
We Live On Front Porches And Swing Life Away



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-07-2016, 12:29 AM
It took her the better part of almost two days, but she was drawing closer. She hadn't seen Bass since before Vereux died, which meant that he also wasn't aware of everything that happened from then until now. No longer were they in the north. No longer was she haunted day in and day out by the memories of the pines that had been part of her past. She didn't have to walk by Vereux' grave everyday, or be reminded of all the bad things that happened there. She could start fresh in their new home, she could relax and spend time with her family. Guiding Dragon and helping him along when he needed it. It was evening, the winter sky turning a mixture of oranges to indigos and purples. The faintest glow of stars began to show, and she was weary. Before she decided to call for Bass, she would wander down to the rapids a bit away from the scent markers. She was parched, and didn't want to call him and end up talking to him with a dry tongue. She would drink first, and then maybe call him or rest a bit away from the borders and then seek him out. She felt that she looked as tired as she felt, her paws aching from the journey. Ultimately she would make her final decision after she quenched her thirst. So without waiting any further, she dipped her head down to drink from the moving water.



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7 Years

12-08-2016, 04:09 AM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2016, 04:09 AM by Bass.)

He still felt a bit numb, but he was steadily climbing back up to his peek. He knew that he couldn't just sit around and be sad forever, not when he had so many wolves counting on him. So he dragged his fluffy butt out of his den early that morning, bracing the cold and walking around the perimeter of Abaven. His head was held high, his tail bouncing between his hocks as he tried to act like everything was okay. Grieving was a part of life, and he knew that he was allowed to feel sad. Honestly he just wanted to feel normal again, to have his family at his side and to keep him warm at night. He was lonely, a lot of the time. The thought of being with someone besides Wren made his stomach twist though, she had been his first love, would she be his last? Even though the kids were older now he still felt like he couldn't do that to them, to try and replace a mother that was never really there. He still missed Wren, mostly at night when it was just him and his emotions in his bare, cold den. But the thoughts of someone else, someone new just... made him feel tired. He didn't have the energy to go through all of that again, to put himself out there just to be trampled all over again. It would seem that he would die an old, lonely man, he thought with a snort. At least he still had some of his kids, his sister, and his pack. They were all there for him, no matter what. His mind drifted to Renhett, and how she had said that she would be there no matter what. His tail wagged ever so slightly, it was thoughts like those that kept him going. Sure, he longed for his family to be whole again, but would they be happy? His kids must have wandered off for a reason, right? It would put his heart at ease if they just told him where they were, then he wouldn't lose so much sleep.

He was about to head to the thicket to see if he could spot any prey when a familiar howl called for him. His head lifted as he looked over his shoulder at the rapids, a small smile brightening up his face. It would be a welcomed distraction to talk to his friend, and he cut through the heart of the plains to get there sooner. When he arrived she seemed to be resting, had she run the whole way? Snickering softly, he sat down at his borders and eyed Avalon. "Where you that eager to see me that you sprinted all the way from the north?" Even though his words were teasing, it wasn't as heartfelt as Bass usually delivered his speech. For someone who knew the pale man well, it would be easy to tell that there was something up.

Talk like this



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-10-2016, 01:43 AM

The water felt cool, almost numbing her throat as she nearly sucked it in. She was thirstier than she thought she was from the journey, but it would be a journey well worth it. Or so she thought, anyway. Auster was a lovely place, but with it came isolation as they were the only pack there. Of course, she didn't mind that. It meant less competition overall, but now she had to travel further to visit old friends. She wasn't sure if her son was thinking about seeking out allies or not, but she was sure he had some ideas of what he might want to do. She would help him where she was needed of course, but she was learning not to smother them too much, and let them grow and learn on their own as well. As she drank, she would catch the sound of a familiar voice behind her. Her head lifted quickly, amber gaze finding Bass sitting on his borders, though for some reason...she felt that something about his usual teasing

Wagging her tail, the woman turned around and walked up the bank to meet him. Of course, a smile was plastered on her face at the sight of him. He was always there. Always someone she could talk to about anything, or almost anything at least. In fact, she couldn't think of anything that they couldn't talk about! Which was an odd case, because she always felt like there were others she had come across or spoke to on a regular basis that she felt she had to try to be careful with what she said, lest she offend someone about something or other. But with Bass? She didn't feel she had to do that. "I wish!" She sat down in front of him, tail thumping on the ground. "I've actually been traveling a couple of days to come visit. A lot has happened since we last talked." She studied him for a moment, noting the sound of his voice from earlier. "And from the sound of it, I would guess that a lot has happened to you as well. Is everything alright?"


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7 Years

12-15-2016, 01:27 PM

He blinked when she said that she had been on the move for a few days. A few days? Why on earth would it take her that long to walk here from the North? Maybe the weather up there was a lot worse than he had thought. But soon she fell silent, asking him what was going on. He flashed her a half-hearted smile, snorting softly. "Am I that obvious? I thought I was hiding it pretty well," he said as his tail curled around his flank. Bass let out a sigh, his ears pinning back tightly against his skull as he looked towards the river. His golden gaze watched the waters rushing passed, visions of the flood filling his mind for a moment. Shaking his head for a moment, he glanced back at the woman before him. "I've lost a lot of wolves in my life, as you know. One of my oldest friends died this season and I'm... grieving I suppose. It seems to just be one thing after another. Hansel had been a friend for many many season, and we had just reunited such a short time ago. I promised him to go and bury him where his family lays, but it's a long journey. We laid him to rest here for now, once the snow clears up I will go and do as he wished." He swallowed hard, knowing that it would be even more difficult to dig up Hansel and move him. But making the trip now was just not something he could do. Holding back a whine, he met the similar gaze of Avalon and attempted to smile. "I just feel like one way or another I am destined to be alone."




