the stoat! Oh my it's too good. Giet in Dutch means goat, not a fitting name for a tube of fur," she said with yet another snort. Shaking out her fur a bit, she turned back to the darker male with a wide smile on her lips. "Now Mr. Serious-Face, you can't kill Goat the stoat! It's too good, far too good." Jaelle said, the tip of her tongue hanging from between her lips. Why she just wanted to scoop up the ball of murder and take him home. Goat the stoat.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



5 Years
12-07-2016, 10:34 PM

Kharnage's eyes met Jaelle's once more. She apparently thought this was way funnier than he did from the way she was smirking. He cocked his head at her and flicked an ear back as she called him big-and-tall as well as Mr. Brooding. He wasn't brooding, was he? That little rat thing had just threatened to eat their faces off. He gave her a quizzical look before looking back at the angry fluffball as she told it to calm down.

"I ain't gunna calm down you lil' snot! I am the mighty Giet!"

Wait, was his name Git? He was pretty sure he had heard that wrong, but it sounded close enough to git. Whatever his name was, nothing about it sounded mighty at all. In fact nothing about him was like he pictured himself to be. He was a little spitfire for something so tiny. His ears flicked towards the female as she burst into a whole new round of laughter and honestly he couldn't comprehend what was so funny. Had he missed something?


Now he was really confused. He let his rump fall to the ground as he pondered it. Where was she getting goat from. He clearly hadn't said his name was goat and apparently the rat didn't approve if it either. Finally it seemed Jaelle had lost all sense of composure. He was beginning to feel a little irritated by the fact that he couldn't understand why she found his name so amusing. It wasn't until she revealed that his name meant goat in some language that he'd never heard of that he began to put everything together. Goat the stoat. Man this entire encounter was just beyond weird. Then more disappointment when she said he wasn't allowed to eat Goat.

"Can I at least eat his tongue?" He said as he eyed the thing again, half expecting him to go off on them again and go all crazy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



6 Years

12-08-2016, 03:20 AM

It would seem that her companion wasn't as excited about this as she was. He kept his rather stoic appearance, but it wasn't something that bothered her at all. It just made her want to make him smile, to work under those walls and see what made him tick. It was something that had drawn her to Xeph, the need to see why they had sticks up their asses. She smirked at the thought, ignoring the little weasel thing as it spat and hissed at the idea of having his tongue removed. Instead she turned to face him fully, her bells ringing as she turned her back on Goat the stoat. "No, you may not have his tongue. If you're that hungry we can go find you someone else to eat," she said with a grin, her bell-clad tail wiggling behind her. "Doesn't your mother ever feed you? You couldn't have gotten that big and tall off of eating tongues and toes, mm?" There was a clear teasing tone in the monochrome woman's voice, her blue and brown eyes lit with delight. Turning back to the stoat, she stepped forward and bent her head down. Her nose still stung from where he had bit her, but she fixed him with a firm glare. "Now Goat the stoat, I reckon that you're stuck here with the heavy snowfalls, right? So you're going to come home with me. I have a few pups back home who would just looooove to play!" From Giet's sour face she could tell that he wasn't pleased, but that she had assumed right.

"I ain't doing ya any favors, lady. And I'll bite thur toes if they try ta play with me!"

Jaelle rolled her eyes, reaching out to step gently just behind his head, pushing him into the cold floor of the ship. "Now now, Goat the stoat, I-"

"It's Giet!"

"Nope, it's Goat. Anyways, you're going to come with me, or my friend over there is going to have a nice snack, okay?" she said with a sneer, before removing her paw from him. She giggled as he wiggled backwards, reaching back to lick down his white fur. Honestly he was quite the humorous little critter, and she wasn't ready to just let him go wandering off yet. Plus, it would be nice to have a sour little buddy to make the days stuck in Vyper better. If he wanted to leave when the snow melted, fine, but she would have fun with him while she could. Plus, she seemed to have a thing for grumpy men.

Speaking off... Flipping back around, she eyed the dark boy behind her and tossed him a toothy grin. Her bells rang out as her tail ran along the floor of the odd cave, the sound of them dragging across metal making them sound louder. "I'm Jaelle by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you. If you're down to explore still, I bet this little guy can show us around, right Goat?" The female didn't even have to turn around to hear his grumbled, her tongue snaking out to lick at her lips. She had been in this thing once before, but with it's endless pockets she had no doubt that she had only scratched the surface.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



5 Years
12-27-2016, 02:20 PM

Well the weasel-goat-whatever clearly didn't like the ominous threat of Kharn eating his tongue, so that at least was nice. His eyes glinted with humor as he watched the creature hiss and he was half tempted to stick his tongue out at it. He refrained instead when the woman chastised him and he huffed softly as she told him he couldn't have the things tongue. Well if she could deal with goat's smart mouth all the time then that was on her. He personally wouldn't have put up with it.

"Yeah I eat, but my mom doesn't have to feed me." He muttered. Avalon hadn't had to hunt for him or his older siblings for a long time, and he didn't care if the younger ones could fend for themselves yet or not.

