
I'm hell on heels, sugar daddy I'm comin' for you



07-30-2014, 03:41 PM

The marsh was the perfect place to be for Maija. Her mood was pissy (nothing new), but for some reason, the fire could not be contained for her golden frame. Rather than deal with it by talking to Sibelle, she had left her family to have quality time with herself. The flames licked up her form, causing her skin to prickle and growls to threateningly leave through clenched ivories. What would she find in this wasteland of a bog?
The answer to that question was best left alone. If someone attempted to tell her, she wouldn't mind biting a throat or two. Leaf green eyes remained stony, not letting any light into her icy heart. Surrounded by invisible thorns, chains, and ice, Maija's heart remained untouched for almost a year. She despised the man who had entered it, taken it, and gave it back by not promising to be a man at all. Her anger towards the opposite sex was too much for one lone wolf to obtain, but what didn't help was that spring was coming to an end and summer was on its way. Yup, the golden bitch's season was arriving shortly, and she was not eager to see it approach.
Such thoughts remained in her head as she tromped through the bog, missing the places that were most dangerous...Wait a minute and back up. The most dangerous places were the most dark...Choosing to ignore the part of her that was reasonable, she set off for the marshiest piece of bog she could find, intending to have something dark and negative consume her.

speech here


07-30-2014, 05:42 PM

hear me roar

Remus had no time for what his family was planning. His own son, Charon, spoke of slaughter. The ebony and gold man thought he had taught his offspring better then mindless battle. Sure, Remus in fact would love vengeance for his beloved sister-wife who was murdered by his own 'family.' But, it would take time. An army. Virgil had a pack behind her hateful arse, Remus nor Romulus could match such a feat. He was an easy man to anger due to his boiling past of death. Remus was indeed a darker man. Stoic and harsh. He had a heart, that was the truth for all he cared about was his family. But, currently his family was being horribly stupid. They did not use their minds. They did not use anything but their balls and their lust for blood. Therefore, Remus would let their simple minded war rage on, as they spoke of the things they would do to the golden bits of his family. Yet, until he saw action he would step back. Let them dig their holes. For now, a break was needed.

His dark paws hit the earth with a saunter. His gold dipped tail flicked around upon his rear with each broad step. Remus Olympus was a man of quite unruling size. Thirty-eight inches of boiling muscle. He kept up with his physique. Remus was a force of complete brute strength as a man of his size should be. But, as his brooding bodice slipped along the Moore a scent filled his nose slowly. Though, as he grew closer to the source of the scent his orbs fell upon a creature of golden fur. Like the other bits of his family, the bits he would like to destroy. The man would watch her slowly wobble down the bog. He was on solid land, it was just a bit damp. The man grew closer but stopped at about eight feet away. "A fae of such vibrancy, I must know the name of this one." He would wait for an answer, hoping for it to be a pleasant one.

"speech" ?



07-30-2014, 06:12 PM

Maija's anger had consumed her so much, she hadn't thought of the darkness being a physical being. She was in the middle of crossing a shallow bit of swamp when a voice broke through her thunderstorm of a mind. Her concentration was broken and she stood in two different parts of the bog. Front paws were stepping into the water that kept her from the other muggy shore and hind paws were still on the drier, squelchy land. Slowly, she turned her head.
If she hadn't been in the area she was now, Maija's golden frame would have shown off its brilliance and usually well-kempt appearance. Instead, she had murky water dripping from her thick plumage and the humidity had sunk into her fur. Dirt and muck were not enemies of the Romanian wolf; she actually preferred to be herself instead of constantly worrying about her appearance (like Pandora). Her leaf green gaze burned with an intense fire, the same one that had threatened to bubble over the surface minutes before. For that minute in time, the male had caught her by surprise.
His words were smooth, indicating he was intrigued by her looks and the secrecy of her name. Her features remained free of any emotion and the fire in her eyes slowly pulled itself back in. All that remained was a glassy stare from a face that showed no wrinkles. Ears perked in his direction and she gave a soft growl before walking through the murky water. The one foot level of water reached up to the middle of all four legs, making her pelt dirtier by the minute. With the anger still tending to the fire in her chest, Maija was still preoccupied with her thoughts.
Upon reaching the other side, she found herself a few feet closer to the male. The closing of the distance was something she had not intended on happening. Maija stood in all her golden glory, letting the murky water drip from her legs and more than half of her tail. Her frame became more curvaceous due to the water pressing her fur against her muscles. Slowly, she looked him up and down with a small amount of interest in her actions, but her words came even slower. "This one's not given away freely," she said, Romanian accent clearly obvious in all the right spots. Anyone outside of her family needed to prove their worth for her was how she always kept herself safe.

Talk like this


07-30-2014, 06:33 PM

hear me roar

The man had a hidden boiling hatred for others as well. He was ever so easily angered. A certain anger flowed through his body that no would could match. With the deaths of his sister wife and the rest of his family there was just he and his brother left. And their offspring of course. But such horrors brought the once level headed man to a demise of anger only reached when true stupidity or faults were made. Yet, as the ebony, gold, and alabaster male let his eyes fall upon the mistress of gold he would merely observe. Her blessed bodice slipped from much with ease. Wet fur flattened to her legs and body. His eyes remained on her the entire time. He observed her body, the fur flattened to her skin, showing off the real curves of the babe. Yet, as her venomous words filled the air, he merely grinned. "This one's not given away freely." A broad chuckle left his inky lips, staring into her emerald eyes with his own miss matched ones. The man rolled his shoulders, flexing his muscles for a moment before his baritone voice filled the air once again. "I would only hope. For only a fool would allow their name to flee their jaws with such ease." The huge man sat down, his eyes never leaving hers. "What brings a dame like yourself to such a gloomy place?" The face that she denied him her name impressed him. It was surprising to meet a fae of wit.

"speech" ?



07-30-2014, 06:55 PM

She watched with an unseen amount of small awe, for she hadn't known what his reaction would have been. Rather than have a growl and show of revealing his teeth, the male gave a chuckle and commented her for being smart. Maija didn't dare recline to her haunches like he had, for she was not sure what the man's secret motives were. Ever since she had destroyed half of her island after Taurig's disappearance, her trust issues had become more complex and hot to the touch.
The male then inquired about her presence in the Moor, a place not many would dare to enter. Her anger, still wanting to bubble over, remained at a standstill as she pondered on telling him the truth or letting the answer disappear in the wind. His gaze never left hers, making her the first one to break the ongoing connection. She looked out to the bog on her right and simply answered with, "Consumption."
After her answer, Maija turned her head to look at what stretched so far in front of her. Ears perked to the sounds of swamp birds in the distance, an eerie cry that made her wet fur stand on end. They flattened against her skull, leaf green eyes showing a sliver of the fire that burned in her chest. "This holds promise of such a thing." An ear then rose and perked in the male's direction, followed by her gaze that had returned to its stony mirrors. "And you?" Despite her guarded appearance, a small part of her was curious.

speech here