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-13-2017, 12:30 AM

It seemed she was right when she mentioned something going on with him. She shrugged slightly, a small sheepish grin on her face as she tucked her tail around her paws. It quickly faded, however, when Bass' entire demeanor shifted into something she hadn't seen very much. The only other time she had, was that one night she had lost herself so badly that he had saved her from walking right off a cliff. She frowned when he looked away, and when he told her what was bothering him, her own ears fell back against her head as a quiet gasp left her. "Oh Bass...I'm so sorry..." It seemed he couldn't catch a break. His mate had up and left him, abandoning not just the him and the pack, but the children they had together. That was something she related to, because her first mate had done the same...except he never came back. Whether he was alive or dead was unknown to her, and honestly...she didn't care anymore. Until she either had confirmation, then she supposed it would always be a shadow in her life. It was hard losing someone, regardless of what they did or who they were though. Even though Bass' mate had up and left several times, she knew he still cared. And now that his friend Hansel had passed away...things seemed harder on him. She didn't have anyone that she had been friends with for as long as Hansel and Bass...and she couldn't imagine having lost someone after knowing them for so long. She did know loss, never was easy.

She caught his eye when he looked at her, a failed attempt at a smile faltering on his lips when he spoke again. Her heart went out to him. She wanted to step closer and offer as much comfort as she could, but what would others think if they decided to wander by if she did? Bah, screw it! She stood and roughly pressed herself chest against his, head gently resting over his neck as she wrapped him in an embrace. Maybe she was overstepping boundaries here, but she couldn't help it. Not when he was clearly hurting and in need of comfort. And her being who she was, wanted to comfort him as much as she possibly could. "Don't say that, Bass. I know things are hard...I lost someone last season too, and although I feel the same way as you do sometimes, there is still a chance of happiness." Did she believe that herself? Sometimes. She knew it was hard...she had been there, and often she was still stuck there. But somewhere in that tunnel, she knew there was an escape. "Please...don't say that anymore..."



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7 Years

01-13-2017, 10:14 PM

He was trying and failing to seem like he was making it okay, but it was easier to talk to Avalon than some others. They had made a connection up on that cliff, and he did think of her as a good friend. He however, was not expecting her to come full charging at him after the words left his lips. Letting out a soft oof when their chests collided, his golden eyes wide in shock. For several moments he was stiff as she tried to comfort him, not used to this kind of contact from... well anyone. But then her warmth reached him, and a gentle sigh left his mouth. Relaxing into her, he tipped his head down and rested his nose on her shoulder. It was nice, he had to admit. He nodded his head at her words, he would try not to feel that way. "I... I'll try. It's hard, you know?" he said softly. Feeling a bit uncomfortable now, he wiggled out of her gasp and was able to smile a bit thankfully at her. He was grateful for his friends, he really was. There were some that had stuck through everything with him, and without them he probably wouldn't be holding up as well as he had. Not that he had been doing an exceptional job, but it was something.

Bass' ears flicked back slightly as he looked towards the river again, his shoulders slumping a bit. More so than everything else, he was tired. He just wanted to scoop out every issue that everyone was having and take it all away. But he couldn't. "The kids make things more complicated too, Pipit has gone missing. I sent Starling off to find him since he wasn't settling back at home very well, and Sparrow keeps coming and going. Going more so than anything. The younger two are always here, along with Lark and Finch. I feel like I could have done so much more with them, I think Sparrow resents me for being an alpha," Bass offered, knowing that Avalon was going through stuff with her children as well. Being a parent was a thankless task most of the time, but he still loved them all to bits.




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-16-2017, 08:58 PM

She had to admit, he felt pretty warm. This was a bold action she had done, but she wasn't sure what else she could do to try and comfort him. This is what she did when her kids were upset, so she supposed it was her motherly instincts kicking in. Even though Bass wasn't a kid, she still felt the need to try and give him comfort during hard times. He leaned in to her for a moment, ear flicking to catch his soft words. "I know..." She knew all too well. Shortly after, she felt him moving away, so she would step back and sit down again. "Sorry, I just..." Just what? Maybe she didn't have to say anything. Her main goal was comforting him. "Nevermind." She said softly as she looked at him steadily.

She listened to him as he talked about his kids, and all too well she could relate to that as well. She frowned as she nodded. "I know you've been a parent alot longer then I have, but sadly I have to say that it is one of the hardest jobs in the world..." She shifted a bit, he gaze also finding the river. "I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with them. Your daughter though...Sparrow? I don't think she resents you. Maybe she just...misses her father. If she's going more then staying, then there's the chance she's trying to figure out who she is and what she wants out of life." Sometimes she wished she could say the same about her own kids...but unfortunately, she did have a child that resented her. Looking at the ground, she wondered. "Maybe...take the time to help her figure it out. Be the father she needs, not the alpha." That was why she had stepped try and be the mother her kids needed.


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