He eyed her as she moved and put her foot down on the weasel... no, stoat, again. At this rate he was going to be spending a lot of time under her paw if he kept it up. His face took on a confused look as she mentioned that there were children back home he could play with. The spotted woman didn't quite looked like the motherly type really, but who was he to judge? He didn't envy the stoat in the slightest - being used as a chew toy for some kids sounded like worse torture than being eaten.

He could tell their relationship was going to be interesting. She called him goat again and he insisted his name was Geit and Kharn just watched it all with a fascinated interest. He bared his teeth as Jaelle threatened to let Kharn eat him if he didn't go with her and overall he felt pretty good about it. He doubted she'd actually let him eat goat, but if he could scare the creature into submission then at least he was getting some fun out of it.

His gaze flicked back to Jaelle again as she turned to look at him with a toothy grin. Her bells scraped across the floor and he spared them a glance before looking back at her as she introduced herself. She seemed okay to be around, he wasn't fond of goat, but he had come in here to explore. He hadn't exactly expected company, but he was going to be stuck with her if he wanted to keep going. It was a little late now to turn around and leave.

"I'm Kharnage. But I guess goat can lead the way, I've never been very far inside before."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



6 Years

01-06-2017, 01:47 AM

Jaelle had seemed to hit a sore spot at mentioning his mother hunting for him, but all the dame could do was just smile at him. She didn't mind that he was so grumpy, really. She'd dealt with a lot worse. And now with this Goat the Stoat, she would have her paws full. She just chuckled when Kharnage said that the weasel could lead the way, her blue and brown gaze lingering on the white creature. He seemed to be out of arguments, muttering the whole way as he walked deeper into the odd cave. The female's nails clicked on the surface of the hardened ground, echoing through the hollow area. Her eyes scanned the endless barrels and boxes, the scent of rust covering up almost everything. When Giet just kept walking, she shrugged her shoulders and turned into a little alcove. Light filtered in from cracks in the roof and walls, slanting through the dust to make it appear like it was dancing. Pausing for a moment, she looked around her in sheer wonder before she walked over to the closest crate. Peeking inside revealed nothing but broken down wood, and the sharp sting of Goat's teeth marks on her nose kept her from poking it into things. Moving on, she looked in the next one, a barrel that had been completely broken down the middle, the contents still sitting inside. Sniffing at it made her recoil, the stench of a strong, unknown scent causing her to sneeze. What in the world? Scratching at the crack, she pawed at it until she pried one of the boards back, looking at the little green things that floated in the water. What the hell was that...? Looking over her shoulder to see if Kharnage was there, she moved over so that he could see it too. Whatever they were, she didn't think that they grew in there. The water almost smelled briny like salt water, but not quite. There was a different tang to it, and while she was curious she wasn't too set on testing it. Grinning at the larger man, she pointed her nose into the barrel. "I dare you to eat one." She said in a low voice, a grin spreading across her lips. The stoat had appeared in the entryway, eying the two of them with no emotion whatsoever.

ooc;// Just to be clear, they are pickles. xD


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



5 Years
02-13-2017, 06:28 PM

Kharnage let to strange pair lead the way and he couldn't help the look of amusement that flashed across his features as he listened to Goat grumble the entire way. His own nails clicked heavily against the metal surface and his head swung back and forth as he paused every once in a while to peer into certain corners and crevices. There were odd square boxes and round barrels lying around and not to mention a fine layer of dust covering everything. He happened to sniff a particularly dusty spot before pulling his head back and letting out a loud sneeze. Not finding anything worthwhile he moved on behind the bell-clad woman and her new pet.

He didn't poke his nose into anything else, his snout still irritated from the amount of dust, but he did stop when Jaelle did. He eyed the stoat as he continued walking forward before he peered at Jaelle to see what she was looking at. His eyes glanced over the array of boxes and other things and finally settled on the same thing that she'd noticed. A foul smelling barrel that instantly made his nose wrinkle. He watched as she pawed at it until the board came loose and then she moved over to let him see. Curiosity got the better of him and he peered into it and his nose wrinkled further at the smell. It was even worse now that it was completely exposed to the air.

He glanced towards Jaelle as she grinned at him and he gave her a cautious look as his eyes squinted. He certainly recognized that look. It was the look of "I have an idea and you're not going to like it." Sure enough it was a crazy idea that he wasn't exactly fond of, but the fact that she challenged him with a dare was like a trap to him. If he refused then she'd probably call him a coward and he'd rather be stupid than a scaredy-cat. So he shrugged his shoulders and stared at the strange green floating thing. "Alright, but if I get sick from it then you better find something to fix it and if I die have fun dealing with my family." Of course she didn't even know any of his family most likely, but he was sure Dragon would be upset if he died. Either way he'd accepted the dare, so he might as well get it over with. So he lowered his head into the barrel and snapped up the one she'd pointed to in his jaws. The taste was tangy and the scent was overly pungent in his nose. He could feel his eyes watering and so far Kharnage didn't like the taste. But a dare was a dare so he crunched the thing between his teeth until it was small enough to swallow before he let the pieces slide down his throat in one large gulp. His face soured as the aftertaste took hold and he shook his head once to get the feeling to go away.

"That was absolutely disgusting."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]