



10 Years
Extra large
12-07-2016, 08:06 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2016, 08:07 PM by Áki.)
Áki wasn't sure why he'd stuck around in Abaven for so long. He hadn't intended to stay any longer than intended, not at all, but it seemed as though Kai had been enjoying himself. He'd taken to exploring the packlands and even meeting a few wolves - and spending time with his mother, of course. Though restless to leave these lands behind, he had waited it out. Perhaps selfishly, he didn't want much of their.. culture, so to speak, rubbing off on his son. Didn't want him thinking he owed allegiance to anyone but himself, and didn't want him thinking anyone had any kind of rule over him, though he did want him to understand decency and respect. And gratitude, too, but he was likely too young to understand a complex topic like that so thoroughly.

Still, he was happy to leave and Kai seemed nonplussed about the departure. He seemed interested enough in his mother that Áki had no doubt he would stay in touch with her, but not enough that the prospect of an adventure away caused him any sort of distress. They weren't far from Abaven's lands yet; he hadn't yet decided if the weather was too harsh to venture into the deep north yet. Even here, the air had an undeniable chill to it. This plain didn't offer much shelter from the elements, either. The only thing that seemed to shape the flat terrain were an array of boulders, placed randomly across the earth, in no apparent order.. but too frequent to imagine they were anything but a work of the gods. It was unlike anything he'd seen before.

Finding a smaller one, Áki would head towards it and conquer its small height with one fluid motion, lifting himself easily onto the stone. "Come on up!" he exclaimed to Kai, beaming widely at his son, as his tail swayed in the air over his back.  "You'll love the view!" Granted, it wasn't much of a view. He briefly thought back to the trip up the mountain peak he'd taken just a few seasons prior, noting that this was far less impressive, but such experiences would come with time.



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-09-2016, 11:41 PM
This was a pretty neat place. He'd enjoyed staying in Abaven, enjoyed meeting the wolves there and learning about Japanese with his mom too. He was even more excited, though, at the prospect of adventure. Already Kai had heard about some fo the places his dad had seen. Mountains as high as the clouds, ones he had actually climbed up, and snow so deep it obscured your vision all around. It sounded amazing and he wanted to see it all for himself. Eager to continue on in their adventure, he was curious when they finally made their way to this place. It seemed normal enough, a flat plain not far from the lands he had lived in for all of his life so far.

But.. there were a lot of rocks here. Big ones, spread out here and there. Some were large and some were small, easily seen over even for his young self. He padded after his father gladly, a wide smile appearing as his father conquered one of the medium-sized rocks with ease. As he invited him to join him, Kai nodding in quick agreement. Rearing back, he leaped up onto the boulder beside his father, pressing tight against his side - as though afraid he might fall off otherwise. He lifted his head after making sure he stood steadily there, letting his gaze dance across the lands. Whoa, it was a nice view! "It's awesome!" He proclaimed, tail waving happily behind him at all there was to see.



2 Years
12-18-2016, 07:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2016, 07:14 AM by Sodi.)
She favored the cold touch of the North. But she had not found enough to sustain her there; not yet. And so she wandered a little south and east; finding it warmer as she went. Blue eyes would search for the first sign of prey for her hungry stomach. She was weakening over time; crumbling away piece by piece. She wondered how much time she had left before it was too late. No. She would surely make it. She was ready to face the world again. So determination carried her paw-steps, and her ears continued to listen for the gentle sound of hope. The crunch of a hoove on snow.

Her eyes blinked at the yip of a pup and her body slowed. She turned, her tail lowering to kiss the snow. Ahead were two wolves; one clearly larger and the other a mere blip. The pup. She hesitated for a moment before she began to walk to them. As she got nearer she noted the colour that draped each pelt; both a blend of soft gray. She laid eyes upon beautiful red eyes and blinked. When she was in hearing range she called out gently, “Hello. I’m Sodi Dagrun, who are you?” The scent that carried to her was roguish, like her own. But she knew not of the packs around here - perhaps they were indeed part of one. And many scents lingered upon their pelts; all unfamiliar to her. She would proceed with caution.

OOC: Over the holidays I'll be in and out, but post when I can!



10 Years
Extra large
12-31-2016, 02:39 PM
Kai's obvious joy and awe brought a wide smile to Aki's lips. Even as he grew older, he never stopped finding amazement in the world around him, and he hoped Kai wouldn't either. A loud chuckle left his lips at his words. It was awesome, wasn't it? He leaned to nudge Kai lightly on his shoulder, though soon pulled away as he caught the sight of someone approaching.

It seemed to be a stranger. A rather young woman, and as she moved closer within his eyesight he was more certain he didn't know her. Only slightly wary at the thought of of a stranger approaching him and Kai, his gaze followed her carefully. She was quite bold to approach a man well over a head taller than her. He appreciated her courage, and grinned slightly as she greeted herself. She was far too bold to be a pack wolf, and his scent told her the same. "My name is Aki Jarvela," he greeted her simply, moving toward the side of the boulder and taking a swift leap down to face her more properly. "What brings you to this place, Sodi?" He didn't bother introducing Kai, though looked at him sideways to see his reaction to meeting someone knew. The boy was well beyond the point of needing his father to speak for him and Aki had no interest in helping the boy along unless he asked for it, or unless he couldn't do something on his own.