
what we lost


12-10-2016, 12:06 AM

A distraction from her stupid, pathetic life was what she needed. After napping her exhaustion and headache away in an abandoned fox den, she stood and slowly made her way toward the battlefield. It didn't change; not a bit, besides the thicker smell of blood lingering in the air. It still smelt dusty and ancient even with the thin layer of snow stretched across its floor. Wren stopped at the borders, her tired eyes sweeping the expanse of it all. Barren, cold, dark.. just how she remembered it. Except when she came here to spar before her disappearance, she was so much happier.

She licked her icy lips and inhaled gently, beginning to work her way into the center of the field. Small, unimportant tracks lie in her wake. Here, everything was so unfamiliar. It was either the snow or the fact that she hadn't been here in forever that made her memory fuzzy. She stopped when she felt she'd walked long enough. She looked around, her ears flicking back and forth to investigate whether or not strangers were lurking nearby. Then she lifted her head and released a long, sad song, summoning anyone forth to help take her mind off what she had made of her family. It was only when she was finished that she took a seat and stared at the ground, thoughts of her practice spars with Bass and all her packs friends making her heart churn softly in her chest.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-10-2016, 01:58 AM

She wasn't yet returning home to Auster just yet. She had just left the eastern lands after meeting with Bass, and now she was checking out the lands to see how much different they were. On top of that, she kind of had to admit that she missed the snow. Auster seemed to be in its summer season right now, and here it was winter. She wondered how that worked...that two different lands could have two different seasons. Polar opposites. It was a concept she couldn't quite wrap her head around, but she wouldn't think too hard about it for now. Instead, she would find herself aiming her course towards the battlefield. Now that she had passed the reigns to her son, she had more time to go out and do things that she otherwise didn't have time for. And sparring was one of them. The last fight she had been in was against Mercy. Her shoulder scar visible through the fur that didn't quite grow as long as the rest of her pelt. But no matter. It wasn't something that really bothered her anymore. She didn't care that she had lost that day. She simply wanted to get a message across that she wasn't a pushover. Win or lose, she was keen on defending her territory like anyone in their right mind would. And that was exactly what she had done instead of cowering away like a helpless pup.

A screech from above brought her attention to the sky. Tanaraq flew overhead, her sharp gaze directed ahead of them. Before Avalon could follow her companions direction, a howl would slice through the air. It was an...odd howl. Not really one that demanded a presence, but rather one that seemed to be filled with...sorrow? Who on earth would be like that on the battlefield? Whoever it was, Avalon didn't recognize the voice at all. But if they were howling on these lands, then it meant they probably were looking for one thing, right? Swiftly, the large woman ambled towards the source, Tan soon alerting her as they drew closer. Not too far, sat a woman with a pale coat. Though she was nothing but a stranger to her. "I assume you're the one that called?" She came to a stop about ten feet from the other woman's position. Wondering exactly who she was. It wasn't anyone she had come across before, nor did she smell like a pack. So she could only assume that this woman was new to the lands.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


12-10-2016, 08:31 AM

It didn't take too long for someone to arrive. The skinny woman turned her head, the smell of another already vivid in the air. There stood an admittedly beautiful stranger, her colors so different but attractive nonetheless. She was much taller than her and gave off a powerful aura that Wren envied silently from her position in the snow. She wondered what this wolf's life had been like behind those bright golden eyes. What she thought of her.. why she was here, especially. Did she need a distraction too, or was this encounter for mere practice?

Wren smiled weakly, her tired minty gaze meeting hers. "That's right." She reassured her, nodding her head idly. She slowly rose to her paws and just remained there for a second. How did this work again? She tried to remember the things Bass had taught her when she was so young. The pale girl laughed pathetically and took a few steps back until she was a good distance from the stranger. Only then did she slide into a decent sparring position. Starting with her entire body as a whole, she rolled her shoulders and lowered her head to align with her long spine.

She spread her paws and bent her knees slightly, distributing her minimal amount of weight to each limb to maintain balance throughout the spar. More defenses fell through her mind like falling stalactites; ears pinned, toes spread, lips drawn back and eyes narrowed. She dipped her chin to guard her jugular and allowed her hackles to lift. Whether or not she remembered them all she felt ready and satisfied. "Feel free to start." She breathed through slightly parted lips, her limp tail gently swaying behind her frail form.

Wren vs Avalon for Practice
Round 0 of 2(?)



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-13-2017, 03:33 AM

The woman was a whole lot smaller than Avalon. A little more than a foot of height separated the pair, and she wasn't quite used to fighting smaller opponents. Still, it would be good practice to fight someone with a big size difference. She often found herself tussling with wolves her own size, if not a little bigger. The woman's response to her question confirmed that she was indeed here for a spar, and Avalon nodded slightly as she rolled her shoulders to loosen herself up. The pair were roughly the same age, so she figured they would be a match...asides from size, of course. Then again, she had no idea how much the other woman had in fighting experience, but there was only one way to find out, right? The pale woman gave the okay for her to start the match, but before she did, Avalon would introduce herself. "My name is Avalon, by the way." Regardless of whether or not the other woman wanted an introduction, it was just habitual politeness in Avalon's world to introduce one another. A courtesy to know who you were fighting. As Wren moved into a defensive posture, Avalon's gaze shifted upwards for a moment as she watched Tanaraq circling overhead. Returning her gaze to her opponent, she would begin.

In a burst of movement, Avalon's legs coiled beneath her as she attempted to close the distance between her and Wren. She aimed to come at her head on, though at the last two feet, Avalon would shift to her left with a quick side-step. Wren was significantly smaller than Avalon would try to use her weight and size to her advantage. With her leftward movement, Avalon sought to bring them almost parallel, her right side lining up with Wren's left side (Avalon's shoulder aligning with the end of Wren's rib cage). Avalon would seek then, to snake her right forepaw out and towards Wren's left hind ankle, attempting to hook her paw around the joint and yank it towards her in the hopes of unbalancing the woman. Hopefully too, it would distract her opponent.

Even as she moved, she would not leave herself unguarded. Avalon's tail would tuck beneath her body, protecting her underside with her fluffy tail. Ears were of course, pinned to her head, hackles raised and head aligned with her spine as it lowered, chin tucking to protect her throat. Her teeth bared, muzzle wrinkling as her face scrunched to protect narrowed eyes. Her weight was distributed upon her three grounded limbs, which were also spread to help keep her balance. Toes splayed across the ground, nails aiding with traction as they bit into the earth. She kept her legs bent, lowering her center of gravity and to keep herself on her toes for fluid motion.

She would then decide to lean towards Wren, attempting to jut her right shoulder into the left side of Wren's flank. She sought to knock her over, or at the very least, bruise her. Lastly, Avalon's head tilted to her right, jaws opening as she then aimed a bite towards the base of Wren's tail. She wasn't seeking to rip it off or anything, just place a good bite there to cause discomfort, and potential lacerations.

Avalon versus Wren for Spar

Round/Move: 1/2
Height: 39"
Build: Large

ooc//So sorry for the crappy post...i'm tired and i'm rusty XD


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Head Judges


03-01-2017, 09:49 PM
Do to Wren not posting in the allowed time the fight defaults in Avalon's favor!