
Shadow of the Day



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-16-2016, 12:26 PM
The snow had been falling for hours now, but the big lazy flakes had been easy to ignore. That is, until just a few moments ago, when the wind picked up and everything suddenly went white with snow. Gwenevere gasped with a sudden giddy laugh as the wind took her breath away. Wow, that had come up quickly! And her in unfamiliar territory. If she wasn't careful she'd fall in the lake, and then she'd really be in trouble! Especially since the temperature was rapidly dropping. What had been a pleasant jaunt on a warmish winter day was suddenly taking a dangerous turn.

Despite the danger Gwen laughed aloud with exhilaration as she pushed through the blinding wind and quickly-accumulating snow. She needed to find somewhere to shelter, and fast. Luck was with her, though, when she literally stumbled into the entrance to a den. She didn't know if it was someone's current home or if it was long abandoned, but she wasn't about to question it and dove into it. Instantly the wind stopped sending icy pellets through her fur, and she felt herself relax in gratitude. Her body heat alone wasn't doing much about warming the roomy den, though now that she was sheltered the cold didn't feel as intense. This must have been a healer's den, big enough to house the healer, the plants of their trade, and a patient besides. It would be a pleasant place to wait out the storm she could still hear howling overhead, if she could get it to warm up. She breathed in the dry scents of herbs long gone to dust, and curled up with her tail tucked over her nose. Man, she felt bad for anyone else caught out in that mess.

When she was back home, with Lanse, the two of them would have been frolicking like puppies out in the snow until it got too cold. Then they'd have retreated to their den, bigger than this one but still cozy and dry, and warmed each other up - and then got their blood pumping hot with more private activities.

Gwen felt her throat clench at the sudden crushing weight of emotion. She missed him so, so much. He'd have loved it here in Ardent, with its diversity and interest. He wouldn't have wanted to her mope about, though, and she knew full well that crying didn't solve a thing, so the flame-pointed woman swallowed back her sorrow and just listened to the storm above her. She'd had her one true love and all that meant, and that was better than most wolves got to have. Life went on.



7 Years

12-20-2016, 07:58 PM

He was tired of it all. Of the pain and the gut wrenching sorrow, of hanging onto another wolf's every words until they up and left him. He was tired of his kids disappearing and being sad, of wishing for a mother who wasn't there. So when he had found her, sitting there on the beach acting like nothing had happened, he had broken into even smaller pieces than he was before. He ran after he found her, not daring to go back to pack lands with her scent clinging to his pale fur. By the time he made it back to the mainland he was soaked to the bone, his pale fur leaving divots in the snow where the water dripped off of him. The storm was raging on around him, but he already felt numb to the cold, to the world around him. Some might think that he was being dramatic, but this just wasn't his season. Two friends, dead and gone. And the mate he had tried so hard to forget about? Lingering around so close to home. He deserved a moment like this.

He flinched at the snow touched his golden eyes, making him squint against the onslaught. He needed to dry up before he got sick, because that meant taking herbs. The tip of his tongue stuck out of his teeth at the thought, it was enough to send him towards the lake. He had been here a few times, and he knew that there had been some long since abandoned dens in the area. He picked up the pace until he was pushing his speed limits, his tongue fully hanging out of his parted jaws. It was difficult to see with the sheet of white in front of him, the winds picking up flurries off the frozen ground. Bass could hardly feel his paws, slowing as he began to tire. He needed a place to dry off, and fast. Running and the wind had done enough to rid some of the clinging salt water, but he was still damp. Finally he saw a lump looming over to his left, and he veered towards it. Ducking in with a loud slosh, he lowered his head towards the ground as he gulped air into his lungs. His legs shook slightly, and it took him awhile to realize that he wasn't alone. He sensed her presence before he saw her, his golden eyes raising up to peek at her tawny marked form. He blinked in surprise, raising himself up to his full height as a sheepish smile overtook his tired features. "Sorry about that," he panted softly, licking at his still-salty lips. "Apparently I like making an entrance." He thought back to how he had reacted when he saw the minty-eyed woman, standing there like a statue until she made the first move.




9 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-19-2017, 08:20 PM
Caught in her thoughts as she was, Gwen was startled when another wolf tumbled into the previously abandoned den, all over damp and freezing. Gwen stared at the unexpected guest for a moment before her reflexes caught up to her. The man noticed her at nearly that same instant, and Gwen shook her head at his apology. "Please, don't be concerned on my account. I am as much visitor here as you are." At least, she assumed he was a visitor since there had been no scent here of an occupant. She tucked her legs in, though, to give him space near her. "Do come lay down and warm up. You must be frozen half to death. There is no need to stand about shivering. Between the two of us this den should be cozy in no time," she assured him.



7 Years

01-27-2017, 02:38 PM

Bass felt bad that he had startled her, his ears pulling to the side slightly as she gathered herself up. He hadn't even picked up her scent, but he blamed the salt water and rain for that. But apparently she wasn't too rattled by his entrance, this wasn't her den but one that she had stumbled on as well. "I guess we had the same idea, then," he said with a soft chuckle. He stood there gazing at her, not wanting to be a bother. Water dripped off his coat and onto the ground, splashes of water coloring the stone. He didn't want to get too close to her, it looked like she had just newly dried off and he was sopping wet. It wouldn't be very nice of him to get her covered in water again! It was only a second after that that she offered the space beside her though, saying that he needed to warm up. He eyed the ground at her side, a skeptical look on his features. While the sound of warmth was tempting, he really didn't want to inconvenience her either. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't want you to get all wet either." He said, stubbornly sitting a little ways off. A few shivers shook his frame, but he would grow warmer in time. Really, he would feel terrible if his wet fur made her sick. "I'm Bass Destruction by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you, miss." He said with a pleasant smile.
